View Full Version : Fun Hobbit Poll

05-28-2002, 08:57 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
When I was about seven years old, my Dad brought his original copy down from the attic and started reading a chapter every night. Unfortunately, he never finished reading to us, and when I was eight years old I finished it off myself and then went on the the Lord of the Rings.
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Yes, but mainly because I can be sentimental when it comes to originals and firsts (I used to say it was my favorite Middle Earth book, but I've chnaged to Silmarrillion since then). I do, however, appreciate its qualities as an introduction and feel it should be read first.

05-28-2002, 09:05 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?


2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?

I was made to read it when I was 11 for intermediate school. (A book review for the "readers" of the class.)

3) Did you like the Hobbit?

Not the first time, no. I hated it. I thought it was monotonous. But eh, what does a snotty nosed 11 year old know? ;) Since then, I have re-read it tonnes of times, and I love it! (I REALLY don't know what I was thinking... brain must have seeped out my ears or something!)

05-28-2002, 09:53 PM
B]1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?[/b]


2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?

I was introduced to it by a friend when I was 14. I also learned about some music references to LotR and went out to get it as soon as I finished the hobbit. I still have them (paperback w/ price of $1 USD)

3) Did you like the Hobbit?

I actually liked it, but kind of forgot about it after reading LotR. I liked the link and it made LotR easier to follow, having been introduced to ME and it's inhabitants.

05-28-2002, 11:22 PM
Yes, The Hobbit was my first ME book, a freshman english teacher mentioned it, and I adored it.

05-29-2002, 12:30 AM
1. Yes
2. Reading assignment for school when i was 10
3. I loved it. It was simplereading but yet an awesome book. The image of beorn coming into the battle of five armies was extremely clear. But for some reason i got the idea that Bilbo had a beard..I cant get that outta my head..:)

05-29-2002, 01:47 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?


2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?

My sister had read it, liked it and bugged me until I did. (about the only thing I can thank her for ;) )

3) Did you like the Hobbit?

Yes, though I wasn't exactly thrilled by it. It was a pleasant story. A bit of a kiddie book but very entertaining.

05-29-2002, 02:52 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
My dad loved The Hobbit and when the animated movie came out (I was around 7 yrs old) he got us the record of the movie (talk about watered down!). Then he bought me the book (a hardcover that I still have) which I read a few times, then in middle school we got to read it and was so excited because I loved Middle Earth and of course being assigned a book you've already read and liked is good.
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
I liked it so much I've spent the rest of my life wanting to live in ME.:)

05-30-2002, 12:44 AM
1) Was The Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to The Hobbit?
I saw the Rankin-Bass cartoon when I was about 4, forgot about it, and was walking through the library one day when I saw the Hobbit. I was about 13 or 14. Something clicked and I vaguely remembered something about a dragon, so I thought it might be pretty cool and picked it up.

3) Did you like The Hobbit?
Yes. I thought it was a cool story, saw the little thing in the back about "if you liked this, read more in the Lord of the Rings", and read the Lord of the Rings. If I ever want something from Middle-Earth but not as dark or as serious as LotR, I just pick up The Hobbit again.

05-30-2002, 10:46 AM
1. Yes
2. My mom offered to buy it for me once, and I'll take anything thats free.:rolleyes: :D
3. I liked it a lot. It was better than any other book I'd ever read. I also liked it because it was in a different strange world. It wasn't corny like other books with garden gnomes running around and nymphs watering plants. It was better than any other fantasy book I'd ever read. I also liked the way that Tolkien talked to the readers. It was different and interesting.

*gee, did I say WAY to much???:o *

Radagast The Brown
05-30-2002, 01:24 PM
1) Was the hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to The Hobbit?
My grand sister bought it and read it. After years she convinced me to read it too.

[b]3) Did you like The Hobbit?
It was a great book. I defenetly liked it... it was the bookI read when I read it, but then I read LOTR...:)

05-30-2002, 02:49 PM
(1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to ME?

(2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
My father read it to me as a child and then when I was a little older I read it for myself.

(3) Did you like the Hobbit?
I loved it right from the start. No sooner had I finished reading it than I started in on LOTR. ;)

"The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began."

05-30-2002, 05:59 PM
1. Was THE HOBBIT your first introduction to ME?
No...it was the new movie...

2. How were you introduced to THE HOBBIT?
After seeing the movie on my birthday, my dad went to BookStop and got it for us.

