View Full Version : A new RPG (The old story ;))
Lief Erikson
01-29-2002, 11:10 PM
As if the number of RPGs here has not already exploded lately, but we (Arat-Falathion, Tesseract 12, myself and probably Mathron) are thinking of making another one. If we can get a sufficient number of people interested, we'll take it as a go ahead signal and play this thing. If anyone else is interested in playing, please post your character(s) information below.
Plus, we haven't decided yet upon a time period, so if anyone has some brilliant ideas, please post them. Thanks for your attention.
From Lief Erikson
01-30-2002, 07:55 AM
I think you should bring the story into the time (age) that suites the "story" the best. Conserning what happens in the "intro" story. I think that a story based on the 1st age during the Silmarillion would be interesting, but I do not know how many at this forum has read that book? (shame on those who haven't!)
- Arat-Falathion
Bhaal Iyaden
02-01-2002, 06:19 AM
well im interested i dont have any idea's but ill give you my full character description:
Bhaal stands 6 foot 8, wearing specialy crafted plate mail, his helm is a ork skull which a tatoo is sketched on its bleached bone cheek, the helmet is only covering the front of his face on the back its made from platemail much like his armour, revealing his dark eyes and his mouth. Hanging from his girdle is a bastard sword, with a jagged blade made out of black diamond the hilt shaped as a gold dragon. His gauntlets were studded and made from chain mail. He also wears black long sleeved shirt, with trousers all Underneath his armor. Above his armor he wore a large black hooded cloak.
Rhan Iyaden, Bhaals father, was corrupted by Sauron evil, and became one of his followers. Gifts and gold flooded him and life was unequaled. Living on the border of Dale-lands and easterling area, in Buhr Mahrling, he served Sauron until he was no longer needed and wealth stopped pouring into his pockets. After a few years, Rhan Iyaden deceased, being sick and old and most important, bitter. Bhaal left his home city, to travel through several areas around Dale-lands. Supporting himself as a hunter was the only way he survived for the eight years he had travelled alone.
Hope to join the RPG soon
02-02-2002, 04:46 PM
Well I will be...... actuly I think it might be fun to do a continum of "a world of danger". maybe set it up a few years afterwards?
or is that not a good idea?
also I think it might be wise to let Leif be the GM ;)
Bhaal Iyaden
02-06-2002, 12:13 AM
ummmm...hello? whats happening with the RPg???
Lief Erikson
02-06-2002, 02:32 AM
It's waiting for a few more players, I believe. I also had some ideas for this RPG, and right now they're sort of . . . fluctuating, I suppose would be the word.
Right now I'm also a little caught up in this Narmacil Flame Sword RPG, and I'm not certain I have time to do two at once.
One thing that you might want to consider, Tessar, for this RPG, if/when it comes into being, you could possibly play the full grown Tessar. You know, last time he was viewed he was a boy, but if we do it with Bhaal Iyaden's timeline, he'd be rather grown up. I could also play some of the characters I used in Fangorn Forest and The Great Quest, and maybe one or two follow ons from The World of Danger. It could be quite fun to do that. Something to think about, anyway.
Irid, Selwyth, Mathron, (assuming you're looking ;)) if we did this, would you be in?
Irid al'Menie
02-06-2002, 07:59 AM
You know what, i'm in. I'll play Irid again (i really love that character!).
Now i'll have to invent some new wolfnames :D
Little change in my weapons: I still use daggers, but not as much as in world of danger. My prefered weapon is a cool little knife, called Wolfsbane. I'll post here a picture of it when i have it on my comp.
The rest is about the same Irid as in world of danger, but a little older and wiser... I've seen more ;)
Irid al'Menie
02-06-2002, 08:58 AM
well here it is: Wolfbane (not wolfsbane, sorry for the mistake)
the story behind it: It's from mithril, and i got it as a gift from Thanès, a dwarf and my best friend in another RPG of ME. I place that RPG somewhere between world of danger and this new one ;)
Ok maybe not, it's apperently too big :(
02-06-2002, 10:40 AM
hey um id love to join in but... um.... lol this is my first RPG so i dont have a clue what im supposed to do! oh no ive participated in RPGs before just not ones on this board and part of this website so i dont really know what kinda things you do.
if someone would just briefly explain how you guys do these things... (i guess its just when u post when you want, the next part of the story or whatever...???) and then id love to join in!
thanks alot...
