View Full Version : The Saga of the Nârmacil, the Flame-sword: The Game!!
01-26-2002, 11:42 AM
Aiya! and welcome to the Saga of the Nârmacil! I wish you good luck and hantalë (thanks) for joining this quest for the sword of flames. The problems that this sword may cause if it fall into the "wrong" hands is yet to be discoverd in our journey.
PS! New enterers.. please register in the "Character Registration" topic on the RPG forum.. thank you!
Good Luck!
His sword was named the Nârmacil, the flame-sword. Arat-Cúrion was his name, a beautiful elf who had lived in the Undying Lands of Valinor all his life. He was an ordinary elf really, with good looks and great wisdom, but he had something not alot of other elves were hungering for; fishing. This is also how he discovered the sword, because he didn't create it himself. One day at sea he got "i Nârmacil", the flame-sword on his rod, and the beauty of this sword reached deep into his heart. On the edge of the sword there was attached a red stone, and the edge itself was formed as a T blessed in fire. The blade was long and sharp, and it started to glow red when evil was near. But the power of the sword wouldn’t yet be discovered, because centuries of peace came and Arat-Cúrion kept the sword secret and spoke to no one about it.
After hundreds of years Arat-Cúrion married M*reia, a beautiful elf that returned to Valinor from Middle earth after the fall of the One Ring. Together they brought their son, Arat-Falathion, to life. His strength and will to learn was great. With golden hair like his mother and grey eyes like his father, he was brought up as a wonderful elf. Early he got the name Laurë Elen among friends, meaning Golden star, because his hair was like gold and his eyes like the stars.
Centuries pasted and Arat-Falathion grew up to be among the strongest elves walking in Valinor. Then Cormarë came, the festival in honour of Frodo Baggins, at the 30th of Yavannië. It was held beneath Taniquetil, the throne of Manwë. The world of Arda was now near the end of the 4th age, and it was here that the saga about the Nârmacil should begin, because this festival wouldn’t turn out like they all expected.
Arat-Falathion came together with his father, his mother and all of his friends. Manwë and the other Valas joined this great festival as well, like they always did, and people from all Valinor came to the festival. But before the party began Manwë rised from his throne and he shushed the crowd. He had a mind on his face, full of sorrow. The poem that he now spoke to the people was written down and remembered as the most sadly poem ever made. Here I will only write down the first part of the poem:
Analómë i lemi calaor Valinor
analómë i lemi calaor Endóre,
nan i lemi sintalanar
ar i mornië ná minë yonta lúmë órë
m* rómen.
Translated to the common language, westron, this said:
Tonight the stars shine over Valinor.
Tonight the stars shine over Middle earth,
but the stars are fading
and the darkness is once again rising
in the east.
When he had finished his poem everyone cried, even the strongest among men. And he said:
“The birds have told me about a new rising of the orcs in middle earth. A new darkness is coming in from the east, stronger and faster then I can remember it from the past. This time we must face the darkness before it is too late. “Antamacillyani ar cúlyai!”, he then yelled, meaning: ”Give me your swords and your bows!”.
We are going to war!”
Manwë awakened a fire in those who had listened, a fire that no one had seen since the 3rd age. This was when Arat-Cúrion made up his mind, and brought his sword, Nârmacil, the flame-sword, up from his hidden chest where he had kept it secret. People who saw this sword was overwhelmed by its beauty, and most of them all Arat-Falathion, his son. Arat-Falathion took his bow, Cúné Hortacálë, meaning bow of lightspeed. He was told by his father to stay close to him; that would keep him safe.
The story was written:
His sword was named the Nármacil, the Flame-Sword.
He was an Elvish lord, who’s brilliance with the sword of flames
was known in all Middle earth and Valinor.
As soon as he draw his sword, everything went silent.
The sky got filled with red-white flames from the flaming blade of
Nármacil, and all evil standing next to him died. It was the flame
of light, with the power of hope and all good; cause this elf was
good by heart, and the Nármacil obeyed the heart of its master.
So Arat-Falathion went to the docks in Alqualondë with his father and friends to fight evil in middle earth....
Where were you during the festival?
Are you one of Arat-Falathions friends?
or are you unknown for him?
As I see that we have many different creatures in our RPG.. elves, humans, hobbits, halfelves, dwarfs and even a Vala in our storry.. I guess our start of the journey, and where we celebrated Frodo (or "if" we celebrated Frodo) is quite different. I surely hope tho, that our roads will cross in the fight against the evli darkness that once again rises in the east.
- Arat-Falathion
PS! at the end of this "intro" no one knows yet the hidden power of the Nârmacil. Not even Arat-Cúrion, nor Manwë.
Thrain of the Shire
01-26-2002, 01:55 PM
Numenor the not very respectable hobbit sighed as he looked in the mirror and tugged his waistcoat straight.
"Why so sad?" his friend, Rosalina asked. "It is a celebration day, after all".
Numenor nodded. "Yes, you're right. It IS a celebration. A celebration of one hobbit who did something with his life."
"Now, Numie, don't be so grumpy. You're only 33, you've got a lot of time to do things. After all, you do come from a great line"
Numenor smiled. That was true. He was descended directly from the great Peregrine Took, and now he had come of age, he had the most important role in tonight's ceremonies, despite the whispered doubts of the rest of Hobbiton. Mind you, the rest of Hobbiton had doubts about the whole celebration. Most of them would rather forget Frodo, Merry, Sam, Pippin and the rest and pretend that everything had always been this peaceful, this quiet. This boring.
He straightened himself up and turned so Rosalina could admire him. She was a good friend and always managed to cheer him up. She and good old Magnanamous were the two people who kept him sane. Funny how the descendants of the famous four always seemed to stick together.
As if called by his thoughts, Magnanamous Brandybuck came through the door.
"Well, Numenor, lad -- are you ready?" His eyes twinkled. He always enjoyed this particular ceremony, saying it made so many hobbits uncomfortable that it was worth the trouble. He had always had a strong sense of humour.
"As ready as I'll ever be".
"Do you have everything?"
Numenor checked. From the old chest in the cellar he had taken the short blade and that was hanging at his side. He had the helmet -- and he had the strange necklace that had always been passed down in his family.
"I have everything...let's go."
The three of them made their way to the centre of Hobbiton where, every twenty years since anyone could remember, this small ceremony had taken place. Numenor remembered the last one, when his own father had his role. The last time he had ever seen him.
This wouldn't do. Numenor gathered himself and marched to the platform in the town square where the lights had already been lit to surround him with a soft, golden glow.
The square was crowded. Although most of the hobbits in the Shire didn't agree with the ceremony they certainly weren't going to miss the feast that came afterwards!
As Numenor stepped up onto the dais, he pressed the green stone in the centre of his necklace. And, just as it had for his father so many years before, the light of the lanterns changed from gold to an ethereal silver, and from nowhere, the voice began to speak.
And such a voice. Even the most respectable hobbit found himself thinking of forests and hills and far off mountains, and mists of a spring morning and flowers on the hillsides turning to face the sun...rabbits and deer gambolling together in the meadows....
No one understood the words the voice spoke. Even Numenor, who everyone knew spoke some strange languages, spoke no elven well enough to understand this poetry. But everyone understood what the voice was saying, in images of courage and bravery and light overcoming darkness so foul it would destroy the universe...and the role hobbits played in the saving of Middle Earth....
AS the voice finished speaking, and the images in the Hobbits' minds began to fade, a sadness fell over the crowd.
Numenor gathered his breath to speak the words that would begin the feast -- for once he'd be the most popular hobbit in the town -- when suddenly, the lights went out and, from nowhere another voice began to speak...
But this was no soft, silvery elven tongue. This voice was harsh and dark and sounded like knives being grated against stone.
And in the mind of every hobbit appeared black flowers, turned towards the dark, flowers that smelt of rotted flesh,the mountains blackened and belched smoke, the hills cracked and opened, swallowing every living thing on bursting from the cracks and sweeping over the slopes burning until only the black flowers stood....
...and, in the distance, a shadow rose...tall and dark....and every hobbit knew that this shadow was their doom....
The crowd broke and ran, scattering to the corners of their houses, whimpering as they ran...too scared to think of anything other than hiding, hiding from the darkness...
As the square emptied, the voice seemed to lose its strength until finally, when only Rosalina, Numenor and Magnanamous were left, it had gone completely. Slowly the lanterns began to glow again.
"What was THAT?" asked Magnanamous.
"I don't know, but I hope I never have to go through that again" said Rosalina, holding tight to her friends' arms."Has this ever happened before?"
Numenor stood and thought -- "I don't think so. But I'm sure it isn't good news, whatever it was. And I think we need to do something."
Magnanamous looked at him "I'm thinking you don't mean go to the feast..."
Numenor looked up at the sky, where the stars were only just beginning to sparkle again..
"No, although eating would be a good idea. We have a long night ahead of us. That voice reminded of something I'm sure I read in the Sam GamGee archives. And don't think we've got much time to find out what it is"
"What could it be?" Asked Rosalina
""I don't know for sure" replied Numenor, "but I do know that I saw creatures I have never seen before. Short, bowlegged creatures with black skins and armour, armies of them, led by other monsters with red, burning eyes.....and..." he paused, glancing down at Rosalina...
"and what?" she prompted, annoyed that he seemed concerned about talking openly in front of her...
"and I had the curious feeling that they were coming this way....."
01-26-2002, 02:11 PM
OOC: ...this can actually turn into something good :) Your followup was great! I wonder what Numenor think is coming their way..
01-26-2002, 04:17 PM
In the ancient melody of the Ainur...
Long before Arda began...
Eru wove the song of many harmonies...
There was one...
A movement which told of a fell evil that would arise...
A mournful yet powerful song...
It quickly won over the melody of Arda...
And none resisted It...
The driving song pounded through with deep voice...
Manwë fell under its menace
all was to be lost...
Then Illuvatar stood and with his fist, smote the arm of his throne...The sound filled the hall and all voices stopped...
Illuvtar spoke " Do not yet be saddened by this melody.."
"I will create one who will be taught as a counter to the poison"
The Valar were then sent to Arda .
Eru began to create and teach KÆDEN..
He was sent to the tower of Oiolossë
And waited for this melody to arise...
Until in the hall of Manwë...
A Halfling sang the melody which he knew so well...
And he wept...
(This post actually was written by Carden, but he didn't realize he had logged in under my name. So take it as his, please.)
01-27-2002, 05:36 AM
OOC:Great thing we have a strong Vala on our side.. tho I hope the Valas dont forget what happened when they fought Melkor in the 1st age. Middle earth were crushed, and thats why they desided to not interfear to much in the comming battles, they didnt want to destroy what they had created.
I surly hope that KÆDEN takes this in mind, and remember the terrible act in the ancient times. And besides, it would be sad for the story itself if KÆDEN just wept out the darkness; end of story :rolleyes:
The Valas gave alot of vise help to the elves in the first age tho, so I guess they will now as well :D
- Arat-Falathion
BTW! I dont think I should post further on from what happend with Arat-Falathion in Alqualondë, untill we get some more happenings from the other characters... hope you all reply soon ;)
ok Gildor.. we'll take it as Carden's post!
01-27-2002, 11:11 AM
ooc: I plan to stay in Valinor and intercede for you there. No need to worry. I will take you to middle earth and then return to valinor.
01-27-2002, 01:53 PM
Christon led his pony twords Bree. He could not wait for some ale and a good bed in the Prancing Pony. Suddenly he heard voices. He could not understand the gutteral muttering, but was sure it ment no good. Then something crashed on his head and everything went black.
01-27-2002, 02:08 PM
OOC: Ok Carden. Great idea also =) Having a Vala in the game is cool for sure!
Now we have the celebration story from the High-elf, the hobbit, the Vala and the Dwarf. I'll wait and hope that maybe a human or an elf from middle earth will tell their beginning of the story as well, before I continue on the happenings in Alqualondë. Great! =)
Michelle The Fair
01-27-2002, 06:20 PM
Mer Aislynn sat in her room, that overlooked the valley, idlely brushing her hair. "Mother I still don't know why you won't let me join the others. I am just as good with a bow as any other in Rivendalle" she said angryly.
Her mother turned sharply towards her and said, "I know that, but dear you are still so young, and you have a very special gift. If you were captured it could very well mean a bad end for all of us. The fewwer that know about it the better."
"You can't keep me her for forever" Mer Aislynn said.
Mer Aislynn laid down her brush and looked around her room. Then stood and walked out on to the balcony and looked down into the valley. "Mother," she said, "I have lived here my whole life and not once have I ever ventured out of this valley. I know in my heart that my destiny lies elsewhere. But I fear what might happen if I leave here."
Her mother came up and put her arms around Mer Aislynn. "Everything will be fine, don't fret."
In the distance, a shaddow rose seaping into the edge of the valley. Mer Aislynn looked up and saw a pair of red, burning eyes. An then they faded away. When she went to bed that night her dreams were plauged by dark shapeless shadows. When she awoke the nxt day she knew something evil was headed their way.
01-27-2002, 06:40 PM
Christon woke up with a pounding headach and could see very little. He could smell blood in the air. From the squeels he heard it sounded like they were slaughtering his pony. Rolling over he found that his axes were gone. Suddenly he heard in rough COmmen, Its awake! then it all went black again.
01-28-2002, 10:43 AM
Uncountable numbers of beautiful swanships were following the easy motion of the water by the docks. The Teleri elves were already in their ships (the most beautiful ones of them all), and Arat-Falathion, with all the rest of Valinors men, gathered on the docks. There they were sent to each others ship, mostly without a thought of bringing families together; though Arat-Falathion was lucky enough to stay by his fathers side, and even his friend, Undulë, came in this very ship. The rest of his friends, among them Mánorë, Arthol, Eärnath and Baldorë, were sent to other ships. The sun was shining brightly over the docks, making it all magical and beautiful; and from this wonderful land they sailed towards Middle-earth, knowing the darkness was waiting.
Arat-Falathion, Arat-Cúrion and Undulë sat beside each other in the boat, only a couple of seats behind the front. Arat-Cúrion was polishing his sword by breathing on it and then using his clothing to make it shine in the lovely sunshine. Truly it was a beautiful sword, and his son and Undulë watched him work.
“That is one lovely sword you have there Cúrion”, a voice suddenly said. All three turned around quickly, and their jaw dropped. A wizard was standing there, covered in white. “Gandalf?” Undulë said igerly, “you are the great Istar that all the songs tell about!”. The wizard laughed: “Oh, I’m afraid you are wrong my friend. I am Texol, although I came to the docks with Gandalf, the great Istar; he who has experienced such times before. And I’m safe to say he is in one of the other boats.” He smiled, and in this very moment the sun was blocked by his body, making his white clothes and grey hair shine like he was a Vala; and the three elves looked at him, and they were shocked by his greatness and couldn’t take their eyes off of him. As Texol understood they were waiting for his word again, he said: “But as I said before I got interrupted, you have got an interesting sword there, master elf.” The wizards eyes reached the sword again, laying over Cúrions knees; reflecting the blinding light of the sun. “Oh, thank you, Texol” Cúrion said, smiling proudly. “May I take a closer look?”
This question seemed to upset Arat-Cúrion a great deal. He rised quickly from his seat, and pushed the sword back into its sleeve. His face had quickly turned red of anxiousness. “Don’t come any closer! This is MY sword!” Cúrions voice was shaking and loud; almost shouting. But Texol didn’t seem to be affected by this sudden happening at all and said in the same gentle voice of his: “Very well then Arat-Cúrion. I wasn’t going to steal it from you. It is a beautiful sword and I understand your reaction.” He smiled and then turned away talking to himself silently.
With his right hand on the edge of his sword, Arat-Cúrion got carefully back into his seat. For a long time the three elves didn’t speak at all; the two young ones were shocked by the happening.
After some time, that felt like hours, Undulë tried to get into conversation again. “Great thing the Valas promised us good weather at the sea.” He laughed a little of his humorous saying, but the Arat-family just agreed silently by nodding their head, showing their uninterest. “Laurë Elen, please speak with me, I’m bored, and we still got a long, boring journey on these waters.” Arat-Falathion didn’t react much to his talking friend; he was still looking down on his feet. “I don’t feel like talking Undulë, I’m sorry, but I feel something in my heart, and I do not know what it is.” Receiving these words, Undulë rised up and left his friend. He walked to the very front of the ship and looked out over the great sea, and he felt the wind blowing gently through his hair, whispering a forgotten language in his ears. But what was this blurring for his eyes miles in front of them? Was it land? Was it shore?!
“Look!!” Arat-Falathion suddenly said, pointing on his fathers sleeve. Arat-Cúrion looked down, and in the very same moment Undulë came back to tell them about what he had seen ahead; but he didn’t say a word, his eyes and mind were totally focused on one thing: The red glow that was shining out of Arat-Cúrions sleeve...
- Arat-Falathion
01-29-2002, 10:40 AM
OOC: Arat-Falathion and his friends will now come to Middle earth, and I hope the different characters can get together soon, and making this a real RPG :) As it is all "intro" stuff atm.
Ofcurse the story needs a start where most of us are seperated.
I see that Michelle The Fair (as Mer Aislynn) and Aragorn (as Drelin) are both living in Rivendell, maybe you two travel together from rivendell (if you leave), it's your desition ofcurse :p
What the Vala will do, what the hobbits will do and where the dwarf is, we don't know as of yet.
...I also hope that Nariel Starshine (as Loriel), Laiqualassë (as Miril), Littledude87 (as Christon) and Lysander (as Lysander) will come into the story as it developes. That goes ofcurse for Aragorn (as Drelin) as well. I hope that all who subscribed in the Registration post will join as we get more into the story after their own choise.
As for the story at this moment I find it very interesting, there is something frightening and questionable with all the "intro" stories, making me curious of what to happen next. Great!
- Arat-Falathion
01-29-2002, 09:00 PM
*"Five more minutes....wha? I never signed up for this! This is an outrage, this....oh, this is that sword RP thingy....nevermind!" :D*
"Drelin, are you alright?" a voice was heard at Drelin's door.
Drelin turned to see his best of friends, Laurea, standing at the door. The light flooding over her sking, making her look even more beautiful. If that was possible, as she was a fair elf-maiden. Drelin smiled.
"Yes, I'm fine." he replied.
"Are you sure, you missed the call for dinner?" she tilted her head slightly.
"Really? I'm sorry. I was just....thinking." he replied.
"Okay, then." she replied, "You've been doing a lot of that lately. More than usual. If you don't mind me asking, what about?"
"I'm not sure. I get involved in deep thought, and it takes a lot to get me to notice...anything. But then, when I'm finally dragged out of thinking, I just...forget."
"Okay..." she replied with a puzzled look on her face.
She walked out of the dimly lit room and shut the door. Suddenly Drelin heard a voice. Not a fair voice of the elven kind. A dark voice. Pain racked his brain. He fell to the floor. He then had the vision. Dark, decayed, ground. Thousands of orcs. Armies. Then, on the other side of the hill, elves. Clad in armor and bearing swords and sheilds. Helms and armor. In the front, there was one who bore a sword so beautiful, he had never seen the likes of it, not even in history books. It seemed to glow red and as the two armies neared each other the sword would glow brighter. He saw a wave of darkness, and then he fell into unconsiousness.
*Yay, my intro! Hope it doesn't screw up everything that the RP aiming at. I do that sometimes. :D*
01-30-2002, 06:53 AM
Aragorn: It didn't screw up at all :) I liked it alot, and I got an idea of when this scene that your character dream about will happen ! This is what RPGing is all about, nobody should at this moment be totaly sure of how the story will develope, they should only have an idea. Everyone that has joined the story, is a part of it, and its maker ;)
Great thing that you draw the sword into Drelins dreams! Maybe you should add that this very sword glowed red. Because thats what it does when evil is near...
PS! correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Elrond go with the ships to Valinor together with Frodo, Gandalf, Galadriel, etc, etc?? This was in the very end of LOTR (end of the 3rd age). So if you are living in Rivendell at this moment (in the end of the 4th age), he shouldn't be there, but in Valinor (or in one of the swanships with Arat-Falathion) That is if he didn't somehow travel back to Rivendell from Valinor during the 4th age.
- Arat-Falathion
01-30-2002, 08:24 AM
01-30-2002, 10:28 AM
“I can feel the evil arise.” Texol, the wizard, had come back to the three elves. Arat-Cúrion jumped up as he heard his voice and walked a couple of steps backward, looking at the wizard. “Do not fear me Arat-Cúrion, I will you no harm.” Texols voice was warm and kind. He smiled at the frightened elf. “Please, Cúrion, he is a friend of Gandalf!” Arat-Falathion was still sitting in his seat, he was tired and looked at his father with begging eyes; filled with tears.
“Why are you crying, my son?” Arat-Cúrions face changed into caring for his son. “I don’t know father, there is something rising in my heart, is this evil? Is this darkness?” Texol held his hand at Falathions shoulder. “Yes it is, Arat-Falathion. You haven’t felt such times before and therefor this feeling scare you; but do not cry and do not fear the darkness surrounding your heart, but be strong, be proud and rise tall, because something tells me you will serve great deeds in the fight against the new darkness arising.” With these words Arat-Falathion stopped crying. He dried his eyes and stood up. “Thank you, great Istar, I will.”
Arat-Cúrion now felt like he owed Texol a great deal, because he had brought his son out of the darkness that had filled his heart, and he said. “This fills me with great appreciation and I now owe you more then I can give you, but I will let you look at my sword, the Nârmacil.” Cúrion walked over and reached for the edge of the sword. “Do not take your sword out of its sleeve!” Texol looked at the red glow with fear. “This sword bear a power beyond its looks. I have never seen or heard of anything like this.” The three elves looked again at Cúrions sleeve, and to their amazement the red glow was increasing in intensity the closer they got to land. The glow was covering most of the swords edge now. “That red stone at the end of your sword. It reminds me of something,” Texol said. “Please come with me when we have reached shore, and I’ll bring you forth to Gandalf, he’ll know for sure what to do; he who bears Nayra, the third ring.” Again Texol turned away in his own thoughts, talking to himself.
The three elves walked to the front of the ship now, they wanted to look in over land as they arrived. Closer and closer they came to shore. “Ahh. It looks beautiful! What ever evil is growing in Middle earth, it hasn’t reached for the Gulf of Lune yet.” A voice came up behind them, and there a beautiful female elf was standing with a look in the eyes declaring she had been here before. And she looked around as the land on each side of them passed by. And on each side of them they could see the tall appearance of the mountains of Ered Luin rising up above the few white clouds on the blue sky and disappearing beyond their vision.
As they arrived at the Grey Havens birds sang in the trees, the sun warmed the silent water, playing with its reflecting light; and the grass covering the wonderful hills and land was dancing with the warm, silent breeze of the wind.
They had arrived, they were in Middle Earth...
01-30-2002, 12:23 PM
OOC: As I understood from Thrain of the Shire (as the hobbit Numenor)'s post, the darkness is just about to enter The Shire and therefor it hasn't reached the Grey Havens yet. Because of this all they see around them as they arrive at the Grey Havens is peace, happines and harmony. I'm willing to bet though, that they really soon will face the darkness, and hunt ALOT of orcs! YEAH! :cool:
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
01-30-2002, 03:33 PM
Loriel ran faster than she ever had. The trees were green streaks around her and the pound of drums was lounder than ever. Or perhaps it was the pounding of her own heart. She stopped, not because she was out of breath but because she could not hear if they were still pursuing. Orcs were not so easy to lose as the storytellers had made her believe. Oh, if only Moraelin had come with her. He would know what to do. Running would not be it. But alone, she could hardly stand against a hundred Orcs, even if she did have lethal aim. She was approaching the River. She'd never make it. Then, with a giant leap, she made it half way across. Then she leapt again and crossed it. It would take the orcs a while to cross it, giving her more time. THere. There was Rivendell. She hoped they would let her in.
01-30-2002, 04:46 PM
OOC: The darkness is coming fast. It now seems to me like orcs will reach Rivendell very soon, if or what will happen when that occur is not for me to tell.
I was just wondering about one little thing, did you come from Mirkwood and over the mountainpass to Rivendell, or did you come in from another angle?
-You see, I'm drawing down all the different characters journey on a map over Middle-Earth. I just want this to be right :p
- Arat-Falathion
01-30-2002, 05:21 PM
OOC: Aragorn: please check your pm and reply to me. :)
- Arat-Falathion
01-30-2002, 09:26 PM
A flash of fire and darkness; and once again shadow fights the rising of the Sun in the east
What will be known to the races of Middle-earth when again someone worth celebrating on a night such as this is needed?
For Darkness is never quite stilled and defeated; it lies ever in wait for its chance to spring
And terror follows when it gets that chance . . . .
"You are an enemy of shadow and your destiny is woven against it . . . That cannot remain unchanged, for you might well be a block in the swiftly running waters, black and cold."A voice spoke, colder than ice, blacker than the night. The sound of it chilled Oleander to the bone, and she could feel some shadow approaching her with those words. she looked back, and saw darkness . . .in the middle of the daytime.
Oleander turned in fright and ran, leaping over tree roots and rocks on the ground before her. She ran with all her speed, hoping against hope that it would be enough. I would be so much more comfortable if I knew what I was running from . . . other than darkness . . . she thought. She didn’t dare to look back and see if there was a shape to the horrible cold shadow that rolled after her like a wave of terror. She just fled from it, not knowing or wanting to know. It was there, and it wasn’t friendly, and that was enough. The shadow of it seared her soul, burned like ice across her consciousness. I can’t let it catch me, I don’t want to think of what will become of me if . . . . Far in front or her, she could see the thinning in the trees where Lothlorien ended, and the fields beyond began. She had no idea where she was running to, no thought other than she couldn’t stop.
