View Full Version : someone(hearnault) explain the destruction in isengard(Sp) to me...
12-29-1999, 07:53 AM
Thats the one part i've never been able to understand... for one how many ents stormed the place? sometimes it seems like about 2 dozen sometimes it seems like thousands of them... and why the hell was all the water everywhere? maybe i read to fast....
12-29-1999, 01:44 PM
I'm not Hernalt, but will I do? I don't know the actual numbers of ents, but there were more than ents destroying the place. The ents were the leaders of the destruction, but they had lots and lots of huorns, which were trees that were becoming ent-like, in that they could move, destroy, etc. The reason there was water everywhere, was that the ents diverted the course of the River Isen to fill up the circle in order to keep Saruman from escaping, and also to put out the fires and disarm Saruman's war machines.
Darth Tater
12-29-1999, 10:47 PM
Arwen, I want you to know there's something wrong with your account, every thread you post in becomes corrupt!
12-30-1999, 03:11 AM
This thread still looks funny......
12-30-1999, 04:47 AM
This happened to me once when I forgot to close an html tag in my sig. Better check that, Arwen.
12-30-1999, 07:18 PM
8-D ~™
Darth Tater
12-30-1999, 07:43 PM
Arwen, that thing tacked on to your message is from me. You should check your personal options, cause this isn't the only thread your posts have corrupted.
12-31-1999, 04:49 AM
they couldn't REALLY move tho...they could kinda walk around but you couln'dt ever actually see them walking and tearing @#%$ up and stuff...
12-31-1999, 02:51 PM
Better reread the "Flotsam and Jetsam" chapter, because Merry describes them destroying things. Example: Merry says, "Ents and Huorns were digging great pits, making great pools and dams, gathering all the waters of Isen..." Sounds to me like they could do more than walk.
01-03-2000, 07:48 PM
ARRRGGHH! No, you didn't!
Fat middle
01-03-2000, 10:47 PM
this thread is a :Puzzle
Darth Tater
01-03-2000, 11:52 PM
I hope you find a way to fix it!
01-04-2000, 02:09 AM
I think I *might* have discovered the problem... Arwen, in your signature try removing the quotation from the link to Hogwarts. Ezboard doesn't like it when you put in quotations, even though that's standard HTML procedure everywhere else :P
01-04-2000, 02:35 AM
I tried that just now. Cross yer fingers!
01-04-2000, 02:36 AM
It didn't work.
01-04-2000, 03:09 AM
There, I deleted the corrupted posts, and the thread is back to normal. It was that quotation mark in your sig that made it act funny.
01-04-2000, 03:46 AM
ahhhh.....much better :)
01-04-2000, 06:47 PM
Ordinarily, I'd be offended at being deleted. But this time I'm not. Soooo, what were we talking about?
01-05-2000, 05:20 AM
The destruction of Isengard. I think it's cool how they could grow their roots into the stone and break it up--like real trees do, but much speeded up. I am a big tree fan.
Fat middle
01-05-2000, 10:53 AM
Could you hear the stone cracking? Great eh? I hope the movie will have a good sound in this scene.
01-07-2000, 12:41 AM
Trees are pretty cool....I like trees...
01-07-2000, 01:48 AM
Yep, I think that if I was a Tolkien character, I would want to be Yavanna. What's your favorite tree, Arwen? I love maple, ponderosa pine, and redwood trees, among others.
01-07-2000, 01:35 PM
You already are a Tolkien character!
Fat middle
01-07-2000, 07:10 PM
LOL LOL again :D
01-07-2000, 09:16 PM
In central and northern PA there are old stands of Norway Spruce, originally laid out in long rows as a tree farm, but later sold and fogotten, and grown to maturity without intervention. To go there now is to be deafened by silence. The trees are perfectly straight, their lower limbs thin and broken, revealing angled perspective and fading distance, and the scent of pine permeates the air like you're breathing an odd nectar of bark-flavored sugar. The most natural temple, this stand of nature, a cathedral with time-wrought pillars which renders absolution and confession in the blink of an eye. Turf and fern underfoot soft as a bed, distant rustle of squirrel and call of bird. Some might even call it stuffy since it's so quiet.
01-08-2000, 12:19 AM
Hernalt, you get going right now and write that book! We're getting very impatient with you. By the way, ppl, I've been thinking of changing my name, since I ran into some other Elanors in various places....
01-08-2000, 01:20 AM
It's fine. You're the first Elanor on ezboard anyway :) You might want to attach a number to it or something for other types of boards, though, if it's taken...
Darth Tater
01-08-2000, 04:15 PM
Wow hernalt, just wow. Ah, the wonder of a semi-normal thread!
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