Irid al'Menie
02-06-2002, 11:22 AM
well... How do you explain that...
First of all, you have to read the posts... Otherwise you could end up posting something that is totally incorrect. (for example: someone said to have ride away, but in the next post that person is just at the table, or something like that)
Then you post a reply. Most of us type in 3rd person singular, but you could post in 1st person singular, that depends on your style of writing. For example: (my character's name is Irid): Irid smiled when she heard what had happened.
But you could post: I smiled when I heard what had happened
your choice ;)
If i forgot anything, someone else could go on... I don't know if it's a bit clear, what i posted here :D
02-06-2002, 11:26 AM
no i totally get u. im actually used to 3rd person so thats cool. ill join in yeh definitely if this thing gets started, it might take me a while to get used to what kinda things u write about tho... im gonna go and read another old rpg and check it out. thanks! :D
Lief Erikson
02-06-2002, 11:41 AM
Mmm, this post was originally intended to be between Irid's answer and your own, but anyway, just a few more things. Oh, and Irid, before I get into this, are you sure you want your weapon named "Wolfbane"? bane in English means like, the death of the discussed person, like, "the ring ended up being the bane of Sauron", or, "Durin's bane was the Balrog because it took over Moria, defeating him and his people." Anyway, that's just something to think about; I didn't think Irid was that down on wolves ;).
All right, basically, we all invent characters and a story around them. They all go through the adventure and the person who made a character in the first place (like Irid's character Irid) is in charge of that character. You make up history for that character, or characters, you choose their weapons, their background, their skill and all about your character. Generally we prefer for the characters not to be too powerful, as in "a superhero". You can use other people's characters too, but usually only in relation to your own character, and we never make important decisions for them. Like, deciding their background, making them make important decisions, etc.
There is a post reply button in the topic which you'll see, you can press that to send your message. Our RPGs are very free form, people having very large freedom over what happens and what their characters do. Within the limits of what is possible for the character, and remembering their background, of course.
Only one thing I've found a bit of a pain lately is there's almost always a character restriction limit on the RPG. Ah, for the old days ;).
So anyway, (snaps out of reminiscing) that's just about all of it. Anything else I missed?
02-06-2002, 12:58 PM
Ok cool! I will be the grown up Tessar.
so I will still be a magi but I wil try to keep it toned down.
Also I'm asuming that by now I know how to use a sword.
I think I will have a cool sword (hey if Irid gets one so can I! *gasp* I know! Lets ALL get cool swords. lol)
Mine will not have a name. it glows green when there are orcs around.
so uhhhhhhhhh..... if I was 13 in human years during "a world of danger" how old am I now in human years?
actuly Laurens, we work by a highly modified vershion of the AD&D rules.
oh yes Leif, I forget when a +3 magi attacks a +2 troll with a +5 sword of devistation at a -3 con roll what do I do if a phsonic steps in and uses a 3d+8 mind blast?
lol, sorry Laurens. I just couldent help it.
we just... well.... Roll play!
02-06-2002, 02:06 PM
Well, I would be interested. Been busy, of course, and probably will remain so - but I'd join in (though probably in not an active full-plot role as before). Which means Lief could be the one to sortof run things, if he has time for it.
As for time and place... the Great Quest ended at approximately during the War with Sauron (a few weeks or so after the Black Riders headed towards the Shire). I'll probably not use any of those characters (though they may well make a cameo), but Lief has plenty of characters in that period (both the ones from the Great Quest as well as those from Fangorn Forest).
So that may be a good time period - though we may well wish to keep the power level down.
Irid al'Menie
02-06-2002, 03:25 PM
I know what bane means, lief ;)
But i didn't name the thing, Thanès did ;)
And i believe the name means more something like: with the spirit of a wolf, and a bane for the enemy
or something... I'll ask the creator of the sword :D
Lief Erikson
02-06-2002, 04:26 PM
Orpholin and Shelina, not having been elves are long dead now. Vardor was killed, well, sort of killed in The Great Quest, so he can't be involved in this one either. Unfortunately, I can remember very few of the characters I used in The Great Quest. The main person I do remember clearly is Slythre, and I think I'll use her in this next one.
Here's some information on her:
She used to be a Corsair of Umbar, but was dismissed from the service of her former master, Unvar, when she betrayed him for what she saw as "a higher good".
