View Full Version : Games Console thread!
04-27-2002, 04:43 AM
I want to talk about games console.
I am currently deciding between a playstation 2, x box or gamecube. I've always prefered Nintendo but the others have dvd players for my presious LotR dvd when it comes out.
Can anyone give advice?
What do you all think the greatest games console of all time were?
I loved the N64!
04-28-2002, 10:42 AM
1. I wouldnt buy an X-Box, they have recently fallen into trouble over deals with the Japanese. The Japanese as u all know are the forefront and Computer technology, including games. Its not surprise that the Japanese hate MicroSoft, and as the Xbox is one of their products the Japanese have decided to stop 'i repeat STOP' making games for the Xbox.
This means the Xbox has lost a lot of Up and coming titles, and has lost a large percentage of its game developement. So BEWARE!
2. PS2 is doing very well over here in UK, (as gamecube isnt out yet), and it has DVD capability. One thing i must warm u about, is that PS2 has problems with some WideScreen Dvds. If cant play any of my JP Trilogy dvds with squashing them.
The games available on ps2 are ever increasing in quality, such as TonyHawks3, CrashBandicoot4, SmackDown3, GTA3, HerdyGerdy, Burnout, MetalGearSolid, FF10, DevilMayCry, and Tekken4. ALL TOP GAMES.
3.GameCube. Hmmmm... not out in UK, but its going to be cheaper than PS2. HOWEVER.... lack of DVD player may cause u to back away. as ur not getting multi-usage out of an expencive peice of equipment.
Game wise, i have no idea other then LuigisGhostHouse, and WaveRace. These are the only titles that are being pushed over here for Pre-Release. and to be honest, unless u really want Zelda, more Mario games, and a new Bond game. U might not want to buy a GameCube.
hope this helps
04-28-2002, 12:15 PM
I have always loved crash bandicoot!
i know lot of the games who havent yet released here on the gc and they all dont look that bad. but PS2 does have its advantages. oooh. what to do? what to do!!!
04-28-2002, 01:54 PM
I am a hardcore gamer, and I highly recommend the PS2. It plays DVDs, has killer games, and looks smooth. What more could you want? I have one and it rocks. Oh, and it plays PS1 games too. The Gamecube is alright, and Star Wars Rogue Squadron rocks, but I think it is geared more towards younger kids. Go for the PS2.:)
04-28-2002, 02:37 PM
thanks. At least i'll be able to play my LotR dvd on it!
The dvd is ok right? it aint kacked up or anything?
04-28-2002, 06:17 PM
I would also consider gamecube. Although it lacks DVD, all your favorite Nintendo franchises will be coming out this year such as Mario, Metroid, possible Zelda, and much much more. Although PS2 also has some great games out already. I don't recomend XBox though.
04-28-2002, 06:31 PM
either choose xbox or ps2..
xbox has better graphics than any console on the market..sega has recently discontinued their dreamcast so most of the games which were being developed for it is now going to xbox, such as Shenmue2..the first one was awesome, im looking forward to it has a very large amount of memory blocks already..
ps2 has a large selection of games..but many people have been complaining about their consoles not reading cd's but reading dvd roms..and the only ps2 game that can compare to one of x-box's is Metal Gear Solid2 (which everyone should play)...
if u heard about the xbox controller being too big and bulky dont worry about it because their will soon be a controller that is the exact same just smaller....i also read in a magazine somewhere that their will be an adapter that u can buy soon, that plugs into the xbox and can hook up to a dual pad playstation controller..
many of the most popular ps2 games are in the works or already out for xbox such as Onimusha..the only thing that should hold u back from buyin an xbox is the selection of games, but that will soon be cured in the later part of this year
04-28-2002, 08:02 PM
i have a game cube and i LOVE it, i would go with that. Super Smash Bros. 2 is really cool! the new sonic is awsome 2. i had a ps2 and that was cool, but i didn't like anygames exept cash bandcoot (sp?) and spiro the dragon which r both PS1 games. Nintendo comes out with the best games (Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, & Mario) and there's gunna be a new Mario & new Zelda on gamecube. if i where u i'd get a gamecube.:)
04-28-2002, 08:17 PM
...gamecube seems to be for more of well "kid" gamers..
and in my opinion sonic was the worst sega game ever...and thats my point...gamecube doesn thave any good games!;)
04-28-2002, 10:54 PM
My DVD player works fine. The volume is a bit soft for some reason, but I've never heard of anyone else's PS2 having that problem, so it must be just mine. You can buy a special DVD remote so that you don't have to use your Dual Shock, but I use my Dual Shock anyway. (As opposed to X-Box which requires that you buy a remote to enable the DVD feature, and Gamecube which doesn't even play DVDs) But then, you're not buying the system just to play DVDs, are you? You want something that has killer games too. *cough*cough*PS2*cough* :D
04-28-2002, 11:28 PM
i have an xbox and it has the best graphics out of any system plus you have the hard drive so you dont need a memory card, but it reqires an extra remote wich cost 20-30 dollars to play dvds. it also cost more than the other 2. ps 2 is fun and has really good graphics/games as well as a reliable dvd player, one of its drawbacks is that it only has 2 players by default unless you buy the multi tap. gamecube is really good and has good games but no dvd.