3. Did you like THE HOBBIT?
I loved THE HOBBIT! I've read it twice (it was this year that I got it, give me a break!) It is one of the coolest books that I have ever read. AND it is way better than the movie!

06-02-2002, 06:04 PM
2.My mum gave me two old books,that she had dug up from somewhere,'The Hobbit.'and'The adventures of Tom Bombadil'
She had read them years before,and 'cause I was well into reading at the time(and still am)she thought I should try them.
I think I was around 8 or 9,I must have started Lotr soon after because I remember being on my second reading before I left Primary school at 10 1/2.
3.Loved it-see above.:D

06-04-2002, 11:41 AM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
No, LOTR was.

2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
After I had finished LOTR and Silmarillion, I started reading it because I wanted to read more Tolkien.

3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Yes, I did - I recently re-read it and it was almost as good as on the first time. :)

Starr Polish
06-04-2002, 11:58 AM
1. Was THE HOBBIT your first introduction to ME?
Yes, well, kind of. My sister was required to read LOTR for school, and I remember her talking about it (which is why I knew the whole 'nine-fingers' thing before I even read it). But the Hobbit was the first Tolkien book I personally read.

2. How were you introduced to THE HOBBIT?
I was bored, and looking through my mini-library (my home has a lot of books) for something I hadn't read yet. I remembered my sister talking about The Hobbit, and found my dad's old version, and decided I'd give it a go. I was in seventh grade.

3. Did you like THE HOBBIT?
No. I hated it. In fact, I loathed it so much it was the first book I didn't get all the way through the first time. I hadn't even gotten to "Riddles in the Dark" when I stopped reading it, and then I swore I would never read anything Tolkien again.

Hehe. I was pretty stupid.

06-04-2002, 12:07 PM
Hi Star, Why didn't you like it? Did you think the writing style was boring or hard to read, or what? I just got the book on tape version from the library and am listening to it when I'm working in the kitchen.. Book on tape is wierd! I sort of feel like I'm cheating or something,

Starr Polish
06-04-2002, 12:18 PM
Hehe. I found it dull, and childish, I guess. I have an 'advanced' reading level, and had been reading more 'advanced' books for an incredibly long time (in fact, I got in trouble by a teacher once because I finished a book at my grade level in fifteen minutes). I guess I thought I was 'too old' for it.

Radagast The Brown
06-04-2002, 03:10 PM
If you don't like The Hobbit - it's ok for me. But to say that this book is childish!! :eek: it's a great book with a great story and everything. Too bad that someone who like LOTR don't like Th Hobbit.

06-04-2002, 03:45 PM
never too old to have fun!! :)

06-05-2002, 08:18 AM
I was eagerly anticipating the PJ film, even though I had never read Tolkien. A couple of weeks before the film opened, I decided to go ahead and plunge in to the books and I started with The Hobbit because I understood that's where Bilbo's story began.

I got a bit bored with it the first time through. After reading the LOTR trilogy a couple of times, I decided to try to reread it and enjoyed it a bit more, but still found it far less engaging than LOTR.
Then, yesterday I decided to read it again.....for one thing, I've reread everything else I own by Tolkien, plus books of essays, and also a thread on the Inklings forum (about the Necromancer) motivated me to look back at it. To my surprise, last night I could hardly put it down and picked it up again promptly this morning! It suddenly has a whole new life for me!:cool:

I'm glad to hear so many of you discovered it and liked it at a young age, because I've been considering using it in my English class. I may read the whole thing aloud to my ninth graders. (mostly average to below-average readers) What do you think?

06-09-2002, 07:12 PM
1. No.
2. I had read LOTR.
3. Yes.

06-09-2002, 08:36 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
My dad was reading it so I picked it up
3) Did you like the Hobbit?

06-16-2002, 11:38 PM
1) Yes, it was.
2) We saw ads for the movie, I was totally confused, (thought it looked cool, but confused none the less), and my mom said she'd read the series in high school and I should start with the Hobbit. So I did. :D
3) After a while yes. I had a hard time getting into it, but once it got rolling I was hooked.

