View Full Version : If u were to go on a quest in ME...

09-16-2001, 01:34 PM
if u were to go on a quest in ME what five things from all the stories would u take (food dosen't count)

Sister Golden Hair
09-16-2001, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by ArwenEvenstar
if u were to go on a quest in ME what five things from all the stories would u take (food dosen't count) A sword, a bow, a horse, a map, a friend, preferably an Elf.

09-16-2001, 06:40 PM
A knee-walking turkey, Goddam the mad clown, Goddam's rubber sea-horse, a tour guide with middle-sized teeth (from the Land of the People With the Middle-Sized Teeth) and a Ballhog to take care of enemies.

09-17-2001, 09:30 AM
My five wives

09-17-2001, 04:04 PM
A rope, a Hobbit, an Elf, a Dwarf, and an Istari :)

09-17-2001, 04:52 PM
lol Selwythe!

09-20-2001, 08:45 AM
Bucktooth the beaver, a sharp pencil, a stingray, a catching glove, and a rusty oar

09-20-2001, 05:08 PM
sword from gondilion, shield, horse, a elf guide/friend, and a wizard

Indollion, you've read bored of the rings haven't you?;)

09-22-2001, 04:29 PM
Why, how did you know?

09-23-2001, 10:15 AM
thew names sound familliar because i read it a month ago:p :D

Comic Book Guy
09-26-2001, 06:31 PM
Could you tell us more about these knee-walking turkeys Inoldonil?

09-26-2001, 07:44 PM
They're really shadowy figures in the Tolkien canon, so, not really. A very isolated note connected with one genealogical table or other (published I think in Volume XIII of HoMe) states that they come from the Land of the Knee-walking Turkeys, and that Tom Bombadil was one, but other than that, we can only make deductions.

I think they were either winged pointy-eared Maiar or something else.

Of course in the old mythology they were 'Chickens', and there were great hosts of them (their chief being named Nacho Can Sandy Baggage), but this is entirely incongruous with the new conception.

Comic Book Guy
09-26-2001, 07:51 PM
:D very clever.

10-04-2001, 07:18 PM
well you said "THINGS" so i will assume that this cuts out people
my simarillion knowlegde weak so I'll use LOTR stuff

if this is the case then

I'd take

1) Glamdring
2) a palantir
3) an elfin steed
5) standard adventuring pack(including map)

if i could take people

only form LOTR

I'd travel with

1)Glorfindel ( warrior healer)
2)Gandalf (wizard)
3)Aragorn ( ranger healer)
4) Gimli ( in case i had to go underground)
5) Legolas( an archer for distance attacks)

10-09-2001, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by afro-elf
3) an elfin steed

Elfin? come on did you not read the books? it ELVEN !!!
sorry, but it really bugs me when people use elfin, and dwarfs, and stuff...
...maybe I should switch to decafe...

10-09-2001, 02:10 AM
Doesn't C.S. Lewis use "dwarfs" in his Chronicles of Narnia?

10-09-2001, 10:07 AM
I just like to use a little variety in my spelling when it comes to Elves. Since they are my favorite fantasy race, when I write about them I use quite a few homonyms and alternate spellings.

However, I only use Dwarves nor Dwarfs,Faery instead of Fairy and Fae instead of Fey.

10-09-2001, 11:08 PM
:confused: the subject of the knee walking turkeys: i'm very confused. is there really information about tom bombadil? he is something that i have been try to figure out ever since i began reading tolkien

10-10-2001, 05:02 PM
Tom Bombadil was indeed a knee-walking turkey -- certainly he was -- or Tolkien's Elves don't have pointed ears.

And it's name is Epyon
10-10-2001, 09:59 PM
I would take

1. A very large, heavy Enchanted Axe. It is Enchanted to do extra damage, be light as a feather, and spouts electricity.

2. A heavy crossbow with armor piercing Quarrels

3. I set of armor made from Dragons hide. (light but durable)

4.A map.

5. Healing kits and potions.


1. aragorn (knows the woods and the battle fields. Also a healer)

2. faramir (its always good to have someone who is loved by beast and man alike)

3. Althalus (You have to have someone with theiving skills, and who is the comic relief.)

4.Gandalf (wizards are a must)

5. Ulath (its always good to have a fellow axer, besides, ulath is good at settling problems, with his words or with his Axe. He's not to bad at magic either.)

10-11-2001, 04:40 PM
Begging your pardon, but who are Ulath and Althalus? Or these names from MeRP?

10-13-2001, 07:20 PM
good question

And it's name is Epyon
10-14-2001, 12:07 AM
They are Characters from David Eddings Books.

