View Full Version : How powerful "The One" really is? from the Matrix

03-26-2002, 03:39 PM
The Matrix is deffenitaly one of the best movies ever created if not the best. The Second one is coming out this year and it should be as good as the first if not better Some people (guilty) know way too much about the Matrix. Especially those who have memorized both the movie script and the original. And those who randomly quote scenes in the middle of class (once again guilty) Don't be ashamed. You Rock! Calling all Matrix lovers :cool:

Kyote Fields
03-26-2002, 05:36 PM
Well, I ain't an avid fan. I've only seen the movie a few times and I agree that it was good. However, the reason I post here is that I was just surfing whatisthematrix.com where they have a small portion for the new movie, but really not enough to wet my whistle. I want to know a few things and you, shirechild, being the self-proclaimed guru (and a very boisterous guru at that) of the matrix may be able to answer them for me.
1. Now that Aliyah (GRHS) is dead, will they reshoot all her scenes and if so, will the release date be postponed?
2. What's the story behind the next movie?

03-26-2002, 11:49 PM
I really really really like this movie... the story line is soooo creative and a little confusing but great just the same... I didn't even know a second one was coming out though... that just brightens my day!

03-27-2002, 01:53 AM
The matrix is a trilogy, isn't it?

the one question that has haunted me ever since I watched the matrix five times in two weeks (I had to study it for an english class--we studied the parallels between it an Plato's "allegory of the cave"):

How the heck did Tank know who Mikey was if he was from Zion and had never experienced the world of the matrix?

Glorious Glorfindel
03-27-2002, 12:00 PM
i thought i was a fan until i discovered that a sequel/trilogy thing is coming out! ooops!
i had to watch it like 3 times before i understood it. they really should put more info on the back of the video and dvd box. its a disgrace to all humanity and other alien life forms.

Kyote Fields
03-27-2002, 12:30 PM
Who's Mikey?
Yes it will be a trilogy, Matrix - Reloaded and Matrix - Revolutions.

03-27-2002, 07:01 PM
i believe that the reference to "Mikey" is when Neo is getting his first round of 'training' and he wakes up and says "Holy ****!" and Tank says "Hey Mikey, I think he likes it! How 'bout some more?" and Neo says "Hell yes"...consider me more of a Matrix junkie than shirechild over there. but i agree with crickhollow about that, how did he know? maybe he picked it up from the others...that's certainly possible.

'it's like a splinter in your mind..'
'there is no spoon' :D

03-27-2002, 07:01 PM
hey what's with the asterisks? i was quoting there!

Kyote Fields
03-27-2002, 07:31 PM
I'm so confused:confused:
Well maybe you can answer my questions Tinuviel Child.

03-27-2002, 09:07 PM
i don't believe they are reshooting Aaliyah's scenes, but that's not positive. i'm pretty sure they're keeping them in (but not 100% sure, so don't kill me if i'm wrong. that's just the general consensus).

and i don't know of anyone who knows what the story behind the Matrix Reloaded is except the actors and directors, producers, etc usw. you might try asking them!! :)

03-28-2002, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by TinuvielChild
i believe that the reference to "Mikey" is when Neo is getting his first round of 'training' and he wakes up and says "Holy ****!" and Tank says "Hey Mikey, I think he likes it! How 'bout some more?" and Neo says "Hell yes"...consider me more of a Matrix junkie than shirechild over there, she hasn't even seen it yet (sorry shirechild, but it's your fault!!). but i agree with crickhollow about that, how did he know? maybe he picked it up from the others...that's certainly possible.

'it's like a splinter in your mind..'
'there is no spoon' :D

The quote is from a cereal commercial way back in the 79's-80's. Two kids get the little brother to try the new cereal to see if it's safe to eat. The older boy turns to the third and says, "Hey Mickey, I think he likes it!"

The Matrix is the reason I bought a DVD player. I had one to day it was released for sale om DVD. I've seen it close to twenty times. (Showing the DVD player to friends and family at the same time). Great "Easter Eggs"! I hope the sequel(s) can do it justice.

03-28-2002, 03:36 PM
Tinuviel Child Is Wrong I HAve Seen The Matrix many times I just don't tell my friends everytime I watch it. She happens to be on of my best friends I know very much about the MAtrix Tinuvielchild Sawd off

03-28-2002, 03:40 PM
shirechild, if you're going to swear at me in British, at least have the good sense to get it RIGHT!! for the love of Eru, it's SOD off, not Sawd off. jeez. there is no cut wood on this thread, sawed or otherwise! :)

03-28-2002, 03:55 PM
I was typing fast because I'm not suppose to be on here. Tinuvielchild Sod off. there happy.

Justy friendly disspute sorry.

