View Full Version : The Saga of the Nârmacil, the Flame-Sword::: Character registration!
01-25-2002, 01:26 PM
This evening or early tomorrow I will post the beginning in the saga of the Nârmacil, the Flame-sword.
If anyone wants to enter, then please leave ur character name and a little description of ur character here.
The only qualification needed to enter this saga, is that you have read as far as the story has come untill you enter. That might become a long read if you enter late :p
My Character::
Arat-Falathion, son of Arat-Cúrion and MÃ*reia.
gender: male
type: high-elf
born: in Valinor
language: Quenya
Golden hair, grey eyes, beautiful looks. He is strong and has a will to learn.
He has only lived to see the 4rth ages of arda and do not know evil, yet...
Good luck.. and I hope more then just me join this :rolleyes:
Nariel Starfire
01-25-2002, 03:15 PM
My Character::
Name: Loriel daughter of Kalendil
gender: female
type: silvan elf
born: in Rhovanion
language: Quenya and Sindarin
looks: Red/blonde hair, green eyes, elven-fair. Pro archer, but prefers not to use her skills except when necessary. Loves talking to things.
Age: About 1000. Very Young (for an Elf), but knows too much.
01-25-2002, 07:42 PM
Character: Drelin
Species: Elven
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Rivendell
Language: Quenya and English(or the regular language the hobbits, men, and dwarves use)
Looks: Blonde hair, blue eyes, the whole beautfiful elven thing.
Age: 5,760
01-25-2002, 08:07 PM
Character: KÆDIEN
Birthplace:In the halls of Illuvatar
Looks:Giant, mighty, god-like being. Looks like Ares.
Age: 10,000,000,000,000,000 yrs give or take a 2
Thrain of the Shire
01-25-2002, 09:01 PM
Character: Numenor, son of Peregrine Took (hence the name)
Species: Hobbit
Gender: Male
Birthplace: the banks of the Brandywine (Mum was taken a bit sudden like...)
Language: Common, plus a bit of elvish I learned from dad
Looks: a hobbit, true, but I've been brought up by dad so I am leaner and fitter than your average Hobbit plus I sneaked some of Dad's store of entdraught when I was really young...
Age: 33. I've come of age and I AM BORED -- fed up with hearing of Dad's adventures, I am determined to ahve some of my own.
And by the way. Dad has given me several really great things to bring with me, some of them were Frodo's originally...
Off to adventure!!!!
Lief Erikson
01-25-2002, 10:16 PM
(Speaking flatly) You're not respectable.
Michelle The Fair
01-26-2002, 02:51 AM
Name:Mer Aislyann
Race: Half elf/half Human
Birthplace: Rivendell
Looks: Bright Blue eyes, long Auburn hair,Tall and Slender
Age:750 ( very Young)
Weapons: Bow/arrows and a charmer's voice
Has the gift of a beautiful voice, and can use it to charm her enemies to do her bidding. She uses this power sparingly, but still loves to sing.
01-26-2002, 04:16 AM
((lol.right, i'm up for it...and besides, you can't have an adventure without a human!))
Name: Miril, daughter of Maica Macil
Gender: Female
Race: Rohirrim
Birthplace: Edoras
Language: Common, a little Quenya
Appearance: Black hair, bright green eyes, strong features, quite tall
Age: 19
Lief Erikson
01-26-2002, 10:58 AM
In case anyone thought me a blockhead for my previous statement, I was speaking of the hobbit ;).
01-26-2002, 11:03 AM
ok then... :p I misunderstood u.. sorry! :rolleyes: I hope my "pm" didnt do any harm.. and if it did, I am terribly sorry!
Thanks alot, and you are more then welcome to join the saga of the Nârmacil! :)
- Arat-Falathion
Thrain of the Shire
01-26-2002, 11:12 AM
Dear Leif,
I hope I am not respectable -- in fact, that's one reason I am looking for adventure. Do youknow what it is like to grow up your whole life surrounded by everyone telling you to be resepctable (and then behind your back saying you don't have a chance because look at your family and their background)..
So, I have little chance of success here in the Shire unless I try to be respectable.