10-15-2001, 11:13 AM
The things I'd take would be:
1. lembas
2.a horse like Asfaloth (Couldn't take Glorfindel's horse away from him.) :)
3.elven rope
5.a sword like Glamdring

As for people I'd take

10-17-2001, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Inoldonil
Tom Bombadil was indeed a knee-walking turkey -- certainly he was -- or Tolkien's Elves don't have pointed ears.

Right you are, Inoldonil. Far too long have people belived Tom wore yellow boots (he even sings so to fool hunters) but of course it was his natural turkey legs.

As for the Elves pointed ears, later research have shown them to be in fact antennas, for communicating with Valinor.

I agree with Vanimdil; lembas is a must (despite instructions no food; this is emergency equipment) and possibly miruvor.

10-19-2001, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Kirinki54

Right you are, Inoldonil. Far too long have people belived Tom wore yellow boots (he even sings so to fool hunters) but of course it was his natural turkey legs.

As for the Elves pointed ears, later research have shown them to be in fact antennas, for communicating with Valinor.

I agree with Vanimdil; lembas is a must (despite instructions no food; this is emergency equipment) and possibly miruvor.

that just dosen't make any sense............................................. ..................................

10-20-2001, 05:58 AM
I'd take:
1) The Lorien bow
2) Bag of lembas
3) Glemdring
4) One Istar
5) One Pherrian (Hobbit, if you don't understand)

I wouldn't take palantirs or rings 'cause they're too dangerous (sometimes). And the Istar would be Radagast, not Gandalf, 'cause Gandalf likes to "leave the party for a short while" and return after 3 or 4 days...

10-20-2001, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by ArwenEvenstar

that just dosen't make any sense............................................. ..................................

Ooops! Forgot the :D

10-21-2001, 05:09 PM
A bag of silver.

My trusty sword, silring.

My knives.

My skills

My wits.

Wayfarer: wandering Middle Earth since FA 1

10-27-2001, 10:11 PM
well a lap top with inter-net conection (so i can tell yalls about it and look at mapquest)

:rolleyes: ;)

a horse

pegusus boots (they have wings on them so i can go really FAST!

a sword

a camera so i can show you all what elves and dwarves and the rest really look like.

03-08-2002, 07:16 AM
since it says middle earth i can add the SIL characters

as before i'll divide it into"things" and people


1) a silmaril to cause fear in the hearts evil

2) earendil's flying boat

3) ringnil

4) a palantir

5) the blessing of the valar

for people

5) Gandalf

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-08-2002, 12:36 PM
I would take:
(assuming I can take the belongings of other characters)
1. The phial of Galadriel--since I can't have a flashlight. . .in case I run into any giant spider-things, or creepy vulture-like Watchers. But I could always take a Silmaril instead. Either one would be good, a Silmaril probably better!
2. An elven-forged blade. Preferably light and not very big, and maybe if I'm lucky it will have an orc alarm system like Sting--again, if I run into spiders, it will be useful.
3. The bow of Lorien, that Galadriel gave to Legolas. . .I am, after all, an elf, and I will need a bow. Complete with a full quiver, please!
4. Elven rope, of course!
5. An elven cloak, with leaf broach. You know, the ones from Lorien. Can't leave home without one!

Of course, I would also need Lembas. And some Miruvor would be nice. And a horse, or really good boots, or both. . .but I was limited to 5, wasn't I? And how could I forget? I would want a mithril coat/hauberk mail whatever-it-was-Frodo-had. Maybe that instead of the cloak. I guess I'd have to choose. . .

You're sure I can't take snowshoes? They'd be really useful. . .

As for people. . .(don't really know anyone from the Sil. or the Hobbit)
1. Legolas--a fellow archer. Maybe he'd teach me how to use the bow. . .and elves are useful to have on quests!
2.Radagast--he'd probably be very useful birdwatching! And that way you have the animals (mostly) on your side.
3. Glorfindel--The more elves, the better.
4. Aragorn
5. Faramir

03-08-2002, 03:34 PM
a bough of return

Elf Girl
03-08-2002, 06:25 PM
1. Mithril coat
2. Nenya
3. Elven-rope
4. Small little Elven-sword with sheath
5. Again, blessing of the Valar

03-08-2002, 08:38 PM
1 Rope
2 Frodo
3 My One Ring replica . . . *Hey! Sauron! My ring's prettier than yours . . .*
4 Sword, hopefully of Elven-make
5 An Istari

03-08-2002, 09:00 PM
1) Elven rope (can't forget the rope...look what happened to Sam!)
2) A horse like Asfaloth, only darker in color (so sue me, I love black horses!)
3) Full knife set of elven make (useful things, them....orc-alarm system would be nice, too!)
4) Good boots and clothing for all weather (goretex would've been useful on Caradthras!)
5) a map

1)Radagast (birdwatching! LOL, Eruviel)
2) Sam
3)a friendly elf (is that an oxymoron? Just kidding, just kidding...:))
4)a good friend with a camera (wanna come along, Eruviel?)
5) _____ (i don't know yet...lemme think about it)

6) the cousellor from TLA! :) LOL


Eruviel Greenleaf
03-08-2002, 10:47 PM
Ooh, I'll definetely come, Tano! And I'll just bring my stuff, and we'll be all set! Anyone else want to come? We could have a fellowship of mooters!

