View Full Version : Why doesn't anybody like Gollum?
09-29-2001, 12:22 AM
Gollum is sooo cool ,but everyone hates him. WHY?
P.S. oh and he was only cool in the hobbit not in the LotR
09-29-2001, 02:34 PM
I like Gollum, in both the Hobbit and LOTR. I wasn't under the impression that many people hated him. He's not exactly a "good guy", but he's such a cool character!! An intriguing mixture of comic and tragic.
Comic Book Guy
09-29-2001, 04:14 PM
Gollum, besides from Fatty Bolger, is my favourite character in the Lord of the rings. People generally hate him is because of his trickses, but that was only because of his extreme lust for the ring. A humurous but pitiful character, he was a good hobbit deep down.
09-29-2001, 04:18 PM
I don't like him but I do feel sorry for him.
Darth Tater
09-29-2001, 09:53 PM
I pitty the poor guy, certainly don't dislike him.
10-02-2001, 06:56 AM
Maybe Gollun have bad breath or smelly feet….. :D :D
10-02-2001, 08:30 AM
Who dislikes Gollum? He's funny, especially when Sam tells him the Oliphaunt poem.
10-02-2001, 12:21 PM
I like it when he whimpers and cries to get his own way. That's why many of the characters pitied him so much. He knew how to work people.
10-02-2001, 08:13 PM
We likes him, me prescious, we does in deed. sssssssss. *maiacal laughter.
In fact, we liked him so much, we later modeled our joint character after him. Of course, burghash is much nastier than gollum ever was.
10-12-2001, 10:26 AM
Well, not everyone hates him. I personally don't like him very much, but I think he's just a poor guy who needs only a bit of warmeness, love and friendship.
10-12-2001, 06:47 PM
I like Gollum, I think he's cool. Esp. the way he talks to himself, or I guess he is really talking to his ring, no make that Frodo's ring, wait make that Sauron's ring. Whatever, I basically just like the way he talks.
10-14-2001, 12:10 PM
It is interesting to see so many humane and tolerant views on Smeagol. I myself find it hard to feel any deeper sympathy for this guy, who started out by strangling his best friend for the one Ring (yeah yeah the Ring might have egged him on) and then pursued his career in the same style.
Gollum did help to keep the Ring from Sauron by keeping hidden so long, before Bilbo came along; by guiding Sam and Frodo through Mordor; and thirdly had the grace to stumble into the volcano himself.
But a nice guy, never.
Miriel Stormrider
10-14-2001, 08:30 PM
Yes, pitiable, especially when that small, uncorrupted corner of his mind came to the front. As a general rule, he was a sick, petty traitor, even if he was tormented by the ring. Don't forget, Frodo did show him warmth and love, but it didn't cure him. I had never thought of him as comic-relief. Interesting idea. Hmmmmm...
Strange-Looking Lurker
10-18-2001, 07:01 PM
I don't like Gollum, but I don't hate him. Just pity him.
10-22-2001, 10:09 AM
I never really liked him until the one scene where tolkien comparedhimto a really oldhobbit, when he and frodo and sam were in mordor. It was like the real hobbit, smeagol, surfaced. before then he really got on my nerves :rolleyes:
PS, cool quote, siggles!
10-23-2001, 08:01 PM
I hope that I will always feel tolerant of Gollum. Not only because I pity him, and I do pity him. But also because of the respect I have for the buden he beared for so long. And I can't even imagine the weight of that burden. Even Bilbo and Frodo felt the harsh effect of the ring, and it would be hard to find two kinder hobbits than they. And Gollum had the ring for ages. Which of us could have persevered as long, and be left with even the twisted bit of humanity (or hobbanity, if you will :) ) that gollum still retains? I am glad that the task was left to Gollum, and none of us need ever know the answer to that question.
10-24-2001, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Bregalad
I hope that I will always feel tolerant of Gollum. Not only because I pity him, and I do pity him. But also because of the respect I have for the buden he beared for so long.
In this I can well agree!!