Dad says I just need to get it all out of my system and then I'll be fine, and if I can't join your quest he said he'll write to some of his friends in Rohan -- I'm just about big enough to ride a horse
Lief Erikson
01-26-2002, 11:22 AM
Jeepers creepers, you're an unusual hobbit. With the Tookish blood stronger in you than in most I'll wager too ;). Yes, perhaps it would be better if you did go. I'm not sure if I'll be or not, I might be going another direction, when the road block is removed. I might go both ways, but I don't know if I have the time.
So keep it up, young Took! :D
01-26-2002, 11:17 PM
Speaks:Common some Quenyan
Looks: Taller than average dwarf, Blond Blue eyes. balding
Weapons:Axes of all sizes
01-27-2002, 02:44 AM
Name: Lysander
Race: Human male
Age: 48
Appearance: Tall, thin, with long black hair that's greying at the temples. Cold blue eyes, distinguished chin under a neat silver-streaked beard.
01-29-2002, 10:31 PM
Can I still register even if I can't write very well and it's already this late in the game? Cuz it looks like fun . . .
01-30-2002, 06:41 AM
Sure you can :) Although you'd have to get an entranse to the story in a way or the other, (thatone's up to you ofcurse). So just wait for the right moment to jump into the story... really the story hasn't quite begun yet, we only have the "festival" intro's atm. you know :)
Welcome to the game Laurelyn! :D
- Arat-Falathion
01-30-2002, 04:23 PM
Name: Oleander
Race: Elven
Speaks: Common, some Quenya
Birthplace: Laurelindorinan (Lothlorien, but I lovce calling it that)
Gender: Female
Age: 1026
Appearance: Dark bronzish-copperyish hair, a little longer than shoulder length, blue eyes that are rimmed with black lines around the iris. 5' 8", thin-ish, and graceful (90 % of the time).
And yes for those who may wonder, the name is from the plant . . .Oleander. Its blossoms are poisonous, and beautiful, which might say something about Oleander here. :)
01-30-2002, 05:24 PM
Laurelyn 216 is a bit young. My character, Drelin, is 5,760. But you could keep it there. The elf would probably be no more than a little girl though.
01-30-2002, 05:25 PM
:) true
01-30-2002, 06:12 PM
Thanx for the advice: I wasn't too sure how old to make her. I'll change it.
How's 1026?
Elvish ages confuse me, MAJORLY. Sorry.
01-31-2002, 06:54 AM
1026 would be fine :) then you are a little older then Arat-Falathion.
02-01-2002, 06:15 PM
Gogon (go-gon)
Elven Warrior
Blonde Hair
Grey Tunic
Green eyes
Long ears
I can summon the Elven God with my hands.
(he can blast power from his hands, power blast of fury of fire)
Bow and Arrow
Staff of fire
I was raised by the elven king who tought me the arts of war.
when I was a Teen I was the first one to take down the dragon in the Mirkwood forest
when I was a young adult I was a guard for Galadriel.
I was then sent out to try and find a quest and I hope to be a good warrior in this RPG
Lief Erikson
02-01-2002, 08:28 PM
One of my characters is named Theneal. This character is an elf who lives in the Blessed Realms. He has gray eyes and shoulder length blond hair. His weapons are a sword and dagger, and he wears a silver trumpet slung over one shoulder by a thin golden chain. He came to the Blessed Realms from the Gray Havens during the exit of the elves from Middle Earth.
Another character called Morciis. He wears a black cloak and hood, and nothing is known of his character or history at present.
A third character of mine is Mirniare, an elf woman who has a great love for the sea. Her hair is long and golden and her eyes crystal blue. She also is quite beautiful, as an elf woman should be :). She wears no weapon; the closest she comes to knowledge of weapons is a harpoon. She is very quick, however.
Please forgive my usage of three characters, any of you who might be confused or irritated at the number.
02-01-2002, 08:47 PM
Three characters is fine with me. However I can't speak for everyone else, so . . . but as far as I'm concered, that's fine. Can I ask why you decide to use three?