But she was beginning to tire; she couldn’t sprint forever like this. Gasping for breath at the air that she could, she forced her legs to move. Keep going, Oleander, keep going. The edges of Lorien were getting closer and closer, and Oleander struggled onwards towards them, though she knew not what she could do in the open lands any better that in the forest.
As she ran, she caught glimpses of color out of the corners of her eyes. She reached a hand out for one of the flashes of bright pink, and came away with something in her hand. Still running, but with her tired body fading, and her mind with it, she looked at what she held in her hand. A flower, five-petealed, and relatively small, was resting neatly in the palm of her hand. The sight of her namesake flower gave her strength to run a few strides more, but then, unable to run any longer, the blossom slipped from her fingers and her mind was engulfed in darkness . . . Whether the darkness of the shadow she had been running from, or only the darkness of oblivion, she knew not . . . .
OOC: K, whadya think? I’m not trying to copy Nariel Starshine’s entrance, but I got started and it wrote itself to here. I can change it drastically if it’s hated . . . Sorry, I can’t write . . . . If I’ve screwed things up, I’ll edit this so it just says, “hi” or something and then things(hopefully) won’t be screwed up anymore . . . .This is my first time participating in an RPG, so I’m really unsure.
Are the changes all right?
Lief Erikson
01-31-2002, 12:56 AM
*It messes nothing up; it's a great post. Just one piece of advise: think up a reason for the thing to be after her in the first place.
Sorry anyone if you think I'm intruding, but I'll probably be joining the RPG too, so in advance, hi! :)*
Michelle The Fair
01-31-2002, 01:10 AM
Meanwhile in Rivendell..........
Mer Aislynn was troubled by her dreams of the previous night. She did not want to discuss them with her mother, she did not wish to worry her. The only person she knew she could talk to was Drelin, her much older and wiser cousin.
Mer Aislynn walked down the long corridor that lead to Drelin's room. There was no answer when she knocked on the door. "Something is not right here," she said to herself. Slowly she opened the door, it glided open with a whisper. At first she saw and heard nothing out of the ordinary. Then as she scanned the outer-chamber of Drelin's quarters, she heard moaning from the bedchamber. Running to him she turned him over. "Drelin, what happened? Are you ill?" she asked with concern.
Drelin sat up wearily. "My head," he said placing both hands on his head. "What time is it?" "Well past the third hour," Mer Aislynn answered. "Drelin what happened? I became worried when you did not come down for the morning meal."
"I'm not quiet sure. I remember Laurea spoke to me, then she left. I know I can trust you not to tell anyone what I am about to tell you. Last night I had a strange vision of a hill. On one side were Orcs, on the other side a large army of Elves. One had a glowing sword. Then all was dark," Drelin finished.
"Drelin, I too had a strange dream. That is why I came here to speak with you. But let us move to a more comfortable seat." They moved to two chairs by a window that overlooked the valley.
Tell me what troubles you so," said Drelin. "Many archers have left the valley on some errand and mother has forbidden me to go. Most of all it is dream I had. In it I saw many dark shadows. I feel that evil is headed our way, one greater and far worse than Sauron. And there are strange rumors going around."
"Such as?" Drelin asked.
"Someone has been spotted running towards here chased by Orcs. I think. It is also said that Swanships from Alqualondë have landed at Grey Havens. Some say Mithrandir is with them," she said.
"Strange tidings you bring," Drelin sat and thought a bit. " A great Darkness is no doubt headed our way. Be careful do not speak of this to anyone." Drelin commanded. " I will be very careful." With that said she hugged him and left.
01-31-2002, 08:43 AM
OOC: First of all welcome to Laurelyn (as Oleander), nice entranse story ;) and I hope you'll seek Lief Eriksons advice, there is allways a reason! So the darkness has come to Lothlorien as well, how sad :D I was just wondering.. which way are you running? Towards Rohan, Mirkwood or the mountainpass (moria)??
As what goes to Lief Erikson you wouldn't be intruding, even if you tried. I welcome you most warmly to the saga if that is your wish.
Michelle the Fair:
Great thing you are bringing the characters together! :) be carefull though with taking too much control over the others character, how Aragorn will respond to this is up to him, myself I think it was a good entranse.
Your guess about the evil being far worse then Sauron might be more right then you'll ever know :eek:
Great thing you got Nariel Starshine into the post and about the swanships' coming to Middle Earth. One thing though, as Aragorns post already claimed before. Elrond has come back to Rivendell during the 4th age, because his longing for his Village was so deep. I'm planning though to have him welcoming Valinors men in the Grey Havens in this very moment. So please edit your post with that one little change, and I'm satisfied :D
- Arat-Falathion
01-31-2002, 10:18 AM
Not many people were welcoming them at the haven, only a few hundred, and most of them elves. “Welcome to Middle earth brave warriors from the Undying Lands.” A voice led up among the talking crowd at the docks. Elrond from Rivendell, he who had travelled back from Valinor during the 4th age because of his longing for his lands, was standing in the front of the crowd at the haven. His golden ring with the blue stone was reflecting the sun blindingly.
Arat-Cúrion, Arat-Falathion and Undulë entered the haven with Texol, as they had promised. He walked first over to Elrond. “I thank you for your great welcome here in Mithlond, Elrond,” Texol said and reached for Elronds hand. “But shouldn’t you stay with your people in Rivendell during such times?” “The evil has not yet reached the beautiful land of Rivendell,” Elrond said, “and even if evil were to come while I am away, there should still be enough brave elves in Rivendell, knowing how to use their bow and sword. Even though I sent most of Rivendells archers to help the lost men in Rohan, who also will have a meeting in Lorien with the elves there.” In this very moment a tall wizard came towards the five gathered men. A beautiful silver ring with a red stone of fire was brightening up his hand holding a staff.
“Oh, there you are, Texol, and I see you have found good company. Elrond my old friend!” As the wizard had approached his eyes saw Elrond. “How is everything in Rivendell, dear friend? Still as beautiful as it used to?”
Elrond smiled as he replied positively. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, Gandalf,” Texol said, “but I have a matter here of great importance!” Gandalf looked with a searching look at Texol. “Is it so?” Texol gave room for Arat-Cúrion to come forward, and the two other elves followed him. “Please show him your sword Cúrion.” Arat-Cúrion did not take his sword out of the sleeve, but loosened the sleeve itself and held the sleeve and sword forward in his arms, glowing more intense now than ever, so that Gandalf could get a good look at it.
“I must say you have a beautiful sword there, master elf.” Gandalf inspected the sword in its sleeve with great importance. He talked to himself and was surely thinking hard by the looks on his face. “I do not think you should draw that sword until it stands between life and death. Great power holds this sword, and yet a power I do not know. I haven’t heard of anything like this.” Texol got overwhelmed by this. How could not Gandalf know? Elrond shook his head as well, showing he knew nothing. “This needs to be searched into deeper, there must be some information about this sword somewhere, and I do feel that this sword is of great importance for the outcome of this war,” Texol said. “I do agree with you, Texol,” Gandalf had a worried look in his face. “I find it strange that I haven’t heard of this sword. By its beauty, glow and unknown power it should have been mentioned in a lot of books, although it is not. We need to do this research, Texol! And please, Cúrion. Be careful with your sword. Unknown power is often a sign of evil interference.” Gandalf and Texol were now leaving the Grey Havens to find out more about the mysterious sword, meanwhile the three elves were left back with Elrond. “I hope all three of you will come with me to Rivendell,” Elrond said. He smiled at them, and look, all his wisdom shined out of this very smile, and none of them doubted his greatness.
Now had all Valinors men left the swanships and everyone were divided into groups, with only a few hundred in each. Every group should be sent to different locations in Middle Earth. This is how Arat-Cúrion, Arat-Falathion and his friend Undulë came in Elronds group, who were going to Rivendell, along the way through The Shire; The journey had begun...
OOC: as you see I have changed a little bit of the story about the sword itself, this way the saga will get alot deeper. So please reread the first few lines of my "intro" post. This change will not interfeer with any of the stories already told. :eek:
Maybe this will remind a little too much of how Gollum found the One Ring though... if the other people here think so, then I have another story for how he found the sword as well ;)
Nariel Starfire
01-31-2002, 02:25 PM
Loriel ran to the city wall. "Open! Open in the name of Thranduil!" When the gate opened, she ran inside. "Many Orcs are coming, as you must well know. Please help me," she said to the closest Elf.
OOC: I was running from Mirkwood over the mountain pass.
01-31-2002, 02:40 PM
OOC: ok Nariel Starshine.. thanks for clearing that up :)
...and I wonder... who is this "closest elf"? maybe someone can make their entranse to the story here. If not, then you should just continue...
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
01-31-2002, 06:12 PM
the closest elf is just some random person, I think.
01-31-2002, 09:36 PM
A knocking at the door yanked Lysander from his sleep. It was well into the darkest hour of the night, and his wife Emily slept on peacefully. He bent over to kiss her lightly on the forehead, then hurried to the door, wrapping a robe about him. The knocking still came, insistently. There was a commotion outside his cottage, and though the wind sought to carry it away, Lysander picked up the muffled cries of grief. He opened the door.
Before him stood Dominic Manderly, eyes pierced with pain and worry, although his aged face was set firmly, steeled against the powers of runaway emotion. A robust man, with a neat beard and wide jaw, Dominic was mayor of their small farming village and the man to whom all manner of emergencies could be entrusted. The emergency this evening was obvious.
For in his arms was a young man, unconscious and bleeding from a number of terrible wounds. Behind the pair paced Aurine, Dominic's teenage daughter. Her eyes were wide with fear and overflowing with tears. Her hands trembled uncontrollably and she clung to her pale, torn dress in a vain effort to fight back the anguished wails that escaped her throat every time her eyes happened to fall upon her father's burden.
It was a tale that hardly needed telling. Lysander beckoned them to come inside. It was with a sad familiarity that he set to his task, first clearing the table and then arranging his instruments and herbs.
As her father laid the boy gently on the table, Aurine spoke up. "We were....we were...we were out in the woods together, Caleb and I, " she stammered," and I know we shouldn't have been out there and I'm so sorry, so very sorry...."
Before she could collapse into a fit of tears, Lysander grabbed her shoulder firmly. "If you wish to help him, lass, then hurry and get a pot of water boiling." She sniffed back her tears, nodded, and set off to her task.
"I canna tell what it was that got to him, I'm afraid," Dominic said once his daughter was out of earshot, "When she woke me, she was all panicked and I couldn't make sense of her ravings. When we found him, he was alone." Looking at the deep gashes opened across the boy's chest, he shook his head. "Whatever it was, it was vicious."
Lysander, while listening, was dutifully inspecting and cleaning the wounds as best as he could. Once, at his touch, young Caleb moaned softly in great pain, but it seemed to be all the noise he could muster.
Clenching his fist, Dominic flared, "I told her to stay away from that boy....he's trouble; I always knew he was!"
"But I love him, daddy!" Aurine stood in the doorway, tears falling into the pot she held before her. "And if you hadn't forbidden us, we wouldn't have been sneaking around in the woods, and NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!" In her anger she almost spilled the pot, but Emily was there to grab hold of it and bring it to her husband.
"I'm sorry we woke you, love; but such is the life of a Healer," Lysander said as he took some leaves in his hands and began to crumble them into the pot.
"I knew that before I married you." She looked down now at the patient. "And it seems you will need all your skill as one tonight." Her mellow golden eyes now passed between father and daughter, who were both now stretched to their breaking point by the evening's trauma. Quickly she wrapped her arm around Aurine. "Come, lass. Let me get you some milk."
Lysander continued his work with practiced ease and with focused attention. Behind him stood Dominic, watching helplessly.
"Headstrong, insolent children..." he muttered.
"Listen, Mayor. My wife and I can handle things here; if she and I can't help the boy, there's nothing you could add to our efforts. However, Caleb's father needs to be told." Dominic sighed, looking sadly at the form laying before him.
"Very well. I will bear this heavy news to the Shadle farm. May Aurine stay with you? I doubt I could drag her away while hope remains. She seems quite taken with this one." Lysander nodded, eyes still focused on the boy's shallow breathing. "Thank you, Lysander. Your healing gifts are matched only by your kindness." With one last forlorn look to the boy, Dominic strode to the door and out again into the chill, dark night.
02-01-2002, 05:05 AM
Nariel Starshine: ok :)
Lysander: Welcome to the game! you have the power of healing! This should be a great gift, and I have a feeling you'll be using your powers quite drasticly in the near future, this is only a feeling I have though, it's not allways right :p
I am currently drawing each and everyones quest down on a map over middle earth. Go here to take a look, to get a better view of the current journey. As new characters join, they will be added to the map.
Map over Middle earth during the Saga of I Nârmacil (
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
02-01-2002, 01:16 PM
The elf nearest her turned. She was clad in green and brown, the colors of the forest. From her bow he could see that she was of Rhovanion and that she had come a long way.
"what mean you? what is your purpose?"
Loriel looked at him. "I beg you! Close the gate and I will explain when the Yrch are gone. Please! Help me fight them, for I cannot do it alone."
With a swift cry, the nearest watchers of the walls leapt onto it, bows bent and arrows eager to fly. Loriel also leapt up onto a platform close to her and watched as the Orcs struggled across the river. When the first one stepped onto dry land, heer bow sang and he fell lifeless to the ground. Then, a hundred more bows sang as more and more orcs crossed.
Lief Erikson
02-01-2002, 09:14 PM
In the core of the earth, an evil dwelt. Thousands of feet under the earth, past battlements and mining works, past orc breeding sites and the millions of human and elf slaves who toiled in the deep of the underworld. Past pits of molten steam, past scaffoldings and large war machines, past darker caves where creatures were bred which were worse than orcs, and down deeper still.
In the darkest and deepest parts of the world, something sat upon a dark throne. It wore black robes and iron armor, and any who looked upon this being flinched from its gaze. The mightiest who had met this being cringed in fear, for there was an ice in its eyes, and commands of power issued from its mouth. Orders that none but the strongest of its servants could disobey, and those who could didn't dare.
This being was called by a name it had chosen for itself. Morkiis Liiarg was this name, a name that all bowed in submission to or quailed with fear. He sometimes looked at the world above, and his spies brought him information of the doings of the world. He needed no papers or reports, all he needed do was look at his servants, and he knew their minds.
Morkiis looked down upon the servants who bowed before them and spoke, his voice like a knife, iron and cold. "Your progress is good, but remember where your goal lies. Destroy the important places first, the rest will all fall to us after. Rivendell, Lothlorien, the Gray Havens. Kill the elves."
The captains slapped their arms to their chests and bowed again, backing away from his presence, their minds racing as they turned over their best ideas of how best to go about the completion of these orders.
Arat-Curion stared over the side of the boat as it pulled away from the Blessed Realms. Its sleek, white side glistened in the spray, and he watched in silence as the fleet from Valinor began to break up. Every ship had an important destination; the explosion of orcs upon Middle Earth had been a surprise to everyone. Normally, the Blessed Realms kept a determined line that Middle Earth take care of its own affairs, and Middle Earth take care of theirs. But the situation had changed, and all knew that a second uprising of the strength of that of Sauron could not be risked. It was true that no force of that size had been brought out as yet, but the orcs kept coming, and they were thus far in sufficient numbers to bring back bitter memories.
"It should have been the time of men," said a voice from behind Arat-Curion, and he turned around swiftly to the speaker. It was an elven man, his hair blond and shoulder length and his eyes gray, as he looked out upon the Teleri ships.
"What do you mean?"
"Our time in Middle Earth is over," the elf said, turning his attention to Arat-Curion. "It is the time of men in Middle Earth, but us elves have to return now to solve their own problems." For a moment he was silent, then he took a step closer and extended a hand. "My name is Theneal Nairminien. What is yours?"
02-01-2002, 10:05 PM
Meanwhile in Mirkwood...
"Gogan, Run!"
"Watch out!"
The fire spreaded toward the home of the elf, loved by many.
Gogan was a warrior elf, who was known all around Mirkwood, as well as Loriein.
Gogan wasnt sure what was going on but he saw his best friend,
Gleingo ran to Gogan's home and shouted, "Fire, RUN!"
He ran his sword, and staff, quiver and bow.
"Let's go!"Gogan shouted.
"Were is everyone going?"
As they ran he looked back at the acient ruins of Mirkwood fanish in an instent, as it was only a mere' second before his entire life
would change. Mirkwood was destroyed, and Fangorn waited.
As he ran he thought of all the memories he had in Mirkwood.
Gleingo and Gogan were thrown to the ground by two Orcs from behind. The elves turned around, stopped and readied there bows.
Indeed the Orcs had destroyed there home.
The elves dropped them all, but the orcs had already called more Orcs, and took Gogan and Gleingo. They were taken to Isengard, beaten and confused. Mirkwood was burned, and the elves had fallen. All hope was lost for the race of elves, because Rivendelle soon, probobly would be destroyed as well.
-thats all I got right now....
02-02-2002, 10:40 AM
Christon woke up on the back of a pony. The evil things were chasing someone! He was tied to the saddle, but the rope was fraying from rubbing on the pommel. Suddenly. SNAP Christon fell into darkness.
02-02-2002, 02:08 PM
Nariel Starshine: great! we now have a war going on between orcs and elves at the gates of Rivendell... I can't wait to see what will happen here :) Remember though that Elrond sent alot of Elves to help the lost men in Rohan, so Rivendells strenght isn't top notch like it use to be, and Elrond himself isn't there at the moment. I guess it will be all up to the amount of orcs attacking, and the amount of luck and skill of the elves :)
Lief Erikson: Welcome to the game :D I liked your story of the evil character (to everyone else: Lief and I have had some PM descussions going on to get more detailes of the sword and the evil, this will be kept secret though, until its revealed in the RPG story) Its really ok also that you use the Arat-Cúrion character, this isn't really my character, he is the father of my character, however, I would like to have the main control of him. :p
Only one thing though. If I understand your english right (it's pretty advanced compared to mine) you say that Gandalf and Elrond is in the same ship as Arat-Cúrion when they sail from Valinor to Middle Earth. This is however not how it is. A wizard named Texol is in the same ship as Arat-Cúrion. Gandalf is in one of the other ships, and Elrond is already in Middle earth, waiting at the Grey Havens.. please reread the other posts from me to find more info about this ;)
ElfOfMirkwood: Welcome to the game! Wow! Mirkwood is destroied! ALOT of orcs must be sent out to manage such huge damage I think, but very well :) Hmm.. so you guess that the elvish race will be erased? the story will show, though at this moment, with I Nârmacil in the hands of an elf, this is not very likely, and yet the number of orcs hasn't reached the amount of that Sauron once released (as Lief Erikson claimed)... No one will know if this really will happen though :p
Littledud87: I see that Christon has a habbit of being unconsious. I wonder what evil is holding him, and why they are holding him, and if he will survive, and, if so, how he will survive :)
Great everyone, the story is getting into shape now!
I wonder if the archers sent out from Rivendell will get news about the attack of Rivendell, will they see the black smoke and fire killing Mirkwood? Have they reached Lorien? or have they just passed the montains and are watching as Mirkwood is destroid and Gogan is captured? If so I asume they wouldn't get to them in time to save them...
I hope that we will hear more news of the Hobbit soon as well, and how is Drelin (Aragorns character) and Mer Aislynn (Michelle the Fairs character) reacting to the attack of the gates in Rivendell?
I wonder what the Vala, KÆDEN is up to at the moment, as he heard the song of this hobbit.
In lothlorien it seems to me as if a stronger evil then orcs is coming, as this shadow hunting Oleander (Laurelyns character) is no orc, and its voice is colder then ice and blacker then the night. Great edit on your post Laurelyn. A better fictive image of this evil shadow hunting you is somehow made :)
What Lysander will do is not known, as he at the moment is in his hut healing the young boyfriend of his daughter.
Myself I (Arat-Falathion´(together with Arat-Cúrion and Undulë + other elves)) am heading for The Shire together with Elrond at the moment, wether my directions will change because of hinderings or not, I do not know.
That was a short roundup on the different characters this far people!!
- Arat-Falathion
Michelle The Fair
02-02-2002, 03:40 PM
Mer Aislynn was sitting in the Hall of Fire listen to the tale of Beren and Tinuviel, when Beoren ran franticly into the hall. "ORCS," he gasp, "at the east gate." Mer Aislynn bolted out of her seat. " We're trying to hold them off as best we can, but we need more archers!" Beoren cried. Mer Aislynn grabbed her bow and arrows and ran out of the hall after Beoren.
"Orcs in broad daylight? That has not been heard of since the treason of Saruman,"she said as they ran. "Nevertheless they are here and at our gates," Beoren said. " We can not let them get passed the gate. No evil has every entered Rivendell." She stopped short at the sight before her.
Flaming arrows rained down from the sky. Soon there was a great peril of fire behind the wall. All who could be spared wre trying to put out the flames that sprang up in many places. Elves were running from the rain of fire. Drums could be heard in the forest. The enemy pressed onto the walls.
Mer Aislynn leaped onto to the nearest platform. An arrow whizzed passed her head missing by mere inches. An elf she didn't recognize drew back her bow and loosed an arrow. It found its mark in the breast of an orc 20 yards away from the gate. "Thank you my friend," Mer Aislynn said. Just then orc arrows thick as rain came whistling over the walls, some found a mark. She ducked behind the wall.
Some of the orcs took up a battering ram to the gate. Mer Aislynn took aim at the cloest orc, he fell were he stood. She fired again and again. Still more orcs came. The battle ragged on for hours. Then there was a silence outside the gates.
"There must be some way to end this," Beoren said. "There is only one way I see to end this fight," one elf said. "They will not get Rivendell," another said. "Elrond is to far away and when he gets here with the Valinor, all he may find is a pile of ashes and scorched trees," Beoren said.
As Mer Aislynn stood slowly, all eyes tured towards her. " there is another way," she said. "There is? What is it? Speak up!" They all Shouted. " I..I.," she stammered. Beoren put a hand on her shoulder. "She bares the gift of a Chammer's voice. When she sings, the orcs will obey her." "Then sing" they said. As she began the shouts of all grew silent.....
"Ai! laurie lantar lassie surinen,
yeni unotime ve ramar aldaron!
Yeni ve linte yuldar avanier
mi oromardi lisse-miruvoreva
Andune pella, Vardo tellumar
nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni
omaryo airetari-lirinen.
Si man i nin enquantuva?
An si Tintalle Varda Oilosseo
ve fanyar maryat Elentari ortane,
ar ilye tier undulave lumbule;
ar sindanoriello caita mornie
i falmalinnar imbe met, ar histe
untupa Calaciryo miri oiale.
Si vanwa na, Romello vanwa, Valimar!
Namarie! Nai hiruvalye Valimar.
Nai elye hiruva. Namarie!"
The orcs,who had begun a new assault, stopped where they were. Some of the Elves took aim, but Beoren stayed their hands. Her song ended Mer Aislynn stood silent.
02-03-2002, 09:31 AM
OOC: nice :D
02-03-2002, 11:14 AM
“It is about 150 miles from where we now stand to The Shire. Please leave your food in the wagons which will follow us, bear only your weapon and be prepared for anything!” Elrond stood on a stone to get above the rest of the group as he spoke. There were only elves in this group, and the amount reached a little over 250.
“I will take you all to Rivendell, as we need a better defence there. We will go through The Shire, to check that the hobbits are alright.” He jumped down from the stone and marched east followed by the group. Arat-Falathion, his father, Arat-Cúrion and Undulë walked in the front with Elrond. They did not speak a lot, because their heart was troubled by the darkness awaiting, but Arat-Falathion remembered Texols words: “Do not cry and do not fear the darkness surrounding your heart, but be strong, be proud and rise tall, because something tells me you will serve great deeds in the fight against the new darkness arising.”
They had now passed the Westmarch and in the horizon they could see what they had hoped to see the least. They were all stunned by the sight. Terrible black clouds were veiling up into the sky. “The SHIRE!” an elven voice said. “It is on FIRE!” They ran like only elves can run. They hoped that there still would be someone left they could save, or any evil left that they could kill.
...meanwhile Texol, Gandalf and the rest of their group (consisting of about 1500 elves, 100 men and a few dwarfs) had passed the Tower Hills and the river, Baranduin. They were heading south-east for Rohan and Gondor to seek information about the sword of flames. Nothing worth mentioning were yet to happen on their journey, only sweat and tiredness...
All this happened in the very same time as the gates of Rivendell were attacked.
Earlier in the swanships (before he met Texol) Arat-Cúrion replied to Theneal Nairminiens question. “My name is Arat-Cúrion, son of Arat-B*renath.” He looked over the sea towards where Middle earth sooner or later would appear for their eyes. “I can not agree with your saying though, I think this darkness concerns us all. Not only the mortals.” He looked back at Theneal, waiting for him to argue on this.
Thrain of the Shire
02-03-2002, 05:33 PM
“So” said Numenor, having waited impatiently until the last piece of toast had been eaten and every teacup freshly filled, “what did you find?”
Magnanamous and Rosalina looked at each other. The fire flickered and each of the three was secretly wishing that dawn would hurry up and arrive. The things they had been reading made them crave for the clean light of day.
Magnanamous cleared his throat and shuffled the huge pile of papers balanced precariously in his lap.
“Well, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that his notes make it quite clear that his era was the end of an age and that we are now in the Age of Man – which according to him means that magic, good AND evil should be far less than it was in his day. That means to me we aren’t facing another…you know who”. He didn’t notice Numenor’s slight frown.
“The bad news is that I think I know what those creatures were that we all saw in the vision.”
He paused.
“I think they were Orcs.”
