View Full Version : Iron Monkey

Darth Tater
11-03-2001, 01:24 PM
If you haven't seen this film, see it, now!!! It's not as good as Crouching Tiger in regards to story and dialogue, but that really doesn't matter. This is a fight movie, nothing more. But man, are those fights awesome!!! The climactic battle is faught on top of poles that are slowly burning away, and it's quite clear that whoever loses will plummet to their death amid the flames. Very exciting. There's probably twenty minutes out of the whole movie where they aren't fighting! Definately worth seeing.

General D
01-22-2002, 06:04 PM
I thought it was dumb

Darth Tater
01-22-2002, 06:12 PM
I'm already starting to hate this guy.

01-31-2002, 09:32 PM
That movie rocked severely



02-01-2002, 09:05 PM
I wanna see this movie!