02-02-2002, 02:15 PM
Welcome to
ElfOfMirkwood: you have some great powerful skills there mister elf :)
Lief Erikson: Its ok that you use 3 characters. I kinda do so myself in a way, as Arat-Cúrion, Undulë and Texol have a role larger then just "hi..." :D
- Arat-Falathion
Michelle The Fair
02-02-2002, 04:12 PM
I sorta have 2 character Mer Aislynn and Beoren. Beoren just came in to the sstory
Thrain of the Shire
02-04-2002, 04:40 PM
Hello there -- I'm currently scribing Numenor's side of the story. He is already registered.
You may have noticed he has a couple of friends -- these are minor characters and i encourage others to use them as you need to in your own pieces...I won't mind.
A bit of background on them"
Magnanamous is a 70 year old hobbit who is a descendant of Meriadoc Brandybuck. He is solid and reliable and would have been in the Sherif's team except that the Shire has become sooo conservative in recent years that he is seen as too unusual.
Why? Well, he has taken the odd tipple of ent draught and while he is not much taller than your average hobbit, he is very strong.
He has also, like Numenor, spent time with elves in and around the Shire.
He lives on the far edges of the Shire, and is said to go walking in the forest by himself -- although that might be a rumour.
Rosalina is a descendant of Sam and Rose Gamgee and can grow anything. She is a herbalist and the most accepted of the three as she makes cures and poultices that cure almost every sickness you can find in the shire. Even though she has been known to consort with elves, her healing means she is more a part of normal hobbit life than Numenor or Magnanamous.
So -- if you can use Maggie's strength and Rosalina's healing, feel free!!
02-05-2002, 12:50 PM
I decided to do a little update on my other characters as well. Just giving them some stats and such. I would rather like to control these three characters myself, but some control in needed situations can be given...
Arat-Cúrion, son of Arat-BÃ*renath.
male gender
born in Valinor
speaks Quenya and westron (common)
Brown goldish hair and grey eyes like his father. He is quite strong compared to other elves, but not as strong as his son, Arat-Falathion.
He is the bearer of I Nârmacil, the Flame-Sword. He found it while fishing in the great sea. He do not know anything about this sword though, exept for its beautiful looks and the feeling of a hidden power within.
He was born during the 2nd age in Valinor, and has never left the Blessed Realms. Even when his whole family went to Middle Earth during the 3rd age, he did not leave the undying lands. This tears hard on him, since all his family died in the war against Sauron.
male gender
born in Valinor
speaks Quenya and westron (common)
Yellow hair and blue eyes. He is rather short and light in weight, but then again he runs fast as a horse and his speed and reaction time is far above normal for an elf.
He bears two short swords that he has not yet given any names. These swords have never drawn any blood and has only been used during Undulës weapon training.
He was born in Valinor during the 4th age as well. He is about the same age as Falathion. Not much is know of his family, as he don't speek much of them. But he always bears a smile and always stands by his friends side.
male gender
came to Arda in the Blessed Realms with the other wizards, but did not travel to middle earth during the 3rd age like his best friend, Gandalf, did.
Speaks all kind of languages, even those of birds, animals and insects.
He has long grey hair, a long beard ofcurse, wears a long white cut, just like Gandalf.
He bears a staff with a green stone attached to its top. He is specialy good at controling the wind, and the will for things (especialy trees and flowers) to grow.
He also bears a long sword. He is not as strong a wizard as Gandalf is (and not as wise), and when he don't know what to do, he seeks Gandalf for advice. He is wiser then any elf though.
- Arat-Falathion
03-07-2002, 05:57 PM
Name: Thrain
History: Great Great Great Great Great Great grandfather was Gimli.
Race: Dwarf/Elf
Birthplace: The Lonely Mountain
Looks: Litlle taller than average. Brown hair with a tint of gray. He has mysterious white eyes. Has pointed ears. He wanders in search of adventure with dust covering his body.
He is a friend and son of an elf named :Legasten, grandson of Legolas.
Age: roughly 3,000 years old because he is a decsendant of elves.
Weapons: Huge thick bows which have instead of arrow heads on the tip but axe heads. Extremely dangerous in cose and ranged fighting.
Hi, I hope you find him interesting.
03-08-2002, 07:03 AM
'lo Thrain, welcome!