“Orcs?” burst out Rosalina “but no-one’s seen Orcs since…well, since Sam’s days and that was centuries ago, that was another age. And how can there be Orcs again, when we all know that there shouldn’t be enough evil left for anyone to create them….how can that be? They can’t have been Orcs…” she looked across the table at Numenor, waiting for him to back her up. Hoping he would. He was looking at the floor and chewing on his lower lip. She knew that didn’t bode well for her hopes.
“Numie??” She leant over and touched his knee, gently. “Numie, what is it?”
Numenor sighed. And slowly sat up straight. So slowly it seemed there was a huge weight on his shoulders.
“I think there is something I should tell you both. It’s something I promised never to tell unless I had to, but I think it is time now, at least, for you to hear part of the story. That’s why I wanted to check the Gamgee archive, to make sure of a few things before I told you, to make sure it really was time. And it is.” He glanced out of the window.
“But I think we can wait another few minutes. After all, as Gandalf always used to say, some things are better talked about in daylight. Who’s for more tea?”
He walked over to the the kettle, and glanced out of the window to gauge how long it was until full was already reddening on the horizon. He sighed. He couldn't delay any longer.
He sat down.
"here it is" he began, fingering his necklace as if for strength.
"maggie, those were Orcs." The other two breathed in sharply. ORcs? Here and Now? but why? and How?
"But there weren't just Orcs." Numenor continued.
"Do you both remember that there were several different Orc armies mentioned in Gamgee's books? There were Sauron's Orcs, Saruman's Orcs...and other, more powerful creatures. "He looked at them. They were both nodding. He almost smiled, they must be the only three hobbits in the world who knew about let alone had read the original tales of those old days. He was lucky to have such friends.
"There were Uruk-hai" he felt the blackness of the name on his tongue. "And here is something you do not know. This is something that has been kept secret and passed down from Took to Took through the generations. FRom Peregrine himself comes this knowledge, this fear. For Peregrine was mighty in his thoughts and deeds and, while it is true he started out with Frodo as a young and foolish hobbit, no older than I am now, he ended it a deeply thoughtful one. And he and Sam sat often and talked of what had happened, what was happening and..."he hesitated "...what might happen.
And here is what they saw: they saw that not all the orcs and Uruk hai had been destroyed. And they saw that not all eveil had been removed. And they saw that, while the wounds and death of their creators would drive them into the darkness of obscurity for many an age, they were not extinguished. And souls unextinguished do not just lie and wait, they grow. Even dark souls grow. And strengthen. and, nourished by the darkness and their own memories of pain and defeat, grow vengeful.
And yet this was not the end of their thinking. For Sam knew of gardens and plants and things that grow. And peregrine knew the souls of orcs and men. And together they realised one thing. Just as belief in goodness can lead a person to do good things. Just as a belief in good leadership can lead a leader to be good -- our own Thain is just an example of this -- just as belief in peace can lead people to be peaceful....the belief in evil can also create.
And if enough belief is found, then evil itself will incarnate. Not just as a dream, or a desire or a feeling -- but as an actual being, encompassing every extreme of evil....."
"But how can that be?" cried Magnanamous "If magic has left the earth, how can this happen?"
"Ah yes" said Numenor "If magic had truly left the earth, this could not happen. But it hasn't. It ahs always been there, faint and certain. The entdraught that arrives every autumn at my house proves that some magic still exists in this age. I always thought it was not enough to allow the evil to rise. But I was wrong."
He fingered the stone in his necklace.
"And, in fact, it may have been our ancestors who have aided evil -- inadvertently I admit, but how many magic artifacts do we still in our houses. I know I have some. And how about you Maggie -- you still have those collections of Meriadocs, don't you?"
Magnanamous looked down and nodded.
"And Rosalina, your whole garden is magic, everyoneknows it still reeks of the elvish gift your ancestor received..."
Rosalina nodded in agreement.
"In fact, if you add up everything, I think yo uwould find that along with Rivendell and other elvish places, the Shire is one of the most magic ridden places remaining. We have been feeding this evil by keeping these things.
And today the magic got stronger. You all felt it at the ceremony. Something else has happened. SOme thing of great magic has entered this land and that has given the enemy enough power to rise.
It is not Orcs we are fighting, my friends. It is evil itself. And unless it is defeated, and defeated fully this time -- "
He broke off.
Outside the sky was reddening. But it wasn't daylight. What he had taken for the first strands of dawn, was....FIRE!!!
"Quickly! Grab what you can -- we must escape -- come ON" he yelled.
The three of them ran outside --
"What about the town?" Magnanamous asked, "we must go there and help them, we can't just leave..."
Numenor stood, silhouetted against the red sky.
"Maggie, we can't go back there. We have to find out what triggered this -- only we know the true stories -- we have to find the elves and tell them....if we don't do that EVERYONE will die"
They stood, the three of them, and took one last look at the fire on the horizon.
Then they wrapped their cloaks around them, pulling them high around their legs -- and began to run.........
02-03-2002, 10:37 PM
Christon ran twords the gates Heeeeeeellllllllllpppp he screamed
Lief Erikson
02-04-2002, 01:11 AM
*There's one problem I just realized with this RPG, although if you like we can simply ignore it. The fact that Lothlorien is actually already supposed to have faded, or diminished, or however you want to put it. After the Ring was destroyed, that happened, and the elves likewise left. But anyway . . .*
"The men have for the most part had control of their own affairs for this past age, living in relative peace, but destroying any attack that comes upon them," Theneal said, looking Arat-Curion in the eye. "They seem capable, regardless of the fact that this latest attack seems to be far stronger than any before it since Sauron. And you know what happened last time those of the Blessed Realms interfered with mortal affairs," he said with a sad smile. "Although they were tactically correct, the land of Beleriand was cracked and destroyed. It was largely men who were involved in the overthrow of Sauron himself, albeit with help from the other races, and this newest menace hardly seems stronger than that one.
"Anyway," he said after a pause, shrugging, "that is simply my own opinion. You're welcome to your own."
He sought around for a moment before finding a newer, less controvertial subject. "I've come on this quest as a warrior, to defeat our enemies along with the footsoldiers. How about you? What is your specific purpose in this voyage?"
02-04-2002, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
*There's one problem I just realized with this RPG, although if you like we can simply ignore it. The fact that Lothlorien is actually already supposed to have faded, or diminished, or however you want to put it. After the Ring was destroyed, that happened, and the elves likewise left. But anyway . . .*
Oops, I forgot about that too . . . My vote is to ignore it.
Much later, my edit to this post: I meant work a way around it, not ignore it ignore it . . . aw heck, that didn't make any sense. I'll see what I can do with my posts to explain why she and her family and other elves returned to Lothlorien.
02-04-2002, 09:48 AM
Lief Erikson:
Ouch! You are right, and I should have remembered this... my job as GM has failed once already :rolleyes:
Well well. I think we should work this out in a way (not ignoring it), maybe some elves went back to Lothlorien; anyhow we shouldn't go above what Tolkien already wrote, that would be wrong and very uncorrect. But during the whole 4th age some elves could have traveled back to Lothlorien from whereever, but I don't think that Lothlorien would have the same power of magic now, as it had when Galadriel and one of the three rings were there. Hmm..
I don't know about the rest of you guys/girls... maybe you who are in Lothlorien or came from Lothlorien could get this realisticly into your writings... I mean, you could somehow tell why you/(your people) are in Lothlorien now, you know...
Thanks alot for clearing this Lief! Hantalë!!
Thrain of the Shire:
Great to see another post coming :) Long and good told, very nice! I wonder if our characters will meat soon? maybe... ;)
hmm.. is it the gates of Rivendell your character is running to? If so.. would this awaken the orcs that currently is under the spell of "Mer Aislynn" (Michelle the Fair)'s beautiful voice? maybe.. maybe not..
If so, they would prolly join whatever is coming after you in the fight against Rivendell, or maybe they would run, because they fear this evil coming after you.
If they do not awake from the spell, maybe Mer Aislynn will command them to attack whatever is comming after you..
..many different things could happen here folks ! it is all up to those in Rivendell...
- Arat-Falathion
02-04-2002, 10:08 AM
Yet Arat-Cúrions sword did not glow red, and he didn't know of its secret power at all; only its beauty. They were to far from middle earth, from evil, to make the blade awake its magic, so he pulled his sword out of its sleeve and showed it to Theneal, but didn't let him touch it.
"Together with my sword I will do my best to wanish whatever evil creature may come in my way." He let his sword wave a little back and forth in the air, pretending to be fighting. "I am going as a footsoldier together with my son, Arat-Falathion and his friend Undulë."
These two elves had stayed out of the conversation till now, but as Cúrion mentioned their names, they turned around and introdused themself.
"I am Arat-Falathion, son of Arat-Cúrion, bearer of Cúnë Hortacálë, the bow of lightspeed; which was used by my mother during the 3rd age. I'll stay by my fathers side till death do us part." He bowed to Theneal and Undulë stepped forward.
"I am Undulë, son of Thinólin which is in one of the other ships, bearer of my two short swords with no name, as they haven't been used in any fight yet." He bowed as well and they waited for Theneals reply...
- Arat-Falathion
Lief Erikson
02-04-2002, 01:00 PM
"Undulë, Arat-Falathion," Theneal said, bowing to each. "An honor to meet you.
"You'll stay with your father till death parts you?" Theneal asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow. "A long commitment, but yours to make," he said, his last sentence apparently including the father as well. "A fine weapon as well," he said, glancing at the lightbow. "It'll surely get a chance to slay orc once again.
"Have you always lived in the Blessed Realms, or, like me, did you originally come from Middle Earth?"
Nariel Starfire
02-04-2002, 09:30 PM
Loriel was out of arrows. So were all the archers near her. More were coming. The orcs had all but been annihilated, and only a few were left; they were fleeing into the woods. But fires now raged all around. They threw open the gates and began a water line with buckets to and from the river. Unabated, the fires kept burning.
Hours later, the elves overcame and the last fire was extingushed. Seven Elven archers had fallen and now was the time for Loriel to explain her plight.
"Take me to your lord." she said to the elf.
OOC: Who is currently in charge of Rivendell anyway?:D :p
02-05-2002, 12:14 PM
Arat-Falathion smiled. "I was born in Valinor in the beginning of the 4th age. I have never been to Middle earth, such a shame my first experience with this land will be during such terrible times. On the other hand, I doubt I would ever leave the Blessed Realmes for anything, if it wasn't for this new shadow arising." Falathion sighed and Undulë agreed by nodding his head silently.
Arat-Cúrion pushed his sword back in its sleeve. "I have never been to Middle Earth myself. I was born in the 2nd age, and even when Sauron was rising I did not help my family fighting the evil in Middle Earth. I preferred to walk in the green forest and hear the birds sing, I wanted to take my little boat out on the waters to fish. I didn't want to feel the evil in the east. My father, Arat-B*renath and my two brothers travelled to help my fathers brother; they all died in the fight against Sauron, I want to do right what I once did wrong, that is why I am standing here on this ship.
And it was actually during the end of the 3rd age, on the very day when Arat-B*renath (my father) died by the gates of Gondor, that I found my sword. I was actually fishing in the great sea, on deeper water then I had ever been fishing before, and the sword attached itself to my rod somehow. It was the most beautiful sword I had ever seen, and it still is today, but I kept it secret, didn't want to share its beauty with anyone. There is something about this sword; and I have a feeling that until the 4th age has passed, its secrets will be revealed." Cúrion laied his hand on the red red stone attached at the end of the swords edge. He was thinking, or maybe he wasn't thinking; just staring.
It was impossible to see land eather way now, but the sun shined thankfully on blue background; and during this moment a great eagle landed on the boat-rig right beside Theneal. And Arat-Cúrion, Falathion and Undulë turned away and walked a little further forward in the ship leaving the two alone, assuming they knew eachother; but what the three elves didn't see behind their back, was the high white-dressed wizard, Texol, who walked over to the eagle and Theneal...
02-05-2002, 12:17 PM
Nariel Starshine:
Hmm.. It should have been Elrond, but he is heading towards the Shire at this very moment. I guess he has made one man/woman in charge there while he is away, who this is I do not know though.
- Arat-Falathion
Michelle The Fair
02-05-2002, 02:28 PM
Beoren walked over to Mer Aislynn and asked, "What will you command them to do?" Mer Aislynn thought for a moment, then she climbed to a higher platform.
In a voice that rang loud and clear she said,"Hear me Uruki Hai! I am your leader now! I want half of you to help put out these fires." Immediatly about fourty Uruki Hai started running down to the river, filling their helmets with water. Mer Aislynn then turned to the rest. "Ten of you stand guard at this gate. Let none enter save Elrond and his companions. The rest of you clear away the bodies of comrades."
Mer Aislynn turned and climed down from the platform. When she reached the bottom, Beoren clapped a hand on her shoulder. "Well done," he said. Mer Aislynn turned to head back to the halls of Rivendell. Suddenly the world around her blurred and she felt herself falling, falling. Then darkness..................
__________________________________________________ __
Beoren Is incharge of Rivendell
Nariel Starfire
02-05-2002, 06:51 PM
"Here," the elf told Loriel. "here is the lord of the city."
Loriel looked upon the Elf of whom he spoke. He was bending over a young maiden who had fallen suddenly.
"Surely this is not Elrond Halfelven?" she said.
"Nay," said the lord of the city, looking up at her. "Elrond has gone and left me to charge this city."
"Those are dark tidings indeed. However, I must meet with you. I am Loriel of Rhovanion and I bear news which will make this seem light."
The Elf stood up. "I am Beoren. My comrade is fallen. I must now tend to her. BUt if you will join me, I will hear your tale."
Nariel Starfire
02-07-2002, 05:04 PM
Loriel nodded. She would follow Beoren. He picked up his fallen comrade and went toward the house of Elrond, where they lay her in a large open room. A healer was summoned. as they waited, Beoren motioned to two chairs. They both sat.
"Now," said Beoren, "Tell me what it is that has caused you to bring this plague to us in peaceful Rivendell."
"I am Loriel, daughter of Kalendil. I have lived peacefully all my life in what is now called Mirkwood. Until now, all I heard of the Ring and the evils and such were stories. Dol Guldur was off limits, so I never witnessed any of it. But Four days hence a foul wind blew from the south followed by scores of orcs. We battled them and slew many, but they came ever onward. Why, I do not know. But their flaming darts lit Mirkwood in flames. I was sent under order of Thranduil the King himself to tell Elrond of this. Many orcs followed me. I ran day and night with no rest over the mountains to come. The yrch never left, never gave up. I have come to plead with Elrond, or with you. Our home is destroyed and we hae no where to go. Can you help me?"
Lief Erikson
02-07-2002, 07:18 PM
"Look, all I'm asking is why," snarled the first orc, a captain who was leaning on the table upon which their plans had been laid. "All that makes sense is to take the easy bits first. Take everything bit by bit until the strong parts have lost support, and are but islands. Hit the strong points of the revived elves of Middle Earth first and what happens? We break off them like water falling from stone!"
Command General Guldruk stared at him for a moment in silent contempt. He and some of the others simply didn't understand. They didn't understand pain or fear, and they didn't understand that to refuse or question orders was a surer way to death than being in the front line of a charge against Minas Tirith itself. "These are the orders from Lord Morciis," he answered quietly, his voice low and guttural. "We will obey."
"I don't doubt that your plans are as well thought out as they can be," the captain returned, his lip twisting in sneer as he spoke. "But neither you nor Morciis understands strategy."
"Insolent curr!" Guldruk roared, his temper finally snapping. He whipped his sword from its sheath and slashed sideways, only a quick backwards step saving the orc captain from a swift beheading.
The orc drew his own slightly curved, black blade and snarled back, his twisted yellow teeth glinting in the torchlight. The other commanders in this meeting place drew back, wisely choosing not to become involved in this struggle.
Guldruk stepped around the table, his hand brushing the maps and papers laid out across it as he passed. He slashed downwards with his blade once, but his opponent parried the blow and returned it.
Guldruk blocked again, stabbed, parried and made a lowline attack, catching his opponent offguard. The captain struggled to recover, blocked the weapon wildly, and never knew what hit him. Guldruk's sword slid neatly out from between two of his opponent's ribs, and the captain collapsed to his knees, fighting for air as black blooded dribbled down from his lip.
"Never shall any in my army speak disrespectfully of Lord Morciis, the Dark Lord whom we serve," Guldruk said as he stared pitilessly down upon the dying orc captain. "The plan we have set upon is as good as it can be, and although we don't quite have the power at our disposal that Sauron once did, we are coming close. Our enemies falter, and Rivendell is finally exposed. Mirkwood is defeated as well. Our enemies fall where we strike, and we must not allow our movements to falter. Disrespect causes lack of faith, and lack of faith causes cowardice, and disobedience. Obedience and swift movement are necessary for the victory of our campaign."
Guldruk seized the unfortunate orc captain by the throat and drew him closer so that they were eye to eye. "Is it not so?"
The orc whimpered something, his words lost in a moan as his pain shuddered through him again. Guldruk laughed and swiped the captain's head off casually with his blade as he rose. "Take the corpse out where the others will see it, and let them know that so will die all traitors. And simultaneously inform them of our victory in Mirkwood . . . You know how to make a rousing speech, Calbgrad," he said, turning to one of the orc lieutenants. "Speak to them."
The orc bowed and retreated out the tent flap, hurriedly, tripping on his own feet as the guards who stood at the tent sides drew out the body after him.
"Now," Guldruk said, turning with a wide, black grin towards the other orc captains, "shall we continue our plans?"
02-08-2002, 02:35 PM
OOC: Sorry for not posting here for some days. My teachers have the habbit of getting every freaking test and project work squiced into the same week :(
I will continue my characters' story as soon as I have time!!
This is most likely in the middle of next week, but I hope to be able to post before that time. Meanwhile its great that you people continue to post! People are coming together now, and a dark lord has got a name... yaikes! :eek:
I'll be back!
- Arat-Falathion
02-08-2002, 04:46 PM
Texol stood up from his seat as soon as the eagle landed. This was a chance to get news from Middle earth, and that could come good in hand later on.
"Hello there great eagle of the sky; you bring any news from the land in the east?" Texol spoke the language of eagles, and an elf on his right side seemed to notice this and listened eagerly. The eagle looked up at Texol and said, "I bring news from middle earth to Manwë in Valinor as I have promissed. I saw this ship from up above, and I thought it would be an opportunity to get a short rest here, half way over the great sea, before I continue.
A huge amount of orcs are attacking Mirkwood, the great men in Rohan and Gondor are rusting up for war and Rivendell and Lorien is still living outside of the darkness, but the evil is growing. I saw the shadows spreading before my eyes when I left, and I'm sure they still are. Where the darkness is comming from I do not know, the darkness is too dark and to widely spread. I can not see through it and I dare not seak into it." Texol stroke the eagle over the feathers. "That is wise of you!" The eagle took off and continued its journey to Valinor; and as Texol was about to find his way back to his seat, the elf, who had been standing to his right during the whole eagle conversation, approached him...
OOC: For those who wonder, this elf should be Theneal...
- Arat-Falathion
02-08-2002, 05:08 PM
OOC: Alright, I'm gonna try to get a good plot going on with Orcs vs. Rivendell. The battle was way to short. Here we go.
Drelin was among the bowmen who had battled the Uruk-Hai. An elf next to him lay dead. He grieved at his loss. Suddenly, he saw a faint glimmer of light, farther off than any of the Uruk-Hai prisoners were. He hoped what he had seen was not true. But he had to find out. He drew an arrow from his quiver, notched it on his longbow, and let it fly. It sailed over the captured Uruk-Hai prisoners and into the woods. He heard a faint cry of pain. Reality struck him. He heard soft voices. Small glimmers, they seemed to be torches, hidden, but not hidden well enough for an elf who was trying to find something in the direction it was. The lights seemed to be all over. Drelin gave a shout.
"There are more of them! Many more! They are planning an ambush!" Drelin called out.
Soon the other elves saw the torch lights too. Realization too dawned on them. The battle was easily won. Too easily. These were not the only Orcs in the woods near Rivendell.
OOC: I hope this is okay. If not, I'll edit it.
02-08-2002, 06:22 PM
Streaks of green as the trees passed by; jumping over roots, stones, anything standing in their way. The elves ran fast and kept their weapons ready. They ran onto a road that appeared and continued. They found that it led to Hobbiton where Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Munti once lived, and their families still did; This is also where the black smoke and fire came from.
A smell cought their noses before their eyes saw the terrible sight.
Hibbiton was totaly wasted. Houses were burning, trees were cut down, the mill was destroied, hobbits were laying dead everywhere. The elves stopped for a few second, stunned by the sight. "I do not believe what my eyes now witness," Elrond cried. And those who once had seen this place in its happily glory cried, and those who hadn't, cried also. They burried the boddies that was not totaly burned or slashed to pieces and searched for remaining orcs, but didn't find any.
"They came quickly and left in a hurry," Elrond said. "Too bad we didn't get here in time. We will splitt into two groups from here. One group will look for remaining hobbits in the woods, and the other will follow me to Rivendell, as I have a feeling Rivendell are in need of our help. The first group will catch up with us later."
He devided the two groups. 200 elves came with him along the Great East Road to Rivendell, and about 50 were left to search the nearby woods and look for remaining hobbits; and if lucky, remaining orcs. Arat-Cúrion, Arat-Falathion and Undulë did not follow Elrond to Rivendell, but stayed with the remaining 50. This was against Elronds advice, but the sight in Hobbiton had made a too strong impression on Arat-Cúrion, and he refused to leave without searching the woods first.
So they were splitted. Elrond left with 200 elves and Arat-Cúrion and the rest began to travel in between the trees on the south side of Hobbiton...
...Meanwhile had Texol, Gandalf and the rest of this group just passed the river Gwanthló or the Greyflood. They had changed their direction a little south-east, and were now walking on the Old South Road. The sun was shining in this land, but they could see the shadows rising tall on the horizon in the east. Gandalf stopped for a second and looked at the shadow appearing.
"Isengard... where evil once has found its place, it won't leave easily."
In this very moment a little bird came flying and landed on Gandalfs shoulder. "Hello there my little friend. You bring any news?" Gandalf asked as he took the little bird into his right palm. The bird did bring news. He told of the attack on Rivendell, the destruction of Mirkwood, the attack on Lorien and Rohans riders and Gondors men gathering. He also told of orcs in Isengard and the orcs entering the Shire.
The word about the Shire struck Gandalf the most, since he had a special heart for the hobbits. He knew though, that Elrond and his group was heading in that direction and hoped they would come to the Shire in time.
However, he was in great consern of the description of the attack on Rivendell, and he did not dare to leave it. This is how this second group got splitted as well. He sent Texol together with about thousand elves and all the dwarfs along the river Hoarwell up north to Rivendell. Gandalf himself carried on together with the rest to Rohan and Gondor as planned...
Aragorn: Making the attack on Rivendell longer makes this alot more exiting. I think that alot of the orcs destroing Mirkwood would come to Rivendell, since their dark lord has commanded them to destroy these places. But as ElfofMirkwood (as Gogan) already claimed, alot of orcs did travel south to Isengard with some elven hostages as well.
I guess Texol and his group will come Rivendell to rescue as well as Elrond and his group. This is a maybe, since the way still is long, and how long Rivendell can stand against the new orc attack, (in consern of how big it is), I do not know...
- Arat-Falathion
Michelle The Fair
02-08-2002, 07:37 PM
Mer Aislynn found herself walking in complete darkness. Then she heard a foul voice out of the dark. "Are you lost my child? Are you lost?" Mer Aislynn could not tell where the voice came from. "Let me show you the way." A black twisted hand reached out of the Darkness and she stepped back. On the hand was a silver ring with a black stone. "Come with me," said the voice. "Come with me and you will lose your pain, Forever."
"NOOOOO," she cried as she staggered back. She turned, saw a light and began running towards it. Behind her the evil voice laughed and said, "You are nothing. I will crush you all." She ran faster though she seemed no nearer the light. All the while the evil crept closer and closer.
She heard other voices in the dark, friendly voices. But sad. "I have come to plead with Elrond, or with you. Our home is destroyed and we have no where to go. Can you help me?" said a female voice. Mer Aislynn ran towards them.
When she opened her eyes the light blinded her some. "You're awake," Beoren said standing beside her. "Let me introduce Loriel. She comes from Mirkwood with news." Loriel bows, "Mirkwood has been set ablaze. I barely escaped with my life."
"Ill news indeed. Elrond should be told of this. Beoren, you should send our fastest runners to find him." Mer Aislynn said.
02-09-2002, 03:50 PM
I wonder who this runner will be? Time will show I guess. :)
Great told that mind thing, as Lord Morc*s could read his servants mind, I guess he have some kind of mind control, maybe some of his creatures do as well... this is a great maybe!
I would post further, but I think I have to wait for some of the other characters before I do so.. and I still have alot of HW :p
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
02-10-2002, 01:43 AM
"I will go" said Loriel. "I have run without ceasing the last four days, and I believe that i should go. But accompaniment would be pleasant. I should like to take to others with me."
"Very well," said Beoren and Mer-Aislynn in unison.
"Let us go." They said. Mer-Aislynn got up and led the other two out. When they arrived back where they had met, they found chaos. The Uruk-Hai that Mer-Aislynn had commanded had turned back when they saw their reinforcements. There was now a great battle waxing within the walls of the city as well as without. Loriel looked at the nearest Uruk-Hai and flung a well-aimed dagger into his chest. SHe then approached him, removed her dagger, and took his quiver, which was nearly full. Immediately, she was on the wall, her long bow singing.
02-13-2002, 09:26 AM
OOC: Yet again I must ask not to take any major control over the others characters. But if Michelle the Fair do not mind, I guess it is ok. Anyway, I don't think I will post untill we've got new posts from a few other people.
We have a situation in Rivendell now conserning Aragorn, Michelle the Fair and Nariel Starshine.