Hans Moleman
06-19-2002, 10:03 AM

06-19-2002, 10:08 AM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
Some people at work were reading LotR and i was intrigued by their discussions. They suggested I read The Hobbit first. My girlfriend bought me a boxed set of TH and LotR for Christmas that year. Coincidentally the animated film came out and while I wasn't thrilled with the film, I wanted to read LotR so I read The Hobbit anyway. That girlfriend is long gone, and so is my original copy of The Hobbit but I kept the copies of LotR which I've passed to my children. They are my personal Shards of Narsil.

3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Well, I'm here in this forum when I could be elsewhere! I wouldn't say it's childish, although it is easy reading. It's mostly light-hearted without being silly and when it's grave it's not overly sad (some people might disagree, particulary concering the death of Thorin). The style is consistent, unlike LotR which undergoes a metamorphosis from fairy tale to a war epic. There are glimpses of stories within the story which makes plot a rich tapestry of lore. It ends properly, but leaves the door open for more, leaving the reader wanting and expecting a sequel (see my sig). The Hobbit is my all-time favorite Tolkien book.

Elbereth Gilthoniel
06-19-2002, 03:01 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I got the book for by birthday from my uncle, who read in and the LOTR.

3)Did you like the Hobbit?
I liked it, especialy it's begining. i think the other books are better.

06-19-2002, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Hans Moleman

Succinct! :D

06-19-2002, 09:42 PM
2) How were you introduced to The Hobbit?

I'm assuming that each "NO" was to an individual question, which leads to my point. What does your "NO" mean? Just curious.

Radagast The Brown
06-20-2002, 02:42 PM
Maybe he said "NO" on the first question three times... and maybe on the third question three times.

06-20-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Hans Moleman



Radagast The Brown
06-20-2002, 03:21 PM

Because, Because Because!

06-20-2002, 03:25 PM

The Ringbearer
06-24-2002, 11:58 PM
1. Yes

2. Dad began reading it to me, my sister and my (now) 7 y.o. brother.

3. It was O.K. The only part I really liked was Riddles in the Dark, and the conversation between Bilbo and Gandalf at the very begining.

06-25-2002, 05:27 AM
1. No

2. Read it after LotR started to read it in primary school then gave up, decided to read it coz I wanted to read the Riddle Game with Gollum and Bilbo

3. It was too short with not enough descriptions in it prefer Silmarillion,LotR and the Unfinished tales

06-27-2002, 08:04 PM
1) Was The Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to The Hobbit?
My teacher read it to the class in fifth grade.

3) Did you like The Hobbit?
No, not the first time anyway, the second time I read it by myself and I liked it a whole lot better.


Willow Oran
06-27-2002, 11:07 PM
Was the Hobbit your first intro. to ME?

How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I saw the animated movie at a friends house when I was about 9 or 10.

Did you like it?
Not at first, the spiders really scared me and I refused to try reading the books for several years afterwards. But most of my friends had read it so in seventh grade I read the whole series and I liked okay. Then this last year I re-read them and became obsessed.:D

06-27-2002, 11:20 PM
1) No. I was introduced to LOTR first. I read "the Hobbit" after all of them.

2) My boyfriend at the time introduced me to LOTR then gave me my own copy of it to read.

3) Yup. I did. It was fun to trace the story back to the accidental finding. :D

06-29-2002, 04:53 PM
1.) yes
2.) My step-dad suggested it when i got board in Maine. on vacation.
3.) I loved it. But, I couldn't just jump right into LOTR after reading it. I don't know why. At first it seemed stupid. Then, I saw the movie, and decided to read the books. I guess I was wrong the first time. i love LOTR!:D

07-25-2002, 12:08 PM
1. Yes
2. My neighbor's were reading it and I thought it looked good, so I read it.
3. Yes!

The Lady of Ithilien
08-15-2002, 07:18 PM
1) Was The Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to The Hobbit?
I liked the art work on the cover jacket when I was in the high school library one day looking for something a little different.

3) Did you like The Hobbit?
Oh, yes! I hadn't heard of J.R.R. Tolkien before (this was many ages ago, before even PCs) and as soon as I'd finished The Hobbit, I read LOTR, and have been "vacationing" in Middle Earth ever since. Maybe I'll retire there (BG).

08-18-2002, 09:51 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
My friend had read it and recommended it.

3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Yeppers! It's a very good book and I'm glad I read it first because when I read FOTR, I was able to go "Ohhhh! So THAT"S what that is!"

08-18-2002, 11:47 PM
1) Hobit was the first book I read so yes.
2) Forgot the question
3) Yes I like liked the Hobbit

08-21-2002, 01:30 AM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?