Comic Book Guy
10-24-2001, 01:29 PM
Well he did kill his cousion Deagol before he got the ring, so he was a bad Hobbit without the ring. Frodo didn't kill Bilbo for the ring when he found out, I doubt he was even temped by the ring at first, Smeagol was.
10-25-2001, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Comic Book Guy
Well he did kill his cousion Deagol before he got the ring, so he was a bad Hobbit without the ring. Frodo didn't kill Bilbo for the ring when he found out, I doubt he was even temped by the ring at first, Smeagol was.
Good point.
However does it count what mood the Ring was in? Suppose it perceived Smeagol to be a better "host" given that moment. Whereas the difference between Frodo and Bilbo was not so great.
Ah well... :confused:
10-25-2001, 02:10 PM
Maybe the ring only temps those who are already of weak/ill will. Smeagol felt the need to kill for it, hide it, personify it etc. right from the start. Bilbo thought it a nice souvenir to put on the mantle and Frodo called it "Bilbo's funny magic ring" even after it had been given to him. It took the magic of the ring many years to have the same possesive effect on Bilbo that Gollum had instantly. To say nothing of Frodo bearing it to Mordor!
I think Smeagol was weak willed indeed and that the ring took advantage of that. He's due some pitty, I suppose. Plus, he is one of the most interesting characters!
11-07-2001, 07:52 PM
Gollum's one of, if not, my most favorite characters in all of Tolkien's work. Not only being humorous, but he is extremely vital to the entire story, and people overlook just how important he really was.
It's debatable whether or not Sam and Frodo would of made it into Morder without Gollum. It's possible, but just how likely? Even though it was a setup, Gollum did provide them with an alternate entrance, and showed them the way into the darkland. I highly doubt Sam and Frodo would of just stumbled across an easy way into Morder, and I think things would of ended up far worse had they just walked up to the Black Gate.
Gollum also was very helpful in the Dead Marshes, as Frodo and Sam seemed ill prepared to overcome them on their own.
But aside from all of this, which is very arguable, Gollum provides the biggest help of all by falling into the cracks in the end. Frodo even admitted he would not of been able to destroy the ring, and it seemed pretty obvious he wasn't going to do it, so unless Sam was going to slay him, or try to rip it off his hand, which is doubtful, without Gollum, the quest would of failed.
02-02-2002, 12:02 PM
Here's an interesting thought.
Would Gollum have gone 2 the Grey Havens if he hadn't fallen into the Cracks of Doom?
If he didn't fall in but the Ring was still destroyed he would have been a ringbearer wouldn't he? So would he have gone with Frodo and Sam and the Elves 2 the Grey Havens?
Just a thought. :D :) :D
02-02-2002, 12:35 PM
I like Gollum as a character.:D He's interesting, but his personality leaves much to be desired. And yes, without him, the hobbits would not have even survived the dead marshes, let alone make it to Mordor. I enjoyed the arguments between him and Sam, especially the tater and coney one and the sneaking one.
Nah, Gollum wouldn't even touch an elven rope, let alone get on an elven ship bound for the home of the Valar. He would be spending the rest of his miserable days in a cave with some fisssh in Middle Earth, craving for the One Ring.;)
02-02-2002, 12:42 PM
We likes the way it talkses, me and I; the way it talkses to itselves, yessss yessssss...
firstus ravenwood
02-02-2002, 02:23 PM
Gollum is great,
Sure he is a nasty bit of work with strange personal habits that may be because of the ring.
I reckon he was a bit odd by birth and lets face it there is no hobbit psychologist character in the books to analise this further.
So he is a case for care in the community but which one the good or the bad, east or west of the river.
You cannot deny that what ever drives him he dosen't give up and without doubt boiled on to the great creepsville in the sky.
May he rest in peace steaming.
Comic Book Guy
02-02-2002, 03:31 PM
Gollum would have almost certainly died if the ring was destroyed and he survived because of his bond to the ring, being more under its control than Frodo and Bilbo. Something similar to the cause of the Ringwraiths death.
02-02-2002, 04:50 PM
I like Gollum. He's one of my favorite characters - and the most complicated one in LotR.
