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View Full Version : Where is the Grey Havens lead to ?

07-18-2002, 08:15 AM
I had studied LOTR alot to find out, where Frodo, Gandalf and Elrond + the others went, when the sailed from the Grey Havens?

Did they go to some kind of a Paradise?
And what about Arwen? She said she couldn't take the ships anymore, because they didn't sail any longer from the Grey Havens. Is she lost from going to paradise then?

Sorry if this questions is stupid, but I'm a kind of a newbie in this forum. :)

Hope someone can help me, work this questions out.

07-18-2002, 10:48 AM
After Frodo and company sailed from the Grey Havens, they went to a place called the Undying Lands. Time is forgotten there, nothing changes, and no one dies. But the trip was meant to be a healing for Frodo's heart after all the danger he faced. Most people eventually choose to die. I hope I've cleared things up for you. I'm not so sure about Arwen. You might want to ask someone else because I'm not exactly the authority on this subject.;) And don't feel bad about asking, I find it a very confusing subject myself. BTW, Welcome to the Entmoot. You'll enjoy it a lot. You can PM me anytime!:)

Elf Girl
07-18-2002, 01:13 PM
Arwen didn't go to Valinor (the Undying Lands) because she chose to stay and marry Aragorn, and then die a mortal death instead of following her people.

Comic Book Guy
07-18-2002, 06:56 PM
There is a thread that discusses this here (http://www.tolkientrail.com/entmoot/showthread.php?s=&postid=111678). Remember next time to search and browse the forums to check if the topic hasn't been done before like the rules tell you to.