03-28-2002, 04:00 PM
look shirechild you great prat, yesterday you told me you had never seen it and that's why you never get the Agent Smith monologues right!! (i mean in terms of the way you say them; you have the words mostly correct) :)

now, if anyone has anything intelligent to say, please say it!!

oh Eru, i'm turning into CBG (anti-newbie)!!! the horror! the horror!!!!! ;)

03-28-2002, 04:03 PM
what are people's favorite scenes/lines in the Matrix? mine are:

Spoon Boy
the Dojo scene, "You think that's air you're breathing now?"
Lobby Shootout
all 4 Agent Smith monologues (they funny)

i love the entire Matrix, but those are my absolute favorites!!

oh yeah, and Cypher "Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, cause Kansas...is goin' byebye"

03-28-2002, 04:05 PM
ok, i REALLY have to stop putting shirechild down 'cause she's my friend, but one more gripe: if you have seen in multiple times, why can you never get the quotes (other than the Agent Smith monologues which you memorized from the script) right????

end of dispute ;)

03-28-2002, 04:25 PM
1) I told you I had seen the matrix not hadn't[/U]
2) The reason I get messed up occasionally on some monulouges is because I memorized the original script off an illegal web page not the movie script.
3)and who are you calling a prat?

03-28-2002, 04:26 PM
1) i asked you if you had seen it and you said no
2) i have the movie script and have had it for quite a while, you could have done it off there! or off the movie like everyone else does (like Freeman; he memorized it from the movie, not the bad script)
3) you! you silly little bugger...

03-28-2002, 04:28 PM
look, i don't want this thread closed, so can we PLEASE!!!!! get this thread back on topic and off of petty little vendettas?!?!?!???

(this means YOU shirechild! and me too *contrives to look meek and unhypocritical*)

03-28-2002, 04:29 PM

I have been using the original then switch to the movie. it is hard to re learn things.
I said I had seen it . Had not hadn't get it.

Call me another name and this will turn out like th e Lobby scene

Kyote Fields
03-28-2002, 04:32 PM
This is friendly?

03-28-2002, 04:32 PM
yeah, and you will be the guards, me as Trinity and Neo. :)

see my last post

when you are insulting me, please post smileys so that i know you don't mean it. since you didn't i assumed you were being a little b****, and replied in kind. NOW THEN!!!! :)

allow me to repeat myself:
what are people's favorite lines/scenes??

03-28-2002, 04:45 PM
on the subject of ALIYAH!!!!!!!.......

........ they are still using her character, and are not re-shooting.
HOWEVER..... most movies are Dubbed, as Aliyah is no long with us, her Brother is going to do her dubbing, but with modern day technology they can adjust the pitch etc, of his voice to sound feminine.

ps. i dont know where i got this information, but it was probably mtv.

03-28-2002, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Kyote Fields
This is friendly?

i think shirechild has a different idea of what's "friendly" than the rest of us...

03-28-2002, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by aldesign
on the subject of ALIYAH!!!!!!!.......

........ they are still using her character, and are not re-shooting.

yeah, that's what i thought. i didn't know the bit about dubbing, tho. thanx for the info!! see, this is what this thread is supposed to be about, not seeing who can dis the other worse. ;)

Darth Tater
03-28-2002, 06:23 PM
aldesign you bull****ter, only the ppl at this board would be stoopid enough to believe that :p The character was recast ages ago, but then all of you (with brains) probably knew that :p

03-28-2002, 10:56 PM
then that just proves what i knew long ago, that my brain fell out somewhere about 2 days after i was born ;)

what?!??!?! why is everyone staring at me??? they're being real secretive about the entire Matrix Reloaded thing, and just because i'm an expert on the first Matrix, i'm automatically an expert on all things Matrix??? well probably, but...oh never mind. :)

03-29-2002, 12:04 AM
yeah, i just did some research: there will be NO Aaliyah footage in the Matrix sequels. There are rumors flying that Irish pop singer Samantha Mumba (The Time Machine) will be replacing Aaliyah in her scenes.

03-29-2002, 01:36 PM
I was flabbergasted when I saw the power of The One in the Matrix because Neo showed immense physical strength and speed far beyond that of the agents as well as speed.I believe that given Neo's newfound abilities it could be said that his power has not been full exploited.If i had to speculate as to how strong he truly is compared to agent Smith, then I would say that neo is 100 times the strength of the agent.How would you answer this question?

03-29-2002, 03:01 PM
I would answer this question by connecting it to the existing thread.

03-29-2002, 05:05 PM
The last i heard of it was that they WERE GOING TO USE ALAIYAHS stuff tater.

Because they had already SHOT MOST OF IT, and it would cost them loads over the top of their budget to go and re-film everything.

:p Dont go bad mouthing pple Tater.

