View Full Version : Narnia-based Halloween costumes

10-16-2001, 12:02 AM
What character in C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia would you most like to dress up as for Halloween? This was started in the LOTR section for the LOTR books, but I thought it could apply equally to the Narnia books, and I am about an equally big fan of them...

As for my answer to the question... If I wanted to be something scary, I would be either the White Queen or one of the mean dwarfs that were in her service... If I wanted to be something non-scary, I would be a Dryad or Reepacheep (though he wanted to think he was scary).

10-16-2001, 12:04 AM
or I would be the Lady of the Stars that Caspian marries.. (if she's a blonde, though, that wouldn't work..... and I don't remember if she is.....)

10-17-2001, 11:14 PM
I would be a lion or try to figure out a marshwiggle costume.

12-31-2001, 12:43 PM
What about the one footed guys! (Monopods maybe?:confused:)
I need to read narnia again!

12-31-2001, 04:52 PM
You're right, they were monopods :) but don't let me stop you from reading Narnia again!

Rána Eressëa
04-08-2002, 03:46 AM
Jadis, Queen of the Underland. The one always dressed in emerald clothing. I'd get a wig of long black wavy hair and green contacts, then set out and at each house I go to demand to know where Prince Rilian is. :D

04-09-2002, 03:52 AM
You're thinking of the Lady in Green Kirdle, RE. Jadis was the white witch in The Magician's nephew and LWW.

Certainly I would have picked the Green Lady, too. Or Aravis (horse and his boy)... I always liked Aravis. In spite the fact that she was haughty and stuck up. She turned out all right in the end :)

Starr Polish
04-09-2002, 10:24 PM
The Lady in the Green Kirdle was thought to be related to Jadis, right? I think it would be scarier to be Jadis (from The Magician's Nephew) than The White Witch...she really creeped me out.

I don't know what I'd be...I'd like to be the lady of the stars, but I have the same problem as Varda...I don't have blonde hair (and I won't dye it).

Well, maybe I could put pearls in my dark hair and say they are stars in the night sky.

The Lady in the Green Kirdle would be a cool costume though. Well, if I knew what a kirdle was.

Rána Eressëa
04-11-2002, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by crickhollow
You're thinking of the Lady in Green Kirdle, RE. Jadis was the white witch in The Magician's nephew and LWW.

No, Jadis is the Lady in Green Kirdle, crickhollow. She is also the White Witch and the Last Queen of Charn. I own all seven books, and I've read them quite a bit.

Jadis was never killed until in The Silver Chair. She appears in three of the Chronicles. Here is her character description (as written in the books):

JADIS. The last Queen of Charn, which she herself destroyed. Jadis arrives in Narnia with Digory and Polly in The Magician's Nephew and has taken over the land in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Completely evil, she is also very dangerous, even in The Silver Chair.

04-12-2002, 02:09 AM
Hmmm... depends on who is sewing the costume! Ultimately? Uncle what's his face from the Magician's nephew would be cool in a mad scientist way, or Aslan.... Jadis definately! (I know she's the same woman as the white witch, but Jadis had better costumes... Or in fact, any of the noblewomen from Jadis' time, they all had really great costume, and stuff... Ah, it's been ages since I read any narnia books, I must dig them out again!

04-12-2002, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by Rána Eressëa

No, Jadis is the Lady in Green Kirdle, crickhollow. She is also the White Witch and the Last Queen of Charn. I own all seven books, thank you very much. :p

Jadis was never killed until in The Silver Chair. She appears in three of the Chronicles. Here is her character description (as written in the books):

JADIS. The last Queen of Charn, which she herself destroyed. Jadis arrives in Narnia with Digory and Polly in The Magician's Nephew and has taken over the land in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Completely evil, she is also very dangerous, even in The Silver Chair.

I certainly didn't mean to imply that you don't know the books. I own them too, and have read them more times than I've read LotR, and never made the connection. Ya learn something new everyday, I guess...:)

Rána Eressëa
04-13-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by crickhollow
I certainly didn't mean to imply that you don't know the books. I own them too, and have read them more times than I've read LotR, and never made the connection. Ya learn something new everyday, I guess...:)

No, I didn't take it that way. I just have this condition where when I know I'm right, I must immediately present evidence and sustain all truth as to not be somehow taken for a dimwit. ;)

04-13-2002, 11:03 PM
I haven't read the Narnia books for such a long time! I think I would have to go as a Marshwiggle too. It would be very original. At Halloween time you don't see many kids dressed as Marshwiggles, now do ya? Plus I like saying the word marshwiggle... lol Or else a monopod as emplynx suggested. That might be hard to go trick or treating in though.

04-15-2002, 02:19 AM
*crickhollow tries to picture elf_princess gallumping down the sidewalk on Halloween with both feet crammed into one extremely large wooden (always pictured wooden, tho' they might have been leather) shoe*

*falls off chair laughing*

04-15-2002, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by crickhollow
*crickhollow tries to picture elf_princess gallumping down the sidewalk on Halloween with both feet crammed into one extremely large wooden (always pictured wooden, tho' they might have been leather) shoe*

*falls off chair laughing*

lol... that would be a funny sight I must say... I'd probably scare all the little kids away... that might not be such a bad thing though... lol... i'm tempted to put together a costume just to test it out...:D

04-15-2002, 11:49 PM
well i havnt read the chronicles in a few years and i should really read them over again but wasnt there a donkey in the last battle that posed as aslan, i think that would be a pretty funny costume

03-22-2003, 05:34 PM
I'm confused! I knew that the White Witch was Jadis, but how could she also have been the green lady in The Silver Chair?? Aslan killed her, didn't he? and TSC was after The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. where does it say that they are the same person?