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09-23-2001, 09:39 PM
I got a new Tolkien book! It's LOTR in one volume...perfect for me! Now I'll never lose 'Fellowship' again! :)

09-23-2001, 09:55 PM
What vesion did you get? Is it the big red hardbound, or the illustrated one? Word of advice...if it is a large hardbound, every time you open it...open it at the middle, then go to the spot you need to...it will preserve the binding.

09-23-2001, 09:56 PM
I've been wanting one of those! That's how Tolkien originally wanted it published (well, - The Silmarillion), it really is one story made up of six Books and Appendices.

Eowyn, The Lioness
09-24-2001, 06:13 PM
I've had to read my mom's old 197-something-or-other copy since I read it for the first time.

09-24-2001, 10:27 PM
Actually, Ringbearer, it's a blue softcover with pictures from the movie on the front and back. (That's the best part, almost!)

09-26-2001, 02:44 PM
Costo warehouse has the blue paperback all-in-one for $11. Seems like a very good price.

09-26-2001, 05:38 PM
The movie edition? Blah! :mad: I like my Elves to have normal ears, and eyes filled with a light that is no longer seen on Earth, thanks. No, can't have my Elves with Orlando Bloom staring at me on the cover.

09-27-2001, 03:43 AM
Mine is the green single-volume edition (I believe it is the millennium edition). Bought it at 24 Singapore Dollars, which I guess translates to around US$15. It has a picture of Gandalf at the front.

09-27-2001, 10:18 PM
Hey, I like my book!!!!

(But I don't apprtove of the ears, either,I thought they looked too much like Santa's elves.)

Elven Warrior Maiden
09-30-2001, 06:48 AM
I have the big green one with Gandalf too. It's not the millenium edition, I know, because all my friends have it and I don't. Plus, the green one is my dads, and the other 3 part one is my mums. Can't wait till I get my own.

( I always thought the elves had pointed ears)

10-12-2001, 01:20 AM
i have the wonderful hardcover illustrated one... i think the 1992 version, with the Lee watercolors...

i just adore that book...

aryne *