View Full Version : Rpg Lotr/me

01-10-2002, 04:58 AM
I've sent some of the others posters here some info on the up coming Dechiper Pen and Paper RPG and various other stuff too, which I'll give links below.

I also have stuff I scooped off the net that may be gone now
but if you are interested I've got stuff for Diceless LOTR/ME,
Gurps LOTR/ME and more realistic chart for MERP races ( minus the artificial races balancing) converstion charts etc.






click on the links in the upper left hand corner


www.merp.com you can download a free MERP rule book

I will say the Merp supplements are GREAT but as a system it does reflect Tolkien's view of ME/LOTR

The preceeding links discusses some of that. And does the stuff I can email you via attachments. Hey actually I'll try to attach them here first. If I fail anyone who wants some of it I'll email it to them.

01-10-2002, 05:05 AM
Here is the first attachment. ( hopefully)

01-10-2002, 05:08 AM
Here is the first attachment. ( hopefully)

That one failed (The Diceless version)

So if you want it I'll email it to you.

01-10-2002, 09:28 AM
Sorry, all the attachments here failed, so if you want them I can send them to your email account.

01-10-2002, 05:58 PM
thank you oh mighty Afro Elf.

this is just what I needed to cheer me up today.

01-11-2002, 08:41 AM
Hmmmm... The Mighty Afro-elf I kinda like that.

01-11-2002, 01:00 PM
Oh mighty and (I hope) benevolent RPG master mighty Afro Elf.

I downloaded the free merp rule book but when I tryed to open it in win word 2000 it just showed up as a bunch of squares and stuff. :confused:

please help me. my mom won't let me buy the books so if I want to RPG I need the free stuff.

01-11-2002, 01:18 PM

01-11-2002, 01:21 PM
I had the same problem. Go to the general forums and look under the thread computer problems.

The poster named Smaug helped me out.