View Full Version : Vanity Fair pics!!!! WOOHOO!!
Obi Wan of the Fellowship
09-13-2000, 10:05 PM
These pics are from Vanity Fair! Enjoy! (****book/large/584) (****book/large/585) (****book/large/586) (****book/large/587) (****book/large/588) (****book/large/589) (****book/large/590) (****book/large/591) (****book/large/592)
Obi Wan of the Fellowship
09-13-2000, 11:19 PM
In case you are new and wonder who these all are:
3)Arwen (looking rather
4)A kick-@$$ one of Gandalf
5)Good-ole Sam
:cool: Pippin
Shanamir Duntak
09-14-2000, 03:33 AM
*Heart attack*
Can't.... wait.... any.... longer.... to...... see ......... that........ movie!!!!!!!!!
09-14-2000, 03:42 AM
Whoa! Check out the pipes! And the hobbit-feet! And Gandalf's staff!
Is this issue still on the stands? I want it!
Shanamir Duntak
09-14-2000, 04:11 AM
I like pict 584 over all the others, but they are VERY promising.
09-14-2000, 11:00 AM
I think they are in the October '00 issue. I am going this morning to find out!!! Thanks OWOTF, good work!! :)
09-14-2000, 11:57 AM
I'm going to have to take a bucket to the theatre with me... I'm absolutely drooling over Viggo! Now I'd vote for him for president in no time! ;)
Shanamir Duntak
09-14-2000, 01:25 PM
Did you hear ONE, just ONE guy make a comment about Cate or Lyv in this board, on how they were sooooooo hot and blablabla???...
NO! ah woman are so, well, you know. :p
By the way, talking about Women, did you notice the semi-pointed hears of Arwen (And the hobbits)? I think that closes the debate as everyone should be satisfied!
09-14-2000, 10:10 PM
No guy made a comment because:
1. There was no picture of Cate
2. Liv doesn't look so great (IMO) in the pic of Arwen.
I haven't seen a bad pic of Viggo yet!!
I just want to add that I never in my life pictured Aragorn as a hunk. Faramir, yes, Aragorn, no. Go figure...
09-15-2000, 04:07 AM
I always pictured Aragorn as more the Clint Eastwood type.
The Mrs has him figured as a Sam Elliot.
And I'm not crazy about Arwen Gothoniel! Who ever heard of an elf with bags under her eyes like that? What about the long black hair netted with jewels and stuff? Huh? Huh? Huh?
09-15-2000, 12:07 PM
Gil., when I first heard Liv Tyler was to play Arwen, I wasn't sure what she looked like (since I don't see many movies; I don't tend to like most Hollywood productions), so I looked up her picture on the internet. I couldn't fathom it. I know there are guys that think she's really good looking, but my goodness, this is supposed to be the most beautiful woman since Luthien. She's supposed to look like Luthien. Liv Tyler looks nothing like I ever imagined Luthien to look. But I don't know of any actress who does...
Shanamir Duntak
09-15-2000, 12:36 PM
Galadriel is supposed to be the most beautiful women since Luthien, not Arwen
Wizard of the Secret Fire
09-15-2000, 12:54 PM has better versions of the images now.
I think they look great.
Shanamir Duntak
09-15-2000, 01:46 PM
Thanks wiz, I think they're great!
Shanamir Duntak
09-15-2000, 01:51 PM
I love those Mithrandir pics!!!
I know it's big but, heck, I gotta post it!
09-16-2000, 01:43 AM
OK - i may still be skeptical, but these pics are awesome!
some comments, though -
on the 2nd pic - "Cate Blanchett as the Elf Queen" - ^&*(%? some of these newspeople really need to get their stories straight.
Arwen - bags under the eyes of an Elf-maid? in this pic especially, she looks less Elven & more false-Goth. grr. first they screw up her character, now they screw up her appearance...
Gandalf - incredible. love the scraggly beard. and of course, his staff.
Aragorn - also incredible, but he doesn't have the grey eyes...
the hobbits - Sam, Merry & Pippin look good, but somehow i imagined Merry as blonde & Pippin as black-haired. great hairy toes. Frodo - i just never thought of hobbits as having pointed ears. and in that one shot, his legs look way too long, but there isn't anything that can be done about that. but they did make Eligah Wood look hobbitish, which i never would have thought possible.
again, i'm nitpicking. i have to compare every detail of this Middle-Earth with the version in my head, & nothign will completely match. of course, i'll be one of the first in line for this movie...
aryne *
09-16-2000, 05:14 AM
Yes, the Gandalf ones were good...
"Combine Star Wars and Harry Potter"?! Ech! Harry Potter isn't even comparable to LoTR! (my opinion)
I always pictured Aragorn as "tall and fair", with a skinny and worn face (remember, he lived as a Ranger for I-forget-how-many years, and that must have aged him outwardly quite a bit). I always imagined that Boromir looked like that picture, because I remember him being described somewhere as "broad where Aragorn was tall". And Faramir... I always imagined that he had a normal average-sized face like most people, for some reason...
I was actually quite surprised at how Hobbitish Frodo looked, but somehow that is just not my vision of Sam; my mind's image of him is your average "Joe" scaled down to Hobbit-size.
And Arwen... well, I didn't think she looked Arwen-like; she looks more like she doesn't get enough sleep...
09-16-2000, 01:21 PM
This is getting out of hand.
Shanamir Duntak
09-16-2000, 03:34 PM
In my opinion Boromir is the one that depart the most from my picture of him. I pictured him as quite strong and large, brown hairs, and a big beard (don't know why).
