View Full Version : What do you like\dislike about Gandalf?
03-08-2002, 09:44 AM
… and now for something entirely different…;)
What do you like\dislike about Gandalf?
03-08-2002, 09:56 AM
I don't think there is anything to dislike about Gandalf. He showed both strength and compassion. He knew his place in the world. He didn't strive to be superior to Elrond or Sauruman (before his corruption). He stayed true to his calling, and he formed friendships with all of the free peoples.
03-08-2002, 02:40 PM
In the Hobbit and the Fellowship, you know there is something special about him that sets him apart form the other races. It's not until the resurrection after the balrog that you get an inkling of his power. Of course the Silmarillion explains it all. What I like about him is that despite being a Maia, he guides the others in their decisions, and allows them to shine and achieve greatness.
It would have been easy for him to take over all the decisions and to be corrupted by power as was Sauruman. He ultimately had the greatest faith in the race of man, despite the misgivings of the elves. Whats not to like? I can't come up with any negatives.
03-08-2002, 03:27 PM
Gandalf character is actually far more conflicted then we know. It is very hard to be a restrained Maia, especially as the longing for Valinor grows over time. Check out Unfinished Tales.
03-08-2002, 03:53 PM
What I like about Gandalf best is his sense of humor and acceptance of all ppl despite his great powers and past experiences :):D
Sister Golden Hair
03-08-2002, 04:00 PM
I like Gandalf, but there were times when I found him to be somewhat intimidating and impatient of the Hobbits. Pippin doesn't count.
Radagast The Brown
03-08-2002, 05:10 PM
I agree with Brimbalir. I liked Gandalf's sense of humor too but I liked his description in the war as the only thing that brights there.:)
03-08-2002, 06:23 PM
What is there to dislike about an archangel sent from Valinor to aid in ridding the world of evil torment and domination?
Sure, he had knack for leaving the dwarves and Bilbo on their journey to the Lonely Mountain, and he was myterious and of few words when some saught his cousels most, but his errand was on a scale few could comphrehend. Everytime it seemed things were at their bleakest, he would appear to boost moral and add latent power to triumph, or at least survive through hopeless odds.
btw, anyone heard the BBC audio version of the Hobbit? The Gandalf is about the worst possible interpretation I've ever heard. In addtion to a ridculously weasily-high voice, he comes across arrogant and neither patient, or kind, or understaning - all attributes that I've always associated with him.
Sure he was impatient with the Hobbits at times, but in an amusedly 'parenting' kind of way. He took such great joy in their carefree and naive views of the world. If he would ever snap at them, a kindly look or comment always followed.
I'd like to hear the BBC LotR to see if they did a better job casting there....
Elf Girl
03-08-2002, 06:48 PM
I like that Gandalf has a knack for making people hae likes feel at ease with him, but I don't like how obsucre he often is. I know it's necessary, but it frustrates me.
03-08-2002, 09:55 PM
I can't say that it something that I dislike about HIS character but I guess that i was disappointed about THE character when I learned that he was not human
but I like gandalf for most of the reason givin above
03-08-2002, 10:02 PM
I like Gandalf's ability to love. He sacrifices everything for Middle Earth and its peoples; at one point Pippin says, "Under all there was a great joy: a fountain or mirth enough to set a kingdom laughing, were it to gush forth." Gandalf's joy, which even Sauron can't destroy, is my favorite aspect of his character. The only bad thing about him is that he's sometimes mean to the hobbits.
03-09-2002, 09:49 AM
I see nopthing to dislike about Gandalf. He has subtle humor and endless knowedge.
03-09-2002, 10:14 AM
The perfect diplomat, project manager, chess zen master, one and only practitioner of ASRO (Advanced Smoke Ring Origami) and pyrotechnic expert. He will be missed.
03-09-2002, 03:16 PM
An ultimate faith in the race of man, and a fascination with what some may consider "ordinary" or "unimportant". Excellent qualities, in my book.
03-10-2002, 05:01 PM
I like the sense that Gandalf could be incredibly powerful and rule over other people, but he conceals his great gifts and is a humble and kind of human person. The only thing that annoys me, like it does some of the characters in the book, is that he speaks in riddles. Sometimes I think he could have reassured them by just telling them what was going on.
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