View Full Version : The Fourth Age: Ithilien's Bane

Nariel Starfire
03-24-2002, 02:11 PM
Okay, this is where The Fourth Age RPG will go on. SO I'll start.

"You must go," her father had said. "The kings will take the request more seriously if you do."
So Eruwyn rode to Minas Tirith. When she had left her home, all the watchtowers surrounding the city were flaming. It wasn't long before her home would be surrounded by flames. She whispered to her horse and it picked up its pace, galloping ever closer to Minas Tirith.

Handmaiden of Yavanna
03-24-2002, 05:16 PM
She had to hand it to Legolas. Even though it had not been long since the company of elves had arrived in Minas Tirith, it was already looking better.

When he had come back to Mirkwood, after gallivanting of to Rivendell for that secret council of the races that everyone had known about, Legolas Greenleaf had returned with colors flying victoriously and of all things at his side, a dwarf. It had been quite baffling at the time to Anariel, but she had also just been recovering from her wound at the time. The physicians had told her she would never be able to use her left arm again, after that orc arrow had literally split the bone in two, but she had refused to listen. Now she could use it for just about anything, expect shooting arrows. That bit of information had pained her greatly, but she refused to let it get her down.

Anariel sat on a work stool in her shop, meticulously shaving the arrowhead to the exact shape needed for a hunting arrow. She needed to get it and eleven more done before the coming week when the huntsman Morgon would come for them. She was content in the mortal's city, not happy, but content, for she missed the green and gray eaves of Mirkwood greatly, and her heart yearned for the sound of a natural brook, not like the many man made ones that scattered the city. But she was not complaining.

Setting the arrow down and walking to the window, she peered out over the distance. Since she had fought bravely beside his father and had been wounded, Legolas Greenleaf had decided to reward Anariel by giving her a shop in the west tower of Minas Tirith. From her window she could see for miles. She looked out harder to the west. Over twilight's deepening horizon she could see in her keen elvish sight a scene that gave her chills. A burning building, coiled in harsh red and orange flames stained the landscape….

Nazgûl Queen
04-03-2002, 05:16 AM
Kalome rode slowly along the road, revelling in the beauty of Middleearth. For weeks she had been travelling to Gondor, bearing tidings from the Northern Rangers of whom she was now head, but the journey never failed to delight her. Around every bend in the road she felt some new delight. As she contemplated with joy the thought of seeing her dear frined Aragorn again, when she heard a strange sound from the bushes.

She had just enough time to lead her horse into the trees on the opposite side of the road, when she saw a dark shadow flit across the road. Curious about its origins, she quickened her pace, hoping that the King would have information about the strange creatures that they had been seeing for the past few months. Soon she arrived at Meduseld, from whence she planned to borrow another horse to replace her now exhausted steed, and visit Eomer. She rode into the stables and left her horse in the care of the grooms, entering the Golden Hall.

04-03-2002, 06:50 AM
Imarwen stood there awaiting the new guest. "Greetings" she said "My name is Imarwen" She bowed slightly meanwhile she studied the new arrival. A ranger she thought, it's been a while one of them visited the Golden hall. She seemed to remember vaguely that this particular ranger had visited Meduseld before. Must be a friend of the King's then, she mused. Imarwen was curious of what would be the cause of this visit. But she knew better than to question visitors overmuch. She merely hoped the ranger would stay long enough to tell some stories. Imarwen was rather fond of stories, especially those concerning the end of the previous aera."Follow me, I will take you to your room." she said with a smile. She lead Kalome through the corridors untill they reached the guest quaters. "Here you may refresh yourself. Tonight there is banquet. Call when there is anything you need." With this she took leave of the ranger.

Eruviel Greenleaf
04-05-2002, 02:58 AM
Nimmorn lept to his feet, seeing Legolas walking toward him. He had been leaning against a tree, waiting. 'We are done planting these trees, Legolas. We were waiting for your return, that we might move on. I believe I speak for all of us when I say that I have tired of the city, and wish to be out in Ithilien again. But we have done good work here, it looks much more alive. A vast improvement.' The few other elves around him stood also. Behind them, it seemed they had put a piece of the wilder parts of Ithilien into the city. Trees and flowers grew, looking more alive than the White City had in a long time.

Handmaiden of Yavanna
04-06-2002, 11:57 AM
Anariel had not rested that night. The sight of the burning building had kept her mind from fairer things and all she could se in her mind's eye was fire eating away at itself.

She had gone down the next morning to see if she could help with any planting or rebuilding that might be done to try to relieve her aching spirit. She found a group of her kinsfolk gathered around Legolas. She heard the elf known as Nimmorn express a desire to leave the city. But Anariel felt, after her restless night, that if they did leave, disaster might encroach upon Ithilien.

"Your highness, I beg to defer," Anariel said stepping forward, "I belive there might be something of evil consequences coming to Minas Tirith. For it was just yester eve that I saw in the distance a building going up in flames upon the horizon. Something evil maybe approaching the White City an I believe it is our duty to help the mortals in their time of need if it may come."

04-18-2002, 04:56 PM
Imarwen rode through the fields. She had a few houres off before she was needed again in the Golden Hall and she used it to exercise her horse. The small sandcoloured mare sure enjoyed these outings and so did Imarwen. She took delight in the openness of the plains and her thoughts often went as far as the horizon. She looked east for she knew Gondor was there and so was Minas Tirith. In her mind she tried to recall the maps she had once seen of this places. Imarwen had never been there but she wondered how it would be like there.