What have happened with Laurelyn and ElfofMirkwood we do not know yet. ElfofMirkwood is in Isengard, where Laurelyn is we do not know. We do not know where Littledude87 is eather.
Laurelyn: your edit on your post is noticed :) it's ok.
Where the hobbits (by ThrainoftheShire) are now.. hmm.. I guess they are somewhere in the forest, so eather will they run away, or orcs will find them, or Arat-Falathion will find them...
We know the plans of the orcs stated by Lief Eriksson, what happened between Texol and Theneal we do not know yet... and where did Theneal go when the ships came to the Grey Havens? with Elrond? or with Texol? or with another group? (if there wore any..?)
Lysander is still in his hut healing the young boy... maybe we should get a new update here soon? :D
Arat-Falathion is in the forest in the south near Hobbiton, Texol is on his way from near Isengard and up north to Rivendell, Gandalf is on his way to Rohan and Gondor, maybe he comes to Isengard first... (I do not know; this is not my character.. and could be used by who ever wants to..) He is probably the strongest wizard in Middle earth as far as the story yet have told...
Thats a little roundup people! Please continue your stories ;)
- Arat-Falathion
02-14-2002, 07:49 AM
OOC: Sorry ive been under a lot of pressure with stuff lately, but I will try to keep posting
Christon woke, and looked around. It seemed he was in the forest he passed on the way to Bree. If this was correct, Rivendell was to the east, Right where the battl sounds were coming from. Christon snuck twords the noise, trying to figure out how he would get in, and if they would take him.
Lief Erikson
02-17-2002, 10:56 AM
"Is there any knowledge of who the leader of these orcs is, or who he is, for that matter?" Theneal asked the eagle.
"None," it squawked. "Whoever it is is content simply to throw his armies against the world, but apparently he is well hidden."
"Then we must be extra wary," Theneal said thoughtfully. Suddenly he seemed to notice Texol. "Forgive me, I am terribly impolite this morning. My name is Theneal Mavarn, and I am an elven warrior of this company." He smiled slightly. "Perhaps I spoke out of turn, but I am curious as to the nature of this evil."
Several days past quietly before the ships landed, and when they did, Theneal chose chose with the group led by Elrond.
02-17-2002, 11:55 AM
The group of 50 elves were now spread around the nearby woods of Hobbiton. Arat-Falathion, Cúrion and Undulë were sticking together and searched the forest in the south of Hobbiton.
"We should go back to Hobbiton and follow the footprints of the orcs." Undulë said as he was getting tired of this search. "After what they did to those poore hobbits, they deserve to be slayed by my swords." "That is true indeed, Undulë, but we are here to find possible remaining hobbits, not orcs." Arat-Cúrion was searching the bushes and the trees carefully as he replyed flatly to Undulë.
Suddenly an elvish voice riced above all the others. "A lastanya Eldar, utúvienyes! (Hear me elves, I have found it!) The footprints of hobbits!" The three elves ran towards the area they had heard the voice. An elf sat bent over with the back to Falathion, Cúrion and Undulë as they aproached. He had shoulderlength blond hair and over his shoulder a thin golden chain holding a silver trumpet were resting. They knew this elf, this was Theneal...
- Arat- Falathion
02-17-2002, 12:18 PM
One’s destiny is another’s downfall
Cut one string in a weaving and the whole thing will come undone
Run from one evil, and you will meet another on your journey
Oleander raised her head slowly from hard wood planks, reaching out an arm to steady herself from the dizziness that threatened to overcome her again. A pounding headache shot waves of pain through her consciousness, and she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to stand up. As she struggled to regain control of her mind and body, memory flooded back like a slap in the face, bringing with it numerous stinging questions.
What in all of Middle-earth was that shadow? And what did it want with her? And anyways . . . where was she?
Looking around, she saw that she was in a wooden cart, being pulled along by a group of Orcs, each of which were wearing identical nasty grins to see her awake. “Heh, the little flower isn’t so happy now, is she?” one snarled at her. Oleander said nothing, but she wondered how it knew her. Oleander . . . flower . . . she didn’t know who could have told an Orc of her existence, let alone her name.
She glanced up, scanning the scenery around, trying to find out where she was. Off to her left she could see the snow-capped peaks of the Hithaeglir, and to her right the line of treeless space that had to be the River Anduin, and then even further beyond that an ominous- seeming cloud of black smoke hanging in the air, a result of something being burned, she thought.. Looking behind her, she could see vaguely the huge mellyrn trees and golden mists of Lothlorien, her home.
Her ancestors had given up living in Valinor to return to Lorien, so long ago, Oleander thought. And as she thought this, an ugly vision flashed before her mind, of Lorien burning, the trees being felled. She recoiled in horror, wondering where that terrible scene had come from. I’m not prophetic! At least I hope not . . ..Oleander was scared now, though, that her family, and their other friends’ sacrifice to return to Lorien might turn out in vain.
And what about the rest of Middle-earth?! Something was different, some new evil had awakened, she was fairly sure of that. Orcs, shadows, visions . . . . She remembered what the shadow had said to her before she started running. You are an enemy of shadow and your destiny is woven against it . . . If maybe it spoke the truth . . . Oleander thought. If maybe little old me has a part to play, if there’s anything I can do to save my world, my home, I will do it.
But no sooner had a thought of escape crossed her mind when the lead Orc turned around and snarled at her. It laughed at the expression of frustration that crossed her face, then reached back, and struck her across the forehead. Oleander’s world tipped and spun, and she felt another hard blow come down upon her like the crack of a whip. Vaguely she wondered if the Orc had read her mind, and known that she was thinking of escaping, when the orc hit her a third time, and she could neither think or know anything more.
OOC: Sorry this took me so long. Any problems or mistakes I've made, feel free to correct me.
02-17-2002, 12:34 PM
Laurelyn: No problems nor mistakes here :) It was really great told, and I always enjoy those wise poetic words in the beginning of your text :D
Littledude87: You are approaching rivendell now, right? that is, if I understand you correctly :p
Lief: great thing you find a little time to post your story in here, even when you are in such a possition as you are now!
Hantalë melonyár!
- Arat-Falathion
02-17-2002, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
Laurelyn: No problems nor mistakes here :) It was really great told, and I always enjoy those wise poetic words in the beginning of your text :D
I'm glad they're noticed and enjoyed. I'll try and keep sticking them in there.
02-18-2002, 10:55 AM
I have now updated the map of our journey, those with questionmarks (?) behind we do not know where is right now.
I have also created a soundtrack song heavely inspired of this RPG. In the content you can read the story of the Hobbit, Numenor. Although this song is only inspired by his story, not copied. It should not be like that in this RPG... ;)
anyways.. for those who wants the mp3-file, they have to e-mail me, or contact me on ICQ or MSN (
I could only upload the tracked "xm" version (for those who knows that format) You should get ModPlugTracker at ( ) to listen to this Hobbit inspired song...
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
02-18-2002, 04:24 PM
okay, so since no one else is posting, i guess I will.
Again, Loriel was out of arrows. The orcs were losing, but many more Elves had been lost. She had to do something. She couldn't see Mer-Aislynn and Beoren. Where were they? She took her two daggers and fulng them simultaneously. Two orcs fell. She took their quivers and returned to arching, bringing down as many as she could with their own weapons. The battle went on for hours and before long the city was once again fighting the blazing darts of the orcs. Not only that, but the forst was ablaze as well. Loriel's stomach turned. She felt she wasn't going to get out of this one alive. She had to go find Elrond. She had to leave the battle. She turned to an ELf nearby. "You," she said. "Are you a swift runner?"
"Indeed," he replied.
"I am Loriel. You must trust me. Please follow."
"I am Quetal."
Loriel turned and ran out of the city, Quetal following closely. They ran and ran toward the East. Loriel hoped beyond everything that they would reach ELrond in time.
OOC: Where exactly is Elrond. I can't find him on the map.
02-18-2002, 04:42 PM
Elrond is on the map, he is only so darn hard to see :P
If you see the path of Arat-Falathion (wich followed Elrond to The Shire) you should see that the road from the Shire and a little up past Bree is brown. He might be a little further on the way now then he is on this map though, that's a maybe...
- Arat-Falathion
Lief Erikson
02-18-2002, 06:54 PM
Theneal advanced at a quick run, the others close behind him. The others were close behind, and moving as quietly as possible to avoid startling the hobbits. Hobbits had good hearing, if not as good as that of elves, but they could move so stealthily that not even an elf would know they were there before they had popped up next to you. Unless you spotted them visually first, of course. The one great and useful talent hobbits had had was their stealthy movement, and that was by far the only thing about them that Theneal envied. He personally didn't care much for hobbits, although of course he was never rude around them. He didn't mind helping hunt them down now either, if it would help his comrades.
Elves could run at tremendous speeds for days without rest, and this trail was not old. "We'll have reached them shortly," he told the others.
Nariel Starfire
02-19-2002, 03:15 PM
ooc: thanks Arat-Falathion. I see him now.
02-19-2002, 11:33 PM
The numbers of the Orcs had dropped from seemingly infinant to slackening. The elven casualties were much more numerous. Drelin stood on the battlements, fighting for his home. He shot wildly but accuratly. His kill count had passed 100 as had most of the elves. An elf next to him fell from an arrow in his head. Another one dropped on his other side, clutching his stomach in pain and pulling an arrow from it. The orcs were attempting again to set the gates of Rivendell ablaze. Most of the elven archers were over near them, trying to put out the fire. What was left of the archers protecting Rivendell could barely dodge the numerous arrows and fire back.
"Get that fire out at the gates! Keep the pressure on the orcs! We will not go without a fight!!"
Drelin took out his war horn and blew hard on it. The sound was deafening. He blew again and again, hoping Elrond or another band of elves, dwarves, men, or even hobbits could come. The horn also planted new hope in the hearts of the Rivendell elves.
OOC: Tell me if I did anything wrong.
02-20-2002, 10:16 AM
"...did you hear that, Texol?" an elf close to him said. "I hear the blow of a horn in great danger!" Texol stopped and listened. They had just passed the Last Bridge three hours ago and had the Trollshaws to their left now, as they had had for the last two hours.
The mind of Texols face changed dramatically as he noticed the sound. "This is the sound of a war horn! It's only used under extreem circumstances; the attack on Rivendell must truly be enormous! We do not have much time!"
The all began to run even faster then they already were running. They had to make it!
They passed the Ford bridge, they could easily hear the fearsome screams of the battle on the northeastern gates. Texol strenghtened his grip around the staff in his hands, hoping that the gates would hold till his coming...
At the same time as Texol and his thousand elves and the dwarfs passed the Ford Bridge, Elrond was about to enter the Last Bridge when two elves came leaping in from the northeast. (*a shortcut from Rivendell*)
Aragorn: nothing wrong there, great :) and welcome back to the saga :D
Nariel Starshine: good :) you are just about to meet him at the Last Bridge however. (Elrond is not my character, and you could take control of him as you'd like...)
Lief Erikson: I think we should wait for Thrain of the Shire to post before we continue much longer, as it is his 3 hobbits that escaped the orcs...
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
02-21-2002, 01:08 PM
Loriel journey ended abrubptly when she reached the Last Bridge. There was Elrond, having just crossed it. It seemed a little coincidental for her, but she would gladly take the extra time she had not expected. She nearly ran into Elrond, having not been able to stop fast enough. Quetal ran into her from behind.
"What is the meaning of this?" Elrond demanded.
Thrain of the Shire
02-23-2002, 02:00 PM
"can't we stop?" magnanamous tugged on Numenor's arm..
"they stopped following us ages ago!"
Numenor finally stopped running and looked about him as if seeing for the first time. He glanced at Rosalina and felt a pang of shame as he saw her gasping for breath.
"yes, I suppose we can, but just for a while. Even though we seem to have lost them, I would rather be much further from them than we are right now"
He sank to the ground, leaning against the smooth bark of a tree. Above him the branches moved gently, dappling the sunlight that fell so incongrously onto the soft grassy floor of the forest. How could the sun be shining on such a terrible day? And had they really been running so long?
Magnanamous and Rosalina threw themselves on the ground beside him and all was quiet for a few minutes. Slowly their breathing settled. Numenor wondered at how silent everything was.
Then Magnanamous took a deep breath and spoke:
"Numie, you never did finish telling us.....telling us everything, did you?"
Numenor sighed. The last thing he felt like doing was telling the stories now. He opened his eyes. Both his friends were looking at him. He couldn't let them continue without knowing what they were getting into.
He leant his head back against the tree and began:
"It was a long time ago. So long that I don't even know how much of this is true, but it all has to do with our ancestors -- their friends -- and this green stone."
He fingered the stone, and guessed that the others were not surprised at all.
"Do you remember Bilbo's story? and Frodo's?" he glanced at them. "And do youremember any green stones in those tales?"
Magnanamous's eyes widened.."you don't mean...."
Numenor nodded, "yes, this very stone is..."
He stopped -- cocked his head to the south -- all three of them stood up and grabbed their packs. There was no question about it, their pursuers were back on the trail.
"I wonder if others have joined them" Rosaline murmured "they sound different somehow"
Numenor swumg hos pack onto his shoulders
"whoever they are, if they are following us it can ONLY be trouble..."
Turning, they began to run again....
OCC: okay, the "new" pursuers they have heard are the elves, o they are running away from help....
still, I have no doubt that they won't be running long...if no-one else catches up with them I"ll deal with it in the next post...
Enjoying the stories!!!!
Nariel Starfire
02-25-2002, 03:07 PM
"My lord," Loriel began. "I have been sent to tell you of the events unfolding in Rivendell."
"But you are not of Rivendell." replied Elrond.
"No, sir. I am of Mirkwood. But it has been set ablaze and I was sent to tell you of this. Orcs followed me and are now attacking Rivendell, which is also failing under the assault."
OOC: I would prefer it if someone else handled Elrond's character, but I will do it if I have to.
02-26-2002, 10:03 AM
Sorry for not being active the last few days, I have vacation now and was on the mountains skiing, I'm going back there tomorrow most likely, so I hope I will have time today (I must formate my computer first... it's crashing every third minute :p )
Nariel Starshine: I will take the role of Elrond in this part if that is your wish..
Thrain of the Shire: You are running away from the help!! :D jaja, Elves are faster then Hobbits... so I guess we might catch up with you, or maybe something else comes between us... likely not, but I'm not sure yet...
This amulet of yours is quite interesting... we should have a further pm discussion on this amulets role, but I don't think it's role in the saga is relevant as of yet.. so... soon maybe ;)
I'll be back as soon as possible!
- Arat-Falathion
02-26-2002, 05:50 PM
Elrond sighted and you could see his eyes harden. "You bring sorrow to my heart and I feel an anger rising in my vains, as I feel you do as well. If you talk the throught, and why shouldn't you; then we have no time to loose!" He turned around and talked to all who were following him. "Leave the wagons behind, we must travel light and run fast! Rivendell is under attack by great evil!" He turned back to Loriel. "Will you lead the way?!"
Texol and his followers entered the gates of rivendell on the west side and ran through the whole city to get there as fast as possible. They could see the fire rising in front of them at the gates and the shouting and screaming of fighting elves and orcs.
The war horn was still loud and clear, screaming for help; and as Texol finaly approached the northeastern wall, he could see the elf blowing in the horn and shooting with his bow at the same time, dodging the numerous arrows that were constantly wisseling above the walls. Some elves fell now and then, but most of them managed to dodge whatever came towards them.
The followers of Texol had already began to fire their bows and swinging their swords upon those orcs that had managed to get over the gate. Many of the archers also ran up on the battlements to help where help was needed the most; and it was in this very moment that Texol rised his staff to the sky and yelled: "A lastá quettanya, ingolmo né i süré! Antanin i valaturanlya vilya!" (*Hear my word, lord of the wind! Give me the power to control your air.*) The voice of Texol had suddenly formed into a powerful, fearsome tone. the last word (*Vilya*) echoed in the ground and in the air, as if it were a hidden source of power that spoke it back. Suddenly the air around the green stone at the top of Texols staff began to get into motion and accellerated into great speed. The air began to increase up into the sky and Texol began to walk in this very moment up on the defensive walls. A greenish light were surrounding him and his staff; and the air, spinning like a tornado, from his staff was magicly green as well. For a second all the shouting and screaming stoped. The orcs were standing still beneath the wall, looking up at the great Istar surrounded in green magic. "Imar, lië né lúmë! Rucin i valané i Valar!" (*Die, people of darkness! Fear the power of the gods!*) Texols voice again had the tone of power that spredd fear among the orcs, and in this very second a green-white light exploded from the staff, causing blindness for everyone nearby for several seconds. A powerfull sound and a shaking in the ground followed; and as the elven eyes came back to reality, a great tornado were working its magic outside the walls to the happy song of screaming orcs that were getting tossed up into the sky, for (after some time) to come down again and splatting against the walls, rocks, grass or whatever being beneath them as they returned from the sky in great speed. The elves (and the few dwarfs) were laughing none stop of this happening that seemed rather comic to them, as orcs screaming like scared women (*or whatever*) were raining from the sky...
Arat-Falathion, Cúrion, Undulë, Theneal and some other elves were constantly running after the footprints in high speed. As none of the three first-mentioned elves had much experience following tracks (only Falathion had a little training in this, as he used to hunt with his mothers bow in the forests of Valinor), Theneal were the leading runner. He had informed that there were more then one hobbit; three hobbits shouldn't be too far from the trought. They had to stop now and then, so they could recover the hobbits footprints, cause hobbits were light at foot, and their prints were hard to follow.
As the elves stoped once again to recover the track Cúrion said: "I thought you said we should reach the hobbits in a short time Theneal, but now we've been running for more then what is called short time where I come from." Theneal looked up from his searching on the ground as an other elf replied. "The hobbits know we are following them, they just don't know that we are their friends; therefore they run as fast as they can and as light as they can, so they will be hard to follow. It's surprising that Theneal can even find their footprints in these woods." Falathion stepped forward in this moment and replied. "Then why don't we sing and tell them that we will do them no harm?" ...
I am not sure if Texols tornado killed all the orcs as they were constantly comming out from the forest, but most of them I guess. Maybe some other creatures are there as well? I don't know...
Hope this will keep you guys bussy till I come back again from the mountains of Norway, pray for me not to fall to hard down the slopes of madness! :D
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
02-26-2002, 07:45 PM
Loriel nodded. "I will lead the way. But--" she stopped short and cocked her head as if listening to something. All the elves also listened intently. They heard, far off, a cry, but ht voice was unfamiliar. Loriel looked at Elrond. "I sense the battle is waning. An unforseen ally has come to our aid. Nevertheless, I believe we should make haste to arrive at Rivendell."
With that, and without waiting for a reply, Loriel turned and ran back toward the city, all others in pursuit.
Michelle The Fair
02-26-2002, 11:18 PM
During the whole of the battle, Mer-Aislynn had positioned herself in front the gates. She had brought down a large number of Uruk-Hai. Soon the ground was littered with the bodies and blood of the Uruk-Hai.
Mer-Aislynn had lost sight of Loriel soon after they arrived back at the gates. Boeren was fighting hand to hand with and orc 20 feet away. Mer-Aislynn notched an arrow in her bow and fired. It hit the orc dead center in the middle of his forehead just he through Beoren to the ground. Beoren jerked his hed around in the dirction the arrow came from, but had no time to give thanks. Soon many more orcs were closing in on him.
As Mer-Aislynn ran to his aide, she heard the sound of Rivendell's great horn.The sound was deafening. She looked to the wall and saw Drelin. "I thought he was dead",she said to her self. The sound of that horn filled her with a great hope. "Maybe help will come soon."
She countinued to fight her way to Beoren's side, bringing down many more orcs. Just has she his side, A large number of elves ran up from the western side of Rivendell. They were acompanyed by a wizard who raised his staff high to the sky and yelled: "A lastá quettanya, ingolmo né i süré! Antanin i valaturanlya vilya!" (*Hear my word, lord of the wind! Give me the power to control your air.* his voice echoed in air. Suddenly the air around the green stone at the top of his staff began move at great speed. The wizard moved to the walls surrounded by a green light. For a second the shouting and screaming stopped.The orcs looked up in great fear of this great magic."Imar, lië né lúmë! Rucin i valané i Valar!" (Die,people of darkness! Fear the power of the gods!) A green-white light exploded from the staff, causing blindness for everyone nearby for moment.
a great tornado were working its magic outside the walls to the sound of screaming orcs that were getting tossed up into the sky, to land splat againist the walls, rocks, and trees.
Mer-Aislynn stared in stunned amazment. "Thank all the stars we are saved."
02-27-2002, 08:16 AM
Trees, grass, rocks and dirt were flying by as the elven army, led by Loriel and Elrond, ran through the woods of the Trollhaws. Elrond felt the blood pumping in his vains, he truly loved his home, and if Rivendell would fall, then so would he. Therefor he did not calm down totaly after the sound they had heard from Rivendell; after all, it was unfamilliar... he ran in deep thoughts and didn't notice where they ran, or that Loriel had just stoped in front of him. He ran right into her. "ouch!" Both of them fell to the ground and Elrond noticed that they had just passed the forest and were right now at the shore of the river. They both staggered back to their feet; and that was when Elrond noticed the same thing as every other elf in the army already had noticed, the why Loriel had suddenly stoped. It was the powerful voice of an Istar!
The voice led through the ground and through the air, and they were all terrified by its mighty strenght. (*I will not write those words for the third time*) Suddenly an explotion of green-white light filled the sky all over Rivendell, and to them it looked like fireworks, only of a nearly blinding sort. They had to raise their arms infront of their eyes because of the sticking light. Seconds later a powerfull and magical sound and then a terrible shacking of the ground followed; and as Elrond, Loriel and the rest of the elves once again could raise their heads and look towards where the light had exploded, they now could see a huge tornado tossing screaming orsc into the sky.
"Hahaha!" Elrond smiled releafed. "Texol... dear old, wise Texol; he who can control the wind. This truly brings happieness to my heart."
- Arat-Falathion
Lief Erikson
02-27-2002, 11:29 AM
Theneal looked up and joined into the song that soared out from among the elves and seemed to enchant the woods. The trees seemed to bend closer, listening, and the hills, rocks and stones. It turned on the wind and drifted ahead of them, towards the three running forms ahead, and they slowed their pace (Though they were already exhausted) in confusion.
"Come back to us, we are friends! Come back to us, let your troubles disappear! We live in the wood, open hill and plain, leap on the magic grass under the golden sun! We fly in the morning along guided trails, to your country, far away, to protect it as we can! Come back to us, we who've seen the Golden City, in Valinor all is good, in the land of plenty!"
The tune continued in many verses, though Theneal dropped out of the song near the beginning, motioning to Arat-Falathion and Arat-Curion. These three hurriedly moved through the trees ahead of the others, but so silently that unsuspecting hobbits wouldn't no they were there before they were upon them.
"I guessed rightly," Theneal said after only two minutes of travel, and he pointed to the hobbits ahead. "The music distracted them just enough."
He then stepped into the light, followed by the others and raised his hand. "Peace be upon you. We are friends, and have come to help you."
Nariel Starfire
02-28-2002, 07:10 PM
Loriel and the army of Elves arrived at Rivendell. It looked like a huge wasteland. Fires were burning here and there. Bodies were everywhere. Loriel stood in the gateway, Elrond beside her, and all was silent. The Elves in the city were standing bewildered (the laughing had long since ceased). Only one lone figure stood in the center of the mess. "Texol" whispered Loriel.
BTW: I think Elrond should be just a random character that the people around him can control (like sharing control of him)
03-03-2002, 11:27 AM
Texol had walked down from the wall again after he had released the tornado. The sight of Rivendell in terror brought sorrow to his heart. As he felt grass under his feet again, he saw Elrond and a beautiful elven woman coming running up from the west, followed by many elves. They approached him and he approached them.
"So you came, though as you see, a little late." Elrond nodded to Texols words. "I came as quickly as I could. The Shire has been attacked, wasted. Just like Rivendell would've been, if it wasn't for your great magical skills." Elrond smiled, though Texol did not. "I don't think this was the last attack. We must bring together some people to a counsil, I think I know of an item which might have something to do with this new evil. Are Arat-Cúrion still with you?" Elrond shook his head. "No, they went into the forest to find possible survivors in Hobbiton, they should be here shortly though." Texol nodded. "Well, we should not leave untill they have arrived; Elrond, gather your most skilled men and bring them to our meeting, I have a mather of great importance to discuss."
OOC: I do agree with you Nariel Starshine, and that has always been my opinion as well. I do not wish to have total control of Elrond, nor Gandalf. These should be freely usable of anyone who wish to...
And let us all pray for a new post from Thrain of the Shire and the hobbits, so that we can get on to Rivendell :D
- Arat-Falathion
03-07-2002, 07:14 PM
Thrain was chasing the evil.
He had just come back form a hunting trip with his friends in Dale when he heard screams and shots on the wind. He looked back to the lonely mountain. He still remebered how the smoke and fire had entangled the mountain. A secret attack of orcs had destroyed everything there. His wife and children. EVERYTHING.
Thrain was chasing the evil.
03-08-2002, 10:41 AM
Elrond turned around and asked Loriel if she would join the meeting. Then he bowed after she answerd (what you'll answer is up to you Nariel Starshine). He continued over to a man still standing on the citywalls, still holding the great war horn raised. "Would you join the counsil, Drelin?" (Your call Aragorn)Elrond bowed after he answerd. Then he continued to Mer-Aislynn; smiling he asked her to join, then bowed after she aswered. Beside her was Beoren standing, and Elrond asked him as well. (This would be your call Michelle the Fair)
Now he walked over to where Texol was standing again, and those who had agreed to come to the meeting followed. They walked to the council where Elrond once before had discussed a matter of great importance; but that was a long time ago...
