View Full Version : kate and leopold

12-31-2001, 09:50 PM

only read if you care why on top of being bad it made no sense. only read if you have seen the movie or you will doubly not care. ;)
Besides my not liking the movie, their whole space time continum thingy was all messed up (if you care). Let me explain: Kate turns out to be in the picture. I don't think she was there when he actually took it..was she? she might have been. but anyway, when Kate goes back, she arrives AFTER stuart had left (plus she is never is the position that she was in in the picture), so there fore there could have been no pictures of her.........and if you say that the pic was from an alternate past, then in the future, no matter how many pasts, it would turn out final and kate would not have been in any pic. When Leopold goes back he has to play the day over again...why? It would make more sense if they had two leopolds when he went back...then afer leopold number 1 follows stuart, leopold 2 goes in...sound timeline..but NOOOO they had to mess that up, so when Leopold doesn't follow Stuart back...then NONE OF IT WOULD EVER HAVE HAPPENED. see that logic?

12-31-2001, 10:28 PM
Its a dangerous thing to put a time paradox in your movie, it makes for alot of plot problems. The easiest soloution of course is to aim your movie at an age (or intelligence) level that will not pick up on them. Another way is to make up abunch of nonsense about time folding back on itself and replace all standardly used words with random scientific jargon. Then people think there just to stupid to understand it... and don't mention it for fear of sounding daft.

01-01-2002, 04:49 PM
Eh, I have no real interest in seeing this film anyhow... I usually see whatever I can in order of priority, because sometimes a film really surprises me - but my priority list is so long right now, I don't think I'll ever get to this.