View Full Version : What is this?!?

06-27-2002, 07:31 PM
ok...about this One Ring musical....How is it goin to work? I'm not getting how this will all be pulled together? Or, is it just one of those things that you talk about doin and never do?


07-05-2002, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by SamwiseGamgeeOTS

Me too!:confused:

07-06-2002, 12:47 AM
Well I have answered this question in various forms before but here goes. I have been involved in a number of Broadway and off-broadway productions as a writer, actor and manager. This is my first solo project. I am represented by ICM, the worlds largest theatrical and litererary talent agency. I have sold the music publishing rights to Halen Entertainment which has produced numerous recordings of Broadway shows and I raised $50,000 to purchase the option on the rights to produce a Broadway Musical version of LotR.

As far as talking about it and never doing it, I have written it and the first act of the script is available for reading elsewhere on this site...(I invite comments, criticisms and suggestions). What we have not done as yet is secure a producer to raise the 12 to 15 million dollars that the production will require. Unfortunately, I am involved in a number of projects and am currently spending most of my time out of NYC at the moment so I have not given The One Ring my complete attention in recent months.

The process is for me to find time to get to NY to oversee the recording of a demo recording. Once that is completed, my agent will shop the project to producers who if one decides to purchase the project will raise the money for a "workshop" production where we will try the show out and make the necessary changes. Once the Producer is satisfied, he/she will raise the money for a full fledged production and hire the production team (Director and other creative talent, etc.) hold auditions and lease the theatre.

I guess that is about it for the details. I hope that it answers your questions.

07-06-2002, 02:24 AM
Wow! A musical ! I had never thought of such a thing seriously. If this comes about I will be greatly amused and will want to see it. Good luck.

07-06-2002, 05:33 PM
okay, so are you saying that the musical will be shown live in diffrent towns, if so then get one to caome to asheville north carolina!:p

07-06-2002, 10:19 PM
What will they do for songs-i mean, there are a lot of elven songs, but there only a couple lines long.

07-06-2002, 10:47 PM
Maybe you should read the other topics in this forum and actually go to the One Ring Musical Page (http://www.tolkientrail.com/theoneringmusical/) before asking any other questions. Ok? :)

07-06-2002, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by samwiselvr2008
okay, so are you saying that the musical will be shown live in diffrent towns, if so then get one to caome to asheville north carolina!:p Hey Samwise, my grandmother lives in Black Mountain and has a house in Montreat, right down the road from you!!

I hope to see this play on opening night!!!

07-07-2002, 12:46 AM
OrangeRock...apparently no one else did either. Perhaps if I had known it was impossible...or at least so difficult to adapt LotR to the stage I never would have attempted it or spent 3 years doing so.

Samwise...where the show tours is up to the producer not me but my guess is that road companies of Broadway shoes do ocassionally visit Charlotte at least.

12-18-2002, 10:44 PM
Cool! I never knew anything about a musical either. Good luck!

12-22-2002, 04:04 AM
we get closer and closer....new announcements soon...

12-23-2002, 09:19 PM
And you're doing all three books? "Fellowship", "Two Towers" AND "Return of the King"? How long is this musical going to be? I mean, it's a great idea, I can just see duets between Sam and Frodo and all, but seriously, how are you going to do things like the Battle of Helm's Deep? Obviously you're going to have to cut a bunch of stuff from the book. Will all the information be able to go through?
I'm very interested in the music. Are you going to post the sheet music somewhere?
Thank you for your time.

Eowyn Eleniel
12-24-2002, 02:15 AM
The idea of a LOTR musical is interesting if not incredibely difficult. The script and songs are pretty good. Is the sheet music worked out yet?

12-24-2002, 03:21 AM

You can get a good idea of the show from reading the script here on tolkien trail. go to the main page. the link is on the right. we don't do helm's deep. i couldn't see any way to do the scene justice on stage. The show basically starts at the council at rivendell and ends with the coronation of Aragorn...although the duet between sam anf frodo that ends the show is basically grey havens and also one of my favorite songs...at least of my songs.

Eowyn...I have lead sheets for most of the songs written out and at least one was up on the site here....I think it was Eowyn's "with his words".

12-26-2002, 10:03 AM
Its gonna be good:D :D

12-26-2002, 03:33 PM
A musical? no offence or anything...but give me a break! It would be horrible! could you imagin trying to show a singing Sauron, or sauroman? how about an orc duet. please! Don't ruin my favorite book sand movies! I'm sure the aothor is extreemly talented but...chanel those talents AWAY from tolkien!

12-28-2002, 02:51 AM
Shadowfax....don't worry about sauron singing...I am enough of a traditionalist that I agree with both Tolkien and Peter Jackson and I keep Sauron unseen. Saruman doesn't sing either. Actually there is an Orc duet but it is actually qutie good. I guess I would feel more compelled by your post if you had said..."I just finished reading the script and lyrics and I think they suck...please don't ruin my favorite books and movies." After having seen TTT, I figure if my musical is only half as bad as PJ's movie it will win the Tony award and run for years. At least the changes I made were forced on my by constraints of time and medium and were not pure arrogance that I could tell a better story than Tolkien. BTW, yes...I am extremely talented.

Eglantine Banks
12-31-2002, 11:50 AM
Well, Hama, I've read the synopsis and I'm intrigued. Obviously your theatrical treatment can only be scenes from LOTR and not LOTR itself. I hope you get the funding and that this project goes forward. As a long time Tolkien fan I'd be very interested.

How would you characterize the music? Is it more along the lines of rock music or Broadway music? Are there sound clips of any of it on the site?


01-01-2003, 01:44 AM

I am glad you are intrigued. If you get the time, please read the script. I think you might enjoy it and it obviously gives one a clear idea of my thoughts about how to adapt LOTR to the stage.

As for the music, I would have to describe it as "pop opera" in the vein of Lez Miz or Miss Saigon...perhaps with a bit of Ragtime (the musical) thrown in. I had orginally intended the show to be a sung through or operatic musical but that didn't work given time constraints and the amount of information that needs to be conveyed.

Unfortunately, at the moment, I have no audio files available on the web. That is my next priority concurrent with recording of the demo cd.


02-01-2003, 08:22 PM
It sounds intriguing! I was born a fan of musical theater, and I would venture to guess this would be no different. Good luck!


02-19-2003, 09:35 PM
Um... LotR isn't the best story to make a musical out of. I mean, it will be interesting and all.

Arwen, Daughter of Elrond
02-19-2003, 11:30 PM

02-19-2003, 11:31 PM
Hi, do you know how to message me?

02-19-2003, 11:33 PM
go to user cp. Then add me to your buddy list. Gotta go. Talk at 8:30?

02-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Nice to know you two can use this forum to get together...LOL...as far as the BEST story to make a musical out of I am not sure what that means. As far as a great story to make a musical out of, well at least I think so.

The Ben
05-28-2003, 02:20 PM
How long will it be until it is finished.

05-30-2003, 12:49 AM
The script is finished as is much of the music...

07-17-2008, 01:23 PM
Seriously? I have never heard of a musical. I love musicals, and I love LOTR, but I never thought that they would combine!:D

07-17-2008, 04:30 PM
A musical has been running in London since last year (if it's still running, which I assume it is ...)

Perhaps a link can be added?

07-22-2008, 08:23 AM


10-25-2008, 12:23 AM
oh dear.