Suddenly she saw something moving from the corner of her eye. She turned her head quickly but could not distinguish anything out of the ordinary. "Funny" she said to herself, "I could have sworn...." She didn't finish the sentence for her mare had enough of standing still and indicated she wanted to run again. Imarwen smiled and forgot what had happened. She patted the horse's neck and said "Allright, you win. We have to go home anyway." With this she turned the horse and returned to the Golden Hall.

Nariel Starfire
04-18-2002, 05:03 PM
Eruwyn arrived at Minas Tirith not long after sunset. The gates were just being closed as she arrived and she had to beg the guards to let her enter. As She made her way up to the gand hall, she noticed many staring at her as she passed. She must have been a sight, hair blown back by the wind, clothes worn from nonstop riding, but at last she entered th Great Hall. "I must speak with the King," she said.

Handmaiden of Yavanna
04-26-2002, 05:59 PM
Legolas seemed to take Anariel's request to thought and said nothing. His blond hair glinted golden in the sun.

The sound of the city gates opening, turned the elve's attention to the gates. A young girl upon a horse rode in. Anariel stepped forward and looked at the girl curiously. She looked as though she had been riding for a long time without pause. The girl looked at the group briefly with interest than continued on inside the main castle of the King.

Unable to hold back her curiosity Anariel quietly slipped from the group of elves and followed the girl. She followed her up the stairs, Anariel's soft elvish step unheard by the mortal maid. The girl opened the doors of the great hall, a spray of wind flowing back, rustling Anariel's dress. The maid entered and went up to a guard.

"I must speak to the king." She said urgently.

The guard looked at her oddly and turned to his companion. They spoke for a moment that turned to her chuckling.

"Dear maid, you must have an appointment with the King to see him." Said the guard sarcastically.

Anariel stepped forward from the shadows of the doorway where she had remained hidden.

"Dear sirs," She said announcing her presence.

The guards and maid turned at the sound of her voice, loud and demanding. Beign an elf she had the upper hand in the city.

"I believe the King has no business at this moment, pray, why can't she see him?"

They looked at her in alarm, for if she were to tell Legolas of their behavior, he would certainly tell the king and their jobs would be lost.

"Uh, my Lady Elf, we didn't know that he had no-"

"Well, considering he doesn't I don't see any reason in not letting her in," Anariel answered. She looked at the girl. The maid's face held relief and thanks. Anariel managed a grin.

The guards stuutered apologies as they opened the doors to the King's Hall...

Nariel Starfire
04-27-2002, 12:07 AM
"'Tis fine," said Eruwyn to the Elf. "Thank you for your help, but I do have an appointment. I am appointed by Faramir, Prince of Ithilien, to speak with King Elessar of Gondor."

THe men looked at her, confused for a moment, then realized the joke. "My, Lady," one of them stepped forward. "That is not the appointment to which we referred. However, the Lady Elf is right. THe King has no business now. I will see to it that you have an audience with him." The man left, then returned. "My Lady, the King requests that you join him in his dining hall.

Eruwyn followed the guards to the said hall. There, at the head of the table, with an elven woman next to him, sat Elessar. He looked up at her and she bowed. His eyes widened with recognition. "Lady," he addressed her. "Are you not Eruwyn, daughter of Faramir? Was it so long ago that you are now grown?"

Eruwyn looked up from her bow. "Aye, my lord. It has been many a year since I have see thee."

'And what, pray, brings you here in such a hurry?" he asked, motioning for her to sit down.
"Nay, my lord, I am afraid I cannot sit. I must ride on to Rohan. For Ithilien has been attacked. I have come to beg your assistance. My city is in flames."

Handmaiden of Yavanna
04-28-2002, 12:32 PM
Anariel turned to leave till she heard a bit of the maid's conversation with the King as she was turning to return to her kinsmen. The maid said somthing about a city in flames. Anariel remembered the scence from the night before, and turned.

"Pray forgive me for interrupting, your highness," She said upon entering the hall, "But I have a question for the maid. This city of yours, is it perchance, to the west?" She asked...

Nariel Starfire
05-04-2002, 02:51 PM
"Nay," said Eruwyn. "'Tis East, the capital of Ithilien. My father and mother are there, fighting side by side to end this. However, for whatever reason, The southrons and Easterlings have attacked, leaving us surrounded. it was our last hope to call upon thy help, my lord."

Elessar acknowledged her, then turned to the Elf. "Friend, why do you ask this? Surely you know Ithilien lies to the east of Gondor."

Finrod Felagund
05-16-2002, 08:29 AM
"Master Legolas" a whisper startled Legolas into turning around. "Fimbren" he laughed, "Are you back from visiting Treebeard?"
"Listen Legolas" frowned Fimbren, "strange things are happening and I must ride, first to Minas Ithil and then Minas Tirith, and whither then, I cannot say. Farewell, until our next meeting. By the way Nimmorn, I may come back for your help. I feel it will be neccesary" He mounted his horse, Nahar, and was gone in seconds.
Legolas shook his head and went back to work.
"Noldor" he muttered, "how very strange"
Nimmorn laughed.