OOC: First of all I must welcome Thrain as Thrain to the game. Now we have two Thrain players in the game, though one of them is living in the Shire :D I must tell you though Thrain of Lonely Mountains: You must have read through the saga till this point before you post, to prevent missunderstandings and to get you "in" the story. It is great though that we now have another Dwarf in the game, still if you are half dwarf :p
This rpg is getting long now, but yet we have not started the "real" mission behind the whole thing... stay tuned people! :D
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
03-08-2002, 03:12 PM
Loriel followed Elrond to the Council. It was one of the few areas of Rivendell not affected by the battle. She sat to the left of Elrond, in a seat which, though she knew this not, had once held Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thranduil.
03-08-2002, 04:36 PM
Hey Littledude87 think I could save your character.
Michelle The Fair
03-09-2002, 02:45 PM
Though she was tired from the long battle, she felt it was important that she be present at this meeting. "I will join you my lord" replied Mer-Aislynn. "I will join you as well my lord," agreed Beoren. Mer-Aislynn followed Elrond to the Council. As she walked with the others she looked slow about at what had once been the most beautiful valley in all of Middle-Earth. She saw the scorched remains of the trees she had play in as a child. Tears fell from her eyes when she saw the lifeless body of Alcarcalimo, her childhood playmate and long time friend, being carried into his home. As she passed a great wailing was heard from within. She said a silent farewell to her friend.(Tenna' ento lye omento, mellonamin: Until next we meet, my friend.)
She took a seat next to Beoren on right of Elrond. She waited silently for the other to take their seats.
03-12-2002, 12:54 PM
OOC: Great thing you are coming to the council Nariel and Michelle, I'll wait a few days more though before I post, in hope that Aragorn will come back and post.
So we have 2 wanted people in this game now, meaning, 2 players who need to reply in order to let the game continue as it should; Thrain of the Shire and Aragorn.
I guess we could make the council without Aragorn though. 2 days, then I'll post further on.
Let's cross our fingers for a quick post from these guys! :) and ofcurse we are all crossing our fingers for other players who haven't posted for a while as well...
For the players down in the Fangorn/Rohan/Isengard area (being Laurelyn/Oleander, Mirkwood/Gogon and Lysander (I guess). If wanted I could continue to play Gandalf (for a short while), he was heading for Isengard as Texol left him and went to Rivendell, and I guess Gandalf should be in Isengard by now...
- Arat-Falathion
03-12-2002, 02:41 PM
I thought I was running in the direction away from Rohan . . . with Lorien at my back and i Hithaeglir to my left . . . oh well! :)
So far as I'm concerned, be Gandalf and have fun with it. :D I don't mind at all.
Also, sorry my posts as Oleander are few and far between . . . they take a while to write and re-writre untill I'm happy with them. I'll try and hurry up with my next one.
Oh . . . and I just noticed . . . Narmacil means flame-sword in Quenya, doesn't it?
03-13-2002, 11:55 AM
Laurelyn: ok :) so you are running away from Rohan :p my mistake. If you hurry up, then maybe you can reach the council in time, before the meeting begin, or before it is finished ;)
It takes time to write a good text, and I guess most of us have had that experience... When I write my long texts it takes ages..
...and yes Nârmacil means flamesword in quenya :D Cool, isn't it!
- Arat-Falathion
03-16-2002, 08:42 AM
OOC: As I said, I will post further on the story today. It has been over 2 weeks since Aragorn even posted on Entmoot and a longer time since Thrain of the Shire posted his last here; so I guess there are some Real Life issues going on there :p Jaja, that's the life of online RPGing like this, and we should all respect peoples RL. I will bring further the council with Texol and the rest, and I was thinking of playing Gandalf, as we need to get something going on down in the south, south-east as well... I'll start working asap!
- Arat-Falathion
03-16-2002, 09:30 AM
Gandalf looked up at the sky. To the west, the sky was blue. To the south, blue. To the North, blue with a few white clouds here and there. But in the east he saw terrible black clouds gathering closer and closer over Isengard. The men that were left with him, after Texol went to Rivendell with the elves and dwarfs, were also looking to the east; making faces that revealed fear and terror.
"We better get on going, proud men of Rohan and Gondor!" Gandalf said with a raised voice. "As you all see, the shadow and darkness is growing deeper and deeper in the east, and I have no doubt that your king and land needs you more then ever right now."
A cry was suddenly heard a few feet to the left of where Gandalf was standing.
"Don't worry my son. I will protect you as I can. And don't spill any tears; be strong and proud like your father. Be a man!" A longhaired and tall man was wispering to the young boy he held in his arms, around 15 years of age. He was crying; painfully scared of the terror that soon would be upon them. The young boy kept on whining, and his father were seemingly confused; he had learnt that men don't cry. "Stop that childish crying right now!" the father shouted. "You disgrace me among our men when you are crying like this!"
This made the young boy stagger his tears a little atleast, although he was still gasping for air now and then, fighting the tears back.
"Even the proudest men cry when he see times like these my friend" Gandalf was suddenly standing between the son and his father, holding one hand on each one's shoulder. "Because those who don't, have no heart; those who have no heart, belong to the darkness" Gandalf turned around to the masses of men and raised his hands and his voice. "And therefor I say to you all: we should all cry! Do not use your strenght on holding your tears, you will all need to spare what strength can be spared!"
And so like a door opening, all the men began to cry and let loose all the fear and sorrow they had been fighting within their heart to not reveal. And after a while they all felt it like a burden was taken from them, and they felt much lighter at heart.
And so Gandalf and the men began to walk towards Isengard; to fight the darkness and bring their peace...
OOC: I will bring the story here further on shortly. I need to know:
ElfOfMirkwood: are you still in the game? If you are, then Gandalf might rescue you. If you are not, then he will probably find you dead... so please reply as soon as you can :D
Lysander: If you are still ready for play, then Gandalf and the men might cross your way (assuming that you live in the Rohan/Gondor area)...
- Arat-Falathion
03-18-2002, 09:17 AM
Texol was already sitting in a large chair as the others began to come. First came Elrond, who sat down on a chair on the other side of the council of where Texol were sitting. Then Mer Aislynn sat down on the right of Elrond and Beoren to the right of her. Loriel sat down on the left of Elrond and a Dwarf, named Turin, sat to her left.
As they all was sitting confortabely, Texol rised.
"Thank you all for coming here on such short notice. The darkness is rising fast, but I did not understand how fast, untill I heard of the attack on Rivendell. Do not forget that this land was not attacked once by the evil during the 3rd age because of it's strength, but now the attack nearly crushed this wonderful elven land. We all know that the loss of the Three Rings have made this lands magic weaker, and therefor it is easier for the enemy to attack now then it was at the time when Sauron was seeking his ring." Elrond noded to these words.
"But as you all know, the reason for the evil to suddenly arise like this must be of something that it is seeking. I drew a parallell to Sauron to get to this matter. Sauron rised as soon as he heard of the appearance of his ring. He knew that if he could wield his ring, then nothing could stop him. What if the cause is the same this time?" Texol paused, and a low wispering began to spread between the gathered people.
Elrond looked up at Texol. "And what would this specific item be then? The rings lost their power after the One Ring was destroied. There is not known of any other such item to whield the same amount power as the One Ring."
Texol noded. "That is right, just as you said. There is not "known" of any items like the One Ring, but what if there was made one item secretly? No history books would tell of it, and we could by no means know of it."
The dwarf rised quickly and muttered. "Then what would this specific item be then? You should know, who seem to have it all figured already!"
"I am not sure, I only speculate. At the Grey Havens I noticed something that made me think. An elf there had a sword, a beautiful sword. But what came as a shock to me was that Gandalf hadn't heard of this sword, nor Elrond. There is something about this sword. There is great power hidden within it. This is why Gandalf and I decided to go to Gondor to seek information of the sword in the archives in Minas Tirith. But as we saw Isengard in the horizon we were suddenly informed about the attack of Rivendell. Gandalf told me to come here and help you, he would go to Minas Tirith himself." Elrond raised and bowed before he said: "And that we can not thank you enough for, my friend!"
Texol smiled back at Elrond, then he said: "Well, my mission really goes beyond helping Rivendell fighting orcs. I am heading for the ruins of Angband. As we all know, when the Valar attacked Angband in the early age, they did not destroy it totaly, and they did not seek into the greatest deeps. What I am hoping for is to find information there that can help to reveal what this new evil is. Angband is, after all, the first fortress where evil was bred." Everyone stired now at Texol. They knew of this place, and they feared it more then death itself.
"As most of you might already have guessed. I am here to ask you to follow me. I can not do this alone, and going into the unknowing deep would lead to a safe death for us all, and however we need what army is left to protect our homes. I was hoping to gather a small group of people. We'll go silently into the deeps, find what we are looking for, and get out again without anyone knowing we were there..."
The people at the council was looking at each other without speaking a word. A terrible silence, and Texol waited...
- Arat-Falathion
Nariel Starfire
03-18-2002, 02:46 PM
No one answered the wizard's request; everyone was silent. Loriel looked at the dwarf next to her, who appeared ready to bit someone's head off. Finally she stood. "I will go. The unknown depths frighten all but I know that even death is a sacrifice I am prepared to make if the result is the survival of my people."
Michelle The Fair
03-20-2002, 01:24 AM
When Texol mentioned the possiblity of exsitenceof an item as powerful as Sauron's ring, she was a bit frightened. She had long know the tales of the War of the Ring.
Mer-Aislynn looked up as the Dwarf, Turin, jumped from his seat. "Then what would this specific item be then? You should know, you seem to have it all figured already!" In response Texol's said he was not sure. He then went on to describe a beautiful sword that an Elf had with him, when they arrived at the Grey Havens. Mer-Aislynn wondered who this elf was and how he had come by this strange sword.
At the mention of Angband, Mer-Aislynn cringed as did others. She knew of that fell place and feared it as nothing else. Texol mission was to go into Angband's dark depths and find information on the sword. He wanted others to go with him. She thought,'This is my chance to see places outside of the valley.'
All were silent. Loriel finally stood and agreed to go. Texol nodded. Mer-Aislynn looked at Beoren, he seemed deep in thought. She stood slowly, "I will go as well my lord. But, I will tell you, I have never left this valley." She bowed saying, "I will do my best" Texol gave her a knowing glance. Could it be he knew of her speical gift? With that she sat, still Beoren was silent. Mer-Aislynn wondered why he was thus.
03-23-2002, 07:34 PM
OOC: I am sorry that this is going a little slow at the moment, I guess I could continue, but I was hoping for the "lost men" to return... I'll post my next during the coming week though :D
- Arat-Falathion
Lief Erikson
03-24-2002, 12:10 AM
*Perhaps you or I should post for Thrain of the Shire?*
Michelle The Fair
03-25-2002, 01:07 PM
Beoren finally stood upand slow said,"I will go with." "Very good," replied Elrond.
A dark cloud hung over Beoren as he took his seat. Unlike the others he feared the dark caverns of Angband. For it was foretold at his birth that he would go into dark places never to see the sun again. He felt surely his death lied in the shadows of the Iron Hills.
But, he knew he must go to watch over Mer-Aislynn. She was so young and knew little of the outside world.
Michelle The Fair
03-25-2002, 11:52 PM
OOC: I will write for Drelin. If you wish.give aday or two to write something.
Michelle The Fair
03-26-2002, 11:31 PM
Drelin had sat in silence while the councel had debated. When Texol had asked for volenters to join his quest, at first all had been queit. An elf name Lorielhad volentered first. To his great surprise his cousin, Mer-Aislynn, was next to join. Then Beoren joined, though reluctantly.
Now the small fellowship was standing between Texol and Lord Elrond. As Drelin rose many eyes turned towards him. "Will you have my bow as well my lord? (OOC:texol you my add your answer here on my post if you wish.)
Drelin then turned to Lord Elrond. "Will you be joining us my lord?"
03-27-2002, 02:05 PM
Texol glanced at Drelin where he had appeared at the entranse. "You are more then welcome to join us, Drelin. Please take a seat."
As Drelin moved over to a seat he asked Elrond if he would join. Elrond rised. "Like you all have seen; last time I left this place, it was nearly destroied by the enemy. I do not wish to leave my home and I do believe that it is more need for me here in Rivendell, then in Angband." Elrond felt it like ice down his neck as he mentioned the name. "I had already guessed this Elrond, and I believe it is your destiny to stay." Elrond bowed before he sat down again.
OOC: Thank you, Michelle the Fair, for taking the role as Drelin; it seems like Aragorn will be gone. You can control Drelin as you wish from now on until Aragorn comes back (or if he comes back).
Lief: I do agree most strongly with you. I have to reinstall my computer though, (something seems to be wrong.. My loadtime on Internet Explorer is way under modem speed, and I'm on DSL)
Wehter you or I should do this shouldn't really matter, but I agree that we need to write further on now... he's been gone for a while (Thrain of the Shire)
ElfOfMirkwood: Please repost your last post in here.. ;)
- Arat-Falathion
03-29-2002, 07:40 AM
"Wait, wait!" Rosalina wispered gaspingly to Numenor as they ran. They slowed their pace. "Listen, I hear singing." Now Numenor and Magnanamous heard it as well, and they stoped. The singing seemed so lovely to them, though they didn't understand what they sang, only Numenor cought a word or two. "Oh, it's so lovely!" Rosalina said as she began to somewhat dance a little in the grass. Numenor smiled. "These are elves, listen to their lovely song. They come to save us!"
Suddenly three elves appeared.
"Peace be upon you. We are friends, and have come to help you."
The hobbits were stunned, only standing there glancing like if they were of stone. The beauty and might of these beings seemed so overwhelming to them. The sun shined through the treetops and glittered its reflection in the elven hair.
"A... a... ar... are... Ehmm.. Are you gods?" Rosalina asked still glancing at the heavenly creatures from the west...
OOC: There... I had to do this, and if/when Thrain of the Shire comes back, then he will get control over his hobbits again, for now we who interact with these hobbits (our own characters being in the same place as them) will be granted control of them.
Hope this will finaly get the hobbits and the elves out of that stupid forrest once and for all :p
- Arat-Falathion
04-06-2002, 04:16 PM
Hmm... [again]
It seems to me like the interest in this RPG has faded... maybe the plot is too big, I don't know...
Anyway.. who is still with us here?? I don't think that a RPG with as "large" plot as this can be played with 2 or 3 or 4 people.. that just wouldn't work...
Please leave a note here if you are still in, or if you are our. Be honest! :p
If we do not get enough people, then that is ok. After all, there are plenty of other RPGs on this board at the moment to participate in...
I will however (if we do not get enough people to carry on) write the story of I Nârmacil in its full length and release it (on probably) when I am done....
- Arat-Falathion
Michelle The Fair
04-07-2002, 12:03 AM
i am still here. i would hate to see this story die. i will make a post some time sunday i promise.
michelle the fair
04-07-2002, 04:56 AM
Great to see that you are still in Michelle :) But the cuestion is, will this work with only 2 or 3 people? that would cause a lot of posting from each one, and that would mean that we would have to play many characters each... and I do not know if I have that much time... :P
I also find it sad if we have to close this.. but if we find no other way....
- Falathion
Nariel Starfire
04-11-2002, 01:18 PM
hey, I've got no life. I can run several characters. besides, this is fun...
04-11-2002, 01:27 PM
ok :) then we are actually 3... hmm.. Maybe it would work... that is a maybe.. I do not have much time (final exams comming up really soon).. but I'll be here as often as time let me...
We can continue, but we'll need to discuss how we should do this, as we are only 3 people..
We could have each others main character, then play the others from a objective view (3rd person view)...
- Falathion
Lief Erikson
04-11-2002, 02:38 PM
I'm still here, if only partially. I'll try to keep up on my character Theneal (Morciis doesn't take much effort ;)) and if I am absent and something major happens requiring a post, please send me a private message.
04-11-2002, 08:37 PM
Oleander and I are still in . . . it's just finding time to finish my latest writing that I'm having problems with. But i'm trying, I really am. If I haven't posted in a month or so, kick me out, K?
04-12-2002, 07:59 AM
Alright :) so we are actually 5 who is still in... now that would work...
Lief Eriksson: I'll pm you whenever your post is needed for the story to continue :)
Laurelyn: great thing you are still with us... maybe the "forgotten" archers who left Rivendell to help in Rohan met orcs near Mirkwood, and therefor some of them might meet you, and rescue you... if that is of interest :P
Actually this story stoped as we waited for the hobbits to continue, I wrote their story, and I believe Lief Eriksson should post next from there... I'll pm you right away :)
And when it comes to time... I am making music for an upcoming Fantasy RPG game as well as my exams coming up soon, but I'll stay as active in here as possible..!!
- Falathion
Lief Erikson
04-12-2002, 09:52 AM
"Not gods," Theneal said with a smile. "But your guess is not wholly wrong. We come from the Blessed Realms to support all people in this world who are harmed by the great evil which has taken shape again. We are deeply grieved at your own loss; we have been to your home village already. Would you like to come with us, as our journey changes course?"
The hobbits looked at each other for a moment, but both felt safe with these elves. Only slightly dwarfed.
"Where are we going?" Numenor asked as they joined the elves.
"To a place not far from here, as an elf runs. We'll carry you when you weary, for we have many leagues to cross in a small amount of time. We are going to Rivendell, to regroup with our other comrades."
04-12-2002, 11:28 PM
im tryin to jump into this in the middle of this (or the end:P)
i quickly glanced at last pages of rpg..sword enemy in middle earth..vala and elves dclare war on em? gandalf leading men of gondor and rohan to a battle in isengard, and elves holding council bout going to angband and findin info on the sword? do i hit near the mark?:P i have a good character: Arathorn grandson of elessar..former captain of guard til exiled from minas tirith for reasons only known to him and the king his father!:D if this sounds goofy, sorry i real tired:P
04-13-2002, 05:22 AM
You have read the saga well, and you have an overview of the most important happenings...
Note that at this time:
Gandalf is in Isengard
Theneal, Arat-Falathion, Arat-Cúrion, Undulë, Numenor(the hobbit) and his 2 friends among with some other elves are in Hobbiton
Texol (istar), Elrond, Drelin, Mer-Aislynn, Beoren, Lorihelad, Loriel (elves) and Turin (dwarf) are in Rivendell
Oleander is somewhere between Lorien and Mirkwood (which is partly destroyed by an orc attack). Also some of the archers sent out from Rivendell might be here, though I believe most of them were lost in the battle of Mirkwood...
That said, thanks alot for joining in this late, we needed to get something going on down in the southeast region of ME, so this is perfect Tar-Elendil...
- Arat-Falathion, son of Arat-Cúrion, son of Arat-B*renath...
04-13-2002, 05:31 AM
They started to run and soon entered the road, already here they had to start carrying the hobbits, but this wasn't a problem, as they could change carrier pretty often. All day they ran, and in the dawn they arrived at the last bridge, they hadn't met a sign of orcs the whole day, and what this ment, none of them knew... so they kept running till they could merely blend Rivendell forming infront of them. And the night fell on as they arrived...
OOC: I thought we should just get these hobbits to Rivendell the sooner the better, to let the story continue...
- Falathion
Lief Erikson
04-13-2002, 10:00 AM
Smiles broke onto the faces of the travelers as they penetrated deeper into the fair valleys of Rivendell. Still some elves sang here, but unhappily most appeared to have been forced to prepare for war. They were equipped with armor and weapons and already some of them appeared to have engaged in battle. Wounds were being mended here and there, and this sight grew more common and the singing less as they approached the heart of the valley.
Theneal stepped up to the large double doors of the great building and thumped on it twice with his fist. "We are allies from the Blessed Realms. Please open the gates!"
04-13-2002, 10:55 AM
Texol turned around as the knocking on the door started. Two knocks to be exact. With a swift movement with his right hand a wind blowed and opened the door, revealing the elves and hobbits standing outside.
"Welcome" Texol said with a smile. "I believe our party is increesing here. Is it not?"
OOC: now it should be very free to write what one desire, as almost everyone is in this very roon :)
Laurelyn: if you want me to help you out, or you can play the Rivendell archers yourself, then I think that would be a realistic way for you to get free... besides, we need some news from those archers...
Tar-Elendil: Maybe you should come with your entrance... where you are and so on is unsertain for us all.. :)
- Falathion
04-14-2002, 12:44 PM
That's my intention, but I don't really know what to do with them. Clues . . . hints . . . maybe? I'm kind of a useless RPGer right now, sorry.
04-15-2002, 06:21 PM
sorry been away from computer a day or 2:(
Arathorn quietly walked underneath the limbs of a huge tree, just in sight of the Pelennor of the Tower of Guard-Minas Tirith. He longed to look out from upon its walls once again as he had for so long. He felt so very old, and he was for the blood of Numenor ran true in him, though it did not seem so. He had been exiled from Minas Tirith long before. Only he and his father, the king, knew the deep dark secret for what this judgement had been placed on him.
He tried to sing a merry tune to brighten his spirits, but he felt his breath hard coming to and it was stifling. Suddenly, a large bird flew overhead followed by hundreds and hundreds smaller ones. He noticed they were all flying north. He found it odd because during this time of the year they usually liked to settle around Dol Amroth. His eyes followed the birds until the edge of sight, and on the horizon a black unpenetrable darkness lingered, shot with red streaks as of blood. "Isengard? So it is true, a storm is brewing. The Earth is groaning from the foul feet of the orcs-again." He wrapped his dark green cloak about him and walked off into the growing darkness. To where and what end he walked, he didn't know. But he had the strange feeling he would find out soon.
04-15-2002, 06:49 PM
is texol suppose to be one of the lost istari..the 2 wizards in blue? or is he a diff maiar?
04-16-2002, 06:45 AM
Texol hasn't been in ME yet, so he hasn't been told of yet (he's been in the Blessed Realms since his comming) so he is an Istar, though not one of the 5 I think...
- Falathion
04-16-2002, 07:30 PM
For 50 miles Arathorn had crossed the realm of Gondor to the northwest until he felt it time for a rest. He had read from the beasts he saw along his journey that there was great unrest in Edoras and Gondor. It foreboded war. He thought maybe he could be of assistance in Rohan, either secretly or open he didnt care. Being idle while men full of life were being slain was torture for him.He made his camp in an a small dell surrounded by briar with other types of brush inside it. He lit no fire. He soon fell into an evil dream. There was a black sky with thousands of orcs crawling out of holes in the mountains. They were crying in their own tribal tongue full of hate for everything, even themselves. With them marched many Southrons with dark skin and gold on their arms or around their neck. The whole host of the orcs and Southrons began to charge, but at what he did not know. Finally he realized it was him who they were after. He unsheathed his sword Andúril, which was bore by the eldest son of the king and which he had taken into exile with him, and prepared for the onslaught that would inevitably come. And with a great cry of "Death!" he ran with all the speed that he could draw up but just before he reached the first orc there was a blinding red light and he awoke with a sweat. He heard the great pounding of hooves and the thump of sword on shield. Here and there a horn would blow and a loud voice would scream "Gondor! Gondor!". He peered over the lip of the dell and beheld a company of no more than 10 men who had been waylaid by orcs with at least thrice their number. He ran towards the battle and within twenty feet he stopped. Noone noticed him until he brought out Andúril which shown with both the radience of the sun and moon. The men's hearts seemed to be uplifted and with a white flash Andúril came down upon an orc and clove its head in two. Screaming "Death!!" Arathorn swept upon them with such a fury which had not been seen in many years. Soon all the orcs were reduced to nothing more than corpses. After seeing the wrath of Arathorn the men were awed by his lordliness and might. They recognized his sword which was rumoured to have been lost nigh on 60 years ago, but of him they had no clue. All they could manage to say was "Who are you, lord?"
04-16-2002, 07:34 PM
where are ya'll at? need someone to add onto this rpg sides me;)
04-17-2002, 08:21 AM
Gandalf and the men had been hiding in the shoreline of the mountains, watching over Isengard and the work that were being made. In all these years Isengard had been like it was after the destruction the ents did, but now it seemed like the orcs had repaired the walls and made them even thicker. Orthank could quite easily be discovered in the middle of the ocean of orcs working everywhere around the fields.
"I doubt we are many enought to engage here" a man said, standing beside Gandalf. "No, you are right." Gandalf glanced over at the man. "Let's hope our precence may go unnoticed..."
The man who had first spoke glanced over the field full of orcs with hate. "Yes, let's hope so..."'
OOC: ok, since ElfOfMirkwood didn't seem to come back anyway, we should just oversee his post (that he didn't post in this forum anyways...) Gandalf is now on the west side of the mountains around Isengard...
- Falathion
04-17-2002, 02:37 PM
There was a long pause after the men asked this question of Arathorn. He seemed to have trouble himself to figure out his own name for it had been many years since he used it. "Arathorn," he finally replied. "Arathorn is my name, or it was. You may call me Berethon." The men seemed shocked at the name of Arathorn. "That can't be! The son and Heir to the King of Gondor fell in battle against the Harad many years ago! How did you come by that sword?"The Men of Gondor stared skepticlly at Andúril. "It was given to me by my former father. The king, or so you call him." All the men began to grow pale. A tall man dressed in a cloak of dark green similar to Arathorn's replied grimly: "The King has fallen childless. Minas Tirith is once again besieged. He fell on the fields of the Pelennor to an enemy we will not speak of." Arathorn was bewildered. How could he have not seen an army large enough to besiege Minas Tirith? "I see there is more to this than can be told at this moment. For me I am on my way to Edoras. I counsel you to come with me." With this the men of Gondor were even more confused. "For what reasons, lord?" Arathorn said:"There is a storm brewing over Isengard. There will soon be battle." "But lord, there already is battle. Mithrandir led a large host of the Rohirrim and Men of Gondor towards Isengard."