Since then she was off adventuring with Malagar and Sandor, along with several other characters who were in that adventure. I don't remember who all of them were, although a few. There they fought against Vardor and another group which Mathron was in charge of. Mal lost all of his power and a few of the main characters died. But they ended up defeating Vardor, and at the end our heroes all broke up to go their different ways. Mal, Sandor and Slythre chose however to remain together for a while longer, and they chose to help in the battle against Sauron.
This is where The Great Quest left off, and after that the adventures of this particular trio are unknown.
Slythre is a beautiful woman with long, black hair. She is armed with a dagger, but she may have picked up other weapons on her travels since The Great Quest (I haven't thought about it). Her clothes are worn with travel and she is incredibly quiet when she moves. Like, basically impossible to hear. Quieter than a hobbit, probably.
I think I'll also use Erenfor, no longer insane (he recovered his sanity at the end of The World of Danger). He'll probably be the only character who carries over from that adventure. These will be the heroes I use in this adventure, as for villains or other people who might be met along the way, I'll decide further on that when I think about the plot.
Laurenis, what sort of character will you use?
02-06-2002, 05:46 PM
An idea for place - somewhere else in the lands that Sauron is attacking (ie, somewhere not covered in the books), such as Dale, or another kingdom somewhere...
02-06-2002, 06:01 PM
I'll join!
Lief Erikson
02-06-2002, 06:06 PM
Excellent! Do you want to give character information now, or wait till we've decided a bit more on what's happening?
Oh, Mathron, I think that's a good idea to use some out of the way area. It leaves a lot more space for plot development.
Lief Erikson
02-06-2002, 06:06 PM
This post has been deleted, it's an accidental duplicate.
02-06-2002, 06:35 PM
I'm going to wait on the character info thing untill there is more info.
Irid al'Menie
02-07-2002, 01:39 PM
Well, maybe now it'll work: here is wolfbane
and i asked the creator: Bane is the celtic word for sword, so the name means Sword of Wolves.
02-10-2002, 04:29 AM
Um...where's this 'new RPG' you're talking of? Or you're just planning it here?
Irid al'Menie
02-10-2002, 05:25 AM
this is the planning, it has not yet started :)
02-10-2002, 05:28 AM
so why tell us
Irid al'Menie
02-10-2002, 05:32 AM
if you mean what i think you mean, which is why start this thread if the actual RPG is still non-existing, that is because we need to plan, get some people to play in the rpg and so on.
02-10-2002, 05:36 AM
ok thanx for clearing that up
Irid al'Menie
02-10-2002, 05:39 AM
that, my friend, is no problem :)
Lief Erikson
02-10-2002, 02:43 PM
All right, I've finally thought up a plot and am ready to go. This new RPG will be called The Pentagrid Net, and I hope you all enjoy it! I started it out in a completely new land, to leave room plotwise for myself and others who want to be inventive.
One question I have for you all is this: Should we continue this adventure's discussion in this topic, or shall we move to another one, labeled "Pentagrid Net Discussion", or something else of that sort?
Irid al'Menie
02-10-2002, 03:28 PM
I'd put it in another one. Pentagrid Net OOC or Pentagrid Net discussion or something.
How is this land called then?
02-10-2002, 04:13 PM
sounds groovy to me.
when do we start?
Irid al'Menie
02-10-2002, 04:16 PM
it has already started, the thread beneath this one is the one u need
is gonna be some read, both lief and me have made pretty long posts...
02-10-2002, 04:19 PM
i dunno if you guys are accepting anyone to participate in this rpg but if you are then could i join? someone please reply to tell me if i can. thanx!
Irid al'Menie
02-10-2002, 04:20 PM
Of course you can : 'hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd' as we have it in Belgium: the more souls, the more joy there is!
you're welcome to join in!
02-10-2002, 04:30 PM
wicked. shall i post my character info here first? ive read the rpg so far... man this is gonna be a good one!!!
Irid al'Menie
02-10-2002, 04:32 PM
yes, post it here. Always easy
maybe you could drop in the story in the inn :)
02-10-2002, 04:47 PM
ok my character info:
Name: Kaytrien
Description and History: Kaytrien is a wise and joyous woman. Her age is hard to comprehend; she has the agility and pace of the young, and yet the mind and knowledge of an ancient elf. Her past is black and she has suffered many losses. These days she lives a more peaceful life and yet still has her sword, waiting for the day of a new quest and new friends.
Irid al'Menie
02-13-2002, 05:50 AM
ok cool... So she's an elf, right?
welcome to the RPG!
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