View Full Version : Anne McCaffery anyone?
Lady of Darkness
04-26-2002, 05:40 PM
I was scrolling through and noticed, no one had put up an Anne McCaffery thread! either no one readsher books except for me or something else. my second favorite set of books ( after LOTR which I have read 10 times!!!) are the Dragonriders of Pern series. my sister got tired of me reading the same Anne McCaffery books and dragged me to the library. She took me to the Dragonriders asle and told me that she would be back in a half-hour and was leaving me w/ my "shrine". Poor, misguided girl. She doesn't realize that my shrine is my room with the Tolkien books and Anne McCaffery books all in a pile. the thing is, which ones should I read first?????:D :D :D :) :)
04-27-2002, 06:30 PM
i personally really really really loved the Rowan and Damia series, which includes The Rowan, Damia, Lyon's Pride, The Tower and the Hive, and Damia's Children.(did i miss any TwirlingString?) i thought the Dragonriders of Pern were ok, not terrible but not great. i really loved the Damia series tho. :)
04-27-2002, 06:34 PM
You did, Damia's Children. What's the matter with the pern books, I love them. menolly and sebel are cool, but the masterharper was my favorite character. I cried when he died. You also missed the series about talents that starts before the Rowan. It gives the history. To ride Peasus and Pegasus in Flight:D
04-27-2002, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by TinuvielChild
i personally really really really loved the Rowan and Damia series, which includes The Rowan, Damia, Lyon's Pride, The Tower and the Hive, and Damia's Children.(did i miss any TwirlingString?)
Originally posted by TwirlingString
You did, Damia's Children.
um TS, i listed Damia's Children. it was the last one in that list. see?
i didn't have a problem with Pern, it was merely that i didn't enjoy them as much as Damia/Rowan. :)
04-27-2002, 08:15 PM
Opps, you'e right. Of the Perns, my fav was The White Dragon. She has another series I really like, but so far I'm stuck because I can't find the next book. It's really annoying, every time I find a book it's one that relapses and tells the story from another angle. I guess it starts with Dinosaur planet. I really loved the Ship the Sang and The Ship that Searched.
04-27-2002, 10:28 PM
yeah, Veronica likes those too. i'm afraid that i got rather far behind on my Pern reading, mainly because i didn't find them as riveting as the Damia ones.
Lady of Darkness
04-28-2002, 08:26 PM
Weird, I did! I must admit though, I haven't really read many of her other books. I mainly read Pern. I love them. her newest one, the skies of Pern, is really interesting. In the beginning, F'Lessan states that he needs to get rid of his reputation of being a womanizer. He then proceeds to make it obvious that he really like Tai. What to do?!(throws hands into air) I've often wondered what it's like to have a dragon to be a part of you. Did anyone notice that the end of all of her dragon names have "th"? Ex: Golanth, Ramoth, Alaralanth, Mnemneth, Path, Ruth, Canth.
05-01-2002, 09:54 PM
i may have noticed that when i was reading them, but that was such a while ago that i haven't contemplated it since. *shrug* :)
Lady of Darkness
05-03-2002, 09:03 PM
One of the saddest things about Anne mccafferys' book the masterharper of pern is that robinton's wife dies and u find out that petiron never loved his son. in many ways, I want to slap petiron and hug merelan (robinton's mother) It gives alot of background on the before fax and stuff. it also talks about f'lar and f'nor's father, f'lon. some other good pern books; dragonseye, the cronicles of pern;first fall.
Elbereth Gilthoniel
05-16-2002, 04:40 PM
I want to read her books! I read three of them when I found then in the lybrary and I liked them. I want to read more of them (I'll look) .
I don't understand half of what people talking in this forum because all the characters names are in hebrew when I read them, and I don't know about all the books.
I read one dragon stary I think in pern another one on singing spaceship and another one that I can't tell his name in english.
05-16-2002, 04:49 PM
I really want to read Anne McCaffery, but I don't know which book to start with, as i hate not reading series in order!