"Then we shall join them. To Isengard!" For some reason the men trusted whom they called Berethon. There was an empty horse which had belong to one of the men, but he fell in the skirmish witht he orcs. After they had buried him they went with all their speed northwest to try and find and join the host led by Gandalf.
Michelle The Fair
04-17-2002, 06:56 PM
Mer-Aislynn stood talking with Beoren and Drelin, her cousin, about thier upcoming journey. Suddenly ,there was a loud thumping on the gate. Drelin and Boeren were too deep in conversation to notice that Mer-Aislynn had turned away. She whirled around just as the gates opened, upon Texol command, to reveal a most unusual troupe. Three Elves and and three Hobbits. Mer-Aislynn tilted her head to the side in thought. Then her eyes fell upon their leader and froze. Golden hair, grey eyes, tall and slender he moved with the grace of willow branches caught in a gentle breeze. He glanced her way but a moment, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Something lurking in the depths of those gray eyes gave her the sense that this man could read one's very thoughts. A slight pinkness came to her cheeks.
"Welcome" Texol said with a smile. "I believe our party is increasing here. Is it not?"
Suddenly she felt a tap on her left shoulder. "Mer-Aislynn, have you heard nothing we've said?" She turned to look at Drelin. "I am sorry cousin. I was merly wondering who these travelers were." Beoren had noticed Mer-Aislynn's slight blush, but said nothing of it. "I have a feeling we shant have long to wait," Beoren said point towards the gate. "Here they come now." The small group of travelers approached with Texol leading the way. The Hobbits looked around in odvious wonder at their surroundings.
As the group stopped before them Beoren he swept them a graceful bow."Greetings my friends. I am Beoren, welcome to Rivendell! May I introduce, Drelin." Drelin gave a graceful bow. "And his cousin, Mer-Aislynn." The leader of the new Elves took her hand in his and kissed it lightly. As he stood again his gaze meet with hers.....
04-19-2002, 09:33 AM
Sorry that I haven't posted for so long.
Thrain had been listening from behind a pillar in Rivendell to the entire conversation. After Texol had left he leaped from behind the pillar. Everyone took up their weapons except Elrond. "I will go with you," he said. "I have brought bad news. Lonely mountain has been destroyed, not by a dragon but by something worse. Noone except me survived because I was out hunting with the men of Dale." "Will you take me."
Michelle The Fair
04-19-2002, 01:17 PM
Elrond raised his hand,"Away with your weapons my friends. This is a friendly council. Though some of us must bare ill tidings while others listen." To Thrain he said, "Come my friend, I am sure they will accept your aide. For you know what dangers await them on the other side of Chithaeglir."
All weapons put away the council resumed.
04-21-2002, 07:45 PM
Arathorn and the other men now made their camp on the fields of Rohan, setting a watch of two. There had been no sign of any patrol by the Rohirrim. As Arathorn lay on the ground wrapped in blankets and hides, a man named Telefam sat beside him and began to speak. "Lord, there is a foul stench in the air. I have been in this land many times before and always it smelt so green, so alive, but now it smells of-" Arathorn finished his sentence for him," Of death. Yes, I not only smell it, but feel it. Alas, something has gone amiss at Edoras. Tomorrow we must go with more speed for I sense some evil lurking in these fields.Rest now, telefam, I will take your turn in the watch." He then sat cross-legged a stones throw from the other men, and lit a pipe.
04-21-2002, 07:56 PM
question..did gandalf leading a host of rohhirim and gondorians come from the east to the eastern side of the mountains surrounding isengard or the opposite?
04-22-2002, 11:52 AM
OOC: he came from the Grey Havens which is from the west...
Sorry for my inactivity, I'll post on this forum as soon as I find time, this week I have a very straight scedual.. sorry about this..
- Falathion
Michelle The Fair
04-29-2002, 11:30 PM
OOC:We are calmly waiting my Lord Arat-Falathion.
Michelle the Fair
05-01-2002, 06:54 AM
Rivers running on and over timelines
Old destinies are washed away
New winds bringing changes after
Raging wills like fiery stones
Resisting evil, not taking the shortcut and path of least resistance
The clouds of darkness slowly lifted away from Oleander’s mind and she groggily sat up, her head pounding and her vision spinning dangerously. She reached up and lightly touched her head, but was forced to bite back a cry of pain as her hand brushed over the bruise the Orc had given her. She didn’t want her captors to know she was awake. She wondered why they had not killed her yet, why they hadn’t hurt her worse than just a bruise.
If I’m going to get in the way of their plans, why don’t they simply get rid of me? she wondered, and then shivered. Whatever their reason she was somewhat grateful for it, for as long as she was still alive she had a chance to escape. She had every intention of fleeing to Rivendell, to seek others who knew more of this than she did. If she could get away, that was . . . when she could get away.
Oleander looked around carefully, trying to see where she was now. To her right, across the Anduin, the dark cloud of heavy smoke seemed blacker and thicker than ever, and she could smell it whenever the wind blew from that direction. They had come closer to the river and the Hithaeglir were further off to her left at an angle. Oleander couldn’t help but wonder once more where they were taking her.
The wind picked up again, and swirled about, making leaves dance and drawing patterns in the fields as the grasses blew where the wind did. Just as it was fading, Oleander thought she heard a voice, light on the wind, whispers. She hadn’t caught any of the words. Suddenly alert, Oleander looked off to where she’d heard them from, and she scanned the area. She saw nothing, but her vision was blurred enough by the earlier blow to her head that she wasn’t sure of it.
Oleander looked about one last time and decided she must have been hearing things. She had no sooner come to that conclusion, however, when she heard a distinct rustling sound from the same direction. Oleander stiffened; what if it was a new enemy? Or a friend . . . .? Worried but still curious, Oleander watched the place. The Orcs seemed to notice nothing whatsoever.
Then, seemingly out of the blue, a speeding arrow flew from the direction of the sounds to the front of the cart. It hit the lead Orc square in the forehead and he dropped like a sack of rocks in the river. The three others, alarmed, quickly armed themselves with their own bows and knives. Oleander hid low behind a plank of wood to avoid being shot; she wished she had a bow, something, but of course if she had had a weapon she would have used it on the Orcs before now.
Another arrow zipped out and struck the third Orc, a short snarly one, in the chest, and he doubled over, out of the picture for the time being. Oleander was suddenly afraid for whoever was shooting at her captors; they had proved themselves a friend, they were shooting the Orcs, but now the two Orcs left had a clear idea of where the arrows were coming from, and began shooting. Of course a well-placed arrow could take down an Orc, Oleander thought, but an Orc-arrow is just as efficient in the matter of killing Elves, Men, or Dwarves.
Oleander could do nothing but watch, though, as the Orcs and the hidden friend traded arrows. Another one of the Orcs was hit, leaving just one more standing. He was clearly mad, and Oleander could barely keep track of where his arrows were going they were flying so fast. Oleander heard a sickening thud and a cry, and then another arrow came at the Orc. The creature saw it too late, and fell with a last, outraged yell, and then everything went silent.
Oleander dared to move from where she was slightly, and she saw a tall shape move from behind a rock. An Elf. A lone Orc arrow was embedded in his leg, and he walked with a painful limp. Feeling safer, Oleander stood up, very slowly, her legs shaking.
In an instant, the Elf’s bow was raised once more and an arrow was strung, ready to fire. Surprised, Oleander tried to hide once more, but could only move fast enough to avoid the arrow that sped towards her. “No!” She cried out, alarmed. “I’m not an Orc, just their captive! Please, don’t hurt me!” She waited for an answer.And slowly, as he evidently realized there were no more foes, the Elf lowered his bow.
Well, that took me long enough to get done! I hope everything's okay . . . any glaring mistakes, please tell me and I'll change it. And yes, of course I will write more, hopefully sooner this time. :D ~Laurelyn
P.S. I came back to the Entmoot to post this . . . go me!I'm still here for the RPG but not really much else.
05-01-2002, 06:58 AM
"Everyone be seated now", Texol said. "Let us finish this counsil and get on with the journey that awaites us." The newcomers found their seats and turned their head towards Texol. "As you all know so well, a dreadfull evil has accured in the land of Middle Earth again. Though this time we do not know the evil we are fighting..." Turin, the dwarf, stood up once again. "We have heard this already, let us go now! I want to behead orcs! YEH!" He laughed a little by his words, and Thrain, that sat beside him, seemed to agree. Texol smiled at the dwarves. "Not so hasty, your time will come soon enough." Turin sat down again.
Texol turned his focus to Arat-Cúrion, who was sitting between Falathion and Undulë. "Please show us your sword Cúrion." Cúrion loosened his belt and brought the sword in its sleeve to the stone in the middle of the counsil, the very stone where the one ring had once rested as Frodo showed it for the first time to the fellowship of the ring. A dim, red glow were shining out of the sleeve and everyone present looked at it in amazement.
After a short silence Turin once more rised. "Well? Are we going to look at the sleeve or the sword?" Texol stood up and walked over to Cúrion in the center of the counsil. "This sword holds unknown powers foolish dwarf. And unknown powers one does not play with, especially not during times like these." Texol took the sword in his hands and examined it. "It glows red now, though in Valinor it did not. Is it the presence of Middle Earth or the presece of evil that gives it such a fierce glow?" He looked poeticaly at all the people looking at him. "There are many questions to be answered, and that is why this journey to the ruins of Angband is nessesary. We shall travel light, and I belive Elrond can dish up with some exelent elven food for the journey?"
Lord Elrond smiled. "Indeed so, my friend." Texol nodded. "Verywell then, I believe this counsil is finished. We will start our journey early tomorrow morning. Be sure to get enough rest and eat well tonight, as it may be long till you'll see the chance again." With these words Texol gave the sword back to Cúrion and then left the room...
OOC: sorry this took so long... you already know my reasons ;) and finaly the long awaited Laurelyn post came :D great, and we all hope to get news on what happenes to Oleander as soon as possible!
05-01-2002, 07:19 AM
As quiet as possible Gandalf and the men walk between slippery rocks and rolling stones. It was a difficult landscape to walk in with silence, though it gave a lot of cover. They knew though, that this was for the orcs as well. By no way they could possibly notice any scouting orcs hiding between rocks in this landscape before it was too late.
"We will have to travel slowly in this landscape," Gandalf said. "We will rest here when the sun comes up. The times was so much easier before, when the orcs couldn't stand the light of day."
They found a nice shelter in and under some large rocks that made a beautiful little cave with just enough room for everyone. "Sleep now," Gandalf said. "I will take todays watch".
05-01-2002, 07:04 PM
Does a cloud mean a storm is present, always?
There are ever new exceptions, that the most sturdy rules might be broken or bent.
Has it not failed, that the silver of the leaves wasn't followed by rain?
The unpredictable is always, however, the hardest to judge.
The Elf walked, as best he could with his injured leg, to where Oleander was standing by the remains of the Orcs and the cart she had been pulled in. It seemed to Oleander that each step caused more pain than his face revealed, for his gait was halting and broken into an ungainly mismatched cadence of footfalls. No sign of typical Elven grace was present; he stumbled many times, too many times.
Oleander’s eyes rose to meet his clouded gaze; silver-grey orbs met sea-blue and black and held. He stammered out a greeting to Oleander softly, and shivered as if cold. His eyes held fear, dull and terrible, but Oleander could not tell of what.
“Thank you,” she told him quietly. “I believe I may owe you my life. I have the name Oleander, of Lorien. And you?”
He seemed to think for a moment, and then slowly said, “ I am Hérendé. Or, that is what they call me . . . . My name.” His eyes seemed to be seeing something very far away, and Oleander wondered what he meant.
Oleander spoke in a soft tone to match Hérendé’s. “You’ve been injured,” she said. He nodded, and winced. “I could help you with that, at least, for saving me,” Oleander offered. Hérendé gave her no reply. “I could help you,” she repeated, and this time a hint of a smile danced lightly across his mouth. “Please,” he said, and nodded again. “I could, after all, do with some help now.”
Well, lookee at what happens when you give me lots of free time! Wahoo! :D Suggestions and annoyances, as always, are needed to correct any possible mistakes.
05-02-2002, 12:17 PM
OOC: Arat-Falathion has graciously let me take over Rosalina until Thrain of the Shire returns. I have no clue just what Thrain of the Shire wanted the hobbits to tell the elves or what makes the green gem he wears so special. So I’ll just leave those matters out until I figure a way to integrate them. Suggestions are more than welcome. As this is my first post I hope any of you will point out any mistakes or other faults to me. I hope you enjoy my little scribbling.
The hobbits were led into quiet room where they could rest a while after the counsel. None of them had spoken much since they had come to Rivendell, slightly numbed by the events that had followed in short succession and weary from their journey despite the fact that they had been carried the better part of the trip. An elf maiden had brought them something to drink but had left them then after assuring them that she would come back to fetch them at dinnertime.
Rosalina tasted the drink the elf had given her. Something herbal she noted, she recognized at least one or two of the herbs used. It was a stimulating drink she mused. She signalled the other two to drink it. We sure could use it, she thought. Numenor drank his silently, he hardly noticed the taste. Funny, he thought, the celebration had been disturbed, Hobbiton was torched, and the elves had returned after,…. well a very long time. Magic seems to be returning to Middle-earth in large quantities and my life –our lives- have been turned up side down and here we are in Rivendell, technically a place of a lost era. So how come none of us is breaking down and crying? Maybe the big folk were right about hobbits being more resilient after all.
Magnanamous was the first to speak. ‘Well, so what happens now?’ ‘I honestly have no idea. Things seem to be a lot bigger than I thought. There is little we can do in Hobbiton now, there are still elves there to help survivors. They’ll be of better use over there than us.’ replied Numenor. ‘You think there is much for us to do here?’ Numenor frowned slightly ‘I’m unsure.’ he said. ‘You know, said Rosalina, we could go with them tomorrow.’ ‘I am not sure they will let us.’ ‘But why did they take us to Rivendell then, Maggie?’ The hobbits thought for a while in silence. ‘We could ask them…. ‘ventured Numenor, ‘After all it’s better than being left alone here like some forgotten luggage.’ Rosalina’s face lit up. ‘Why Numie, that’s something old Peregrine Took could have said!’ Numenor found himself grinning ‘Well I guess it is.’ Magnanamous looked at his companions, a grin spread on his face. ‘ Look at the three of us. If I was old Meriadoc Brandybuck, I could say I just had a déj* vu!’ The hobbits started laughing and felt at once a lot better.
05-02-2002, 01:39 PM
OOC: Welcome to you Eärniel. You didn't mess anything up there with your first post I think :) The hard part continuing Thrain of the Shire's posts is the "characteristics" he gave each one of the hobbits. I think you followed them nicely :)
Laurelyn: Speed record! 2 days, 2 posts! how does it feel? :D
- Falathion
05-02-2002, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
Laurelyn: Speed record! 2 days, 2 posts! how does it feel? :D
- Falathion
Very cool - and it's one day, two posts, for that matter. I hope to make it one week, three posts, soon.
Welcome Earniel!
05-02-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
OOC: Welcome to you Eärniel. You didn't mess anything up there with your first post I think :) The hard part continuing Thrain of the Shire's posts is the "characteristics" he gave each one of the hobbits. I think you followed them nicely :)
Yeay! You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. Thanks!
and thank you too Laurelyn, for the welcome! (aahhhh I feel welcome :D:):D)
05-02-2002, 09:40 PM
In two days the company led by Arathorn passed with haste over the fields of Rohan. A feeling of some kind of vague dread was upon all of them, and it seemed to grow as they neared the Gap of Rohan. They were now in the Westfold. Their plan was to pass through the Gap of Rohan, cross the fords of Isen, and rounding around come down from the north unto Isengard, hopefully meeting with Gandalf and his host. As they sat Arathorn became even more unrestful. He put his ear to the dirt the men began to stare at him. His eyes widened and he got up swiftly and bade his men saddle their horses. "Now is indeed the time of haste. I was foolish leading us thus in the open." The men were bewildered but did as they were told nonetheless for they feared the urgentness in his voice. "Berethon, what has happened?" As Arathron lept into the saddle he said "There is no time to speak! Haste now fools, haste!" As they began to ride away, even the men began to hear what was wrong. Behind them, however faint, they heard harsh laughter and snarls. Telefam began to scream "Wolfriders! Wolfriders!" As Arathorn looked back the riders became clear. There were many hideous orcs upon the back of even more hideous monsters in wolf form, and the men were at least thrice outnumbered. Arathorn quickly grabbed his bow (which he had taken from one of the fallen orcs) and fit an arrow. As he let the arrow go it whizzed through the air and hit the leading wolf in the eye, and he crumbled to the ground and was ridden over by two more. All the men began to take up the same thing but none were as skilled as Telefam. Soon the monsters were reduced to 10. Then, one great wolf, which seemed to be the chieftan, broke away from the others and quickly caught up with the men. No matter how many arrows punctured that foul hide, he would not fall. the wolf was now upon them, and the orc upon his back slashed at the belly of the horses, slaying two and along with the men who would be dropped for wolf fodder. The wolf then set his eyes upon Arathorn and ran soon up beside his horse, but Arathorn and the men were quicker. Before the orc could even lift up his crooked blade once again he was slew by Telefam with an arrow. The wolf began to snap with foul smelling jaws at Arathorn, but not to kill, but to drag him off his steed and take him alive. But out swept Andúril, and the cold light of that sword the wolf feared. With tremendous speed the wolf turned around and the others of his foul brethren were not be seen, and at this Arathorn was puzzled, but the others were too in fear to care and they rode on for another hour without speaking, but telefam cried the whole time. After the hour they stopped to rest, for they were exhausted and the fear was driven out their minds with hunger and thirst, but neither of these Telefam would take. "Telefam, my friend, what troubles you? I bid you take atleast drink now." "One of the two that fell back there was my brother. He wasn't suppose to be of our group of errand riders, yet he came anyways out of love for me. I brought him to his death. I killed him." Arathorn then replied "Nay, friend, you did not kill him. For he came of his own will. Do not mourn, for he dwells now with his fathers and shall ever have peace from now on." "But i shall not. His body is in the foul belly of those wolves." At that another tear rolled down the fair cheeck of Telefam. "He died defending us. Defending you. If you do not find this a mighty thing, then you are not a Man of Gondor." telefam looked intot he eyes of arathorn and said "Berethon, you comfort me. But I shall love to avenge my brother upon those filthy things." And with a grim smile arathorn replied "You soon may, friend." The friends then began to take food and drink as they could.
05-02-2002, 09:41 PM
____if all that seems rather...err quick...plz forgive me..i didnt wanna spend 10 posts in rohan:p ;)_______
05-03-2002, 06:28 AM
No, Tar-elendil, it seems all right to me. Also seems that Arathorn is kind, and has a heart. :)
AARRRGGHHH! Stupid computer! I had half a post written, and it promptly popped up a "ERROR!" message, and then Word froze. Very crummy. Oh well, I'll re-write it, but now i can't post it today. :(
05-03-2002, 07:03 AM
Time pauses never for anyone
Never to stop and pick up something you’ve forgotten
Never to undo something that’s been done.
Oleander and Hérendé sat near the last few glowing embers of a fire. They had built the fire with no intention other than to boil water, fueling it with extra boards off the now-unneeded cart, but hadn’t truly had the heart to douse it once the flames had served their purpose.
She had tended his leg as best she knew how, and he seemed much happier without an arrow sticking out of his leg.
“It still hurts,” he said, “but now it will heal.”
Once the pain had faded some, he smiled more, Oleander noticed. “Well, I hope so, at least,” she replied. I still don’t really know who he is, Oleander thought. He’s said almost nothing of where he comes from, how he came to be here. Something troubles him, but I have no way to find out what . . . . Oleander opened her mouth to say something, and then decided not to bombard him with questions.
Hérendé apparently noticed her attempt to say something, though, because he turned to her. “What is it, my lady?”
Oleander almost laughed at being called ‘My lady’ by anyone, especially out here with no one else around, but decided that if Hérendé wanted to hear her question, she might as well ask it. “Well . . . I was just wondering where you are from, and how . . . how you came to be out here, up near by the Gladden fields.” She paused. “And, please, don’t call me ‘lady’ – just Oleander will do,” she added as an afterthought.
Hérendé looked at her quietly for a moment, then very slowly, almost imperceptibly, he nodded. “Oleander, then; you have a point, formalities are quite useless out here. I shall call you Oleander, but only if you call me Hérendé.” A hint of a smile touched his face, a tiny ray of sunlight.
Oleander nodded, smiling at them, discussing formal titles by a dying fire, where no one could hear them anyway. “Hérendé,” she said, “I guess I’m too curious for my own good . . . .”
He cut her off midsentence. “No,” he said. “You have every right to ask, and so then if you ask of course you might want to hear of my past.
“I am originally from Rivendell, from a long time ago . . . long enough I can remember the end of the War of the Ring. I sailed West with my father, but returned when I was told, many years ago, that I had a job to do here. The Elves cannot simply disappear, I suppose.
“I lived in Rivendell once more with other Elves who remained in Middle-Earth; for whatever our reasons, it was what we had in common. And I was glad to live here, almost, because so many people come to the Elves for advice. They want wisdom; and while we cannot tell them everything they wish to know, we can share some of the things we’ve learned in our many years.
“It was not too long ago that I was sent with a band of archers forth from Rivendell. We had come a ways, and then we met a large group of Orcs in Mirkwood. They were burning – ai! I felt the heat of their flames, and my comrades did, too, but we were determined to stop them. Whatever business they were up to, torching the forest, I do not know, but we tried our best to stop them.
“We took down several Orcs, but there were so many more of them, and we were slowly pushed back. They kept burning trees – and as we were forced to retreat, I felt a Darkness. I tried to run; I was scared to where it didn’t make any sense at all anymore, I forgot what I was doing. There was a shadow . . .” Hérendé’s voice trailed off and he was silent.
Hey, I did get to post this this morning . . . yipee. :D I'm on a roll here! Whee!
05-03-2002, 04:53 PM
so far the story goes..? elrond is in rivendell, along with texol the wizard, falthion and the other dudes name cant remember, who are elves, Túrin the dwarf (doesnt really sound like a dwarf name but ok;) ) holding council about going to the ruins of angband and looking for clues about the sword? oleander is who? gandalf on western side of the wizards vale?
yes i am very lazy but y'know:p
05-03-2002, 05:50 PM
as Arathorn and his men took the food and drink they could, Arathorn pondered once again how he could not have beheld an army big enough to besiege Minas Tirith. "Telefam, this i need to know now. What has happened to Minas Tirith, and why were you and your company sent forth?" Telefam looked up at Arathorn without moving his head and spoke in a whisper as fearing unfriendly ears would hear him and find him.. "We were sent to edoras to speak before the king about bands of orcs wandering about his borders. this has not happened since the war, many years ago, yet it foreboded a great evil. When we had arrived there he said he would intensify the patrols in and about Rohan. we were soon on our way, and we passed up the very spot where we first beheld you. continuing down the road for many miles we beheld Minas Tirith, but no longer fair and white it stood, but it seemed as stained blood red. All our hearts dropped at the sight and were dumbfounded. About it we could see small shapes, but very large indeed they must have been, blazing about the city. Mighty roars we heard, even we feared them from afar. None of us dared go down to that battlefield, yet someone came to us, a man, and i recognized him as one of gondor. he was scorched and bleeding and how he could stay on his steed, we know not. But seeing us he stopped and fell from his horse. Going up to him he told us, with his last breaths, of great evils about the field surrounding the walls, and finally the doom of the city was nigh. his finaly sentence was of his telling that the King Eldarion had ridden out to the last defense, and their fell. Of what kind of beasts were upon that field, we know not, but a fear is still upon us." Both of their faces were grave and neither spoke for manyy minutes. finally arathorn said "Yea, this explains much, but not all. I will not press you for more news,indeed i think you have told me all that you know. For this we shall make with more haste to Mithrandir, even if that fair city be ruined, its people are fully not. Yea, we must go now."
With that they departed within a half hour and as the moon rose far above they had come to the fords of Isen. Arathorn feared no chance of waylay, for he was determined if they were spotted, no orc or monster that assailed him would live. And a great wrath was growing within him as the long speechless hours passed
05-09-2002, 05:10 PM
OOC: Why? Why I ask you! Why is it every time I join an RPG, it rolls over and dies? Am I that horrible? :) Fine then, I'll take matters in my own hands. I hope no one minds it. Screech if you don't agree please, I'll edit if necessary.
A soft knock on the door startled the hobbits. The elven maiden they had seen earlier told them that dinner was ready. And that if they wished they could join the others in the great hall.
"Has it been so long then?" asked Rosalina "It seemed only so short ago that we arrived here." "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not complaining. I was getting hungry."said Magnanamous robbing his stomach in a tell-tale fashion. Smiling, the hobbits followed their guide to the dininghall. Most of the people they had met earlier had allready taking place. The hobbits looked around in amazement. They were shown to their seats, by chance they were placed between Texol and Theneal. To their amazement and delight, some one had gone through all the trouble to find proper hobbitchairs. Magnanamous started eating as only hobbits can, much to the amusement of the others around him. Numenor however was pondering how he should ask the wizard to let them join. Texol felt Numenor's unease and decided to help the hobbit. "I sense that you feel uneasy. Do not be troubled, you can speak freely. "Well, master wizard.... we have heard you announce your journey earlier in the counsil. And we talked about it..." Numenor glanced at the other hobbits. Rosalina who was seated next to him gave him a little friendly nudge as encouragement. Numenor turned back to the wizard. "And we decided, well we wondered if you would let us come along." "We won't get in the way, but we really want to help...."he added quickly. He looked hopeful at Texol.
05-09-2002, 08:25 PM
becuz arat-falathion hasnt been posting, and to continue the rpg his post is needed..
