View Full Version : Final batlle for Ep 3

05-23-2002, 07:57 AM
In ep1 we had the maul Vs obi wan/qui gon Duel the storming of the palace, battle of the gungans and droids and a space battle (hey that sounds quite good how was it such a bad movie) and ep2 we had the arean battle and Obi/Anakin/yoda Vs Dooku.

Now we know there will be the Death star involved here somewhere and Anakin will face off aginst Sidious at some point (rember yodas words 'do not underestimate the powers of the empoer or suffer your fathers fait you will') and dooku will have to play into this at some point.

the rest of the Jedi have to get out of dodge aka courasant at some point and the possiable destruction of the jedi temple allthough i allways though that would make a good little palace for sidious.

Death of Mace Windu at some point and Anakin reciving his injuries from ? (hope its sidious).

what would your final battle be?

05-23-2002, 10:15 PM
I believe Obi-Wan vs. Anakin on the rim of an erupting volcano is where the major injuries occur. I'm not 100% sure of this as it's a dredged up 15+ year old memory.

Anakin takes out Mace? Samuel L said he wasn't going out "in a punk a** way" so I'm sure his final fight will be epic and heroic ,a battle to remember. Possibly covering the escape of Obi-Wan with Luke and Leia?

Could the final battle of the Jedi possibly be a confrontation between a roughly equal nember of Sith Masters and Apprentices? Leaving all dead and the Force finally balanced(Emperor & Vader / Yoda & Obi-Wan) with Luke and Leia waiting in the wings to begin the gradual imbalance again?

05-26-2002, 07:51 AM
Introducting to many sith will make most people go what the hell!

If a certain well informed site is to be believe the first darft was to have a cloned Darth Maul, Darth Rage, Darth Bane, Xoi Jade, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader.

with all the sith trying to take out the remaining jedi then vader and sidious killing the whole lot of them

05-26-2002, 07:55 AM
oh and count dooku how did i forget him. whos darth name is tranaus!