03-30-2002, 03:47 AM
"Guns. We need lots of guns."--Neo

"Hey, Mikey, I think he likes it."--Tank

Mouse: You know what this reminds me of? Tasty wheat. Did you ever eat tasty wheat?
Switch: No, but technically neither did you.
Mouse: Now that's exactly my point, because, how did the machines know what tasty wheat tasted like? Maybe what I think tastes like Tasty Wheat actually tastes like oatmeal or tunafish. Which makes you wonder about a lot of things. Take chicken for example. Maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like, and that's why chicken tastes like everything.

03-30-2002, 04:10 PM
Ok, call me stupid (coz I am) but WHAT did Aliyah plat in the first film and in the second because I knew she was in it, but I didn't know what part she played!

I have seen the film... please believe me! I loved especially the bits when they did the slow-motion-but-really-fast dodging bullets thing with Agent Smith and Neo, and it really grossed me out when his mouth was covered over and the bug in his stomach and, likewise, the bit where they got it out. Yick!

03-31-2002, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Rosie-Lass
I loved especially the bits when they did the slow-motion-but-really-fast dodging bullets thing with Agent Smith and Neo

...otherwise known as "Bullet Time" :) look, why doesn't someone go and find out from the directors and producers whether or not they're using Aaliyah's scenes? and end this whole bloody debate? ;)

04-02-2002, 01:50 AM
I mentioned already that we viewed this film for English class last year? Well, we talked about how the Neo used the phrase "there is no spoon" to signify "there is no fear" (right before he shoots the elevator cable).
When we came in to take the final, I noticed that the teacher had written in small letters on teh bottom of the sheet, "There is no spoon." Someone else noticed it too, and asked the teacher, "does this mean there is no test?"

04-05-2002, 06:54 PM
i think we're going to watch it in German class this year, if someone can find it in German. i know the German AP class is going to watch it (i think?), and we just watched Run Lola Run. very good movie! anyway, i think Neo used the phrase "there is no spoon" in the elevator shaft to help him realize that the Matrix is not real, that he can do anything because he is the One. what do people think? am i just a looney toon or am i actually making sense? :confused: :)

Androdiel Rosselilta
04-07-2002, 12:39 AM
The Matrix is THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME except for the LotR movies, of course. i meant non-LotR movie. :)

and German is the best language! if everyone in the world spoke German, Elvish, and English, all would be right with the world and Melkor would be vanquished!!!! :D

Rána Eressëa
04-08-2002, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by TinuvielChild
'it's like a splinter in your mind..'
'there is no spoon' :D

No! There is a Spoon! And it's HUGO'S!


The Matrix is a very splendid, splendid film. Agent Smith is the coolest. :D

04-08-2002, 03:45 PM
My favorite scenes are the night club,dojo scene, Cypher's killing spree, cypher's death and fight in train station.

People can get info on the new movie@ whatisthematrix.com and intothematrix.net:D

04-20-2002, 01:08 PM
oh yeah and cypher's line "Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, cause Kansas...is goin' byebye". i love that one!

Lady of Darkness
04-23-2002, 04:01 PM
Matrix=Awesome!!!!! recently Shirechild declamed part of THE MATRIX. Good tip: Never watch Matrix w/ Shirechild unless you want to be driven insane. she knows EVERY SINGLE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lady of Darkness
04-27-2002, 09:45 AM
What's your fav. scene from the Matrix? Mine has gotta be when Neo goes in to get out Morpheus:
*beep* *beep*
security guard: Please remove all keys, change, loose items
Neo opens jacket to expose a ton of guns
Security guard: holy sh**!!!!!!
Neo rips out two Machine guns and starts spraying
I'm as bad as SHIRECHILD!!!!!!!!
well, sort of
At least I don't go around randomly quoting the Matrix!! :p :p ;)

Lady of Darkness
04-27-2002, 09:56 AM
Shirechild and TinuvielChild
you are making me laugh my head off and if I die, what would you do? (Probably keep watching the Matrix!:( :( ) Just out of curiosity, Shirechild, how long is the illegal script?

Glorious Glorfindel
04-27-2002, 11:59 AM
matrix is cool, i saw it in german in our library! tee hee. i can't quote it word for word, but i have seen it enough times.

04-28-2002, 03:49 PM
Das Matrix....i hope the German AP class gets to watch it, lucky German AP. my German teacher thought it was boring! can you believe it??? and she hated Holy Grail! this is just scary. um LoD, i think i can possibly top shirechild when it comes to Matrix-quoting, not to be competitive. ;) the illegal script is what, 122 pages? something insane like that. i'm the one that printed it for her, but that was quite a while ago.

Lady of Darkness
05-03-2002, 08:40 PM
Yah, but were you the one who had to suffer through before school, lunch, and during school of her quoting the Matrix? I Don't Think So. anyway, You printed it out for her??!!! How could you do this to the entire world TC??!! we're all doomed!! (just like the one ring) (and sauron) (and sauraman) (and, um um um, oh yeh! wormtongue). (*shakes head at TC*) HEHEHEHE found LOTR script online!:D :D