Any suggestions?
Lady of Darkness
05-16-2002, 07:17 PM
Weel, scince the series was written totally out of order, I'd recomend reading, if you would like to understand it the best, Dragonsdawn. It explains how people came to pern. then cronicles of pern-first fall. then Narika's story(I think). then moreta, dragonlady of pern. then dragonseye. then the masterharper of pern. then dragonflight. then dragonsight(I think). then dragonsinger and dragonsong and dragondrums. the white dragon of pern. then the renegades of pern (tells about from beginning of pass to well.. won't give away). then the dolphins of pern. then all the weyrs of pern. then the skies of pern. forgive me if I miss some, I'm hungy and, yes, I admit it, me, LOD, the Anne McCaffery finatic, might, I repeat, MIGHT not have read them all. so please forgive Lady of Darkness if she missed some. She is just repeating them from memory. I also might have gotten some of the titles wrong.(segestion. go onto they have them all. type in under search "Dragonriders of Pern")
THe humble (HAHAHAHA)(not) author of this thread
05-19-2002, 10:11 AM
I've read most of the Chronicles of Pern, and I thought they were great. They're some of the only books I've ever read that actually made me cry.
Even better, they made me cry in happy places. They are that well written.
I'd suggest starting with Dragonflight. That was the first on I read. I was 13, and I loved it. I was on holiday in France and my Dad had suggested I read them, so I brought along his copies of Dragonflight and Dragonquest. I read them both in the first coupla days, then spent the rest of the holiday rereading them several times and itching to get home so I could start on the White Dragon.
The books are all out of order, but if you don't plan to read the whole set, Dragonflight, Dragonquest and Thw White Dragon are the starting point. Others go back in time to explain history, legands or pasts of some of the characters. Also, some run concurrently. I think Dragonsong and Dragonsinger go inbetween DQ and TWD, whereas The Renegades of Pern is concurrent with TWD. Really, it's up to you how you go about it. The only thing I can add is save All the Weyrs of Pern until last.
Who's better, F'lar or F'nor? Personally I like F'nor better, what do you guys think?
Lady of Darkness
05-19-2002, 12:19 PM
I dunno. if I had to make a choice, I would choose F'nor. Suggestion: Make up your own character, make him/her be anything, do anything or whaterver you want. I've done it and, while it takes longer to get through the books because you are concentrating, you develop more of an imagination and you have something to do during17-21 hour car rides(going to Indiana or beyond UGH!:D ) HEHEHEHEHE
05-19-2002, 04:45 PM
Oh, I quite frequently make up my own characters. That's the beauty of roleplays. You can live out imaginary lives through them.
Oh dear. That looked really sad. But tempting anyway. I wonder if there are any Pern roleplays around. Anyone know?
Lady of Darkness
05-19-2002, 05:09 PM
Am looking it up on google right now......................................
Yep. there are about a million. goto and type in "pern roleplays" then click Search and watch and be amazed!:D don't be worried if you get confused, I am too!:D :D :D
05-19-2002, 10:22 PM
I've only read the Harper Hall trilogy, but they're pretty cool.
Lady of Darkness
05-23-2002, 08:43 PM
You Must Read!!!!! Anne McCaffery is a must!!!!! HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHE:D :D :cool: you might wanna read the MasterHarper of Pern if you wanna learn more about Robinton. It's good!!!!!! HEHEHEHEHE
05-26-2002, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by TinuvielChild
yeah, Veronica likes those too. i'm afraid that i got rather far behind on my Pern reading, mainly because i didn't find them as riveting as the Damia ones.
You MIGHT be right, but of her books my favorite series would have to be the ones about Acorna, unicorn girl
Lady of Darkness
05-26-2002, 05:07 PM
I started to read those but Then I stopped. mainly because my friend stole her book back!:p :p HEHEHEHEHE !!!DOPE!!*smacks herself on head* forgot to putin request w/ sister to get Anne McCaffery books while at library! someone smack me!! someone admonish me! someone keep me from getting to into the 'someone do something to me'
TS, when is Tc coming back?
