View Full Version : Unban Larry?

12-03-1999, 03:21 AM
Should we? Larry and his stupidness almost caused the downfall of Entmoot before it had really even begun, and banning was the only real option at the time. He is currently IP banned. Just now he asked to be unbanned. I'm not sure if we should or not. He promises to behave, but can we trust that? Back in the "old days," it didn't really matter what went on since no one ever visited anyway :P. Still, it was important to me to keep the board civilized, and Larry was disrupting everything. But now he claims he'll post (semi-)intelligent posts. What do you think, should we give him another chance or what?

Son of a Hutt
12-03-1999, 04:16 AM
I'm so confused... who is Larry? Which names did he use? Are dmaul96 and gdl96 both the same person? Explain it all...

12-03-1999, 06:00 AM
which one was larry? I'm also so confused...was he master tater? or master bater? or tatertots? arrg :(

12-03-1999, 09:54 PM
Ok... Jae was the first of my schoolmates to visit the board. He registered under the name dmaul96. Then Greg came along, and was annoyed that Jae had chosen that username beacuse dmaul96 is Greg's IM sn. So Greg registered dmaul966. Jae was MasterTater and Greg was Young Tater. Larry was TaterMash, Luke Tater, and Jedi Padwan. He posted idiotic stuff in the Tater forums and said he'd tell ezboard we were "violating the terms of service" or some other garbage. Currently, Larry is banned, Greg is gdl 96 and Jae is dmaul96

Darth Tater
12-04-1999, 12:11 AM
No way in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Son of a Hutt
12-04-1999, 04:45 AM
I thought dmaul96 and dmaul966 were the same person...

Darth Tater
12-04-1999, 03:29 PM
Life is strange