View Full Version : -new quest- exepting any *creatures*

01-21-2002, 04:42 PM
Name: Arak (are-ac)
Birthplace: Mirkwood
Height: 6'5"
Bio: As an elf, I was taught to shoot a bow, and make rings.
When I was young a wizard named Clinch. He came and took over Mirkwood, I was the only elf left...I ran as fast as I could to Rivendelle to see Elrond, to seek refuge, and to find warriors of Men, elfs, dwarfs, and anyone who could help me bring back peace to Mirkwood, and stop Clinch.

-I am now going to begin the quest in Rivendelle at a council with Elron just
like email me at Thewho2001rules@aol.com
or IM me at: Thewho2001rules

I need all people just hurry ( Iguess 9 is enough)

Lady Midnight
01-21-2002, 08:38 PM
I'm interested. I'll send you details of my character later (offline til Thursday though) :)

01-21-2002, 08:59 PM
Alright, I'll be in. Hmm....which character. Elf or Human. Gotta think! Okay....

Name: Drelin
Species: Elf
Birthplace: Rivendell
Height: 6'8
Weapons: Bow and quiver, sword
Biography: Drelin was born out of a not-so-important family but still he was important enough to be trained as an elven warrior. He waits for someday when someone will come with need for adventurers to come on a quest so he can show everyone that he's not just some unimportant elf that nobody would care if he died.

William Wallace
01-22-2002, 06:17 PM
Name: Aranon
Species: Human
Birthplace:That lake village from the hobbit
Weapons/armor: Hunting Knife, Axe, Borad sword, leather armor.
Bio: Grew up hunting in the woods outside the lake village town, is a great tracker, about 37 years old. Blonde shoulder length hair and a short stubbley beard.

You can start the story and just pick him up along the way somewhere and I will write for him.

01-23-2002, 12:28 AM
Species:Half elf/human female
Weapons: Bow, 2 long knives, throwing daggers

Michelle The Fair
01-23-2002, 03:09 PM
Name: Nuannawen (Nuanna)
Birthplace: Furture Earth
Height: 5'5"
Weapons:Staff given to by Gandulf
Bio: I was born and raised in a very small town. I was loved and respected by many, but I was still an outcast. I have special gifts that come from my ancestors, which included Humans, Hobbits, and Elves. I can see for many miles and move as lightly as an Elf. I can be as stealthly as a Hobbit. There one moment gone the next.:)I love to dace and sing and sew. I do not have furry feet! I have long sunset auburn hair, brownish eyes and fair colored skin.

01-23-2002, 08:44 PM
what race is this creature Michelle The Fair ?

01-26-2002, 10:17 PM
Name: Christon The Bold
Race: Dwarve
Birthplace: Moria
Weapons/Equippment: Throwing Axes, Large Double-Bladed Axe. Hand axe.
Bio: Born in Moria before destruction. Son of Stolin son of Aron. Blond and 150 years of age. Grew up digging and feasting in Moria, and left to sell wares and have adventures. Returned to find Moria defeated and left on quest for revenge.

Bhaal Iyaden
02-01-2002, 07:50 AM
Name: Bhaal

Race: Human

Birthplace: Minas Tirith

Weapons: Specialy crafted bastard sword, Long bow and quiver, tower sheild

Bio: Bhaal stands 7 foot 1, wearing specialy crafted full plate mail, his helm is a ork skull, the helmet is only covering the front of his face on the back its made from platemail much like his armour, revealing his dark eyes and his mouth. Hanging from his girdle is a bastard sword, with a jagged blade made out of black diamond the hilt shaped as a gold dragon. His gauntlets were studded and made from chain mail. Above his armor he wore a large black hooded cloak.

Nariel Starfire
02-01-2002, 01:30 PM
Name: Valtauryn
Species: half elf half dwarf (freaky, huh)
Birthplace: Bree
Height: 5'8"
Weapons: Bow and quiver, dagger, ax
Biography: My father Dinfli the dwarf of Moria and her mother Sintinel the Elf of Rivendell ran off to Bree, where they could live in seclusion. I was raised there and grew to wish I were anything but a "half-breed". I have the immortality and appearance of Elves, but I have a heart for stone, as a dwarf. As a childI climbed every tree and rock I could find. I speak both the language of the dwarves and that of the elves.

02-06-2002, 09:54 PM
Alright everyone, sounds good, ElfOfMirkwood has e-mailed me and asked me to take over for a while and he will join later. I need to know where you character currently is Michelle The Fair and what it is as well... I figure we should start at Rivendell becuase Drelin and Káywn are both there. It is kind of hard having characters all over Middle Earth so I am going to do some placement. I need Christon The Bold at a tavern it bree along with Aranon, Bhaal and Valtauryn. You guys need to make up a reason why you are there and leave together.