And Sam too not as fat as it should be, but I tought I heard somewhere they would "fatten" him by CGI...
09-16-2000, 04:34 PM
I don't know that it says anywhere that Sam is fat... As for your mental picture of Boromir, have you seen the LOTR cartoon movie from 1978? Boromir looks like you think in the cartoon. He probably shouldn't be blonde. We're told in TTT that Faramir and Boromir looked enough alike for Frodo to mistake the two at first glance. And in ROTK we're told Faramir has black hair. Likely both brothers looked like Numenoreans: black hair and grey eyes.
09-16-2000, 04:59 PM
Thanks for reminding me, Eruve. :x
I think the picture of Arwen is goth and cold and gives me the creeps. But that is far away from the impression we get in the movies. And I do like the ears: they look so natural. :)
The hobbits are all fine as well... And then there's Gandalf. He's okay, but the haircut is weird. I don't like it at all. :lol:
But I think that too will look different on the screen.
BTW, congratulations on your succeed, Shanamir. :)
09-17-2000, 01:28 PM
I picked up the Oct. issue yesterday. The article is very short and the first word of the article is JEDI!!!! How come they had to start the article with a SW reference?? :(
09-17-2000, 02:43 PM
They are reporters and news editors.
You would not expect more from goblins and orcs. You should not expect much from the average media types, either. They rank somewhere below trial lawyers and above used-car salesmen.
They have the sensibilities and ethics of orcs and goblins, in other words. (Of course, some of them are actually Trolls...)
Darth Tater
09-19-2000, 11:52 PM
Most of those pics rock, of course, but I've been quite upset at that Arwen pic! Icky icky ick icky icky! She makes me sick.
the rest is beautifull though, especially Gandalf. I've tried to find that issue in the newstands, but can't, they've moved on to the next one :(
09-20-2000, 12:22 AM
Are you sure?? Does it say Nov. on them?? I just got the copy a few days ago and before that (but since this thread come out), the Sept. issue was still on the stands. Look for one that says Oct. ;)
Shanamir Duntak
09-20-2000, 03:14 AM
Print them... :D
09-20-2000, 04:17 PM
09-20-2000, 04:18 PM
I think you have to go to some actresses of the past, cause I don't know any today that quite do it for me, although perhaps Sandra Bullock would be better than Liv Tyler.
I would submit Vivien Leigh in her heyday!
Or going way back, Lillian Gish from the Silent Films!
09-20-2000, 07:45 PM
I fouind the issue today at a smaller convenience store that doesn't replace its magazines as often.
Darth Tater
09-23-2000, 12:32 AM
Glaurong gave me a copy. I will try to make some better scans then those awefull ones from, but it'll be hard cause the pics are so small
09-24-2000, 06:24 PM
I've got ADOBE PHOTOSHOP (Home edition, came with my Kodak digital camera).
I've had some little successes at cleaning up that sort of thing! Be happy to help, if you can get a good scan!
09-26-2000, 02:21 AM
Adobe Photoshop! love it!
09-26-2000, 02:21 AM
Adobe Photoshop! love it!
aryne *
10-08-2000, 03:09 AM
Heh I've become pretty good at cleaning up photos from my camera too, especially ones taken at award ceremonies in school gyms with really bad lighting... you just have to learn to adjust the levels right :)
Ghost of Gilthalion
10-08-2000, 12:05 PM
Yep. use the GRAININESS/MOIRE/JPEG smoother on things scanned from newsprint. reduce contrast, increase brightness, increase hue... that usually does it for most photos taken in poor light.
10-16-2000, 08:28 PM
I think the pics are great.
Arwen looks more like the Evil- Princess!! Scary
And, Aragorn has a bow.. why??????????
And the worst thing:
And, come on Ladies. Viggo looks so hot in that pic!!!
I'm gonna die....why another year??? *sniff*
Shanamir Duntak
10-17-2000, 04:34 AM
He he he girl... not as hot as me... and yet not as reachable as I am... :p
10-18-2000, 01:54 AM
:lol: Dude, you have no clue! You may be a Lord, but he is a King! :D
10-18-2000, 03:46 AM
woah! On the first pic , It says one of the sets for Fellowship of the Ring is in were I live! I gotta find it ! (Btw, for all those who don't know I live in NZ)
10-20-2000, 02:28 AM
Better late than never....thanks for the pics! :) :) :)
Eldoran LFD
12-31-2000, 11:54 AM
Yeah Legolas rocks
I've seen him in the trailer fighting with 2 swords against the orcs.
Arwen looks like a vampiress...
and Cate Blanchett as Galadriel is not THAT bad is it?
Sometimes I get the feeling they shoulda switched sean bean with viggo for boromir and aragorn...
Samwise of the shire
05-22-2001, 01:44 AM
Watch out Aragorn she definatly looks iffy to me!I saw the Arwen picture on another website(I saw all of the pics at another website),frankly they should've put a white lightining mark down her hair,freak out session.
I like Hobbit pics the best though,I really think the people in charge of making those guys Hobbits did a good job(well that is until I saw Pippin with melting ears,I have never pictured Hobbits with pointed ears let alone pointed drooping ears,sonar equipment)
Ps.Legolas I like,He looks soooooo much like my Big Brother in that one were it looks like he's standing under some trees during twilight.
05-22-2001, 08:37 PM
In a letter after the publication of The Hobbit, Tolkien told American publishers (for use of artists) that Hobbits had slightly pointed ears. I think he decided against it though, for it is an isolated remark, and Tollkien later said they were a diminutive race of Man. They may have had slightly pointed ears, and they may not have.
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