Meldien Eruantalë
05-16-2002, 09:39 AM
OOC: ok i'm confused as to who's from where. Legolas' group is from Mirkwood/Eryn Lasgalen right? cuz i'm pretty sure someone said they wanted to be back in Ithilien...*sigh* whatever i'll just post...


Meldien, who had been wandering about the vast confines of the great white city, approached Legolas from behind. Her steps were silent, as elves' footsteps are wont to be.

"Legolas." she said, startling the elvish prince slightly. He turned to face her, a friendly smile on his face.

"Yes, Meldien?" he queried, raising one eyebrow.

"Why does Fimbren ride with such haste?" her countenance changed from that of laughter to that of anxiety, "He has not ridden so fast since the War."

Legolas' face became grave, "I am troubled also, for he said that strange things were happening, but did not stay long enough to elaborate. Something tells me there are foul plots afoot, for I smell smoke in the air even now." He squinted his eyes as he looked up at the bright noon sky and turned his face in the direction of the wind. "It comes from the East. That does not bode well." he said, shaking his head.

"I don't think the power of Mordor could be resurrected without the presence of it's master...yet I feel your anxiety." said Meldien. She opened her mouth to say something else, but thought better of it. Why ruin a beautiful day with talk of dark things? She put her hand on Legolas' shoulder reassuringly and walked away, towards Ecthelion, where she hoped she might get an audience with the king. She dearly wished to speak with her old friend Estel again...

Finrod Felagund
05-16-2002, 02:05 PM
ooc: yes originally rhey're from Mirkwood but they are currently in Gondor (Ithilien or Minas Tirith I'm not sure)

Finrod Felagund
05-16-2002, 02:08 PM
Fimbren rode quickly to Minas Ithil. The town was inhabited again but the tower...none had entered since Sauron's defeat, it still helt too much terror. But now, Minas Ithil was in flames.
"NO!!!" shouted Fimbren as he urged Nahar into the city.

Handmaiden of Yavanna
05-16-2002, 05:05 PM
"Tis nothing your highness, I just thought I saw a city burn upon the western horizon last eve, I beg forgiveness for my interuption." Anariel answered.

Eruviel Greenleaf
05-16-2002, 06:26 PM
Nimmorn sighed, watching the East, where Fimbren had ridden. He wished he were riding with Fimbren, rather than here in Ithilien, where everything was tense, with a sense of foreboding, from the words of Meldien and Fimbren. Nimmorn was not one to wait on the sidelines; he preferred to be in the thick of things. "Perhaps it is time to sail West," he said to himself. He looked out toward Minas Ithil again--and saw flame in the distance. The city was on fire.
He jumped down from the rock ledge he was seated on, and ran to find Legolas.

Nariel Starfire
05-16-2002, 11:32 PM
Eruwyn took her leave of Elessar quickly and rode forth to Rohan. Thus she met none, no travellers. Twas strange, she thought.
When she reached Meduseld, she found the people hiding in their homes, afraid to even greet her. The Golden Hall was nearly dark and there sat Eomer. "My lord uncle," she began. "I come with disparaging news."

"I know, dear niece. I have seen it."

"Would you help us? FOr without the Riders, all is lost."

"Aye," said Eomer. "We ride forth tomorrow morn."

05-17-2002, 03:45 AM
Imarwen reached the stables and readied her horse for the night. A stable boy came to her. "Your mother is looking for you. She isn't pleased."
"When is she ever?" said Imarwen
"She doesn't like it that you go out riding in times like these."
"Rohan is safe still. I don't feel like hiding from a danger that is still far off and Merrah needed excercise."
The stable boy raised an eyebrow.
"You can excercise Merrah closer to Meduseld too. She said if you neglected your duties much longer, she might marry you off. Although she might not have meant that."
"What duties?" asked Imarwen concerned
"Afraid of getting married?" He said jokingly
Imarwen rolled her eyes but smiled nevertheless. "What duties?" she asked again.
"Well, welcoming visitors is one of your duties, isn't it?"
"There was a visitor?"
"Yes, a young woman. Came from Gondor, I believe. Went straight to the King."
Imarwen cursed slightly and raced to the Golden Hall.

Finrod Felagund
05-17-2002, 08:26 AM
Fimbren saw many people running and screaming. When they saw him many stopped and stared. Fimbren didn't stop, he rode up to the gate of the Tower and with a word it opened and he rode in. The people of the town were shocked, no one had ever gone into the tower. They had to find Prince Faramir and master Legolas and tell them.

Fimbren however was taken with a great shuddering as soon as he entered the tower's courtyard. He remembered that feeling at the battle when Angmar was defeated in the north. As soon as he dismounted, Nahar ran quickly back out into the city, terror ahold. Fimbren shook his head, Nahar was only a horse. Gripped by fear, Fimbren put his hand on the door and pushed it open...

Finrod Felagund
05-17-2002, 02:01 PM
OOC: I'll be away until next Thursday so don't involve me too much. You can discover that I've gone into the tower but DON'T go in after me, this part is a personal quest partly. When I come back i'll reappear from the tower and explain. Remember the terror is too much for most, almost even for me, an Elf of Valinor who had seen the two trees.