04-29-2002, 04:51 PM
Although it is true XBox may have the best graphics (just look at DOA3), they only have a slim margin over what Gamecube is capable of. Many GC games look as beautiful, and some even more beautiful, than many XBox games. Just look at Luigi's Mansion (although not a great game, the graphics are great, especially the awsome lighting effects) and the new Resident Evil remake, which looks absolutely amazing, and IMO, better than DOA3 in graphics.
But really graphics shouldn't matter too much when deciding which of these three consoles to get, because they are all capable of basically the same thing.
04-29-2002, 06:02 PM
no, the three consoles arent capable of about the same thing..ps2 at its best couldnt match the graphics of doa3, save possibly metal gear solid2..but even that is coming out for xbox..
04-29-2002, 06:22 PM
True, it's not on the same level as XBox or Cube, but it puts out more than acceptable graphics.
04-29-2002, 06:25 PM
aye, the ps2 has been a breakthrough
04-29-2002, 10:39 PM
Graphics don't really mean anything. It all comes down to the games. Look at the original Playstation and the N64. The N64 had 64 bits as opposed to the PS's 32. Better grapics = gaming superiority right? Not necessarily. Most people (like me) would say that even though the N64 had its fair share of great games (Mario 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Legend of Zelda, etc...) the Playstation had mass appeal and therefore won that battle of the console war. All the consoles are now basically on a level playing field since they all have 128 bits. So what if the X-Box can produce real-life swaying grass with 75,000 polygons per blade? Who cares if the Gamecube can make 7 layers of textures? Like I said at the beginning, it all comes down to the games.
Thank you for listening to my ravings. I had to get that out of my system.
*steps down off soapbox*:cool:
04-29-2002, 10:44 PM
I'm going to be honest with you... I have no idea. But I just wanted to say that my favorite game system so far would have to be good old regular old nintendo... lol. My favorite all time game... definitely is Mario 3. I still haven't mastered it yet...
04-30-2002, 10:42 AM
So what if the X-Box can produce real-life swaying grass with 75,000 polygons per blade? Who cares if the Gamecube can make 7 layers of textures?
04-30-2002, 02:29 PM
*strawberry finishes piecing together head after it exploded with massive information haemorrage*
you arent helping guys!!!!!!!
i'm deciding between ps2 and gamecube as i have ruled x box out. I'm just not interested.
it might help a lot if i knew what LotR games are coming out and on what. cos if none are coming out on gamecube then no way am i bothering with that.
So have a lot of you already got gamecubes then? In the u.k there not being released till friday!!!:rolleyes:
04-30-2002, 03:43 PM
You want LOTR games?
OK...there is a LOTR game being made for Gameboy Advance and X-Box based on the books, there is one for all three consoles from EA that is based on the movie liscence, and there is one based on The Hobbit for Gamecube. I think that's all.
Mario 3 rules. :) My cousin has my old NES
04-30-2002, 04:17 PM
the hobbit will b on gamecube? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D get a gamecube, nintendo has always comeout with the best story games, the raceing games r cool to!
04-30-2002, 06:18 PM
The Hobbit on the gamecube is going to rediculous...they're gonna make it look so goofy..and how can u rule out xbox?? if u get a game cube i assure u you're gonna regret it when all the awesome games come out for xbox such as gta3,shenmue2,metal gear and....halo2?::D
which leads me to a question..are they already workin on halo2?
04-30-2002, 07:07 PM
The xbox is just a computer cleverly disguised as a console... it even crashes for eru's sake! Avoid it like the plague.
Get the PS2. It rocks. And metal gear solid 2 is amazing on it.
04-30-2002, 07:24 PM
the xbox doesnt freeze or lock up very often..just as much as the ps2, or even less from my metal gear solid2 is going to be on xbox in the near future...which means itll look even better!
04-30-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Tar-Elendil
the xbox doesnt freeze or lock up very often..just as much as the ps2, or even less from my metal gear solid2 is going to be on xbox in the near future...which means itll look even better!
My PS2 has never crashed on me. Beat that. :P
If you want a computer, buy a computer. If you want a console, buy a console, not some thinly disguised computer.