2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?

I got it for Christmas a few years ago, and my mom told me it was really a good story. Although, my younger sister, who had already read it, told me she hated it!

3) Did you like the Hobbit?

I loved the Hobbit, and I couldn't wait to go on to LotR!

08-22-2002, 02:49 PM
1. Yes
2. My dad tried to make me read it, and I was very reluctant at first, but then...I ended up really liking it.
3. I really liked it, and I think it's good as an intro to the other books.

08-22-2002, 05:18 PM
Welcome Elenka!

08-22-2002, 06:52 PM
Still aint read the hobbit might go buy it.

08-30-2002, 02:10 PM
Was the hobbit your first introduction to middle earth?

yes, but i didn't actually read the book until after LotR.

How were you introduced to The Hobbit?

all my dad's family was really into it. my uncle's house began as a shack called the hobbit. so i knew about it forever. i saw the animated movie when i was really little. it scared me too bad though especially the spiders. i listened to part of the book on tape before lotr but its hard to follow sometimes. and not as detailed. i listened to the whole think afterward though.

did you like The Hobbit?

i did. it was pretty good. but i liked lotr better.

08-31-2002, 05:49 PM
1. Was the hobbit your first introduction to ME?
Yes...I read it long before I read Lord of the Rings or watched the movies.
2.How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
When I was in third grade my mom mentioned Smaug, and I was curious about it. So I got the book from the library and read it in less than a day. I re-read it later that year. (I got a really strep throat and was out of school for about a month, which was followed by Christmas Holidays! :D ) But I think I read it too fast to really absord the story the first time and I read ALOT while I was sick (black beauty, tom sawyer, etc, etc) but I unfortuneatley don't remember much of it. A few things do stick out in my mind, however- Like the Spiders!!! And Gollum, of course.
3.Did you like it?
Yes. I don't think I loved it entirely back then (otherwise I would've become entirely obsessed with it longer than I did :rolleyes: ) Although I was quite into it (especially the riddles) for a while. Unfortunetly no one my age had even heard of it yet, and my interest was rather 'squashed'. Until now of course!!!!


OMG! I talk wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much!! Faramir was silent compared to this! :o :o :o :o :o

09-01-2002, 12:14 AM
Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I either read it for a book report or was assigned to read it in seventh grade, about seven or eight years ago.

Did you like the Hobbit?
Yes. I had additionally made plans to read the Lord of the Rings, but neglected to until about two years ago.

09-01-2002, 12:46 PM
Go out and get it Sween, it's a great book, though very different from LotR in terms of style and tone.

09-01-2002, 07:22 PM
I spilled cofee on my keyboard once.

Radagast Aiwendil
09-05-2002, 03:21 PM
Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I just looked at books in the library and found the hobbit
Did you like the Hobbit?

09-05-2002, 04:38 PM
yes the hobbit was my first book!

i learned about it from my friend!

yes i did like the hobbit!:D

Beleg Strongbow
09-06-2002, 08:30 AM
1) Yes.
2) My mom is a tolkien freak herself.
3) Yes.

09-10-2002, 08:54 PM
1] Yes
2} My mon read it as a bed-time story.

09-21-2002, 06:54 AM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
No i read LotR first and then i needed more so i read the hobbit then the silmarillion.
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
A lot of my friends loved it and i loved LotR so i had to read it.
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
hell yes. it was a good book to just sit down and enjoy as it wasnt as complicated as LotR and definately not as complicated as the sil.

09-21-2002, 06:27 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
My father introduced me to Tolkien and hence, the Hobbit. He's an even more avid Tolkien reader than I am.

3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Loved it. 'Tis still my favorite book ever... just because it's not as dark as LotR and because it was my first Tolkien book... (I can be somewhat sentimental at times).

09-21-2002, 08:39 PM
1)Was The Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2)How were you introduced to the hobbit?
My neighbors told me about it.
3)Did you like The Hobbit?
I loved it, it's my favorite book.

