View Full Version : Inapropriate behavior from Bombadill

The Ringbearer
06-07-2002, 04:10 AM
Why in Eru's name would Tom tell the hobbits to strip and run around after the Barrows?!:eek: :confused: :mad:

I could understand if the needed to stretch their legs, or feel the sun, but isn't this a bit extreme?

06-07-2002, 04:51 AM

*Checks battered copy of LOTR*

Oh! I forgot about that part!

I guess it's an oblique symbol of freedom: The dark of the barrows, as compared to frolicking around under the warm sun.

06-07-2002, 07:22 AM
They had no clouthes but the rag of the tomb. And I think tom wanted them to get rid of that. And the running was to get them warm, leg-strecht and fully awakened.


06-07-2002, 10:25 AM
Well, you must remember the type of stuff that Tolkien studied. It might have been common to do that in the stuff that he read (I know people give me weird looks for doing things in my stories like having a girl and a guy have an adventure together and not fall in love, and stuff similar to that).

06-07-2002, 11:11 AM
The hobbits didn't really mind, they had already taken a bath together(minus Merry of course)... they really needed to forget about the nasty Barrow Wights.

06-07-2002, 11:35 AM
Impose your outmoded forms of modesty upon someone else!

Clothes are evil! EEEEEEVil I tell you! :eek:

Sister Golden Hair
06-07-2002, 12:08 PM
Remember that Tom was also very much in tune with nature.

06-07-2002, 12:33 PM
im just glad they didnt show that in the movie:P

06-07-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Tar-Elendil
im just glad they didnt show that in the movie:P

Speak for some. I'm sure there're tonnes of fangirls out there who'd sell thier soul to see Elijah naked... :p

06-07-2002, 06:12 PM
I'm soo mad that they took out all of Bombadil. grrr...

As if poor Elijah doesn't have enough problems with fangirls as is...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Sister Golden Hair
06-07-2002, 07:40 PM
Let's not start getting into the movie guys.

06-07-2002, 11:01 PM
I loved that part. There's nothing wrong w/ nudeness. People used to be nude all the time in front of each other.

samwise of the shire
06-08-2002, 12:43 AM
Speak for some. I'm sure there're tonnes of fangirls out there who'd sell thier soul to see Elijah naked... Umm If you're think Sam forget it. Although I dunno bout FF or RE... Sorry guys.*blushes*J/K
Personally I think that there is a thing with Tolkien and nudity. Pip,Sam, and Frodo in Crickhollow, The Hobbits and the Barrow Wights, Gandalf on Carhadras after the fight with the Balrog,And poor Frodo in Cirith Ungol.
Tolkien did NOT like allegory and yet it did show up in the books. I think that either he was A. Thinking dirty thoughts when he wrote those bits, or B. He had the mind set that nudity had like a significance of innoncence and purity. I think B. Is more probable, he was a Chrisitian and with Christianity the theology and the symbolism of ALOT of things kind of imbeds into your mind so that many times in comes out in writing whether you mean it or not.
So I think Tolkien put that down out of thinking and because it was imbedded in his mind. If you think about it in ALL of the parts where the characters are nude they were being cleaned physically and mentally. The bath scene was when the three hobbits were getting the gunk off of them, the Barrow scene was to get rid of the bad memories of the wights and thier fouls dreams, Gandalf could not become Gandalf the White until he was clothed in white in Lorien and to do that the Grey had to burn away, and all though Frodo still had the Ring and the terror of the nterogation on his mind he was free from the poison of Shelob.
Anywho that's MY two cents worth.
Sam who is a Chrsitian and does not want to have alot of people on her back because she wrote that above.

06-08-2002, 12:49 AM
Nudity is NOT just a christian theme. It appears in many mythological dialogues. Usually, it is symbolic for freedom, etc. I'm not too familiar with polish myth, but surely his influences would come more from this POV than from his christian one? Just a thought.

