View Full Version : Score? Interested in doing production

03-06-2002, 09:51 PM

I love the idea of this. I'm writing on behalf of the musical group at my high school, which has in the past performed Pippin, Guys n Dolls, Anything Goes, and numerous other broadway and off-broadway shows. The chance to do this seems too good to pass up... is there music to go with your lyrics? If so, would we be able to liscence it for a performance or two? Please reply ASAP as we have to choose next years show in a few weeks.

Sky Gordon
HCHS Musical Rep

03-07-2002, 03:51 AM
Musical Rep,

A production....no unfortunately not...but if you could provide me with some more particulars I could see if I could arrange to have some presentation, (limited) of the music....

01-27-2004, 02:58 PM
^^ that would be cool tho