Michael Martinez
05-11-2001, 07:29 PM
I received an email this morning @#%$ a disturbing topic. An apparently well-known Italian journalist reporting @#%$ Cannes has associated Tolkien @#%$ @#%$ Lord @#%$ @#%$ Rings @#%$ Nazism. Her views are not universally shared. @#%$ though @#%$ may seem @#%$ some that Italian Tolkien fans could deal @#%$ this, @#%$ reasons not made clear @#%$ me, I was included @#%$ a distribution asking @#%$ general support @#%$ fans world wide.
After giving @#%$ matter some thought, I posted @#%$ following @#%$ Xenite.Org's Middle-earth mailing list a short while ago. I'm reposting this @#%$ a number @#%$ mailing lists @#%$ forums I participate @#%$ or lurk @#%$.
I have read @#%$ email @#%$ I have looked @#%$ @#%$ Web sites @#%$ I have come @#%$ @#%$ realization that...I don't read Italian. I honestly have no idea @#%$ what @#%$ do about this. Is @#%$ worth generating a huge furor over? Maybe. I'm not sure that blasting Natalia Aspesi @#%$ calling Tolkien's book "A little bit Naziskin" is @#%$ answer.
Her original article is posted here:
www.repubblica.@#%$/quoti...pesi2.html (http://www.repubblica.@#%$/quotidiano/repubblica/20010511/spettacoli/60aspesi2.html)
Will flooding @#%$ Web @#%$ outrage garner a retraction? I have no idea. How big are these guys who have taken up Tolkien's cause? I have no idea.
Still, much as I'm tempted @#%$ sit @#%$ @#%$ whole thing, I really don't have @#%$ right @#%$ decide @#%$ @#%$ rest @#%$ you whether @#%$ launch @#%$ ships @#%$ war or not. @#%$ maybe all @#%$ other big Tolkien fan sites have been contacted anyway.
I tried @#%$ read a translation @#%$ @#%$ Aspesi article. Unfortunately, online translators don't do a very good job.
@#%$: "Robert Bernocchi"
Subject: @#%$ Lord @#%$ @#%$ Rings is a nazi book???
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 17:13:09 +0200
Today (11/5/2001) @#%$ very important italian newspaper La Repubblica published an article @#%$ @#%$ Cannes Film Festival @#%$ big Italian journalist Natalia Aspesi who insulted: 1) @#%$ memory @#%$ J.R.R. Tolkien 2) his best literary work @#%$ Lord @#%$ @#%$ Rings 3) @#%$ huge mass @#%$ fans who, @#%$ each part @#%$ @#%$ Earth, love this book since its first edition @#%$ 1956.
Writing about @#%$ LOTR Cannes Day Natalia Aspesi used these words: &this fantasy saga, A LITTLE BIT NAZISKIN, written @#%$ @#%$ English philologist J.R. Talkien (you read @#%$ right, she wrote J.R. Talkien, N.d.R.) whose book, @#%$ his celtic mythology passion, will be used @#%$ @#%$ formigonbossiane schools (Formigoni @#%$ Bossi are two conservative Italian politicians who want, especially Bossi, @#%$ separate Lombardia country @#%$ @#%$ rest @#%$ Italian nation. Bossi is a friend @#%$ Austrian politician filo-nazist Haider, N.d.R.) as basis text . We suppose that Natalia Aspesi didn t read @#%$ book. @#%$ article is full @#%$ other mistakes as Jan McKellen instead @#%$ Ian McKellen @#%$ wickednesses as describing Liv Tyler as fat @#%$ LOTR fans as a sort @#%$ maniac, psychopathic persons who will go crazy if @#%$ costumes @#%$ @#%$ movie won t be @#%$ same described @#%$ @#%$ three books. She attacks also @#%$ New Line budget strategy. Can you imagine anything more offensive?
@#%$ now we are @#%$ only journalists who took position against Aspesi words @#%$ our LOTR Italian site (www.caltanet.@#%$/frm/cin...ndice.htm) (http://www.caltanet.@#%$/frm/cinema/home.html?../../html_pag/spettacolo/cinema/eventi/signoreanelli_indice.htm)) @#%$ an article @#%$ our director Francesco Alò. Aspesi is one @#%$ @#%$ biggest Italian journalist @#%$ La Repubblica is @#%$ second Italian newspaper @#%$ readers @#%$ sales.