05-19-2002, 09:06 PM
Christiana held council w/ the King.
"Aragorn, what should we do?"
"Im not sure. How many mouted warriors do we have in the City?"
"500, including Elves."
"Take 300 & lead them to the help of Faramir.I will wait here 4 Eomer. Good luck Christa."
"U 2 Aragorn."
With that, Christa went to gather 300 mounted warriors.

Nariel Starfire
05-20-2002, 11:57 AM
ooc:okay, I'm going to wait for Imarwen to post, and then we'll ride forth.

Nariel Starfire
05-20-2002, 12:32 PM
okay, nevermind waiting for Imarwen:

Eruwyn arose before the sunrise to oversee the gathering of the Riders. As she sat on her mount, a horseman approached her, smiling.

"Good day, my lady." he said.

"Good day. Are you not also a rider? For I believe i hav eseen you before."

The man smiled. "Aye. I am Revamir, son of Eomer."

Eruwyn choked. "You are Revamir? Has it been so long since I have seenyou that I do not recognize you?"

"Aye, cousin. I only recognized you because my father told me that you were here. 'Tis good to see you again."

"Aye." said Eruwyn. She was surprised that Revamir had grown up. Last time she had seen him, he had pulled her hair and chased her around the Golden Hall. "'Tis good. Why do you not travel to Ithilien more often?"

05-20-2002, 12:53 PM
Imarwen was helping loading luggage on the horses. She still blushed from the scolding she had received from her mother the night before. Her mother had told Imarwen she wouldn't be allowed to leave Meduseld for two weeks. Imarwen had replied hotly that she wasn't a child anymore. That hadn't approved her mother's temper at all. Imarwen briefly wondered who was more embarrassed about her forgetting her duties: her mother or herself. So she had mentally prepared herself for two weeks of confinement in Meduseld.

But then this morning a squire had informed her she was to join the servants at the stables. There she was told she would ride with the supply wagons. Well as far as punishment for forgetting her duties went, Imarwen didn't mind. It sure was better than sitting in Meduseld for two weeks, thought Imarwen. She smiled to herself. And Merrah would get all the exercise she could handle.....

05-20-2002, 10:58 PM
Christa mustered the swiftest & best riders in Gondor. Among them were...(come on guys...)

Eruviel Greenleaf
05-21-2002, 12:35 AM
Nimmorn paced back and forth among the trees, singing softly to himself. He climbed a tree to the top, and looked off toward the East, where still he could see smoke rising from the tower.
That was it, he decided. He would do something. He would respect Fimbren's wishes and not follow to Minas Ithil, but he would not stay in Ithilien waiting.
He prepared to ride to the West, to Minas Tirith, where he would see what was being done there. Perhaps he could help somehow. . .
Just as he was about to ride away, he saw Legolas running toward him.
"Stay here, Nimmorn," He said.

05-27-2002, 01:47 PM
er, is it just me or is our rpg dying down a bit?:(

Eruviel Greenleaf
05-27-2002, 02:23 PM
ooc: that is something best said in The Fourth Age thread, which is for discussing this RPG. . .anyway, why don't you post if you think it's dying?

05-27-2002, 06:34 PM
Saddleing Lightfall,Christiana bade her company to ride hard behind her. They thundered out of the gates, most of them galloping, but Lightfall, Shadowwfax's daughter cantering "slowly" ahead, w/ Christiana on her back.

Nariel Starfire
05-31-2002, 12:07 PM
The Riders rode on, and in record time they had arrived at Minas Tirith. One night they stayed in the city and the next morning at dawn they rode forth, an odd company of Men and elves. At the head were Eruwyn and Revamir and the lead elf [whoever wants can play this part.]

06-02-2002, 10:43 PM
When Eruwyn caught up w/ Christiana, they joined forses, making 7,000 men, woman, and Elves.

06-11-2002, 04:10 PM
OOC: Bump

The army, now with significant numbers still pressed on. The pace was set high, it was important to reach their destiny soon. Yet not many knew what to expect when they got there. At night around the numerous campfires speculation soared high. But it remained only speculation and guesses. No one really knew what to expect and that caused for some unrest. Some even wondered whether their leaders knew what lay ahead. Yet confidence in the leaders and the strenght of the army remained high throughout the journey. Whatever it was, they felt they could handle it.

Finrod Felagund
06-12-2002, 12:24 PM
Fimbren crept through the halls of what had once been called the tower of the rising moon. It's terror was immense but he knew he had to get to the top of the tower to accomplish what he had come to do.

Nariel Starfire
06-12-2002, 04:48 PM
OOC: It doesn't seem like Revamir's still around, So I'll take over his character.


Eruwyn, Christiana, Revamir, and Legolas sat together around a fire. None said anything, except the Elf, who sang to himself quietly. They all knew that danger lay ahead, though in what form was a mystery. And therefore they enjoyed one another's company as the restless forces slept.

The next morning, the rode forth at dawn. Eruwyn, Revamir, and Christiana were at the head of the army, whereas Legolas rode in the rear. Before noon they had reached Minas Ithil. Eruwyn and her fellow leaders presented themselves to Faramir, who smiled and gave them his blessing. The Fires had taken away much of what the elves had resotred, and the people were now in hiding, sheltering themselves in vast caves dug under the city. Gathering up her army, Eruwyn at once rode forth to fight the evils attacking their land. But what she, and indeed anyone else did not know, was that it was not orcs they were fighting. It was Men.