05-10-2002, 06:25 AM
OOC: as always :D I like it that way kind of :p
Sorry about that..
As the sun was about to fade away in the horizon, Gandalf woke the party and they all started the walk again. The landscape was still the same, sharp rocks and slippery stones.
Whispering to the man next to him, Gandalf said: "We should have reached the south side of Isengard now, if I am not utterly wrong, we can very soon find grass under our feet ag..." Gandalf stoped talking and was standing still, listening. "Someone's coming!" The party slipped into the shadows of the night and from the east they could hear the walkings of a whole army, though it did not sound like orcs. Still they were hiding in the shadows as quiet as possible. They knew whatever this army consisted of, the odds for it being friendly was not good...
Arat-Cúrion, Falathion, Undulë and Theneal got a room together and they fell fast asleep. This was Rivendell, and they felt safe here. Later they heard a soft knock on their door and an elven maden came in telling them it was dinner in the great hall.
They came quickly to their feet and walked down to the great hall, they were starving. As they entered the hall, most of the fellowship was already there, and the tables were dished up with food and drinks. Cúrion searched the tables for Texol, though he wasn't there. Theneal saw this and said swiftly "I will guess that Texol is planning the journey, Arat-Cúrion. Now let us eat."
And so they did...
- Falathion
05-12-2002, 07:43 AM
OOC: 2 days since my last post and no reply :p well, for ones it is not my fault ! :D :D :D
Let yer inspiration flow people!
- Falathion
05-12-2002, 11:23 AM
ooc: havent been at compuiter a few days..ill post this evening
05-12-2002, 04:47 PM
how far from isengard is gandalf's host (in milles)? and theyre on the skirts of the mountains right?
05-13-2002, 06:53 AM
OOC: I don't know the exact miles, and since they are not witten, you could easily make them up... and he is in the skirts of the mountains on the south side of Isengard...
- Falathion
Michelle The Fair
05-13-2002, 04:23 PM
Mer-Aislynn Had returned to inform her mother of the fellowship she had joined. "You don't know what its like out there!You could be kill." "Mother, When Texol asked for volenters to join him on his quest, I felt I should go. Drelin and Beoren are going as well." They heard a soft knock on their door and an elven maiden came in, "Dinner is ready my lady." "Thank you, Orchid" The maiden bowed and left the room. Mer-Aislynn turned to her mother, "Mother, are you coming? Let this evening be a good one, as there will hard times ahead for all of us." Her mother tried to smile. Hand and hand they walk to the dinning hall. As they entered the hall, most of the fellowship was already there, and the tables were dished up with food and drinks. Mer-Aislynn and her mother took up seats between Drelin and Beoren. Lord Elrond held up his hands for silence, "Tomorrow begins your greatest adventure. Becareful my friends. Great evil lurks in the dark places of Angband, make sure you don't fall into that darkness." As he said this last part, he glanced at Beoren, who stirred uneasyly in his seat.
05-13-2002, 05:34 PM
ooc: was wonderin becuz some of my books show the distances in gandalf on western side of mountains marching north? aye ok
Michelle The Fair
05-16-2002, 05:08 PM
Treebeard stood on his great hill in the evening light,"HORUM, Mirkwood appears to on fire. And a great darkness comes from Isengard. This not good. What new evil is this? Must find out more on this." And with that Treebeard left his hill and his treesand headed to Isengard.
Michelle The Fair
05-23-2002, 01:53 PM
Many elves stood mingling in the courtyard. Some where leading ponys laden with supplies.Others were helping to put final touches on the weapons that would would be taken. Drelin and Beoren were gathering their weapons up.The hobbits stood talking off to the side. Turin, the dwarf, sat on a bench sharpening his axe shooting odd looks at the others.
Just then Mer-Aislynn came into the court yard with her mother. In her hand was a sliver bow. Drelin walked over to her. "Where did you get that from cousin?" Drelin asked. "It was a gift from Lord Elrond," she said. "May I see it?" asked Beoren. Mer-Aislynn handed the bow to him. "This is a very fine gift. Gaurd it well."
As Mer-Aislynn took the bow and slung it over her shoulder, Texol walked out raising his hands for silince..........
OOC:someone please post!?!!!!!:D
05-23-2002, 03:07 PM
Everyone settled down silently and looked up at the great Istar. "Now I hope you all have eaten well. I have been up all night planning our journey carefully, and my guesses is that the path I've chosen will be free from hostiles, at least untill we have reached the ruins of Angband. You all already know how dangerous this journey will be, although I do not think it is safe anywhere in Middle Earth at this point and the world around us is blackening for every breath we take. Let us therefor travel with haste!"
"And may the Valar be with you, Texol. May Illuvatar protect you all on your way into the shadows." Elrond came up behind Texol as he spoke these last words. "I have gifts for some of you, gifts that were ment to be given to you. Arat-Falathion, may you come up here?"
OOC: Gees the time runs away from me... I am going to the movies watching Star Wars: Episode 2... no more time for writing.. I'll continue my post tomorrow!! Namárië!
- Falathion
05-23-2002, 08:18 PM
The company was riding with great speed to the south along the mountains until arathorn suddenly halted them. He stood up in the stirrups and looked around. silent minutes passed and finally telefam said "what do you hear Berethon? Are the wolf riders upon us again?" he looked at telefam and said "I am not sure." and glancing at the rest of the men he said "stay here. telefam and I will go ahead. if we do not return ere the sun comes, you know we have met our doom." With that Telefam and Arathorn rode on for a couple miles and then dismounted. They could both now hear the marching of some grand host. "I see something, berethon! Over there!" He pointed to a spot half a mile away and there arathorn could see many men standing as still as stone. And the man at the head of the group was clothed all in white and dimly shone in the night. "Mithrandir," arathorn muttered. But Mithrandir's host and both arathorn and telefam stood still as the sound of marching went on.
05-25-2002, 08:45 PM
Waa-aah-ahh! I wanna write . . . . :(!
I have no spare time lately and I'm sorry. Hopefully I'll find time over this weekend, but school is drawing to a close and the teachers are merciless. Sorry I'm so unregular in posting.
05-26-2002, 10:39 AM
OOC: When the comming week is over, I'll be done with my exams, though this week I'll have to spend all my time on doing maths and fysics, as I came up in exams in both of those classes, and they are tough! :p
Soon we'll all have more time on our hands I hope! :D
- Falathion
05-26-2002, 11:44 PM
the rpg is getting along very very slowly
05-31-2002, 10:42 AM
OOC: Finally done with my exams!!! YES! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
The sad thing for this story though, is that I will not have time to post before tomorrow, but I will post then! Finished-exams-party: here I come!!!
:D I'm an happy, happy elf now :D
- Falathion
05-31-2002, 08:58 PM
lol, congrats:)
06-02-2002, 07:32 AM
"Me?" Falathion glanced up at Elrond. "Yes, you." Falathion walked up the grass to where Elrond was standing, and Texol walked a little to the side.
"For you, my friend, I find your part in this journey very important. I can not explain this, it is just a feeling I have. For this I bring you this elven cape which will cover you whenever you need hiding." Falathion took the cape with gratitude. "I have something else for you also. I bring you a new quiver with darts made of mithril. They will penetrate any surfase and hurt any creature of flesh and blood. Use them wisly." Arat-Falathion bowed deeply as he accepted the new quiver with arrows of mithril and walked down to Cúrion, Undulë and Theneal.
"Arat-Cúrion, will you come forth?" Cúrion walked up to Elrond. "You are blessed with this mysterious sword that we do not understand. Your sword are the reason for the journey you now are about to travel, and so I see your importanse to the outcome of the war very important. I bring you an elven cape, just like the one I gave your son. I also bring you this ring." Elrond reveald a silver ring with a yellow stone attached to it. "This is Nármalina. The yellow fire, it will sence the presence of the dark Maiar, like Balrogs and maybe others turned into evil by Morgoth, Sauron or who knows who, in ancient times. I have a fealing you will need this." Cúrion bowed and recieved his gifts before he walked down to his son again with the yellow shining of Nármalina on his hand and the red shining from Nármacil on his right side.
"Undulë, I have gifts for you as well." Undulë walk up to meet Elrond. "I give also you an elven cape and I give you this elven sword, Anguirel. This was the twinsword of Anglachel that was wielded by none other then Turin Turambar. It was smithed by Eol and was lost after his death at Gondolin. Like so many other high-elven swords, this sword also was found in a trolls cave and given to me as a gift. I now pass it on, as I see you will have better use of it then I will ever have." Undulë bowed deeply.
OOC: I think everyone should deside for them selves what gifts are given them, as only you have any ideas of your characters destiny and meaning in the saga.
BIC: "There is a great army on the move" Gandalf stated. The ground was now shacking repeatedly as the march got stronger and stronger. "I think we better move" Gandalf wispered. "We better move fast!" It was in this moment that Gandalf the White turned his head in the direction of Arathorn. "Men? In these parts?"
Arathorn and Telefam rode towards them, and Gandalf felt relief to his heart when he saw who they were.
OOC: Finaly another post yeh? :D Let us hope that we can keep the story alive till the final climax! :D :D :D ;)
- Falathion, son of Cúrion, son of B*renath.
06-02-2002, 01:30 PM
ooc: HE POSTS?! :P oh and maeglin stole eol's sword
Both of them dismounted and walked to Mithrandir. "Hail Mithrandir! It has been many years since we met. This is my companion Telefam. The others of our company are away tot he north."
"Yes many years. We are planning an assault on Isengard. Once again a storm brews above it."
"My company i am with was set out as errand riders from Minas Tirith. When they returned in sight of the city the outer walls were beginning to crumble. They say there was an army about the city and specks of fire. A man they met upon the road fleeing from the carnage. He said to them that-that the King has died."
At this news Gandalf was grieved but not shocked. "It seems now you are the rightful King of Gondor. But im afraid that your city shall be for the most part destroyed.
"I am no King. It wasnt my city. I was driven forth from it years ago. You know that verl well."
06-05-2002, 08:16 AM
"That is true, my friend. But you are rightfull to the throne, and so you can claim it. Gondor needs their kind during times like these, thou shall never unclaim what is yours to claim, my friend, remember that. And even if you speak of not being wanted, I see you leading many men; and so my guesses is that you are not so unwanted after all." Gandalf smiled and so did Arathorn. "You may be right, Mithrandir. Though I see no time for such talk now, we need to gather our men quickly."
The loud noise of marching armies was getting closer. "You are right Arathorn. Lead us to your men!"
- Falathion
06-06-2002, 05:37 PM
OOC: Might as well arm as we're going into dangerous territory. Okay, here goes...
"Numenor Took." Numenor looked up in surprise. He hadn't been paying attention for a moment since he had been looking at the sword Elrond had given Undulë. With a nudge from Magnanamous he stepped forward. A bit nervous he stood before Elrond. "It does seem every time hobbits visit Rivendell, they leave on an important mission." Elrond said. "The task you've volunteered for shall not be easy on you or on any of your companions. Therefore I give you this." He gave the hobbit an elven knife that to Numenor seemed as a sword. Numenor took it silently and looked at it in awe. "It will aid you well on your quest. It was made in Gondolin the lost elven city, it's name is Ilmenang. A better knife you shall not easily find." "Thank you" said Numenor softly and bowed.
"Magnanamous Brandybuck, will you step foreward, please?"
Magnanamous stepped foreward and stood next to Numenor. The hobbits exchanged a quick smile. Elrond looked down on them. "The gift I have for you is equal to that of Numenor, may you find equal use for it." said Elrond and with this he presented the hobbit with another elven knife. It looked different to that of Numenor, the markings on it were different too. "This is Elenruth, made in Valinor and as hard as mithril." "Wow" said Magnanamous as he looked at the knife. "It's beautiful..." He recovered quickly and bowed. "I thank you for this gift, Lord Elrond." Elrond smiled and turned his gaze towards Rosalina at last.
"Miss Gamgee, come forth please." Rosalina looked uncertain for a moment but then stepped foreward, she gave the other hobbits a nervous little smile. "No weapons do I have to give you, but a gift that suits your talents better. Your forefather was an excellent gardner, a skill that still runs in the family, so I'm told." Rosalina bushed. Elrond handed her a bundel of cloth. The smell of several herbs rose from it. "This bundel holds several herbs that can cure many illness and hurt. May you use it wisely." Elrond added. "Thank you, sir." mumbled Rosalina as she held her bundle close.
Nariel Starfire
06-07-2002, 02:00 PM
"Loriel of Mirkwood" Loriel approached Elrond and bowed. "To you I bring These few gifts: A bow and quiver of Lothlorien. And here this: a seed of one of the trees of Greenwood, before it became Mirkwood. When your journey is ended, it is you duty to restore Mirkwood to how it was before the coming of the Dark Lord."
"I thank you, sir." Loriel bowed again and stepped back.
06-07-2002, 04:39 PM
OOC: Welcome back to the game Nariel :) It is good to have you here. One thing though, it was Elrond who gave the gifts in Rivendell, Gandalf is by the gates of Isengard at this moment :)
- Falathion
06-07-2002, 05:17 PM
ooc: i think you're confused with texol
06-09-2002, 05:09 PM
OOC: Hi everyone. I'm back. Sorry for deserting you like that. I had RL problems. I want to rejoin the RP, but I have no idea what is going on. Could someone fill me in?
06-10-2002, 07:28 AM
OOC: It is really good to see you back Aragorn!! :D RL will always be more important than this, and so RL situations may accur to anyone of us :) I am pleased to see you back!
Michelle the Fair took over your character for a little while as you were gone, nothing major has happened with your character though except that he is going on a journey to the ruins of angband together with some of the other players. There has been a council held in Rivendell and the journey is about to begin. Elrond is now giving away gifts for those who are leaving, and so you must make your post to what Elrond gives you... That is basically what has happened since you left. The hobbits are in Rivendell now...
Gandalf is at the outskirts of Isengard together with Arathorn and some men, maybe they'll fight the orcs in Isengard.
Oleander walks together with a woonded elf from rivendell somewhere between mirkwood and lorien...
The rest of the active characters are in rivendell atm.
Good luck and welcome back!
Tar-Elendil: may you please post next on the happening near Isengard? :)
- Falathion
06-10-2002, 12:45 PM
They could still hear the marching but it was now growing faint and their tensions eased. Arathorn bid Telefam fetch the others of their company and return. Within half an hour this was done and their host was assembled.
06-10-2002, 09:13 PM
OOC: Okay. Here we go. *Cracks knuckles, causing a stampede to trample him.*
"Drelin, come forth." Elrond's voice rang throughout the room. Drelin stepped forward shyly. This drew a smile from most of the people in the room. Drelin slowly made his way to Elrond. Finally he stood in front of him, "Drelin, you were the first one to see the orcs hidden in the woods, and you acted quickly in a situation where most would be helpless. May your sight never grow dimmer. To you I give Ariandul, the Bow of the North. Never has an arrow been shot farther by any other bow. Use it well, for I think your heroics have yet to come to an end."
Drelin bowed low, and quickly moved out of his sight for his cheeks were bright red. He removed his own bow from its holder and put on Ariandul.
OOC: Hopefully nothing wrong with that post. If there is just tell me and I'll fix it.
Michelle The Fair
06-10-2002, 09:29 PM
OOC:Glad to see you Aragorn. you were missed. My other Charater, Beoren, you can write for sometimes. If you want to.
Michelle The Fair
06-16-2002, 01:59 AM
"Beoren, step foward please." Beoren walked up and bowed before Elrond. "To you I give Elenmir, the Star-Jewel. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out." Beoren took the small blue stone form him, its was strung on a thin chain of silver, and placed around his neck. "I feel you will have great need of this.Use it wisely." "I will my lord." With that Beoren bowed and turn to rejoin Drelin and Mer-Asilynn.
Elrond's words went through his mind. He knew a dreaded fate waited for him in Angband.
06-21-2002, 06:22 PM
OOC: Ok, those who haven't brought their character forth to Elrond might do it later... we should get this RPG on the move again now :)
Texol stared at the mountains in the north and sighted, "It is time. Let us go before it is too late." Shadows beyond the horizon was getting deeper and darker for every breath they took.
"So let us go then," Theneal said jumping ontop of one of the horses that were led out to them.
"And may the Valar enlighten your path, my friends." Elrond said. "Namárië..."
and so they started their journey. Texol led the way, though he was riding in deep thoughts and did not sense much of the world surrounding him...
- Falathion...
06-26-2002, 07:22 AM
The hobbits stared doubtfull at the grown horses for a while. But one of the elves came near and said: "Fear not, Those horses are indeed too large for hobbits but Elrond has provided some more suitable riding-animals for you." He led them to three ponies. "Oh they're lovely!" exclaimed Rosalina. The elf smiled. "Indeed they are. They come from a good breed and are brave and loyal." The hobbits looked in admiration at the ponies. All three of them had a soft and light grey coloured fur. The hobbits chose each a pony and the elf helped them loading their luggage. Soon they were ready. Numenor and Magnanamous helped Rosalina on first. The hobbitlass looked a bit unsure at first but soon she caught the rythm of the pony's pace and was at ease. Numenor and Magnanamous mounted their ponies as well as Theneal gave the signal to depart. "So", said Numenor "We depart at last." Who would have thought that I would see Rivendell one day and leave it already the next day for some wild adventure, he added silently to himself. He turned only once to see Rivendell fade away in the distance far behind.
07-03-2002, 10:45 AM
OOC: I'm leaving tonight for a monthlong holiday with no access to the internet. Anyone can post for the hobbits until then. See you in August! :)
07-03-2002, 06:01 PM
OOC: Yeh :) Have a nice holliday! This RPG is going slow atm. anyways ;)
Hmm... maybe someone should post an update soon... maybe that someone needs to be me :D
- Falathion
Lief Erikson
07-10-2002, 08:59 PM
The days passed by, largely uneventfully as the company began its journey. The part of the country that they had first to pass through had been as yet unravaged by orcs, and there was peace and innocence. Few were prepared for the coming storm. As they went, the company therefore spread word of the approaching danger to those who were closest to the rampaging armies.
Finally, the company left the territories where men dwealt and began to near the sea. Finally they reached the shore where the land abruptly ended, but here there was no sand. The ground simply stopped a hundred yards from the edge of the sea and then tilted downwards, disappearing beneath the waves. Grass covered the ground straight up to the water's edge, and here and there a tree or bush was easy to find as well. The whole place was beautiful and peaceful, with no trace of the devastation that had struck so near this place all those years ago other than the tilt in the land and the crack at its top.
The company left their horses at the top of the tilt and walked down quietly to the water's edge, where Texol stopped and stared out over the waters, his robes billowing around him with the sea breeze.
He turned to face his companions then. "In Rivendell there are many manuscripts detailing the legend of Beleriand and telling all that can be known about Angband during ancient times. They were dark stories and it gave me no pleasure to look through them. However I did, with Theneal's assistance," he said with a nod of thanks towards the elf, "and we discovered that there may still be a way into Angband left.
"It was a secret tunnel built probably for Morgoth and his captains in case things should go amiss, that they might have a way to escape. Its existence first began to be suspected when a few fleeing leaders were spotted by the people who lived in these parts. These leaders were possible to identify as some of Morgoth's commanders, apparently having escaped during Angband's collapse.
"But Angband was destroyed by the Valar and there was no need to seek out this tunnel," Texol continued, "especially since the land sunk under the depths."
"So we need to seek out this tunnel?" Numenor asked as he fingered his necklace.
"Yes," Texol answered. "We have accounts from local tribesmen of the period and have narrowed down the search to this shore. It is here, my friends. Now I need you simply to spread out and find it."
Slowly the company did as asked, spreading out along the edge of the crack and across the ground, seeking for some sign of the secret passage.
Slowly the hours passed as the company continued their search, beginning to feel that their task was more and more hopeless. The team members eventually decided to team up into pairs.
Sunset was approaching when suddenly there was a call. Texol hurried to the spot where he found Theneal and Numenor, both standing over a patch of ground that was indented downwards in the shape of a door sized square.
"Good job," Texol said with a smile. "Numenor, Theneal, good work. I actually didn't expect us to find it nearly this soon, this was surprisingly fast. But that is good, the quicker this can be done the better, for then we'll be able to get on to other things."
The other members of the company soon gathered around them as Texol lowered his staff's head and touched the center of the indentation. Then he spoke words of command in a powerful voice, and the ground shifted. The ground and grass fell down the hole that widened as the great hidden iron door swung downwards, revealing a flight of stone stairs that led downwards into darkness.
07-12-2002, 06:42 AM
- Falathion
07-15-2002, 11:40 AM
Now who is still with us here? -I hope most of you still are :) The progress of this rpg has been slow lately, though something tells me the tide has changed... now who is still in?
- Falathion, son of Cúrion, son of B*renath who died in the battle of Gondor...
Lief Erikson
07-15-2002, 07:22 PM
I've edited my most recent post about the entrance to Angband. Sorry to make you reread, but it's necessary for story congruity.
07-15-2002, 08:15 PM
The stinking smell of death and rottening flesh cought everyones nose in the very second they stepped down the first steps of the entrance. The stonewalls, cieling and steps were all covered with grass and other elements of nature witnessing of many a year of untouched surfaces.
Looking down into the night they made their way downward the slippery steps, only lightened by the entrance that were slowly fading behind them.
"Be silent and watch your steps, my friends," Texol wispered. "We do not want to awake the creatures dwelling in the deeps of Morgoths past fortress." He carefully swept his hand above the top of his staff, and a dim light appeared from the stone at the top. "I'll just risk a little bit of light," Texol said.
Still they were going down the neverending steps for what could only be described as too long a time, and the further down they got, the wors the smell stuck in their noses, and the air was thickening and a fear within arose among them. Though still they travelled down into the deeps, knowing what was awaiting them, knowing what to expect...
"There is no worse thing to this world then going down slippery steps like these," Turin grinned quietly. "I keep stepping on my beard." Only Theneal was walking behind him, as they were forming the backtrop of the fellowship. "I wanted orcs, and all I get is empty stairways smelling worse then anything," the dwarf grinned again nearly falling over as he once again stepped on his long beard. "Gather you feet, foolish dwarf!" Theneal stressed behind him as quiet as possible. "I'm sure you'll get your share of orcslaughter before we reach the end of this journey." The dwarf stopped and turned around looking angrily at the elf. "I sure hope so, for everyones sake!" Then he started walking again.
"These steps truly goes deep," Falathion wispered to Cúrion walking right infront of him. "Indeed, my son. Very deep, and it troubles my heart not to see the sky." Undulë who were walking right behind Falathion laid his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure we will all be ok, no matter what." Falathion sighted. "Sadly enough, I don't feel the same way about all this, my friend. Sadly enough..."
And so they kept on walking until the steps flattened and a long, tight hall appeared infront of them, in which led to a large cield door...
- Falathion
07-19-2002, 02:02 AM
ive been away for awhile but i should be able to post more now
07-19-2002, 07:01 AM
Good to have you back Tar-Elendil! We were about to attack Isengard were we not?
- Falathion
07-29-2002, 09:26 AM
OOC: Thanks, Arat-Falathion. I had a great holiday. And now I'm back. :)
Being small, the hobbits could not see what lay before the company and they slightly bumbed into the elf before them as the company halted before the door. "Sorry" mumbled Numenor.
The hobbits had heeded the warning of the wizard had not spoken during the dark journey. Instead they had tried not to think of all the evil things they could encounter here. It turned out they had a lot not to think about. The darkness itself did not scare the hobbits, as they were hole dwellers by nature, they did not feel uncomfortable underground. Yet the slippery cold steps could not be compared to the cosy hobbitholes. Magnanamous had tried to count the numerous steps but had to confess halfway that he had lost count allready.
Numenor peered alongside the elf to see why the company had halted without warning. "A door." he said to the other hobbits who could not see it. "Is there writing on it?" asked Magnanamous. Numenor looked again. "Not that I can see." he said as he turned again. "No riddles then." said Rosalina with a faint smile. "This is not Moria." reminded Magnanamous her. "Aye, but I don't know whether we're better off here." said Numenor. Magnanamous shrugged. "We'll see, won't we?"
08-05-2002, 03:23 PM
all of a sudden, there was a sound of hoofs from the world above.the company rushed out,and beheld a horsewoman in the fading light.
'Hello my friends.i have ridden fast from name is Christiana and i shall assist u on ur quest,if i may'
ooc:anyone who was in valinor in the days of the two trees,or has been in Middle Earth knows her,as she was on the White Council.
08-12-2002, 07:22 AM
OOC: A very fast and rushing entrance this, Christiana, and now we have to go down all those slippery steps again :p Ah, well... :D
BIC: Texol examined the door, but with no result. "This door is of orcish make, and does not have any thoughtout riddles or ancient words or fraces in order to open. I think what we need is raw power to open this!" Everyone took the hint and rushed to the door, laying all their weight and strenght agains it, and slowly it opened. And as the first glich of the other room appeared an even worse smell cought their noses...
- Falathion
08-13-2002, 08:37 PM
Christiana sighed,holding a telepathic conversation w/ her elven wolf.she drew her sword,and rammed the hilt into the door.the end of her sword,topped by a sapphire,did not give.the door,however,opened a few inchesmore,grating against the stone floor.
08-17-2002, 07:12 AM
Numenor carefully poked his head around the door. Being small had it's advantages. But he could see nothing behind the door except a thick darkness. He wrinkled her nose, this smell was even worse than before.
"Can you see anything?" asked Magnanamous on the other side of the door.
"Nothing but darkness." replied Numenor. He pulled his head back. No need in taking unnecessary risks. With gritted theeth the company doubled their efforts untill finally the door surrendered. It had opened wide enough now to let a man through unhindered.