If you want @#%$ protest @#%$ us, please publish this mail @#%$ invite your readers @#%$ send their opinion @#%$ our dedicated e-mail address tolkien@caltanet.@#%$. We will collect all @#%$ letters @#%$ we ll write @#%$ La Repubblica . Please join us.
Robert Bernocchi, web journalist
After giving @#%$ matter some thought, I posted @#%$ following @#%$ Xenite.Org's Middle-earth mailing list a short while ago. I'm reposting this @#%$ a number @#%$ mailing lists @#%$ forums I participate @#%$ or lurk @#%$.
I have read @#%$ email @#%$ I have looked @#%$ @#%$ Web sites @#%$ I have come @#%$ @#%$ realization that...I don't read Italian. I honestly have no idea @#%$ what @#%$ do about this. Is @#%$ worth generating a huge furor over? Maybe. I'm not sure that blasting Natalia Aspesi @#%$ calling Tolkien's book "A little bit Naziskin" is @#%$ answer.
Her original article is posted here:
www.repubblica.@#%$/quoti...pesi2.html (http://www.repubblica.@#%$/quotidiano/repubblica/20010511/spettacoli/60aspesi2.html)
Will flooding @#%$ Web @#%$ outrage garner a retraction? I have no idea. How big are these guys who have taken up Tolkien's cause? I have no idea.
Still, much as I'm tempted @#%$ sit @#%$ @#%$ whole thing, I really don't have @#%$ right @#%$ decide @#%$ @#%$ rest @#%$ you whether @#%$ launch @#%$ ships @#%$ war or not. @#%$ maybe all @#%$ other big Tolkien fan sites have been contacted anyway.
I tried @#%$ read a translation @#%$ @#%$ Aspesi article. Unfortunately, online translators don't do a very good job.
@#%$: "Robert Bernocchi"
Subject: @#%$ Lord @#%$ @#%$ Rings is a nazi book???
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 17:13:09 +0200
Today (11/5/2001) @#%$ very important italian newspaper La Repubblica published an article @#%$ @#%$ Cannes Film Festival @#%$ big Italian journalist Natalia Aspesi who insulted: 1) @#%$ memory @#%$ J.R.R. Tolkien 2) his best literary work @#%$ Lord @#%$ @#%$ Rings 3) @#%$ huge mass @#%$ fans who, @#%$ each part @#%$ @#%$ Earth, love this book since its first edition @#%$ 1956.
Writing about @#%$ LOTR Cannes Day Natalia Aspesi used these words: &this fantasy saga, A LITTLE BIT NAZISKIN, written @#%$ @#%$ English philologist J.R. Talkien (you read @#%$ right, she wrote J.R. Talkien, N.d.R.) whose book, @#%$ his celtic mythology passion, will be used @#%$ @#%$ formigonbossiane schools (Formigoni @#%$ Bossi are two conservative Italian politicians who want, especially Bossi, @#%$ separate Lombardia country @#%$ @#%$ rest @#%$ Italian nation. Bossi is a friend @#%$ Austrian politician filo-nazist Haider, N.d.R.) as basis text . We suppose that Natalia Aspesi didn t read @#%$ book. @#%$ article is full @#%$ other mistakes as Jan McKellen instead @#%$ Ian McKellen @#%$ wickednesses as describing Liv Tyler as fat @#%$ LOTR fans as a sort @#%$ maniac, psychopathic persons who will go crazy if @#%$ costumes @#%$ @#%$ movie won t be @#%$ same described @#%$ @#%$ three books. She attacks also @#%$ New Line budget strategy. Can you imagine anything more offensive?
@#%$ now we are @#%$ only journalists who took position against Aspesi words @#%$ our LOTR Italian site (www.caltanet.@#%$/frm/cin...ndice.htm) (http://www.caltanet.@#%$/frm/cinema/home.html?../../html_pag/spettacolo/cinema/eventi/signoreanelli_indice.htm)) @#%$ an article @#%$ our director Francesco Alò. Aspesi is one @#%$ @#%$ biggest Italian journalist @#%$ La Repubblica is @#%$ second Italian newspaper @#%$ readers @#%$ sales.
If you want @#%$ protest @#%$ us, please publish this mail @#%$ invite your readers @#%$ send their opinion @#%$ our dedicated e-mail address tolkien@caltanet.@#%$. We will collect all @#%$ letters @#%$ we ll write @#%$ La Repubblica . Please join us.
Robert Bernocchi, web journalist