And this, indeed, would be a War pitting Man against fellow Man.

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-12-2002, 11:51 PM
ooc: wait, what am I supposed to be doing, eh? How did Legolas end up with Eruwyn and co.? I'm a bit confused, now. . .

06-13-2002, 04:15 AM
OOC: I think he was picked up in Minas Tirith.

06-13-2002, 04:40 AM
OOC: Just read through the RPG now, expect a post soon... ... ... :D

- Falathion

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-13-2002, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Eärniel
OOC: I think he was picked up in Minas Tirith.
Legolas or Nimmorn? Wait, I was just talking to Legolas...sorry, I'm just a bit confused now...:confused:

06-14-2002, 10:31 AM
OOC: Let's just assume both elves joined Eruwyn's army in Minas Tirith then.:cool:

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-14-2002, 01:23 PM
ooc: Okay, I guess that works...sorry guys, I was a little confused, and I know I haven't posted in a while--will soon, I promise.

06-22-2002, 01:03 AM
"Everyone,get 2 bed,"said Christiana."We ride hard tomorrow."

06-26-2002, 07:38 AM
Imarwen sorted through her little bag of luggage before going to sleep. She had been told to travel light so she shouldn't take unnecesairy luggage. Not that she had brought that much with her from Rohan anyway. She had taking out the knifes, she would wear them from now on. Which left some herbs to treat cuts and sorts, a pair of spare boots, some spare clothes, a blanket, some personal supplies and the things she needed for Merrah, her horse. Good enough she decided. Her mind was still dancing a little bit with the sights she had seen these few days: Gondor, Minas Tirith and now Ithilien. She shook her head to clear it and decided to check on Merrah before turning in.

06-29-2002, 12:34 AM
"My friends,"Christiana said,"The scouts report no orcs,but many Easterlings and Haradrim.We must sharpen our wepons.Once whe get a better idea of the situation,we should split up into two groups,and come at MI from the north and south.East are the mt.of Shadow:They will have a hard time crossing them.West is Gondor and the people of Ithlian."

"Don't forget Mirkwood,"Legolas said,"Eruwyn,do u and Revimir want to go to the s or n?I shall go w/ Christa."

Eruwyn said"I would like the..."

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-29-2002, 02:51 AM
Nimmorn had been sitting the shadows, musing over the events of the past few days. As Christa spoke, he suddenly decided to say something. He was sick of being ignored by the others. "I will go to the North."

The others looked at him in surprise. They had forgotten his presence until then. . .

06-29-2002, 03:49 PM
ooc:i didnt know you were there

07-03-2002, 10:58 AM
"Hey Imarwen, did you hear the news?" Imarwen turned as she heard her name, one of the riders also assigned to take care of the supplies was walking towards her. She knew his name was Fergred. "No", she said "what's the news?" I've spoken to one of the scouts when he came back. It seems we're not up against orcs but people of the East and the South." "Really? What will happen now?" "Well," said Fergred "The army will probably split up." "And where will we go?" asked Imarwen. "Where ever our Prince wants us to go."was the reply.

OOC: This is my last post this month. I'm leaving for a holidaytrip this evening. I doubt that this RPG will progress any faster during that period but any one who feel like it can post for Imarwen as well as long as it's fits Imarwen character. See you next month! :)

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-10-2002, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by Christiana
ooc:i didnt know you were there

ooc: nobody seems to know I'm there...oh well.

07-10-2002, 07:14 AM
OOC: Right now I am a little confused as to what is happening in this RPG and what is to happen... because of this I will have to delay my entrance untill I see things more clearly ;)

Untill then, have fun!

- Falathion

07-10-2002, 12:54 PM
im going away 2day 4 3 1/2 weeks.bye:)

Nariel Starfire
07-23-2002, 05:14 PM
"I will go..."
Eruwyn thought. It was a difficult decision. Go to the South and face Lebennin at its widest, and most likely the brunt of the attack or to the north and face the dead marshes. The thought of that made her shiver. As she weighed the possibilities, Eruwyn realised that the enemy would expect them to come from the north, bringing reinforcements from the city. An attack from the south would be much less foreseen.
"I will go to the South. I should like a small company of Elves at least. And a good ratio of Gondoreans, Rohirrim, and Ithiliens. Legolas, where shall you go?"

08-05-2002, 02:35 PM
"i shall go w/ Christa 2 the north.will u come w/ us Nimmorn?and who will go w/ Eruwyn?"

08-14-2002, 03:05 PM
OOC: I'd like to know who's still awake or possibly alive here. Who's still playing?

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-14-2002, 03:09 PM
ooc: I'm still alive. . .and hiding in the shadows. . .

"I will go to the North," Nimmorn said.

Nariel Starfire
08-14-2002, 03:31 PM
still here...

"I should like Revamir to accompany me, and... You." Eruwyn turned and pointed to a young human who was pretending to brush a horse, but was obviously listening. "What is your name?"
"Uh, Uh, I'm, Imarwen."
"Good, Imarwen. You will accompany me to the South. As for Gondoreans and elves, who shall go with me? Certainly there is one Elf here who tires of immortality and wishes himself a chance at death," she joked. No one laughed.

