View Full Version : 7 Wonders of Middle Earth!

10-25-2001, 12:14 AM
Inspired from another LOTR fan forum!

my votes...no particular order...
The Pillars of Argonath.
The Mirrormere.
The Mines of Moria.
Helms Deep.

Please limit votes to 7!

10-25-2001, 02:22 AM
YOu mean the ones still surviving at the end of the Third Age, or wonders in general?

Surviving wonders:
-The White Tower of Minas Tirith
-Moria (can it be classified as 'surviving' though?)
-Henneth Annun in Ithilien
-the Stone of Erech
-Caras Galadhon, City of Trees in Lorien
-Dunharrow in Rohan

There are many other wonders that didn't survive:
Menegroth, Gondolin, The Dome of Stars in Osgiliath, etc.

10-25-2001, 08:29 PM
Does not matter wether they are "surviving" or not!

10-25-2001, 08:50 PM
the two pillars/The two trees/ the sun and moon.
The stars
The forests
The sea
The mountains
The skies

samwise of the shire
10-30-2001, 08:52 PM
The Grey Havens
The Pukel Men
The Pillars of Argonath
The Mirror of Galadriel
Minas Anor and Minas Tirith

Plus. The paths of the dead
the Silmarils
and the seven stones

10-31-2001, 04:40 AM
Ancient Wonders:
Doriath (drops you outside the forest. You look for the place yourself)
Mouths of Sirion
Nargothrond (free gold)
Tomb of Turin Turambar

Modern Wonders:
Barad-Dur - Only a one-way ticket
Minas Tirith
The Golden Hall
Dock at Lindon ($5/hour for a boat)
Pillars of Argonath
Ruins of Weathertop

Natural Wonders:
The Lonely Mountain
Mount Doom
Greenwood the Great (spot the Elves and win the jackpot)
Flowers in Lothlorien
Anduin the Great
The White Tree of Gondor
Fangorn Forest (natural reserve, no deforestation allowed)

10-31-2001, 05:11 AM
There is one thing missing, guys:

The Glittering Caves of Aglarond.

10-31-2001, 08:40 PM
1 The Two Trees
2 Gondolin
3 Tirion
4 The Simarils
5 Khazad- dum
6 The Palantiri
7 Minas Ithil

02-02-2002, 11:48 AM
1. Khazad-Dum
2. Barad-Dur
3. Orthanc
4. Minas Tirith
5. The Falls of Rauros
6. Oroduin
7. Those 2 massive statues that stand on each side of the river Anduin that seem 2 refuse entry 2 people from the North.

8. The Prancing Pony (apparently :confused: )

02-02-2002, 12:20 PM
1) Argonath (simply impressive)
2) Lothlorien
3) Minas Tirith
4) Moria
5) Henneth Annun
6) Treebeard's home in Fangorn forest (Sign on a booth outside forest: Welcome to Fangorn, home of the Ents. Admission is free. Tree-killers, especially those by the name of Sharkey are not permitted entry. Leave only footprints, take only ent-draughts. Souvenirs sold at Treebeard's home near the hill.)
7) Orodruin: Middle Earth's only active volcano.

How about these:

8) Farmer maggot's mushrooms
9) Old man willow
10) The One Ring (more of a horror than a wonder though)

02-02-2002, 01:10 PM
I'm with Athelas on 1 to 7

02-02-2002, 04:31 PM
4)That mortal woman whose beauty was so great that the Elves asked her to Valinor
5) the daughter's of Aragorn and Arwen

There is nothing more beautiful than that which is called woman.

02-02-2002, 04:45 PM
1) The Tower of Ecthelion
2) The Glittering Caves of Aglarond
3) Barad-dur
4) The MirrorMere
5) The Falls of Rauros
6) The Argonath
7) Gollum's Cave

LOL, I can see it now . . . touristy souvenir shops lining the streets. Get your own, customed replica of Sauron's Eye! Try some rotted fish - Gollum style! Let the crashing, booming Falls of Rauros sing you to sleep! Hey, postcards . . .

02-02-2002, 05:27 PM
And don't forget Wellinghall!

02-02-2002, 06:23 PM
1)Laurelin and Telperion
3)The Argonath
4) Khazad-dum
5)The Glittering Caves of Aglarond

Sister Golden Hair
02-02-2002, 08:00 PM
1. Nargothrond
2. Minas Tirith-Tol Sirion
3. The Nauglamir
4. Barad Nimras
5. Amon Ethir
6. The Ring of Barahir
7. Finrod Felagund

I posted this just for you Inoldonil. Do you have any popcorn?:D

02-02-2002, 08:13 PM
No, I ran out ... But I have got Snickers bars, and Snickers bars hurt more than pop-corn by all accounts ... so ... BOOH! TAKE THAT! AND THAT! BOOOH! PUT IN SOME HAIR PLUGS YA OL' HAG! GET SOME TEETH! CONVERT TO THINGOL! BOOH!

Sister Golden Hair
02-02-2002, 08:22 PM
Are'nt we touchy today? I'm not an old hag. Not yet:( Throw all the snickers bars you want. It's my favorite candy bar:p