06-07-2002, 10:11 PM
Whatdaya mean? How many of the Acorna's did you get through?
Lady of Darkness
06-08-2002, 01:26 PM
*looking up at TS meekly* 1/5255524555455245424555755754757575757/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000 of one because I only read the first paragraph before my friend stole it back from me. HUmph. she knows me too well. If I stole her book, she would never get it back while I was Alive(j/k)
06-09-2002, 05:30 PM
Frustrating, I remember that beginning, it's a teaser.
Lady of Darkness
06-10-2002, 08:11 PM
what beginnig? do you mean stealing other friends Acorna Books? or do you mean the beginnig of the book? Dope!*smacks herself on the head* I forgot to get my sister to get more AM(Anne McCaffery) books
(this is where someone goes" smart, very smart LOD" and I reply "HEH HEH")
Just Joking
Lady of Darkness
06-19-2002, 09:04 PM
I FINALLY yes finally got some Acorna books. I really like them. I have all the one's out so far and I hope she comes out with some more really really soon.
07-06-2002, 03:02 AM
I like to read some of Anne McCaffery books. Though there is some subtle sexism (which I think dates them) I enjoy the fantasy/sci-fi aspect. "To Ride Pegasus" is fun, but I was first introduced to her work by her books about Pern, which I also take pleasure in. Blah, blah, blah... They should definately be read by everyone. They are interesting.
Lady of Darkness
07-06-2002, 08:54 PM
just out of curiosity, where is the sexism? Are you refurring to the part where only women can here all dragons? curiosity killed the cat but, yes, satisfaction brought it back.
07-07-2002, 01:48 AM
Though women are sometimes portrayed as strong or heroic, they always are described as having some kind of childlike(silly/unimportant) or fragile nature about them. They always end up with some older guy taking care of them in the end. This goes for just about everything of hers I have read. Like I said it is subtle enough not to drive me away from her books; I just like to have all the characters on generally the same emotional/societal level. It makes things less cliche and more interesting and new age-y.
07-15-2002, 06:52 PM
I love Anne McCaffery's books, especially Dragonriders of Pern. In those books, the Pernese women certainly could take care of themselves and the female riders were right along side of the male riders. There was little sexism, that I could see. As to childlike and fragile natures, there wern't much of those either, as far as I could tell. Sure, there were some, but let's face it, it wouldn't be realistic if everyone was on the same emotional/societal level. Of course, these are all just my personal opinions. :)
Oh, and if anyone else has questions about Pern and the books, go to the World of Pern page at
This is an awsome site, a little out of date, but awsome nonetheless. It also includes a list of the order in which Anne McCaffery reccomends you read the books.
08-03-2002, 07:54 PM
I love the Pern books and I have read them several times. the White Dragon is my favorite. Has anyone ever read The Death of Sleep? It's part of the Planet Pirates series. I love that book. I think she co-wrote it with someone else, but I can't remember who.
Lady of Darkness
08-09-2002, 01:41 PM
never heard of it or seen it
08-09-2002, 03:56 PM
I just read "All the Weyrs of Pern" for the first time. It's a little over the top, but I really enjoyed it. My sister gave it to me, I didn't even know it existed.
Lady of Darkness
08-12-2002, 07:27 PM
have you read the Dolphins of Pern or The skies of Pern? I loe them both even though some of the people in them infuriate me for their stupidity!
LoD:D :D
08-12-2002, 09:29 PM
I love the PERN books and I keep rereading them too. Just finished The Master Harper of PERN. It's so interesting to me the way she keeps letting us see some of the same events through the "lives" of the different characters.