~ "Oleander"
03-08-2002, 10:45 AM
...and most warm welcomes! I hope you have read the saga till this point, as that is the only thing you need to do before you enter...
- Arat-Falathion
04-12-2002, 10:53 PM
Arathorn-house of Telcontar!
captain of the guard
grandson of aragorn
shoulder length brown hair
grey/green mix eyes
04-13-2002, 05:08 AM
welcome to the game :)
we needed a 'uman, so your coming must be forewritten...
- Falathion
05-01-2002, 07:24 AM
I've read your RPG and I think it's great! Is there any opportunity a RPG-amateur like myself could still join? Maybe I could take over Rosalina until Thrain of the Shire returns. What do you say?
05-01-2002, 02:19 PM
Exelent Eärniel :) you are more then welcome to join!
- Falathion
05-01-2002, 02:22 PM
Woohooo! *does a happy-dance* Thank you!
05-02-2002, 09:44 PM
or if that isnt enough Eärniel, you can take over as Telefam, a Man of Gondor in the company of arathorn.
05-03-2002, 10:58 AM
Thank you for the offer Tar-Elendil, but I'll stick to the hobbits for now.
05-11-2002, 08:13 PM
Name: Silnor
Race: Dwarf
Weapon: Skilled with anything, particularly axes
Birth Place: Lonely Mountain
Age: 162
Weight: 239 pounds(thats muscle, not fat :D)
Heigh: 4ft. 7in.
Appearance: Brown eyes, long brown hair, long beard, surly.
History: Great, great, great, great grandson of Dain.
Skills: Fighting, blacksmithing, sharp eyes, unusually stealthy for a dwarf, intelligent in lore and history of ME
Traits:A little stubborn, friendly, loves telling stories of his dwarven anscestors.
05-11-2002, 09:49 PM
Elen sila lumenna omentielvo, Silnor.
05-12-2002, 07:40 AM
Welcome to the game Faramir (as Silnor), good luck :D
- Arat-Falathion, son of Arat-Cúrion, son of Arat-BÃ*renath.
07-08-2002, 05:17 PM
can i join?please? :)
07-10-2002, 07:10 AM
Sure you can :) Ehm... the game isn't moving very fast now atm. though another character might be just the thing we need in order to get back on our feet :) Welcome to the game!
And please post your character stats in here, if you don't want to take over some of the characters already in the game...
Avaliable characters in the game right now is:
Theneal (as I haven't heard from Lief Eriksson for ages)
Turin (the dwarf)
The dark lord Mokiis (not much known about this fellow yet, and so a close PM contact with me will be nessesary in order to control this character...)
emm... about the others I am not sure who still is in, as the RPG isn't very active atm. but people post as new updates are made, so it is still alive I will say :)
If you don't want to pick a character already in the game, then you are welcome to use one of your own :D
Welcome to the game Christiana, and enjoy your stay :)
Happy gaming..
- Falathion, son of Cúrion, son of Birenath who died at the battle of Minas Tirith...
07-10-2002, 12:52 PM
imgoing away 2day 4 3 1/2 weeks.bye:)ill post my character when i get back:(
07-10-2002, 01:17 PM
actually ,here is my character
Bio:Born in Valinor,she has seen the light of the trees.Followed Galadriel to me.has fought in the wars of beriland, the last Alliance,and the War of the ring.Along w/ her cousin Kayala,she rules a village of Silvian elves in the Nothern Blue Mts.Christa went to Rivendell often, and there met Aragorn.His staunch ally, JRR didnt want to tell about her, cuz she insulted 1 of his ansestors :D.She was also a good friend of Legolas and Arwen.Very athletic,good at climbing,a good swimmer(Ull need it).She is torn between longing 4 Valinor,and love of Middle Earth.
Weapons:really kicks butt w/ long sword, longbow,can use short sword & dagger.
App: dark brown hair,blazing ice-blue eyes, 6'4, 130 lbs
Traits:has a temper,but controlles it well.loyal,has a wicked sense of humor.
Animal Companions:
Race:Elven horse
info:fast as Shadowfax
Info:stanch ally
07-10-2002, 07:01 PM
Alright Christiana, can't wait to see your entrance :)
- Falathion
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