04-30-2002, 07:34 PM
stop changing the subject!;)
it is clear to all (even if xbox is a computer) that xbox owns all the other consoles..and plus u cant play all the popular games on the computer, save some things like max ok, yea its a computer that has almost all the popular games on todays market but just with better graphics:D
04-30-2002, 07:36 PM
i correct myself....WAY better graphics with original games..:p
04-30-2002, 07:37 PM
Most of those games you mentioned have been out on PS2 for a while. And I don't regret my GC at all. With games like Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness, Wrestlemania X8, Smuggler's Run: Warzones, Final Fantasy, Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Star Fox Adventures, Animal Crossing (AKA Animal Forest +), Metroid, Mario Kart, and many more coming out this year (with the exception of Mario Kart and probably Zelda), I'm very happy with my Gamecube.
04-30-2002, 07:43 PM
the only game worth playing for gamecube is the new resident evil in the works..and for playing game slike mario kart and zelda and stuff...i could just feel my iq dropping further and further....;)
04-30-2002, 10:12 PM
And I'm sure watching the women "jiggle" in DOA3 makes you smarter.
Mario Kart 64 was one of the most fun games ever.
05-01-2002, 03:52 PM
didnt u read my post about the lack of games developing!
05-01-2002, 04:11 PM
*Ulterior motive alert.*
Who wants to support MicroSuck?
This is a console thread. Not a costume party.
Avoid the XBox like the plague!!!
05-01-2002, 10:38 PM
Wow... you folks really don't like the X-Box. It's ok. I don't either.:D I try to consider myself a true gamer and like to think that I will play good games no matter what console they're on, but I just can't bring myself to get an X-Box. What would I play? Halo? DOA3? (By the way, I have DOA2 on PS2 and the only difference that I can tell between the two is that DOA3 has uneven elevation on the ground) Besides, who wants to play DOA with that monster X-Box controller? The buttons are too close together for me. I constantly have to look down to make sure I'm pressing the right button. Until Microsoft really shows me something, (Halo notwithstanding) I'll just play the ports of the good games on my PS2.:)
05-02-2002, 12:38 PM
i think my decidion is a game cube. from what ive found out from you guys, ps2 is more for the violent games (which i do not like)
and on the nintendo i loved things like mariokart and mario64 etc... yup. gamecube it is. i think.
maybe we could talk on here about the best games?
Elfmaster XK
05-02-2002, 12:54 PM
My brother has an X-box, and i play the simpsons car game on it...though he got it from work so it wasn't really a waste of money on our part.
I never had a console before so i can't really say how good it is comparatively. But i prefer PC games, keyboard and muse combination beats a game stuff like half life i talking rubbish now?
05-02-2002, 04:15 PM
GameCube Games:
1. Luigis Mansion = mario world/ghostbusters combined
2. Wave Race = meant to be the most releaistic water on any console DURING gameplay, also a very colourfull game
3. Rogue Squadron = Starwars game, probably not that enjoyable unless ur mad about the films.
4. Super Smash Bros Mele. = Mario Vs Pikachu Vs Starfox Vs Zelda Vs DonkeyKong cartoony fighting game, but with loadsa sub-games like bowling and bomberman type things.
5. Turok = Dino hunting puzzler scary! hehe
6. ExtreemG = colourfull MEGA fast futuristic racer.
7. ill get back to u
05-02-2002, 05:03 PM
I notice a lot...hang on... neraly all of thm have been on N64. The seventh was Star fox adventures by the way.
Its a shame they have made it into a walk around game. i love lylatwars with the whole ship shooting thing!:(
such a shame.
and i really hope they do a Mario128!!
05-02-2002, 09:48 PM
Rougue Squadron 2-you don't need to be big into the movie (but that does help a bit). It's overall a great game. I think most people would like it.
05-02-2002, 11:11 PM
There is going to be a Mario 128. It's called Mario Sunshine. (No, I'm not kidding) Check it out here (
05-03-2002, 01:34 PM
Luigis Mansion isn't really that good, it's hard and boring (if u ask me). Super Smash Bros. is the best game out for gamecube it's soooooo fun and u can be princess Zelda or Peach:) ! WaveRace is prob the hardest racing game i've ever played. Sonic is really fun at first it seem's boring but after a while it's really cool. i haven't played Pikman (sp?) but it looks really cool. and Zelda will be comin' out. theres a roomer that they're gunna mess it all up by making it a cartoon instead of what they could do. i've seen 2 different stories though. a good first game is Sonic. it's pretty simple. hope u like what ever game u do get though. :)
05-03-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by frodosgirlfriend
Luigis Mansion isn't really that good, it's hard and boring (if u ask me). Super Smash Bros. is the best game out for gamecube it's soooooo fun and u can be princess Zelda or Peach:) ! WaveRace is prob the hardest racing game i've ever played. Sonic is really fun at first it seem's boring but after a while it's really cool. i haven't played Pikman (sp?) but it looks really cool. and Zelda will be comin' out. theres a roomer that they're gunna mess it all up by making it a cartoon instead of what they could do. i've seen 2 different stories though. a good first game is Sonic. it's pretty simple. hope u like what ever game u do get though. :)
Luigis Mansion isn't that good as a game, but if you want to show of to a friend what the Gamecube is capable of in graphics, it comes in handy. (although now Resident Evil would replace Luigis Mansion as a great tech demo).