Káywn road silently through the forest on her white steed, she saw an elvin patrol wandering through the forest outside the guard tower, Káywn grinned evily, "this should be fun".
she went quietly along the edge of the forest behide the gurad till she was about 5 feet from him, quietly she pulled out her orc arrow and strung it in her hunting bow. The with one quick movement fired it at the guard.
The arrow wizzed past his head and drove deeply into the tree next to him, he jumped, and so did his horse that threw him off and bolted.
The next thing the dazzed warrior saw was a elvin woman looking down at him laughing.
" You know Drelin, the elvin guards are suppose to have the quickest senses in the forest. I guess nature made an exception"
She bend down from her horse and offered him her hand.
"comon, lets go get your horse"

Michelle The Fair
02-07-2002, 03:30 PM
Name: Nuannawen (Nuanna)
Race: Half human/Half Elf
Birthplace: Hobbition
Height: 5'5"
Weapons:Staff given to by Gandalf,Bow

Bio:My mother Was an Elf, dad was a human and a Ranger.My mother loved to travel and she loved the Shire most of all. She made many friends there. My mother met my Father when she stopped in Bree one day.They soon fell in love and where married. They had a wonderful summer together. then farther was called away. That was the last time my mother saw father. One month after he left mother found out she was pregnat with me. Not knowing anyone in Bree she soon moved to Hobbtion. She shortly after given birth to me. I was left in the care of Bilbo Gamgee, the son of Samwise Gamgee.

There I have lived all these years. He rasied and loved as his own. Elves were frequent visiters at our home. They thought me of my heritage and how to bow and arrow. On 21st birthday Gandalf sent a staff with healing powers as a preasent. A note attached said:

"You may have use of this soon.

I love to dance and sing and sew. I have long sunset auburn hair,Brownish eyes and fair colored skin.

02-07-2002, 04:41 PM
ill join!

Name: Laurenis (Ren)
Race: Elf
Birthplace: Mirkwood
Height: 5' 9"
Weapons: small dagger, sword
Bio: Ren was born in the society of the Elven King of Mirkwood's Halls. Her parents both worked for the king and she grew up around many friends and family. Having only ever lived in the confined halls of their Mirkwood community, Ren had a great love and desire for adventure and travel. As a young elf in her *teen* stage, Ren traveled the great distance over the Misty Mountains to Rivendell. There she currently lives and is being taught and training as a warrior, whilst being a squire for Jakion, a wise old elf of the House of Elrond.

Nariel Starfire
02-08-2002, 03:14 PM
Are we going to post the game here or start a new one for the game?

02-08-2002, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Nariel Starshine
Are we going to post the game here or start a new one for the game?
i dunno... noone has posted anything about it....

does anyone know whats going on with this rpg? is it happenin?

02-08-2002, 09:22 PM
Okay, I am going to start the story on another thread called boundless adventures ? I will repeat my post there and hopefully Aragorn will reply ! :)

05-11-2002, 11:54 AM
I'll join you!

Name: Dunrad
Race: Mother Elf(from Rivendell), Father Human(Gondorian)
Weapon: Elvish Sword and bow
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
I'm not immortal like my mother, but am strangely long lived. My faher is one of the king of Gondor's advisors(he once was a soldier). My mother lives with him, and taught me elvish lore and craft. She gave me my sword before I left on my journey. I'm a good leader and skilled warrior. My weak spot is that I'm a doubting Thomas.

This'll be exciting!:cool: :D

Finrod Felagund
05-14-2002, 09:20 AM
Name: Fimbren
Sex: Male
Race: Elven, Noldor of the house of Finarfin
Birthplace: Valinor during the chaining of Melkor
Weapon: Bow and sword
Skills: Silence and stealth, keen eyesight, a great cook , warrior skills (fought in all battles of Beleriand, wounded in Nirnaeth), can speak with most birds.
Traits: Friendly, great age and wisdom, has beheld the light of the two trees, last elf to leave Lothlorien,
Bio: Fimbren followed the banners of Fingolfin to Beleriand and took part in most of the battles of the first and second ages and helped to defend Lothlorien during the War of the Ring, however, Fimbren would not forsake the beauty of Middle Earth because he was a healer and good friends with Fangorn the Ent.

Currently in Rivendell.

Finrod Felagund
05-14-2002, 02:37 PM
This should be set in the fourth age. After Elrond's departure. There are still elves and Elessar (Strider) still rules Gondor and Arnor. Therefore, in Rivendell you would be seeking Celeborn and Elrohir & Elladan (Elrond's sons), but Elronsd himself would no longer be there. that way, instead of changing Tolkien's history, we can add to it.:)