10-17-2002, 04:57 PM
2.)found it in my aunts book shelf(luckiest thing that ever happend to me)
3.)yes i loved it and LotR,but i cant find the simmalareon(sp):(

Fred Baggins
10-17-2002, 07:33 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
WHAT! I have always lived in M-D! Jk, yes it was.
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I was board and had read all the books in the house(Which even then was way to much) and my mom had just bought the entire set from a Used Book Store and I LOVE Fantisy so after promising that I wouldn't ruin it any more then it already was she let me read it(and I ended up ruining it more)
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
I do enjoy it, although it is not my favorite(No Frodo*sniff*)

10-19-2002, 06:10 PM
1. Well, yes and no. I heard about The Hobbit and started to read it but I just couldn't get past the first chapter! So then I saw the FOTR movie, read LOTR, and then finally read The Hobbit!
2. My brother, dad, mom, cousin, and uncle all told me I should read it!
3. Yes! Once I finally finished The Hobbit I thought it was great! But I still prefer LOTR.

10-27-2002, 03:12 PM

2. I found it by accident in a library.

3.Of course! But my favorite was the LOTR series. I don't like Bilbo a lot. I thought The HObbit was very sad how Fili and Kili died. I cried then because Fili and Kili were so nice.

11-20-2002, 01:38 PM
1) Yep

2) My mum got it from the libary for me when I was about 7.
My teacher was reading it in class then too.

3) When I first read it I got confused and kept skipping paragraphs so I didnt get the whole story. Then I read it again after I read LotR and really enjoyed it.
I think after theyve done all the LotR movies they should do a hobbit one.


11-20-2002, 05:36 PM
1. Yes
2. 6 years old. In fact The Hobbit was the first chapter book I read. My father the semi-Tolkienite got it for me at age 5, but I didn't read it right away:).
3. Yes -- I was obssesed with the book for a time, but that ended as soon as I read LotR.

L@ur@y Elven Warrior
02-02-2003, 05:06 AM
1) Yes The Hobbit was my intorductio to Middle Earth

2) My sister Kiwi got the LoTR books so I started to read THe Hobbit while she read FoTR.

3) Yes I did like THe Hobbit when I started the book I just couldn't stop reading it.

The Lady of the Wood
02-04-2003, 07:58 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
i dunno i had just heard about it and decide to check it out
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
yes, but i was kinda confused (especially because of all the songs n history)but i undertsand it better:)

02-05-2003, 10:10 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?

technically yes, but my interest in it stemmed from my dad telling me that the lyrics from his favorite rock group, led zeppelin, were inspired by tolkien.

2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?

i read it in search of the mordor and the gollum that the band was singing about.
my dad also wanted me to find out what scenes in both the hobbit and lotr were being recreated by certain led zeppelin songs.

3) Did you like the Hobbit?

yes, the hobbit and ME is a fortress of anglo-saxon culture.


Lady of Rohan
02-08-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by webwizard333
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
3) Did you like the Hobbit?

1) Was the hobbit your first introduction to middle earth?


2) How were you first introduced to the hobbit?

My dad said it was a really good book and told me what it was about. I said it sounded interesting so he read it to me.

3) Did you like The Hobbit?

Yes. I thought that it was quite good. I thought it was more funny the LotR (probably because the story line isn't as serious) and I liked Bilbo's character a lot.

02-23-2003, 02:46 PM
1) Was The Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?


2) How were you introduced to The Hobbit?

My dad gave me a copy of the book when I was six - the edition with the illustration of Smaug on the cover, if I recall correctly he was wrapped around his pile of gold.

3) Did you like The Hobbit?

I adored it. I still have that copy somewhere though I have read it so many times that it is in several pieces. I re-read it every now and then.


02-23-2003, 03:37 PM
1) Yes

2)My brother recommended it when I was 10

3)Loved it! I couldn't put it down and it changed my whole genre of books.

02-23-2003, 04:17 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?Not really. I saw the Hobbit movie when I was a tween (although nobody called us tweens back then) and liked it. My parents watched Bashki's flick in the same era, but I wasn't allowed to watch it once the Dark Riders came on the scene. I ended up picking-up Fellowship of the Ring in Grade Nine and that was the real introduction to Middle Earth for me. It was more or less a random/curiosity sort of encounter in the library bookshelves.2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?I read it after I read the Lord of the Rings, which was of my own doing.3) Did you like the Hobbit?Not as much as the Lord of the Rings, at first, but after a second or third read I appreciated it a lot more.

02-23-2003, 05:54 PM
1) yes

2) my brother

3) it was ok.

