View Full Version : Other two wizards

04-29-2000, 02:16 PM
This question might have two parts. I know three of the wizards. There's Gandalf the Grey, Saruman the White, and Radagast the Brown.

Question number one: Did Tolkien ever mention the other two wizards in any of his writings?

Question number two: If he didn't, what colors do you think might be ascribed to them?

Grey, white, and brown are all very neutral tones. Does that leave us with Bill the Teal, and Frank the Cream? Or are they the "bright" ones of the lot, e.g., Biff the Fuscia and Gerald the International Day-glo Orange?

Seriously, I pick green and blue, earth and sky colors. Then again, this all might be moot if he has identified them in some other writing.

04-29-2000, 04:26 PM
Yeah, they were mentioned somewhere. The other two wizards are Alatar the Blue and Pallandro the Deep-blue.

04-29-2000, 05:03 PM
Blue has always stricken me as a color referring to knowledge and thought, and application of said knowledge and thought in wizardry. (I hesitate to use the term "magic" because as was implied by... Celeborn, I think, "magic" is a rather overused and inapproprate term when referring to LOTR...)

04-29-2000, 08:18 PM
There is a portion of writing on the Istari in Unfinished Tales. It gives the names of the Ithryn Luin, as well as more information on Gandalf, Radagast and Saruman.

The Blue Wizards are also mentioned in Letters, Letter 211. In it, Tolkien states that they were likely founders of magic cults.

Darth Tater
05-02-2000, 10:14 PM
the dark blue just sounds so rediculous!!!

05-06-2000, 04:54 AM
To the best of my knowledge, both Wizards were dressed in SEA-BLUE.
Alatar was one of the original three to be picked by the Valar to go to Middle-Earth, and Pallando got kinda tacked onto him, while Curumo took Radagast with him (though he didn't like it... as is shown by his contempt for him in his conversation with Gandalf in FotR Book II)