08-12-2002, 10:03 PM
That one made me cry
08-13-2002, 05:45 PM
Ohhhh, Masterharper made me cry too. I love that book! Robinton is my favorite character. :p
Lady of Darkness
08-15-2002, 05:33 PM
i agree
masterharper made me cry too. so did Dolphins of Pern, even though that one also made me Mad at Redis's Mother.sooooo
anyway. no more spoilers!:D :p ;)
Lady of Darkness
10-30-2002, 09:50 PM
i ahven't been keeping up with Anne McCaffrey, but I hope she writes a new one soon!
11-01-2002, 03:43 PM
Master Harper Robinton is definitely my favorite character. i have read all of Anne McCaffery's Pern boooks, her Acorna books and her Talent books. i've only read one crystal singer though. I read Nimisha's ship and really liked it. is that in a series or is it on it's own? My goal is to read all of Anne mcacaffery's books but it will take me a while to do so.
I hope she puts out a new Pern book soon as that is my favorite series by far.
Lady of Darkness
11-01-2002, 06:19 PM
i have an idea, let's sign a petition and send it to her saying that we want a new book if she doesn't write one within a year, eh?
;) ;) :p
THE Lady of Darkness
11-05-2002, 05:09 PM
I think I like the Pern series better than the others. I actually think that I like the Acorna books the least. They are a good story, but I just can't get really interested in them! I think the last book she wrote was The Skies of Pern, although Acorna
something came out close to that time. It is definitley time for a knew book, unless Anne McAfferey has really bad arthritis and died or something! Oh, and I am pretty sure Nimisha's ship is in a series because I saw a book called The Ship Who Sang
11-05-2002, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Celebrian
I think I like the Pern series better than the others. I actually think that I like the Acorna books the least. They are a good story, but I just can't get really interested in them! I think the last book she wrote was The Skies of Pern, although Acorna
something came out close to that time. It is definitley time for a knew book, unless Anne McAfferey has really bad arthritis and died or something! Oh, and I am pretty sure Nimisha's ship is in a series because I saw a book called The Ship Who Sang
I think that The Ship Who Sang is in a different sereis. There is also, A Ship Who Won and one other one I think.
11-09-2002, 07:25 PM
that one is a series that branched out of a series I think. It seems like its in the same universe as the Dinasaur Planet ones. Does any one else want a sequel to Decision at Doona?
Lady of Darkness
01-11-2003, 10:52 PM
gimmegimmegimme Anne McCaffrey!!!! gimme new book nownow!!!! yea so I agree that she needs to send out a new book for the Pern series, but she's prolly really busy with her other series or something. I mean, Skies of Pern came out 3-5 years after the previous one, I think. Hopefully she won't take that long this time....
your friendly neighborhood Orc Killer!
01-12-2003, 10:39 AM
she might be done with the perns...
Lady of Darkness
01-13-2003, 07:21 PM
I dont think so.... she always does this, it's hard for a writer to grind out book after book. I mean, after a while, it's harder to think up things for a specific topic...
SHE BETTER KEEP WRITING!!!!!! or I swear I'll go mad!!!
:D :D
Krazy Krazy Krazy is my name!!!
01-15-2003, 03:54 PM
...unless Anne McAfferey has really bad arthritis and died or something!
>chuckle< To the best of my knowledge, Anne Mc Caffrey is alive and well.
And for all you people who demand a new book, have you yet read A Gift of Dragons? It's her newest published book on Pern and consists of short stories. I have it and it's absolutely wonderful!:D
I hope she isn't totally done with the Perns. There is so much more material she could go into, especially after Skies!
01-22-2003, 12:53 PM
i liked the Pern books, my sis is a HUGE fan and made me read them!:D
Lady of Darkness
01-22-2003, 03:37 PM
Good for your sister!!!
What is your favorite Pern Book, or book by Anne McCaffrey?