08-14-2002, 04:02 PM
OOC: Glad to see this up and running again. ;) Thanks for drawing me back into the story, Nariel, I was a little lost what to do with Imarwen further. She's human, though, Rohirrim. :)

So much for some inconspicuous eavesdropping, Imarwen thought. She should have known better than trying, really. She never had been good at it. But she felt no shame at being caught, in fact she was getting a little excited with the journey south ahead of her. She stayed put, brushed and listened.

08-15-2002, 09:07 PM
"it is settled then.wwe depart at dawn.get some sleep.you'll need it."

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-15-2002, 09:10 PM
Nimmorn decided to speak once more. "Should we not depart now? We have little time as it is, and we ought to waste none, not even to wait for morning's light. The darkness will not bother the elves." He said this last bit with a touch of a superior air.

08-15-2002, 09:36 PM
sure.lets leg it!

OOC:my character is an 1/8 elf :rolleyes:

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-15-2002, 09:39 PM
ooc: a. 1/8th won't be much help in that regard. b. Please, please, please don't use abbreviations and contemperary phrases. It's really, really annoying. Oh, and are you going North or South? You never said...

08-15-2002, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Christiana
"i shall go w/ Christa 2 the north.will u come w/ us Nimmorn?and who will go w/ Eruwyn?"

ooc:me,Legolas,and u r going north

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-15-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Christiana
ooc:me,Legolas,and u r going north

ooc: Oh, right...yeah, Christa never said where she was going; I was confused...and is it just the three of us or do we have an army. . .I guess I haven't really been following very closely :rolleyes:

08-15-2002, 10:08 PM
ooc:hmm...we have 7,000 mounted wairrors.

bic:We shall lead 3,500 warriors north.

ooc:im not good at terrain! help me eg!

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-15-2002, 10:14 PM
One of the soldiers approached the two elves, and Christa. "Milady, we cannot ride by night. My men need sleep. We are not elves, to ride about through the night."
Nimmorn laughed. "Perhaps we shall have to make the time for that, then."
Legolas nodded. "I suppose we must consider that they are men. Aye, let us depart at dawn."

ooc: I'll help with terrain, then :)

08-15-2002, 10:17 PM
ooc:thank u.by:)

Nariel Starfire
08-16-2002, 12:00 PM
Eruwyn grimaced. 3500 soldiers to the north would man another 3500 south. So many she did not wish to take.
"To divide our army in half would not be wise. The enemy shall expect a northern attack, and therefore we should indulge their expectations by sending the brunt of our forces there. I would wish only five hundred at the most. The enemy will gather northerly."

08-16-2002, 09:54 PM
"on the other hand,that sounds wise."

ooc:Okay,Nariel,im sorry if im taking control too much.:( :o

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-17-2002, 04:41 AM
"Perhaps," Legolas said, "If we send some to come at them from the South, they will not be expecting that. If you take your five hundred to the South, someone else takes 4,000 around to ambush the enemy, and the remaining 2,500 go to the North to scout the area, and provide back-up support?"

Nimmorn sat down, and waited for the plans to be made--that was not his part. But he thought, instead, of the flaming city and what was happening in the tower of Minas Morgul. He had a curiosity that drove him, and he was almost desperate to seek out an answer. He had an odd feeling about it...he rose, and hesitantly interrupted the three planners. "I wish to go to Minas Morgul."

08-17-2002, 06:25 AM
OOC: I'm a little confused.... Minas Morgul is Minas Ithil, right? Or at least I thought it was. We just came from there, didn't we? What's the use of going back?:confused:

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-17-2002, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Eärniel
OOC: I'm a little confused.... Minas Morgul is Minas Ithil, right? Or at least I thought it was. We just came from there, didn't we? What's the use of going back?:confused:

Yeah, same city. Actually, at the end of the book, it says that the city was left, because the evil there was too great, but anyway...no, I don't think we all just came from there. Nimmorn didn't, anyway. And there's something in the tower. . .Didn't most of us come from Minas Tirith, though? Anyway, Nimmorn has a reason to go there. Er.

08-17-2002, 02:22 PM
"very well,"Christiana replied.

"Nimmorn,will u come w/ us?"Legolas asked."I think we will ambush the enemy,as u said,w/ 4,000."

ooc:aroundeg? what do u mean"around"?Through the Pass of Cirith Ungol?:confused:

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-17-2002, 02:50 PM
ooc: argh. I need a map! Anyway, Legolas suggested the ambush; not Nimmorn. Nimmorn doesn't do strategic planning--his skill is in personal decisions and such. :D But anyway, er, please pay more attention to what I say!

Nimmorn glanced at Legolas. "I cannot. Something calls me to Minas Morgul; I must heed this call. I feel there is something there I need to do. All I await is your permission."
Legolas nodded. "Though we greatly need your skill with us, I say you may go. Good luck to you--may the stars shine upon your path."
Nimmorn nodded. "I thank you. Fare well, and luck be with you in your task as well. Cuio mae, Lady Christa."

Nimmorn went to his horse, and soon had left, riding East to the burning city.

08-18-2002, 01:16 PM
ooc:okay,guess we'll wait for NS.im going awat for 1 week,dont do too mugh without me!bye!

08-27-2002, 03:18 PM
OOC: I hope I got it sort of right, this thread is a little confusing. :)

The rest watched Nimmorn depart. Imarwen wondered just what the elf had to go to Minas Morgul for. It didn't sound like such a nice place. But hey, it was his choice.

