02-14-2002, 04:26 PM
Tottering around my church waiting for mass I couldn’t help notice something. Now I ain’t another nutball trying to tell everyone that JRR is really rewriting derholybible but this stood out esp as he was a practicing catholic and maybe derived the structure of the tale of Frodo/Sam from here. I noticed how the stations of the cross reflect the story of S/F. The stations are basically little sculptures around the walls of every catholic church and describe the crucifixion of JC. They always have the same order and names. Well it got me pondering and here’s how I see the stations as stages of Frodo’s journey to Orodruin….Here’s the station name and maybe the corresponding plot point in LOR
1. Christ is condemned to his fate. Frodo accepts the ring .
2. The cross is laid upon him. Frodo bears the ring at the council.
3. His first fall. Morgul blade, the big wound to F.
4. He meets the Blessed Mother. Galadriel
5. Simon of Cyrene bears the cross. Temptation of Galadriel?
6. Christs face wiped by veronica…working on it
7. Second fall. Amon Hen/the whole thing with Boromir
8. He meets the Jerusalem women dunno yet
9. His third fall. Shelob brings F down.
10. He is stripped of his garments. F is stripped and shut in the top floor.
11. His crucifixion. Orodruin, the agony of F as he can’t let go.
12. His death on the cross. the wound of the finger.(I see this as F’s ego sacrificed)
13. His body is taken down from the cross. Gandalf and Gwahir lift em out
14. Laid in the tomb. F suffers until he is taken to the Grey Havens ah the ascension.
Next time your near dercherch pop in and take a look. He must have got the plot structure from somewhere anyway I offer it for your consideration, amazement or ridicule
1. Christ is condemned to his fate. Frodo accepts the ring .
2. The cross is laid upon him. Frodo bears the ring at the council.
3. His first fall. Morgul blade, the big wound to F.
4. He meets the Blessed Mother. Galadriel
5. Simon of Cyrene bears the cross. Temptation of Galadriel?
6. Christs face wiped by veronica…working on it
7. Second fall. Amon Hen/the whole thing with Boromir
8. He meets the Jerusalem women dunno yet
9. His third fall. Shelob brings F down.
10. He is stripped of his garments. F is stripped and shut in the top floor.
11. His crucifixion. Orodruin, the agony of F as he can’t let go.
12. His death on the cross. the wound of the finger.(I see this as F’s ego sacrificed)
13. His body is taken down from the cross. Gandalf and Gwahir lift em out
14. Laid in the tomb. F suffers until he is taken to the Grey Havens ah the ascension.
Next time your near dercherch pop in and take a look. He must have got the plot structure from somewhere anyway I offer it for your consideration, amazement or ridicule