View Full Version : leaked footage

06-28-2000, 05:27 AM
How much did this get out? I have looked through the usual channels and have been unable to locate even a hint of it. So is it possible the footage didn't actually GET to the net? I guess my real question is has anyone actually SEEN the footage ON the net?

06-28-2000, 06:01 AM
Welcome to the board...

Are you referring to the stolen footage that a guy was arrested for a night or two ago? I don't think any of it made it online...

06-28-2000, 11:33 AM
Even if TOR.N had it, I'm sure they wouldn't show it (remember when they took down the Gollum pics?)

06-28-2000, 02:15 PM
Yeah that's the footage I was speaking of. Was just wondering as I looked pretty hard for it I admit and was unable to find even a rumor of it. So I figure it either didn't make it on the net like the guy was trying to do supposedly or it's just not spread around much yet.

06-29-2000, 01:27 AM
haven't been to TOR.N for a long time - why'd they take down the Gollum pictures? did someone with power threaten them?

aryne *

06-29-2000, 01:54 PM
I think so. Also AICN wouldn't post it because Harry "didn't want to spoil anything." Luckily, lesser known sites still had the pics :)