Nienna Grey
06-08-2002, 12:57 AM
I think running around naked in the sunshine is just the right thing to do after being imprisoned by barrow-wights;)

06-08-2002, 03:09 PM
on the subject of ppl being nude, dont forget the romans public orgies lol

06-08-2002, 04:22 PM
I have no problem with people being nude - and if it were me who had just been imprisioned by the barrow - wights I would try and forget as much about it as possible. That would include gettin rid of the rags that i was clothed in. I liked that part...i agree with azalea!

06-08-2002, 10:28 PM
Hey Sam, duh the orcs stripped him. also, we live in a perverted society that thinks nudeness is a crimanal act.

06-09-2002, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Christiana
Hey Sam, duh the orcs stripped him. also, we live in a perverted society that thinks nudeness is a crimanal act.

Orcs? Don't you mean the barrow wights?!

The Ringbearer
06-09-2002, 02:28 AM
Man! Leave a thread for a day and look what happens!

Sam, every time you put your ''two cents'' in, they're beautifully polished! As a 13 yo I can't say that I've ever thought things through that deeply, but as a fellow Christian I enjoyed reading that post.

The orks also took his clothes in the Tower of Cirith Ungol, Beard of Pants.

Also, I thought that the hobbits had SOME kind of division between the bathtubs! Frodo DID saythere were three baths, didn't he?

06-09-2002, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Tar-Elendil
im just glad they didnt show that in the movie:P
Why? They probably would have added Arwen to the scene!

06-10-2002, 02:35 PM
lol! I think adding her to that scene would seriously disturb me for life!!!

Radagast The Brown
06-10-2002, 03:29 PM
im just glad they didnt show that in the movie:P Maybe they didn't do this scene because of this reason... no, probably not.

06-10-2002, 11:10 PM
Well,yah,then it would be rated X.

06-11-2002, 05:09 PM
Or an 18 here in England!

06-11-2002, 10:18 PM
Why, just 'cause of a few naked hobbits?

06-11-2002, 11:30 PM

06-12-2002, 04:05 AM
Ooh, too much information.

06-12-2002, 02:15 PM
I think it is yet another picture of the innocence of the hobbits when they first set out. They are child-like. Also, the light of the sun would be a good thing to warm and purify their bodies after
their having worn those tattered grave clothes. Where had they come from, after all?

06-12-2002, 06:45 PM
The graves origional inhabitants.

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-14-2002, 12:16 AM
Well, I agree, it's just the idea of getting rid of the horridness of the Barrow Downs, nothing...wrong...the Hobbits obviously didn't mind. We're just wierd nowadays.

06-14-2002, 06:59 AM
Yes, we are weird. Why read a fantasy book about a completely different world and then impose your own values on it?

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-14-2002, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by sun-star
Yes, we are weird. Why read a fantasy book about a completely different world and then impose your own values on it?

Precisely :)

06-15-2002, 07:57 AM
It's rather a shame that the mere thought of folks dancing around in the nude can inspire us to all this commotion......Treebeard is always in the nude and noone ever thinks twice about that.

Anyway, minus the airbrush and a good cinematographer, most folks look better with a little covering here and then.:cool:

06-15-2002, 04:48 PM
I don't have a problem with nudity. It's the people outside my appartment that do... :eek: :p

06-16-2002, 01:32 AM
What? Who cares? It's not like we were born with clothes or anything. Being nude is comfortable. Especially after escaping from a nasty barrow-wight's hole, I'm sure. Do you really think there's something wrong with that?

06-16-2002, 05:01 PM
I don't think that there is anything wrong with it, but some people do.
Some people get embarrassed at the thought of other people (or hobbits) running around naked, even if it is meant to symbolise purity.
Some people think that it is funny (my brother for example) and some people think that it is indecent. People have been brought up to be embarrassed about being naked in front of others, and don't see the fact that it is comfortable and refreshing especially after being somewhere unpleasant (ie the barrow-wight's hole).