02-28-2002, 12:26 AM
smeagol is cool, gollum is cool, although i doubt deagol thought so :D, he's a very important character and at least he knows some good riddles (remember, he would have won the riddle game if bilbo hadn't mused aloud "what have i got in my pocket"), just had to express the sentiment that the LotRs would not have been the same by a long shot without gollum. smeagol rules!:)
02-28-2002, 05:48 PM
When all I knew of was 'The Hobbit', Gollum was my favorite character. He is just so repulsive that it was fun- the images of the old cartoon version of him still flash through my mind when I read any of LotR! Now that I am older, I tend to like most all of the characters for different reasons and I would feel hard pressed to pick only one favorite. And with the movies now, my favorite 'movie characters' will probably be different than in the books since the stories are slightly altered for screen.
02-28-2002, 11:31 PM
Gollum reminds me of Fagin from Oliver Twist. They're both probably essentially good inside,became obsessed by things that eventually corrupted them (Fagin, money;Gollum, the Ring) slowly became part of the "wrong crowds" (Fagin, Bill Sikes; Gollum,Mordor), both were taken and turned to their formerly good sides for a time, and both eventually reverted to evil.
Gollum's a very "interesting character!"
03-01-2002, 01:19 AM
I actually thought Gollum was kinda cute...he wasn't one of my fav characters, and I would have hit him a couple of times if I was Sam, but I was glad that he was there...especially at the end of RotK!!!
He was a great develped character I thought!!! So I definitely do not hate him!!!
03-01-2002, 01:25 PM
If there's one thing I really loved in the Bakshi animation, it's Smeagol's voice; especially right before he kills Deagol. (Filthy, bored, naughty sounding)
03-09-2002, 01:52 PM
Who hateses poor, preciouss SSmeagol? We likes SSmeagol, doessn't we, my preciouss, yesss!
We feels ssorry for him, yess, because he endss up a bit ssinged doesn't he, doesn't he?
And we like the way he talkses doesn't we, preciouss?
And we likes fissh every day, three timess a day, fressh from the ssea! Yess, my preciouss! And we likes eggses too!
03-09-2002, 02:21 PM
Smeagol: Whats have we got there Deagol my love...Gives it to uss...
Deagol: I've already given you a lot. I found this...and I'm going TO KEEP IT...
Smeagol: Oooohh...Is that sooo..MY LOVE!<censored violent footage here>
03-09-2002, 05:25 PM
he scared the pants off of me in the hobbit, and then in FOTR aswell,
which is why i admire him so much, cos he does his role soo great!
03-09-2002, 06:05 PM
Gollum is the best.
the Bakashi gollum was a hundred times better than jackson's.
Comic Book Guy
03-09-2002, 06:09 PM
the Bakashi gollum was a hundred times better than jackson's.
Isn't Jackson's Gollum only in 3 shots? Just saying, ;)
03-09-2002, 06:53 PM
Yeah... but black skin, a hunched back, and that growling voice?
03-09-2002, 07:14 PM
I'm not sure green skin is any better than black.
03-09-2002, 11:46 PM
At least he doesn't look like a mutant cross between ET and a bullfrog anymore, like he did in the animated "Hobbit.":p
03-10-2002, 12:14 AM
i like golum just deep fried with garlic
03-10-2002, 02:59 AM
Hmmm..Gollum's legs, eh?
03-10-2002, 09:12 PM
yep taste a little like frogs legs
not that i would know
hehe they will never find the truth my perccioouss.........
03-11-2002, 07:25 PM
The bakashi gollum was NOT green. He had pale, but otherwise normal, coloration. He also had an amazing voice.
Rána Eressëa
03-11-2002, 08:34 PM
I like Gollum, he has a soft side - you just rarely, rarely see it. I especially like the Oliphaunt scene :)
03-11-2002, 10:01 PM
I don't know RE, that just sounds really funny coming from you.
"He really does have a soft side!"
Rána Eressëa
03-11-2002, 10:15 PM
Eh? How's it sound funny coming from me? I am compassionate about living things, you know! :p
03-11-2002, 10:17 PM
It just does, that's all.