02-24-2003, 08:59 PM
Was The Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
yes, but 'first introduction' doesn't make sense. can there be a second introduction?
How were you introduced to The Hobbit?
When I was in third grade, I found it in my parent's bookshelf and I was interested in the cover picture (of Bilbo and Gollum), so I read it with help from my mom.
Do you like The Hobbit?
Of course, I've read it millions of times (you know I'm exaggerating there, but oh well) and I love the laid-back mode of the story. I actually think I like it just as much as LotR!

03-18-2003, 03:50 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I was introduced to the book when I was twelve years old. In school we were going to read books together. We had to choose from The Hobbit or a book by some Swedish author. I chose The Hobbit, thus was the world of Middle-Earth opened for me
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Yes, I loved it. I had never read such a good adventure novel. The book made me interested not only in Tolkien's world, but in the worlds of other famous novelists who wrote adventure stories (like R.L Stevenson and his classic The Treasure Island).

If it weren't for The Hobbit, I would not have read LotR and the other books of Tolkien, nor would I have joined Entmoot :D

Melko Belcha
03-18-2003, 03:59 PM
1. Yes
2. As far back as I can remember The Hobbit animated movie was one of my top favorite cartoons, and I really liked Return of the King also.
I never even knew about the books until I heard of LOTR being made. I hated reading when I was young but swore that I would read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings before I saw the movie.
3. It blew me away. I got so big into Tolkien that I read The Hoddit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, and all 12 volumes of The History of Middle-earth three times before I saw Fellowship in the Theater.

04-09-2003, 07:55 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?


2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?

My parent are big fans of tolkien, and they read a chapter every night to my brother.

3) Did you like the Hobbit?

I loved it. I was entranced by the imagery and was hooked on tolkien from then on. So far I've read it about five times.

04-09-2003, 07:59 PM
Correction: My parents read a chapter to me and my brother every night.:rolleyes:

Indril Anarion
04-09-2003, 09:59 PM
1) Yes

2) A Tolkien fan friend of mine told me about it...I checked it out from the library and read it, at first with the family, but I eventually finished it alone

3) Needless to say, I loved it! It was awesome and an excellent intro to ME, especially when I read LOTR. The day I finished it was the day I began to develop my Tolien addiction...lol...now I;m a full-fledged fan, and it was all thanks to my friend who was kind enough to tell me about it
Moral of the story: tell everyone you know about LOTR!!! (The results may surprise you;)) lol

04-09-2003, 10:58 PM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
I think so. I honestly don't remember. I was asleep.

2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I was really really young and my dad read it to me and my older brother all the time. I always fell asleep and so heard it in my dreams and later grew up around my dad and brother both being obsessed. I was brainwashed.

3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Of course!

04-09-2003, 11:53 PM
2)my brother let me read his copy

Gwaimir Windgem
04-10-2003, 02:26 AM
1) Yes.
2) My mom borrowed it from the library for us, read the first few chapters, couldn't bring herself to read further :mad: and pronounced it "clean".
3) Immensely.:)

04-10-2003, 02:38 AM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
Had to read it in year 8 for English.
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Yes, though I never really finished it then. I thought it was ok, like LotR the first time I read it. Obviously, now I'm obsessed with ME. But, then I was too stupid and naive to recognise brilliance.

PS. Gwaimir, your inbox is full. Again.

Gwaimir Windgem
04-10-2003, 11:46 AM
Cleared some. :)

Ornelírë Mistë
04-10-2003, 03:26 PM
1) Yes.
2) My brother was reading it, though I dont think he ever finished it. We had seen the animated movie before either of us were interested in the book. I was allways looking up to him, so I read it. I was around 7 or 8.
3) Yes, I liked it a lot.

Elf Girl
04-10-2003, 04:40 PM
1) Yes.
2) Was 10, my mom just decided I was ready.
3) Yes, due to the brilliance of the writing.

04-12-2003, 11:13 PM
[B]1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
I saw it in the libary and decided it looked interesting
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
Yes, because it was cool and a great book:)

04-16-2003, 08:04 AM
1) Was the Hobbit your first introduction to Middle Earth?
2) How were you introduced to the Hobbit?
My mother gave it to me. I was 10 or so
3) Did you like the Hobbit?
No, I thought it was boring at first and I read only a couple of first pages. But then a few years later I found it again and this time I started from the middle, where Bilbo and Gollum were guessing the riddles, and it got so interesting I turned the book over at the beginning and read it properly this time. And then it was my fav book for years till I read LOTR