Feeling like the orcs chewed me, found me too hard to chew, spat me out, ran over me with an army of 10041425425255245252525 orcs and then buried me alive. In other words, like a piece of dung
*does the Marauder Dance of Victory*
don't ask me why
01-22-2003, 09:00 PM
my sis is a HUGE fan and made me read them
Hee hee, that's what I did with my mom. She got so tired of hearing me talk about them and having no idea what I was talking about that she decided to read them. She loved them too! It's fun to talk about the books in front of the rest of my family and see the puzzled looks on their faces. ;) :rolleyes: :p
01-22-2003, 09:28 PM
I have jury duty this week and have been reading A Gift of Dragons during the waiting time. It's been a great week! :D
Lady of Darkness
01-24-2003, 06:28 PM
Jury duty, from what I've heard from my mom, is a great time to catch up w/ stuff, but she had it for almost 2 months, making it hard for me to get places
01-24-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Lady of Darkness
Good for your sister!!!
What is your favorite Pern Book, or book by Anne McCaffrey?
Feeling like the orcs chewed me, found me too hard to chew, spat me out, ran over me with an army of 10041425425255245252525 orcs and then buried me alive. In other words, like a piece of dung
*does the Marauder Dance of Victory*
don't ask me why
Its eaither the ship that sang of the ship that searched, I haven't read the ship that fought
Lady of Darkness
01-24-2003, 11:21 PM
really? what are they about?
02-16-2003, 08:23 PM
The ship books are about what societies decided to do with many people who were born with huge inabiliteis (like completely paralized sorts of things), they make them into the brains of shis aka brainships. The main harcters of her stories are all the people who've really stuck out. The Ship that Sang was the only singing ship, it was her hobby, and she discovered a new diseaese, the ship that searched was born normal but one day out on a dig with her parents she got hit by a nasty virus and became completely paralized. She found and entirely new species and came up with the idea of building androids with full sensatory equipment for brainships. The city that fought is about one of the out uses for brains, they can become the central computers of cities. I think this entire series takes place in the same universe as the Dinasaur planet one but I'm not sure.
Lady of Darkness
02-20-2003, 10:40 AM
I'm just gonna say one thing. Ships that Sing are creepy. I'm not sure if I actually get what the books are about, so I'll go check them out of the library....
03-10-2003, 01:32 AM
What I'm trying to say is that instead of AI they use people for computers and the Ship that Sang got bored and became a singer/composer...
Lady of Darkness
03-10-2003, 07:40 PM
I was kidding.
obsessed am I?
Lady of Darkness
03-27-2003, 09:24 PM
okay, I REALLY REALLY REALLY wich I could have a dragon...*sulks*. It would really help w/ my killing of orcs. darn Sci-Fi! me want dragon.
05-09-2003, 07:17 PM
Lady of Darkness
05-10-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
Two of my friends are going to create dragons and take over earth. another one of my friends and I will escape on flying horses to fairyelfland ( I think that's what her relm is called....must call her...)
10-01-2005, 08:01 PM
It's been a while since anyone posted in this thread, so I'll just resurrect it.
Anyone read Dragonsblood, the newest Pern novel? It's by Todd McCaffrey, Anne's son. It's really good, and answers several of the mysteries from the other books-- how did the fire-lizards die out and lose contact with the humans? Why were "Jaxom's Rooms" built in Benden Weyr? What was the real purpose of watch-whers? How did that young dragonrider end up buried in solid rock?
I became a fan of Anne McCaffrey when I was about 13, and I read Dragondrums first, just because I came across it and it looked interesting. I think you can start with any book, but definitely the best to begin with is Dragonflight. For anyone new to the series, here's
a list of the Dragonriders of Pern novels in chronological order: (
Also, here's a list of all Anne McCaffrey's books with publishing dates: (
My favorite series is certainly the Dragonriders of Pern, followed by the Talent/Tower & Hive series and then the Acorna books. I also like the Dinosaur Planet ones and the Brainships.
If anyone wants a really good Anne McCaffrey discussion board, go to ( I go on there sometimes as thedragoneth.