Meanwhile the other leaders broke up the meeting. Eruwyn would go south and Revamir would accompany her. And so would about a 1000 soldiers. The remaining 6000 would follow Christa and Legolas north. The next morning, before dawn the army was already divided and ready and eager to go.

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-28-2002, 02:43 AM
Nimmorn rode swiftly, enjoying the evening air as he sped on toward the burning city, almost forgetting the danger of his quest. But his odd feeling about the tower was not the only thing that drove him toward that accursed place. He needed to get away from some of the company; he preffered his solitude and was easily annoyed by others at times.

08-30-2002, 02:43 PM
Early in the morning, the groups rode forth, Eruwyn to the south with about a thousand, and Legolas, Christa, and about six thousands riding north. Eruwyn longed to see her father again before she left, but knew it was not possible. As they rode, she and Revamir spent many hours speaking, relating stories of their growing up, since they had not seen one another in many a year...

09-21-2002, 04:23 PM
OOC: Nariel? what happened to your Nariel Starfire adres?

Eruwyn had sent out scouts who checked out the lands ahead. It was important that the enemy didn't learn of the small southren army until it was too late.

Imarwen knelt next to Fergred on the ground. "What is it?" "Ashes." said the rider. "There was a fire here, a few days ago. But it was camouflaged afterwards. Orcs never do that, so it isn't orcs we're fighting." "Who then?" asked Imarwen. The rider shrugged. "I don't know, but we better report this back." Both rohirrim ascended their horses and rode back to camp. Eruwyn and Remavir already awaited the arrival of scouts.

"We've found the remains of a fire, a few miles ahead. It must have been a few days old. It was well hidden." reported Imarwen. Another pair of scouts reported a simular sight a few miles more to the east. Some scouts never came back at all.

Eruviel Greenleaf
09-21-2002, 04:35 PM
ooc: I'm a little confused as to how far away from Minas Morgul we are, so I'm assuming close enough to get to non-stop...

Nimmorn rode on until he reached the tower. Smoke rose from the city surrounding it, and he heard screams...He shook his head and dismounted from his tired horse. There was a stream here, and he led the horse to it so it could drink.

Now he had to face the horror of the tower.

09-23-2002, 10:33 PM
Eruwyn was concerned about the scouts that didn't return. Someone now knew they were here. And that didn't make her very happy. Heading up an army, even one this small, separated her from her troops. There was no one to share her burden. No one to give her counsel. She wished Legolas had come along. He would have been useful.

Before long, they came upon an open meadow. And there were the bodies of her scouts, on poles, as warnings to her. They knew.

09-24-2002, 10:05 PM
Christiana was about to call a halt when Legolas suddenly shot his bow.There was a crash,and then legions of Men came down against them.Drawing her sword,she prepared to do battle.

Eruviel Greenleaf
09-25-2002, 05:24 AM
Meanwhile, Nimmorn stood before the burning tower, staring at the flames in the distance. Then he heard something behind him...thankful to his foresight that led him to string his bow, he turned, nocked an arrow, and looked into the darkness...

...before him was an orc. Strange, to see one, even here, as all the orcs had fled to the east...

...he shot. The arrow hit the orc between the eyes, and it shrieked before falling to the ground, dead. Nimmorn cursed; the cry would probably alert any other orcs that might be around. Hearing a sound to the right, he turned, drawing another arrow--and faced another elf.

09-25-2002, 01:50 PM
The discovery of the bodies of the missing scouts had been a nasty shock. Eruwyn's small army had left the open meadow as soon as possible after burying the remains of the scouts. They still pressed foreward even now they had lost the element of surprise.

Imarwen felt uneasy, a thousand men suddenly didn't seem enough to be safe. She remembered the bodies on the meadow and shuddered. Again she checked her knives, she had been doing so nearly every ten minutes but the familiar feel of the knives eased her troubled mind a little. She wasn't the only tense one, the better part of the army was alert and weary. Even Eruwyn their leader seemed ill at ease, though she masked it well. Imarwen briefly wondered how it would feel being responsible of 1000 soldiers.

Finrod Felagund
09-26-2002, 01:59 PM
OOC: Fimbren is still inside the tower so I don't know who the guy who Nimmorn met is and it would be best if Nimmorn didn't come in the tower...yet.
So what is in the north and what is in the south?

Finrod Felagund
09-26-2002, 02:08 PM
After several hours of searching, Fimbren found his way to the stairway that led to the tower's top. The opened the door and was confronted by something he had not expected. There was one of the Fell-Beasts, like the Nazgul had flown on, but riding it was the Mouth of Sauron. Everyone thought that this sorceror had been killed but now, Fimbren saw, his own power had allowed him to escape. Fimbren slowly drew his sword, Ringil, Fingolfin's sword, and walked towards the beast which turned towards him. It screamed and Fimbren lunged. The fell beast leapt from the tower and the rider fell several feet from Fimbren. While the Mouth of Sauron stood and drew his weapon, the fell beast swooped down on the villagers who remained in Minas Ithil and the unsuspecting two elves below.