08-18-2002, 01:19 PM
ooc:im going awat for 1 week,dont do too mugh without me!bye!
bic:Christiana's eyes glitteredin the dark."what should we do now?"
08-18-2002, 03:50 PM
"Wield you weapons and be at your pase," Texol whispered stepping forward. "Hopefully we will get through this without being noticed." As he entered the room he added. "And try to forget the smell in this place. It will get alot worse when we get further down..."
Texols shinig staff only lightened a small field around the group, and they could not see the walls on eather side and not guess the size of the room. They ran as silently as possible straight forward for a while, till they came to the other side. Here they found a stairway going further down into the deeps. It went straight down in a spiral form, and as they walked down every step, they started to get dizzy. The smell got stronger and stronger, and the dark became darker and darker...
"Truly this is the ancient fortress of Morgoth," Texol whispered. "This place breaths of darkness and evil."
They proceeded through a hall and entered a smaller room. From here they came to another stairway that went in the same kind of spiral as the other had. Further and further down into the deeps they came. Stronger and stronger the smell became, and darker and darker the darkness contained...
The hobbits had stopped counting steps now and had started to count stairways instead. "Sixteen stairs!" Magnanamous sighted as he tried to stock his feet on the ground after yet another stairway. "Sixteen stairways, and yet we are not at the end. I wonder how many more steps I have to take, because I am not sure how much longer I may go on..." Texol stopped. "Ok, my dear hobbit. You may rest here for a short while, but we have to get on soon. I feel our precence won't go unnoticed much longer..." Texol scouted around in the dark and whispered: "I feel the precence of dark creatures, my friends. Very dark creatures indeed..."
"I do not want to rest then," Magnanamous quickly replied. "Let us proceed and get what we came for! And let us hurry our pase!" "Very well," Texol nodded.
On they continued for yet another number of stairways and even more dark halls and smelling rooms, diversing in size. The darkness was now so blackened that Texols staff nearly was effectless, as black clouds or fog was in the air. They had just walked down a new stairway being a lot bigger then the others had been, and now they entered a hall leading to a huge door rising up into the invissible.
Examining the door, Texol hummed and sighted and thought very deeply. "'Do not enter this room' it says in an ancient dark tongue only the Istari remembers. Here lies the archives of Morgoth, and be doomed thou who dears to show his pressence behind these locked doors." Texol turned to the group. "We are now only few steps away from what we came for," Texol whispered. "And yet I have a fealing that hell will break loose at the sudden we enter the next room. You may think we are halfway, but the efforts of getting out will probably hold a thousand times as much effort as getting down here. We shall now rest, as well as we may, before we enter the next door..."
- Falathion
08-24-2002, 06:32 PM
ooc:im back!:) :D
bic:Christiana munched on some lembas,and checked to make sure that her wepons were all in an easy postition to grab.when the rest break was over, they approached the door.Knocking an arrow to the string,Christiana drew her bow as Cheyanne tensed at her side.The door creaked open...
...and hell broke loose.
Lief Erikson
08-26-2002, 09:23 PM
Theneal lowered his bow and arrow, his keen elven eyes quickly taking in the contents of the room. The room was probably three hundred feet long and sixty feet wide. Through the center of it were several long rows of books and papers. There were other things also on some of the shelves. Slimy and disgusting, some of them. Others like hard rocks, bleak, dark and evil. What they were, none of them cared to know, or ever found out.
Texol stepped into the room.
Several seconds slowly passed, yet nothing happened. The tension in the air, the oppressive darkness were almost unbearable, yet nothing, still.
Slowly, staff held high, Texol walked several steps further. After several seconds, Theneal and the others walked in behind him.
Texol quietly went over to one of the long rows, staring intently at several evil markings on the top of it. Nodding to himself, he took several steps deeper in, increasing the light a little more. He began then to browse the books, shuffling through some of the papers as he looked for what he needed.
08-27-2002, 04:05 PM
As the wizard was studying the papers, the rest of the little fellowship dispersed a little and explored their immediate surroundings. None of them went far, never leaving the light that the wizard's staff cast, and always keeping the rest of the group in sight. Every one was alert for any sound, anything out of the ordinary. They treaded lightly and each had his hand on his weapon.
Numenor looked at the bookshelves that towered over him. It was as if the very air was evil, the hair in his neck stood upright. His gaze slid past the shelves at hobbit eye height. He fingered his necklace nervously, his other hand lay on the elven knife. the necklace felt heavier, although it might have been his imagination. The whole atmosphere seemed to press down on him. Suddenly something caught his eye, he leaned closer to see what it was. It was a little book, smaller than those around it. It seemed... different. The cover was covered with dirt and dust but it must have been grey once, an odd colour for a book. It didn't seem to fit here. Tentively he stretched out his hand. "Don't do that!" whispered Rosalina.
Numenor had nearly pulled his hand back when he realised she had spoken to him but to Magnanamous. The two other Hobbits stood at the opposite bookcase, behind him. Magnanamous had his hand on a thick black book. "Don't worry Rosie, I'm only going to look, I'm not going to drop it." he whispered to the worried girl. But he had underestimated the weight of the book and it slipped from his grasp to the ground. Only the quick intervention of the dwarf Turin prevented the book of hitting the ground. He put it back in it's place. "You foolish hobbit!" whispered the dwarf, as far as dwarves actually can whisper. "We try to stay unnoticed in this hell hole." Both hobbits looked pale but Magnanamous gathered his wits fast. "I thought you wanted some orcs, master Turin." The dwarf looked hard at him. "Don't touch any more of this books." was all he said and then turned around. Rosalina pulled Magnanamous back to the place where the wizard was still browsing to the papers. Numenor followed them, the little grey book hidden under his mantle. He had made use of the little disturbance of Magnanamous to pick it up unnoticed and slip it under his mantle. He wasn't sure why he had picked that particular booklet but he didn't feel like putting it back.
08-29-2002, 03:32 PM
ooc:my chracter can read Black Speech.
bic: Christiana petted Cheyanne as she tried to make out the titles of the books. Most of them were in Black Speech-something that she was sure did not bode well.She glanced up,and just over her head somthing caught her eye. It was a leather bound book nearly twice the size of the others. She handed it to Texol, who gave a start at the title .(ooc:expect a pm on the title AF)
Cheyanne stiffened suddenly,her nose in the air.
"What is it?"breathed Christiana.But now everyone heard the cry,and they didnt need to be told that Orcs were approaching.But that was not all Cheyanne had sensed.As Christa heard her reply,she started shuddering violently.
There was a dragon.500 yards from them.
Lief Erikson
08-29-2002, 05:40 PM
The elves in the company had long sensed the darkness and impending danger, but this was to be expected in a this, darkest of all places that existed in the world. But the fact that they were surprised by the ambush showed something else: careful planning on the part of the attackers.
The orcs had already long existed in the dark holds of Angband, stumbling through the murk and living and breeding in the foul darkness. But they screamed and scattered in surprise at the explosion that sounded. The screams Cheyanne had heard were orcs, fleeing in terror.
Texol snatched the small book from Christa's hand, and a moment later, the world seemed to tear open. A spirit of black terror struck all of them at once, a hidden shadow which had suddenly thrown aside its covering. It was silent; not a sound was heard when it came, yet all of them staggered to their knees as it struck them.
Then the books were torn from their shelves and the Archive was torn open. Thousands of pounds of stone and timber smashed to the earth as the wall and door through which they'd come exploded inward. Darkness and shadow stretched out in an attack. Flame and blackness obscured all vision; none could distinguish anything and they were all thrown back, battered to the opposite wall by torrents of writhing and tearing wind.
Cúrion's hand finally found Narmacil's hilt, and the elves recovered sufficiently at last to raise their bows. Texol raised his staff and a small beam of pitiful white light struck at the lurid flames and sucking, evil darkness. The enemy dashed through it, batting aside the Istari Light, and were in.
There were three of attackers, all Balrogs, all wreathed in blazing energy. The monstrous swords of fire came down . . .
The battle took all of five seconds, and then it was over. What had been the Archive was completely destroyed, charred black.
Arat-Falathion opened his eyes slowly, and thought he heard someone weeping. It was one of the hobbits; apparently someone other than himself had also survived the attack. Slowly he got to his feet, looking around quietly. All was silent, but for the hobbit's crying.
Texol was getting up from the ground and dusting himself off. Theneal was standing stock still, twelve yards away. Half of his bow had been burned away and his left arm appeared badly scorched; his eyes were looking out in the direction from which the Balrogs had come and his face was white. The others were also slowly gathering from other parts of the Archive; incredibly, it looked as if no one had been badly hurt.
It was then that he noticed one person who was not getting up. The elf lay crumpled on the floor beside a smashed piece of stone. Arat-Cúrion's body was broken and there was a thin line of blood flowing down from his lip; his eyes were open and staring into his own.
08-29-2002, 10:27 PM
Christiana,panting,got up,or tried to.she found it diffucult,as she was buried under rocks.Im just glad that the balrogs didnt stayed to take captives. they just might still be mad at her 4 slaying one in Gondolin.she heard Cheyanne digging to get her,and started to push the rubble aside.
09-05-2002, 10:34 AM
OOC: Sorry for my time away from this board... moved to a new school...
Falathion´s eyes flushed in tears as he ran over to Cúrion. "Father!" he whispered as he shoock the body. "Father?"
Slowly Cúrion opened his eyes and looked up at Falathion. "Agh..." Cúrion gripped around Falathions forearm. "They took my... agh... my... ... my sword..." Cúrions eyes was fading. "Don´t you give up father!" Cúrion tried to make a smile. "My time is over, son... now you need to return my sword! You know what it shall mean for the outcome of this war! Agh..." Cúrion summoned his last breath. "Promise me!" "I promise, father. I shall return your sword... even if it shall take my life!" Falathion waited, waited for an answer, but it didn´t come... and a tear fell from Falathions eye...
Texol came over and lay a hand on Falathions shoulder. "I am sorry, but your father was a brave man, dearing to carry that sword. And yet this fill my heart with greater trouble, knowing that this sword was indeed what the enemy came for, and indeed they now have it in their coustity. If we only knew the true story behind this sword... We can not continue untill we have more answers, and yet we don´t have time. All I can see is that we must handle fast and then get the sword back..."
Texol sat down on some crushed timber and opened the large book...
- Falathion
09-05-2002, 02:49 PM
Numenor was trying to comfort Rosalina. The attack had taken a toll on the girl's nerves. But all in all Numenor was glad that she was alive and apparanty unscathed. Although he could not be entirely sure until he had asked, but he first had to calm her. Numenor himself had survived too and that had been a pleasant surprise. His foot still ached from where a falling part of debris had hit him but he wasn't complaining.
A pile of rubble moved right next to him, his hand lay already on the hilt of Ilmenang when he recognised Magnanamous. "Maggie!" he said releaved. The other hobbit wriggled from under the debris and shook the dust from his hair. "What on Middle-earth were those things?" "Those were Balrogs." answered Theneal him. "Balrogs? Like the one from Moria in the old story? I thought those were rare!" "Then their presence here proves the urgency of our quest."
Numenor whistled softly. "Than we can be glad that all of us got out of the fight alive." "Not all of us." said Theneal sadly as he looked where Arat-Falathion stood next to the silent body of his father. In shocked silence the hobbits looked at the dead elf. "Is he... d-dead?" asked Rosalina softly. No one felt like stating the obvious. Rosalina bit her lip and grabbed Magnanamous' arm for support. The other hobbit winced as she touched the burnt skin of his arm. Rosalina's eyes opened wide. "You're hurt!" she exclaimed. "It's not that bad, Rosie. It's nothing." tried Magnanaous to reassure her. "None of that!" said Rosalina firmly. She stood up and looked around for her bag which she found a few feet away under the remains of a bookcase. She sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes as she rummaged through the pack. "Now shut up and sit still." Magnanamous knew that protest would be in vain so he let her tend to his wounds. After him Rosalina tended to the others as well as she was able.
09-05-2002, 11:07 PM
Christiana looked at Arat-Curion's body."he was a casualty of war.It happens."her voice was cold and unfeeling.The other members looked at her in astomishment,sondering at her hard words.Arat-Falithion glared at her.
Christa turned away.they didnt know what she was remembering.they didnt know that,far off,she was seeing a white tower falling,a figure on its top.A voice echoed in her mind:
"Great,is the fall of Gondolin."
The flashback shifted,and she saw from afar a green hill amidst a brown waistland,where an Elven-King's trampled body lay with many others, renowend or namless,their swords crumbling into dust.Then,far off on a plain, a figure on horseback, with a shineing shield,galloping to ominous dark mountains in the distance.After,a figure falling on the slopes of Mt.Doom. And lastly,a grey ship sailing into the distance.
But they didnt know what she was seeing.They just thought she was heartless.
09-25-2002, 05:15 AM
Texol opened the dented book carefully and puffed away the dust with a carefull breath. "The writings here is pretty dented. It is hard to get out any meaning of this. It must be really old." He started to read the pages silently to himself. "Hmm..." he hummed. "This seems to be a typing of Melkors early stage. Probably righ before he became Morgoth. It is written in a language known only to those who comes from the west and remembers the eldest of eldest." He turned the first page and read on. "My host is increesing... 'then there is something that I do not understand,' ...Morc*s... ...darkening... 'hmm... Then it probably says:' This Maia is now under my power and shall obay me and be my spy. 'Then comes a part that is totaly dented here...'," Texol examined the paper and tried to get a meaning out of it. He turned the page and hummed. "'There is the last page, and only some fast shribbling is left here.' Morc*s has vanished... 'then comes a part I can not understand and then:' TRAITOR!" Hmm... this won´t be enough... I wonder who this Morc*s is. A Maia it sais, spy, traitor, darkening..." Texol sat in deep thought for a moment, then suddenly he closed the book and threw it to the floor.
"There must be something else here. Look for a book or a scroll maybe. It should probably be different from the others. Small would be my guess!"
A knock came to Numenor and he got the grey book from under his sweater. "Something like this?" Texol looked at the hobbit. "Yes, just something like that!"
Sitting down again Texol opened the book. Texol hummed. "This must be inc of a very rare sort. It hasn´t dented a day..." A smile came to Texols face. "This is written by Morc*s himself, a dictionary of some sort... 'Melkor has now taken me as his nearest counsler and was eager in my new plan. Little he knows of all my planning behind this. I have learned to breath orcs, dragons, balrogs and what not, but I shall now return to the west and siece what shall become the ultimate weapon of power, and so I shall crush anyone who shall stand in my way, for I share no power, I obey no power, I am the one power who shall control everything!" Texol paused, looking at the others as he whispered the last sentance. The hobbits were klinging to one another, and the rest was just standing there, not moving a limb. Texol turned the page. "Here the language has changed into a darker tongue, similar to what once was written into the ring of power. 'Soon I shall now be the ruler of all. I have created what shall lead me to victory, it is precious and above all beautiful. I call it I Nârmacil, the flame sword. I have made all the Valar believe this one sword is the only way to stop Morgoth and his evil deeds. I reminded them about what happened when they took action within their own hands. These pathetic Valar care too much about their pathetic creations. That shall become their doom..." Texol paused once again. "My fathers sword!" Falathion bursted out. Texol nodded. "Wait, there is more..." Texol turned the page.
"'Every Valar has now put some of their power in the sword and I sence no suspicion among them. This sword is now one with my heart and shall obey all my orders. Still I can not find a way to turn it all mine, as its powers haven't come from me alone, and so all who wield it, shall be able to use its powers to a sertain degree, and so I shall protect it even more and hide it from every eye upon earth and beyond. I shall now return to the east and claim power!" Texol turned the page, noticing how everyone was paralised by the words he spoke. "This is the last page, and the writing is getting more and more shribbling. 'The bright read shimmer of the swords blade is fainting. It seems that once Im close to whom I hate it obeyes my hate, and glimmers.' There is a pause, and suddenly the shribbling gets almost unreadable. '...turbulent sea... glimmer... ...Ulmo...' Then there is some cursing and thats it." Texol closed the book and did not speak, but sat in deep thought...
- Falathion
09-25-2002, 02:21 PM
OOC: great post, Arat-Falathion! :)
The hobbits remained huddled together even after the wizard had stopped reading. The ancient text had made a deep impression on them. Numenor was uncomfortably reminded of the dark voice they had heard on the celebration in Hobbiton what seemed like ages ago. He wondered what the connection was. He felt a little lightheaded. Rosalina was still holding his arm in a very firm grip, Numenor was slightly surprised at the might the hobbit lass had.
Magnanamous scratched his head thoughtfully. "Wow" he said at last "That was.... scary. Does this... this mean we're up against a another maia?" As every one was still too busy digesting all the information, no one answered him but the hobbit went on. "But why now? I mean that diary looks really old, why didn't he make a move earlier?"
"Ulmo, that's the Lord of Waters and Seas, isn't it?" Numenor said slowly, lost in thought. And ... " Numenor hestitated a moment before speaking the name of their deceased companion "Arat-Cúrion found the sword at sea.... maybe... Rosalina, please let go of my arm, will you? You're cutting off my bloodflow." Rosalina quickly complied and Numenor continued as he rubbed some blood back into his arm. "Maybe Ulmo guessed what this... Morc*s was up to and tried to take the sword from him."
Magnanamous looked in the direction the balrogs had disappeared with Nârmacil. "Does that mean he's got it back now?" He shuddered unvoluntarily. "Oh, shoot."
09-26-2002, 05:20 AM
OOC: Thanks Eärniel... I miss-spelled though... It was ment for Morc*s to be a maia... it is fixed now... The reason for this is simply that the story of the Valar is pretty detailed in Tolkiens writings, and therefor we know of all the Valar in the world of Arda... But the Maiar are a little less known of... and so it would be more rightly to have a Maia being Morc*s... :p
Ah well, anyway, the action is building up now towards a final end!
- Falathion
09-26-2002, 05:20 AM
3pl post! Jeeze!
09-26-2002, 05:20 AM
Yes, yes! I did it :p
09-26-2002, 05:25 AM
OOC: okay, I've edited my post too. :)
09-26-2002, 07:49 PM
"what should we do now?"Christa asked.
09-27-2002, 04:29 AM
OOC: "CLAP" for shortest post of this thread :D It is great to see that you still are in, even if the posting is far less frequent from my side then it should be!
BIC: Texol didn't seem to take any notice of Christianas words, nor any others. He sat in deep thought.
Suddenly he stood up and said: "We must get the sword back, or we are all doomed!"
Leading they way, they sprang out the door and headed for the first stairs.
09-27-2002, 07:13 PM
Cheyanne looked at Christiana. What the heck?
Wizards.she replied,shaking her head.she turned and followed Texol,muttering,"I wish Mithrandir were here!"Cheyanne sighed in agreement,and followed.
09-28-2002, 03:44 AM
Rosalina stopped at the door and turned. "Wait!" she called. The others stopped and looked at her. "Arat-Cúrion..." she said as she pointed back to the ruined library, "we can't leave him here, in this dark place, like that. Shouldn't we at least bury him? I think we owe him that."
Lief Erikson
09-28-2002, 05:14 PM
*Who are all the members of this company? I don't remember them all; so many of them have sort of dropped out of common use.*
Falathion nodded. "Regaining the sword is on my heart, but we are not like the enemy who leave their comrades where they fall."
"Forgive me, Falathion," Texol said quietly. "I spoke too fast. We'll take your father with us out of this fearful place, and bury him on the seashore."
All the rest of them agreed, and reaching down both hands, Theneal helped Falathion pick the slain warrior up. They lifted him, and bore him away down the passage.
At the seashore, they buried Cúrion, with his face pointing out to see, toward the Blessed Realms which never more would he see again in the light of the sun.
"He is gone to the house of Mandos," Texol said quietly. "He is at peace."
They blessed Cúrion before lowering him into the earth, and then held a minute of silence about his resting place, in respect.
Then, after eating a brief meal, the group began their march again. Texol lead, but among the company there was an air of gloom. One of their number was dead, and their quest now led into peril. They were pursuing Balrogs, creatures that they could hardly hope to defeat, even if they did catch up with them. But their leaders were grim faced and determined, and the company pressed on.
10-18-2002, 08:09 AM
OOC: Hello? anybody? *hollow echo*
By nightfall they were forced to stop and make camp. Although the elves would have gladly marched on, their mortal companions were near exhaustion. A small fire was built and food was prepared. Little was said during dinner but it was not difficult to see what was on their minds. They had not caught up with the balrogs during the day but they were still close on their tracks.
Numenor chewed thoughtfully. The combined force of the events of this day was nearly enough to ruin his appetite, which was a dreadful thing to happen to a hobbit. To think I was in the Shire not so long ago, he mused. It felt like another life. He wasn't anymore the hobbit he had been. He didn't really know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. Well, he had asked for an adventure and he had gotten it. Numenor gazed at his silent companions around the fire. At least he was glad that he wasn't alone on it.
10-19-2002, 03:53 PM
Christa went up to Texol,and asked"shouldnt we leave a message here,in case Mithrandir comes?"
10-28-2002, 11:50 AM
OOC: Sorry for my inactivity folks... at school I really dont have much time writing on this, but now I am on 1 week vacation, so hopefully I'll get to update every day!
"Mithrandir is in Gondor now, I don't see why he should come our way." Texol sighed. "Even if he advances towards Rivendell, and so hears of our journey, I can not see how he would reach us in time, or why he would take this road... but I shall leave my mark anyway, cause things happens to accure by accident, although we can not count on it!"
Texol took up a stone, a little larger than his hand in size and uttered words in a language unknown to all the others. Then, with his finger, he wrote a T-rune into the stone, leaving a dark green inscription on the stone. Then he placed it on top of a larger stone right by.
"Where is Falathion?" Theneal suddenly said. "Wasn't he just here?" Texol examined the surroundings. "No, when I think of it, I can not remember seeing him since we left the his fathers grave!" Christiana sighed "We must go and find him then! Noone should walk alone during these times, least of all near places like this!" "You are absolutely right! Gather your things, we must find Falathion!" Texol ordered.
But in the same moment as he had choked the last word silent, the ground started to shiver, as if the feet of many heavy creatures was at hand. Screaming and cursing, snearling and spitting. Suddenly they saw orcs advancing at the northern grassbank below them, running with their Scimmitars high. They were many, maybe too many. An everflowing stream of orcs filled the vally down under and suddenly they were upon them...
Texol jumped up on the stone, where he had placed his mark and uttered powerful words of magic. Orcs around him fell by his magical spells. The hobbits turned the back to each other and drew their swords, protecting themselves as well as they could. Christiana and Theneal did likewise, assisted by Christianas wolf. The attack had come like a gigantic wave of water, falling over them with great force!
Arrows sang through the air, hitting orcs and the ground around them. Only luck kept them from being hit. "We can not hold out much longer!" Theneal yelled. "Keep on fighting!" Texol yelled back, "there is no room for escape! Only victory or defeat!"
10-29-2002, 10:11 PM
Christiana whiled, slashed, and spun, engaged in a deadly dance of survival. her sword,Shimmersing, flashed as it swept two orcs' heads off their shoulders. Cheyanne snarled and snapped, latching onto an enemy's throat. Theneal slashed down another.The battle continued.
11-08-2002, 06:11 PM
The hobbits felt like drowing in a sea of orcs and knifes. As they fought back to back they still found themselves hardpressed as Rosalina only had a small knife to defend herself with. Luckily orcs were not great swordsmen but they still had the benefit of large numbers and deadly steel. With difficulty the hobbits managed to retreat to one of the large boulders that littered the campsite. Numenor and Magnanamous made Rosalina crouch there and stood before her.
The two hobbits stabbed at anything foul before them and there were many targets. Ilmenang and Elenruth sang a bloody song and drew much orcblood. The elvenblades that Elrond had given them proved indeed to be excellent weapons and many orcs soon bewailed their attack on what they had thought to be easy prey. None of the halflings could see how their other companions fared in this black tide but the sound of battle still surrounded them. "I don't know how long I can keep this up!" shouted Magnanamous at Numenor. "As long as we must!" answered Numenor him. "The Shire!" he cried again as he burried Ilmenang into the side of an unlucky orc. "The Shire!" shouted Magnanamous too.
11-18-2002, 12:45 AM
Sweeping her sword low, Christiana slashed off the legs of one opponent, and executed a high kick into anothers face.Around her, the battle raged on.
01-01-2003, 02:04 PM
ooc:someone post!
01-01-2003, 02:50 PM
OOC: I am really sorry, but as we were only 3 posters on this game in the end, and with so many characters, it all got pretty messed up... I hate to say it, but I don't think we will ever finish this RPG... I do not have the same interest in it anymore like I once had... I guess the tale was just too long... I guess everyone can guess what is supposed to happen in the end anyways :p
I can write a final end text to it if that is wanted though :)
Sorry about this...
- Falathion
01-01-2003, 03:20 PM
Hmmm...I could help round some people up to join in. Just as long as you can explain what this is all about.
01-01-2003, 04:45 PM
Thanks for the offer :) though I think this rpg is burried... Read through the first posts if you want, that was when we wrote with passion and interest, the last posts (atleast mine) were rather writing just because I had to keep up, and no good stories comes of that... So I think it is for the best that this RPG is canceled, sorry all :p
01-01-2003, 04:47 PM
Ok then.
01-01-2003, 04:57 PM
I'm sorry too, Arat-Falathion. I never was a very good RPer, was I? Namárië, then!
01-02-2003, 11:04 AM
I thought you were good indeed! Lack of posts though ;) :p
Oh well... maybe I once will make a tale out of this and finish it all up... we'll see :D
- Falathion
01-02-2003, 05:21 PM
not fair!this is my favorite RPG!
01-02-2003, 05:26 PM
OH oh oh.. :( I loved it too, while it lasted... the story was good enough for a plot, though with all the lack of posting I think it was for the best... sorry :o
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