06-17-2002, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Eldanuumea
[B]Treebeard is always in the nude and noone ever thinks twice about that.B]

So is Bambi :)

samwise of the shire
06-18-2002, 09:48 PM
Also, I thought that the hobbits had SOME kind of division between the bathtubs! Frodo DID saythere were three baths, didn't he? Yes there were divisions, but it wasn't Frodo that said there were three...that was Merry.

BOP there is alot of nudity in legends and in all or most of them they signify purity and cleanliness. Ever heard of The Ballad of Tam Lin? That is a REALLY long story and I would love to repeat it, but at the end the heroine Janet(who has to save Tam from the faeries)throws him as a bar of iron into a well and he comes out naked, clean and pure from the unclean magic of the faeries. And there are SEVERAL stories where the heroes and heroines are cleaned form their enchantments and are naked when they get through with it, because they had to be cleansed. And purity is very much a Christian theme. So even if Tolkien just put the nudity in there for sake of the stories there is still Christian themes in there.
Sam who has put her four cents worth in and who wishes not to be chewed to tiny bits by sarcastic comments.

samwise of the shire
06-18-2002, 09:50 PM
Also, I thought that the hobbits had SOME kind of division between the bathtubs! Frodo DID saythere were three baths, didn't he? Yes there were divisions, but it wasn't Frodo that said there were three...that was Merry.

BOP there is alot of nudity in legends and in all or most of them they signify purity and cleanliness. Ever heard of The Ballad of Tam Lin? That is a REALLY long story and I would love to repeat it, but at the end the heroine Janet(who has to save Tam from the faeries)throws him as a bar of iron into a well and he comes out naked, clean and pure from the unclean magic of the faeries. And there are SEVERAL stories where the heroes and heroines are cleaned form their enchantments and are naked when they get through with it, because they had to be cleansed. And purity is very much a Christian theme. So even if Tolkien just put the nudity in there for sake of the stories there is still Christian themes in there.
Sam who has put her four cents worth in and who wishes not to be chewed to tiny bits by sarcastic comments.
ps. Bambie has fur. I dont think naked can count if you're an animal. I mean they ARE covered. I think what WE'RE talking of is no covering clothes or fur. :o

06-19-2002, 01:38 AM
Sam who has put her four cents worth in and who wishes not to be chewed to tiny bits by sarcastic comments.

Okay, none today! ;)

Sam, I believe my point was that the nude/pure ideal PREDATES the christian one.

Has anyone ever said that your posts are really hard to read? :)

06-19-2002, 03:19 AM
Samwise, your comments are always interesting and profound.

I think Tolkien probably was thinking of purification at times, but

. . . this is a long tale about people living through adventures. I don't know about you, but from time to time in most people's daily lives they find themselves naked. For example, I occasionally take a shower.
In telling the story of the hobbits adventures, they sometimes have to take off their clothes to 1. get rid of Barrow-wight rags, 2. take a bath, 3. come back from the dead and be reborn (not the hobbits, Gandalf) 4. or they get stripped by Orcs. Nothing to get excited about. He's just trying to write a realistic epic fairy tale.

samwise of the shire
06-19-2002, 11:17 PM
Hard to read? What do you mean? I dont quite follow you,beggin your pardon...

06-19-2002, 11:23 PM
Oh I just meant that all your (really good points) are jumbled together in one paragraph and my poor blind eyes find it hard to follow... Just ignore. :)

06-22-2002, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Ërendil
I don't think that there is anything wrong with it, but some people do. People have been brought up to be embarrassed about being naked in front of others, and don't see the fact that it is comfortable and refreshing especially after being somewhere unpleasant (ie the barrow-wight's hole).
it stinks

06-22-2002, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Christiana

it stinks

Being naked, or being in the barrow-wight's hole? :confused:

06-22-2002, 12:54 AM
living in a perv. society that cant accept naturtalness.