09-29-2002, 09:27 PM
It was night, and Eruwyn at least had enough sense to post elves as guards. She, Revamir, Imarwen, and the other leaders sat around a small fire (they had risked one, reasoning that the enemy already knew where they were) and discussed their tactics. "Starting tomorrow, we ride in battle formation. I want the Rohirrim in front, then the Elves and Gondoreans, and the Ithiliens in the rear. We'll be on full alert from now on."

The others debated this and Eruwyn sat quietly, hearing each point of view and nodding. Finally, she looked at Imarwen.

"What do you think?"

09-30-2002, 09:37 PM
Christiana addressed her followers
"friends,tomorrow we begin battle for Ithilien.At first light,Cheyanne will howl to Eruwyn.If there is a smoke signal,we will charge on the north bank,while they charge on the south."
Legolas:"get some rest."

In the morning, they assembled.a howl rose in the still air...

ooc:Nariel,this is ur signal!

10-01-2002, 07:12 AM
OOC: Hah! I'm promoted to one of the leaders now! :D Yeay! Don't mind me I had a funny day today. :rolleyes:

back to last night:
Imarwen remained silent for a while before answering. When she spoke, she spoke slowly and thoughtful.
"It is wise to ride in battle-formation, it'll keep us from being surprised. Yet the trouble is that we do not know who we are battling! Apart from traces of campfires and camp sites we haven't had any real sighting of the enemy. It's disturbing. We do not know their numbers, tactics or strenghts. And I've got the feeling that they know ours much too well. It is as we're constantly being watched. If it comes to blows, which it doubtlessly will, we won't survive without our Northern army now that we've lost our element of surprise. I think it would be wise to abandon all unnecessary luggage from here on. We're a small army, speed can be our advantage."

OOC: sorry that I posted again too late.:rolleyes:

Finrod Felagund
10-01-2002, 11:26 AM
The mouth of Sauron rose to his full height, he was tall for the blood of Numenor flowed nearly pure in his veins. Fimbren shivered, this was no Nazgul but he had a power, cold and great. Fimbren looked around, he still hadn't found what e had come for unless...he looked towards his opponent, of course! The mouth of Sauron had it! Fimbren stood to attention, his sword in front of him and bowed, to his suprise, his assailant did likewise.

10-01-2002, 09:23 PM
ooc:so is the "bane" to be revealed at last,huh?;) :cool:

10-02-2002, 02:35 PM
ooc: crap, that means I have to think of a bane. Give me a day or two of battle before we reach the climax....

ic: Eruwyn was not asleep when the first light of dawn touched her eyes. And, just then, a howl she heard very far off. If she had elfblood, she could have estimated the distance. Quickly she rose to rekindle the fire. The others would be waiting. And now, alone, she had to make the decision. Would they attack or would they wait? She took her cloak and held it over the fire, then pulled it off, a large cloud of smoke rising. As if an omen, the smoke formed itself into the shape of an arrow. "Attack" she whispered to herself, then let four more such clouds rise, before awakening her troops and marching off to what would surely be ther doom of many.

10-02-2002, 04:16 PM
Imarwen woke to the calls 'to arms!' For a moment she wondered whether they were under attack but then she figured out it was meant for everyone to arm and prepare themselves for the journey. She rose quickly and dressed even faster. Her armour proved a little more difficult. She was uncomfortable in the chainmail she had been given. Whether it was dwarfmade or not, she couldn't tell but as long as it meant more protection from enemy weapons, she wasn't complaining overmuch. When Merrah, her horse, was saddled and ready, Imarwen went in search of Eruwyn and Revamir. If there was news from the Northern army, they would know it.

10-03-2002, 10:35 PM
When the smoke went up, Christiana and Legolas charged with their troops into battle.Only then did she notice that all the enimies were men...

From the other side,Eruwyn heard the commotion.

10-13-2002, 05:21 PM
Imarwen stopped and listened. There was a lot of noice coming from the north. Was it the northern army? It couldn't really be anything else. Then at last she spotted Eruwyn and went to join her. "What news of the northern army, Lady Eruwyn?" she asked.

10-13-2002, 10:20 PM
"None," Eruwyn answered with a worried look on her face. "We must continue advancing. Soon we will find what is causing the attacks."

Just then, a hoard of men cam running through the bush, straight at them "TO ARMS!" Shouted Eruwyn and drew her sword....

10-14-2002, 04:48 PM
Christiana's sword, Shimmersing, flashed from its sheath. Thrusting it through one enemy, Christa whirled in a balanced move to slash an attacker sneaking up behind her. Gathering her strength, she leaped up on to Lightfall. Holding onto her mane with one hand,with the other Christa wielded her sword, while Lightfall reared and struck out with her hoofs. At her side, Cheyanne snarled, holding two fighters at bay.

10-18-2002, 08:34 AM
Other people heard Eruwyn's cry and repeated it throughout the small host. People moved into battle formation in just a few minutes.

Imarwen stood at Eruwyn's side and reached with both her hands behind her back. She pulled the two daggers from their sheaths. There was no time to reach Merrah now, she would have to stay here and pray the valar for her survival. Her daggers weren't exactly wellsuited for fighting in the front row but she didn't really have much of a choice. She readied herself for the uncoming attackers.

11-08-2002, 06:12 PM
OOC: Hello? Who's still here?


11-08-2002, 10:33 PM
i am

11-11-2002, 10:46 PM
still here.