Elf Girl
03-09-2002, 10:03 AM
I forgot people!:o well...

1. Basic Elf
2. Friendly Elf
3. Healer Elf
4. Archer Elf
5. Tale-Telling Elf (as a guard against boredom)

03-09-2002, 12:06 PM
that would be interesting to have a fellowship of mooters:D

I wanna be in it:p

Elf Girl
03-09-2002, 12:18 PM
I wanna be in too!!!!!!!

03-09-2002, 12:58 PM
I would take:

1. Gandalf's Staff (with spell casting instructions)
2. Frodo's Sting (coz it glows - i know Glamdring does too, but every1 else is taking Glamdring :( )
3. A Phrase Book (includes Westron, Quenyan, Sindarin, Dwarvish and Black Speech)
4. Some Rope (I won't make Sam's mistake!)
5. Aragorn! :D

03-09-2002, 01:34 PM
The Fellowship of the Mooters shall be....um, well, however many it turns out to be. (great, Elrond! :))
So far we've got:
Eruviel Greenleaf
Elf Girl

anyone else in? And of course we can all take our objects and people too I guess, so....

03-09-2002, 03:54 PM
Yes indeed! Count me in...

1. Mithril coat
2. Sting or other Elvin blade that glows when bad things are about.
3. Some Gold (for $$)
4. Elvin attire (that blends in with foliage)
5. A sturdy horse

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-09-2002, 05:45 PM
Great, we have a good Fellowship forming! And with all the great stuff we're bringing, we're all set! How exciting. Now, what shall be our quest?

Elf Girl
03-10-2002, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Eruviel Greenleaf
Now, what shall be our quest?

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...as to that, I have no idea.

03-10-2002, 11:37 AM
I wanna come too!

I'll bring

1. A sword

2. Matches

3. An elven ring

4. Rope

5. A machine gun

03-10-2002, 07:30 PM
i have to update my list

1. rope
2. a good Elvish sword from Gondolim
3. a silmaril
4. a map
5. a Elven, white horse

Elf Girl
03-10-2002, 08:24 PM
my list needs updating too.

1. Blessing of the Valar
2. Nenya
3. Mithril coat
4. Orc alarm sword
5. Nice, fast horse

I'm already wearing elvish garb. (I'm an elf for Eru's sake!)

03-10-2002, 09:09 PM
1. an elf babe
2. an elf babe
3. an elf babe
4. an elf babe
5. an elf babe
hey with 5 elf babes who needs to go on a quest ;)

03-10-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Ararax
hey with 5 elf babes who needs to go on a quest ;)

gahhh....no one ever goes for hobbits. *pblblblblbl!* :) But I've already got one, so there...."pervy hobbit fancier" hee, hee!
Anyone else coming on the Entmoot Fellowship?

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-10-2002, 11:17 PM
Tano, I think we need a quest first! Wait. . .wandering around ME is fine with me! Who needs a purpose! Although, I would like to see the birds there. . .
But how many people do we have? Including those we're bringing with us from our lists! Hmm, maybe I'll look over the thread sometime when I'm not writing a paper about the slow loris-or supposed to be, at any rate. :)

Too bad we're limited to 5 things. . .I keep thinking of more stuff I'd need! The blessing of the Valar, for example, that's a good one. Oh, and I'm definetely bringing snowshoes!

03-10-2002, 11:25 PM
Eruviel, I thought you were an elf.
You don't need snowshoes.
p.s. Hey, lookit--i'm an elven warrior!

03-10-2002, 11:36 PM
1. An Oliphaunt
2. A bag filled with Palantiri with USB interface for storing pictures in digital form
3. Cirdan's written consent to travel west and back for an indefinite no. of times
4. A Silmaril to show off to the female elves
5. The One Ring w/ corruption-disable password

03-10-2002, 11:38 PM
Nice, Arathorn...I like those!

03-10-2002, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Arathorn
1. An Oliphaunt
2. A bag filled with Palantiri with USB interface for storing pictures in digital form
3. Cirdan's written consent to travel west and back for an indefinite no. of times
4. A Silmaril to show off to the female elves
5. The One Ring w/ corruption-disable password

Nice, Arathorn...I like those!