Another piece of interesting news is that Anne McCaffrey fanfiction is now officially allowed! Anne has posted her fan fiction rules ( on her official site, so please read them before posting your fan fiction online. I am currently writing one on, so if you're interested, here's the link (
10-01-2005, 10:00 PM
I'm a McCaffrey fan also. Love the Pern books. They're my favorites of all her series. Haven't read any of the Hive. My mom got me started on the Acorna series and I liked it, but not as well as the Crystal Singer series. I also like Dinosaur Planet.
I think I read one of the ship novels in while still in school, and then for some reason didn't try any of her other books until much later.
One of the reasons I like the Pern series so well is because you can see the same events from the perspectives of different characters.
10-02-2005, 07:53 PM
My dad loves Anne McCaffery. I'd love to read the Pern books but I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?
10-04-2005, 01:34 AM
Start with Dragonflight, Dragonsdawn, or Dragonsong. Those are all good beginnings, though Dragonflight was the first written.
10-12-2005, 01:28 PM
Thanks Elanor. I'll start there.
10-29-2005, 06:40 PM
I have read three short stories and two of the books by this storied writer and even met her but I cant stand her books. She takes way to long to get to the point of anything that she is telling, for example the second book in her dragonriders,, I read the book 3/4 of the way through and still didnt have a clue where the story was going. The dragons are great the characters are great but the storyteller takes too long. Try these instead,, dragonlance ,, dark elf series,, rune lords or The Kingdom Chronicles by A V Wedhorn, or Martin Thrones series all much better than Anne
12-14-2005, 01:32 AM
I like Anne McCaffrey's books because they're so unique. I find the repetetive and predictable "canned fantasy" novels like Dragonlance kind of boring, and I like the mix of Fantasy themes and Science Fiction in the Pern books. I think her brand of Science Fiction is dying out, and should be revived. Seems like it's all limping fantasy, superheros, and StarTrekky stuff nowdays.
I would love to see Pern made into a movie. Maybe just "Dragonflight", since it has such a strong plot and exposes the world so well. "Dragonsdawn" would also make a nice one. CGing the dragons would take a lot of work and artistry, though. But since LotR, HP, and Narnia have done so well, I can see this actually happening at some point in the near future.
I've also read some of Anne McCaffrey's other series'. My favorites are The Talent/Pegasus books, the Dinosaur Planet/Planet Pirates ones, and the Brain Ships. I also enjoy the Acorna series, though it's a bit more fluffy, and the time travel doesn't hold up to any level of scrutiny. The stories are very cute, and fun for light reading.
Tamuril Sirfalas
12-15-2005, 03:08 PM
My dad loves Anne McCaffery. I'd love to read the Pern books but I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?
dragonsong, dragonsinger, and then dragondrums
Tamuril Sirfalas
03-01-2006, 08:58 PM
I was scrolling through and noticed, no one had put up an Anne McCaffery thread! either no one readsher books except for me or something else. my second favorite set of books ( after LOTR which I have read 10 times!!!) are the Dragonriders of Pern series. my sister got tired of me reading the same Anne McCaffery books and dragged me to the library. She took me to the Dragonriders asle and told me that she would be back in a half-hour and was leaving me w/ my "shrine". Poor, misguided girl. She doesn't realize that my shrine is my room with the Tolkien books and Anne McCaffery books all in a pile. the thing is, which ones should I read first?????:D :D :D :) :)
i read DRAGON SONG, DRAGON SINGER , AND DRAGON DRUMS and i think they are the best those ones :D
03-02-2006, 02:14 AM
I started with Dragonflight, which was great, and then read Dragonquest (the most boring Pern book, IMO). Luckily the Harper Hall Trilogy that followed, i.e. the three that Tamuril is so crazy about, were the best.
The ones I like most are Dragonsinger and The White Dragon... I loved the songs, and the Masters, and the fire lizards in Dragonsinger, and Ruth has got to be the most likeable dragon.
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