The Ringbearer
06-22-2002, 08:03 PM
I don't think that your posts are hard to read, Samwise. Actually, whenever I write an essay or something that is how I like to write best:D

(That's how I always talk too:rolleyes: )

06-23-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Christiana
living in a perv. society that cant accept naturtalness.

Your post made me chuckle. A perv society makes me think of a society for pervs:D . and can't accept naTURTALness makes me think they can't accept one's naturally being a turtle!:D

I of course agree with the sentiment behind the post, though!

06-23-2002, 03:16 PM
lol:D :D

06-26-2002, 12:46 AM
It used to be really acceptable to be nude in some public places and it was fun!:cool:

Now it's just a few places with people you would rather not see nude.:rolleyes:

06-28-2002, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Blackheart
Impose your outmoded forms of modesty upon someone else!

Actually, it's a modern neurosis. :p

In Mickey Mantle's biography he talks about skinny dipping with friends in his childhood, and there are few people more red-niecked than the Mick.

07-11-2002, 10:53 AM
I thought it was a little weird that Tom B. would say that to the hobbits, just a little out of character...but I wasn't bothered by it. It probably is a symbol of purification. and Samwise, I agree with Ringbearer that your posts are interesting and insighful, I agree about Bambi not qualifying as 'naked' because he had 'fur'. It's the same thing with Treebeard, only he has bark and leaves

07-11-2002, 01:12 PM
That wouldn't be too bad. He looks good with clothes on, but without would be a total plus!:cool:

Comic Book Guy
07-11-2002, 04:16 PM
Read the notice at the top of the forum SamwiseGamgeeOTS.

08-09-2002, 10:51 PM
i am glad so many people are open minded enough to realize that our societies views are really meaningless and that nudity is not a big deal. that's wonderful. there are so many other things as well that our society seems to shove down our throats as well. anyway, i am glad we do have laws though at times. it's bad enough seeing some people i know with no shirt let alone naked. but i guess there's nothing wrong with it. it just isn't my idea of pretty. by the way, sleeping naked in the winter with flannel sheets is bliss.

08-10-2002, 03:30 PM
yeah,but only if ur family dosn t catch u:p :D :(

05-25-2003, 12:04 AM
Why? They probably would have added Arwen to the scene! [/QUOTE]


Gwaimir Windgem
05-25-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Aragorn_iz_cool

Dredger. :rolleyes:

05-25-2003, 02:35 AM
I just want to thank all of you so very much... :mad: .... now I have this image of naked Hobbits rolling around on the grass. :p :) ;) :D

05-25-2003, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by Ruinel
I just want to thank all of you so very much... :mad: .... now I have this image of naked Hobbits rolling around on the grass. :p :) ;) :D
It's not a completely bad image.
Er, I thinks it's nearly my bed time.:D

05-25-2003, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Ruinel
I just want to thank all of you so very much... :mad: .... now I have this image of naked Hobbits rolling around on the grass. :p :) ;) :D Haha! It's a nice thought - and we've already had the bathing scene at Crickhollow, haven't we? :p

05-25-2003, 02:26 PM
so its not just me who sees a jaded pervert old man in LOTR?? :D

durin's bane
05-25-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
Speak for some. I'm sure there're tonnes of fangirls out there who'd sell thier soul to see Elijah naked... :p

Or even better yet, Orli. ;)

I think Tom was very in tune with nature and thought it was natural to frolic-in-the-flowers nude. Or maybe because he thought that it would make the Hobbits forget their troubles.

05-26-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Artanis
...and we've already had the bathing scene at Crickhollow, haven't we? :p Yeah. So I don't think the hobbits thought there was any problem with nudity. They just let Tom take their clothes because they were dirty and they thought nothing of it. And then they frolicked in the meadow. :p

05-27-2003, 11:46 PM
But I agree - thou shalt not impose thine thoughts upon classics. Or sopmething like that.

05-28-2003, 11:19 PM
Last warning before I close this thread. The Ringbearer requested no crude jokes.

the official wet blanket.