SSBM rules and Wave Race looks great, but is very hard.
Never played Sonic 2 for GC cuz I have it for dreamcast. Good game though, but not enough Sonic/Shadow levels.
Pikmin was pretty cool, and a very different game. Gamecube is the console you want if you want new, original, and very different and groundbreaking games.
05-03-2002, 10:23 PM
What do you guys think about online gaming? Who's going about it the best way, Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo? Do you think that people with dial-up access will be limited in the games they can play? I think that Sega has shown what can be done with narrowband connection. What are your thoughts on this matter?
05-03-2002, 11:02 PM
I think Microsoft made a smart move by having the XBox come with a broadband modem out of the box. It's a bit too early to tell, as none of them have launched their servers yet, and only Sony has released any specific details. As for Nintendo, word is that their online plans will be revealed at E3. I would love to see Mario Kart go online.
05-04-2002, 05:07 AM
All these games look good and everyhting but i wish they would do some normal ones like mario rescuing peach from bowser. yes it may be an ols idea but it was a good one. Now nintendo has got mario running around wiping graffiti off walls! i dunno wheter they are trying to teach the yuonger generation something ow what but well its not the same!
05-04-2002, 10:26 AM
Super Mario Sunshine- Mario and Peach are on vacation and one thing leads to another and Mario must rescue Peach. Classic story as usual. And the graffiti part is said to be only a small part of the game (dear god i hope that's true :p)
05-05-2002, 09:40 AM
The problem with online gaming is reliability vs. cost. I played Diablo II on BNET for a year and the reliability and lag made the game difficult to enjoy so I stopped. Consoles may provide more reliable connections but how much would you pay for it?
05-05-2002, 05:48 PM
look at my new MARIO sunshire Avatar!
05-06-2002, 06:35 AM
hee hee!
I wanna peach one! or one of those cute mushrooms! i prob woulndt be able to part with my ice cream though!!!
anyone looked at the gamecube demo disc yet?
Its really cool!
05-06-2002, 07:14 PM
havent posted on this thread can you not like xbox and love gamecube? gamecube has the worst games ever..mebbe if it had better ones i would consider buyin one..but if you're in to things like mario,zelda, and super smash bros (how could you??!!!?!) then i guess go with a gamecube..but i just can't imagine anyone over 15 playin something like Mario or zelda:confused:
05-06-2002, 10:42 PM
Why do I play these games? Because they're just plain fun. Great gameplay, great times. And the only thing "kiddish" about Nintendo is Pokemon, which I stay away from.
05-07-2002, 12:46 PM
exactly. just because mario doesnt run about blowing the brains out of some scarydude's head and slice zombies into little bits doent meanits childish.
its just what different people like, and i personally think running around shooting people or pretending to be some 'big assets' virtual girl while shooting tigers is plaind silly.
no real offence intended btw.
05-07-2002, 08:42 PM
When I want to shoot zombies and go crazy, I play Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness. If I want to go back to my platforming roots, I play Mario. There's a time and place for everything.
05-20-2002, 11:32 PM
Have you guys noticed the drops in prices going all around? First Sony drops PS2's price from $299 to $199, then Microsoft follows suit, dropping the X-Box's price from $299 to $199. Now, Nintendo is dropping the price of the Gamecube from $199 to $149. I think that's a brilliant move by Sony. They have enough PS2s sold to have a large base of systems and have already made millions off of it. By dropping PS2's price, they force Nintendo and Microsoft to drop the prices of their consoles to stay competitive. But since both the Gamecube and the X-Box are newer consoles, Nintendo and Microsoft are still trying to make a profit. By cutting $50 - $100 off the price, they are significantly reducing their profits. This is an interesting turn of events. But do you know who the real winners of the console (and price) war are? The gamers. Let the competition begin.:D
05-21-2002, 05:13 PM
If Microsoft didn't drop to 199, I think Nintendo wouldn't have felt so pressured to drop. It seems appropriate for PS2 to drop at this time in its life, but for XBox to make such a large price drop so soon probably means that things aren't going that well over at Microsoft. Although it is doing okay in America, XBox has bombed in Europe, Japan, and Australia.
05-21-2002, 05:26 PM
AND New Zealand. thank eru.
Lets not forget that it's nothing more than a computer (that crashes! hah, my ps2 has NEVER crashed!!) masquerading as a console. Take THAT Microsuck! :p
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