03-11-2002, 10:42 PM
im not saying a word :rolleyes:
03-11-2002, 10:46 PM
Hmmm? ( ]: )
03-12-2002, 05:24 PM
Gollum isn't my favourite character but he is one of the better ones. He seems to be very human (no offence) in the way he can work people to his advantage and he is very "practical". He is so and dark and evil and yet he can seem so pathetic and weak. Definatly one of the more interesting characters anyhow.
03-13-2002, 02:42 AM
Is gollum the first ME sashimi eater? You've got to like the schitzo act in TT. It should be an interesting challege for PJ. I likess rabbits and herbs, yesssssss!
Elfmaster XK
03-13-2002, 02:30 PM
Ive said it once, so again, Gollum is cool.
Okay, he has his flaws but at least he has one love in his life, the precioussss.
Does Frodo? I think not.
03-13-2002, 05:33 PM
good point Elfmaster XK!
I'm wondering what level you all are referring to Gollum as. I would not like having him as a neighbor or even a cashier at the local grocery store. I do, however, think he is a very unique and intriguing character, as far as the books go.
I had so much pity for him as a character, because he was an unwilling slave to the ring. His previous characteristics emerge every now and then and I realized I could relate to it. Sure, I haven't lived under a mountain for 471 years, but I'm definitely a different creature than when I was, say, twelve. Every now and then my twelve year-old self emerges somewhat, but never completely.
I think the reason he's a favorite is because we can really relate to his circumstance (many exceptions; I haven't been tortured lately or eaten raw fish, etcetera).
03-13-2002, 06:18 PM
Although I like his character, I don't relish being near him. I figure that he'd stink like a cross between snake musk and rotting fissshhh.
Rána Eressëa
03-13-2002, 06:25 PM
Check out the fourth post on this page, then make a comeback:
*skips away happily*
03-13-2002, 06:27 PM
03-13-2002, 06:29 PM
Hmm... Doesn't work.
03-22-2002, 11:21 PM
Gollum rocks. Sometimes. I like him when he's Smeagol. I hate him but pity him when he's Gollum. That doesn't really make sense, but Id don't care.
03-23-2002, 09:48 AM
I prefer Deagol. I bet he liked chipssss.
03-25-2002, 11:21 PM
I don't see why people would have a problem with gollum. I allways thought he was an intresting character and kind of strange. :p
04-20-2002, 03:49 PM
nobody likes poor smeagol *gollum* poor smeagol *gollum* We isss dying and pressious isss dying *gollum* and nobody carsss *gollum* We iss better then the nasssty elf legolass with the bright eyess. *gollum* We isss wanting the preciousss *gollum* sssss my birthday presssent *Gollum* The pressious isss gone we iss needing the pressious. Why did we *gollum* come back asss a ghosst but not the prssous .........................................
Elf Girl
04-21-2002, 03:32 PM
I thought the whole Smeagol/Gollum thing made him a very interesting charecter. I wouldn't want to meet him in person, though! ;)
04-21-2002, 08:15 PM
everyone hates gollum because hes a little yes..a sneaksssss...;)
04-22-2002, 11:58 AM
I like Gollum. I think he is one of Tolkiens best characters.
04-22-2002, 07:27 PM
everyone hates gollum because he is a wretched little sneak who would do any amount of evil at any given time..aaahhh..glad i got that off my chest;)
Elf Girl
04-22-2002, 07:31 PM
I like Gollum as a character, but I would not ever like to meet him.
04-23-2002, 11:38 AM
Good point.
05-11-2002, 01:53 PM
05-11-2002, 03:19 PM
Gollum is a very fascinating character, alhtough not a very "nice" one! He's my daughter's favorite character, next to Gimli.:rolleyes:
05-14-2002, 09:02 AM
Come on , Gollum was a real horror bag - the reason people dont like him is because he betrays them , strangles them and usually eats them , even if they are already dead - remember what Sam thought in the dead marshes about gollum trying to get to the dead spirits ! Thats what makes him one of THE GREATEST FANTASY CREATIONS EVER - surely out of all Tolkiens fantastic characters Gollum has to be the most original and universally famous ( before the movie came out I suppose ) - gollum rocks!
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