I knew it! you have a thing for female elves too!:D

03-10-2002, 11:51 PM
HAH....no, actually, I was referring more the palantiri and the ring and the oliphaunt...:)

03-11-2002, 12:37 AM
the first step to fixing your problem is admitting you have one ;)

03-11-2002, 01:18 AM
Problem? PROBLEM? Are you insinuating that I have a PROBLEM? ;)
Yes, I do...I haven't finished the Silmarillion, and I don't think i can wait until the next two movies! :)

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-11-2002, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by Tanoliel
Eruviel, I thought you were an elf.
You don't need snowshoes.

Well, I'll bring them for those of our fellowship who are not elves. They'll need them, in case we try to climb big mountains.

Arathorn--Yes, very good ideas, all of them. I've decided a Silmaril is better than the phial of Galadriel-more concentrated Silmaril power and light! Are you joining The Fellowship of the Mooters on our quest through Middle-earth?

03-11-2002, 02:07 AM
Definitely, Eruviel; as soon as I get my approved Cirdan Green Card and boarding pass.

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-11-2002, 02:12 AM
Good, good. Hmm, maybe we'll all need approval from Cirdan--I say we increase the number of stuff to bring to eight or nine. I keep thinking of more useful stuff I would want! But if we have a big fellowship with all of our five things, we can share (some of it, anyway) and we will get along fine.

Elf Girl
03-11-2002, 09:09 AM
probably if one of us has the blessing of the Valar, it will affect all of us unless we get separated. I'll take the blessing, since im an elf and don't need snoeshoes or elaborate clothing.

My list needs updateing again.

1. Blessing of the Valar
2. Elven-rope
3. Orc-Alarm sword
4. Mithril coat
5. Small pouch of gems (for bartering purposes)

03-11-2002, 12:00 PM
always pack a desert eagle .50 that and some ammo

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-11-2002, 12:18 PM
Ararax--we really shouldn't be bringing guns to Middle-earth! :) It would ruin the whole atmosphere. . .

Okay, here's my updated packing list. I'm assuming that if one of our fellowhsip has the blessing of the valar, we're all covered. And I'm not bringing snowshoes, as I don't need them, being an elf, but anyone can borrow mine!

1. A bow from Lothlorien. With a full quiver, please!
2. Two knives, of elven make, with an orc alarm system (that counts as one thing, doesn't it?)
3. A silmaril.
4. elven rope
5. a mithril coat

And I already have elven garb. Food is seperate, right?

03-11-2002, 12:24 PM
next thing you knwo it will be no light sabers either

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-11-2002, 12:30 PM
Light sabers? Good idea! No, I say we should keep it to Middle-earth stuff. :)

03-11-2002, 01:18 PM
oh darn
*ararax atarts putting away his acme tactical nuclear missle*

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-11-2002, 01:39 PM
I happen to be a Middle-earth purist when it comes to packing. LOL. Hey, if I'm bringing along my nice new snowshoes from REI I can't talk. . .wait, I'm leaving those, I don't need them . I am an elf. :)

03-11-2002, 04:48 PM
yea elves get to walk on snow, humans get snowboards :)

03-11-2002, 06:38 PM
I'll be in the Fellowship of Mooters!!
And I have a (long) quest for us! This is it - First, we buy all the One Rings off Ebay, so we're gonna need over 40,000 people in our Fellowship.

Then, we get seven of the 40,000 members to fight some battles e.t.c. They will be:
- Someone who doesn't mind getting chased by weird Black Riders, getting rescued from a hill by a strange singing being, following a mysterious figure across country, nearly getting eaten by a giant octopus, nearly getting killed by an orc in a mine, crossing stinky marshes with a little slimy thing, getting tied up by a giant spider, getting robbed by orcs, climbing a big mountain, being watched all the time by a disembodied eye, having a bizarre little friend who calls you 'Mr. Frodo', and is a Hobbit.

- Someone who doesn't mind doing all the above stuff, carrying heavy packs, setting loose a pony, and is a Hobbit.

- Someone who likes ale, doesn't mind being captured by orcs, joining in a battle with some trees, looking into a crystal ball and coming eye to eye with a disembodied eye, paying service to a nutty king who kills himself, getting picked on by some old guy with a stick, being a pain in the neck, and is a Hobbit.

- Someone who likes ale, doesn't mind being captured by orcs, joining in a battle with some trees, paying service to another old king, fighting a big black bird, nearly getting killed by a big black bird, and is a Hobbit.

This are all I'm writing for now, I have more, but I don't want to fill up all the space the Moot has! If you like these, tell me and I'll do the others.

P.S Obviously you know who each 'someone' is meant to be. Any suggestions which Mooters would be good for the roles?

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-11-2002, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Ararax
yea elves get to walk on snow, humans get snowboards :)
Yeah, but snowboards aren't great going up hill :) I think elves would like snowboards, too, probably. Whee! Speeding down snow-covered slopes at insane speeds!

I volunteer to take the part of the one who doesn't mind battle with orcs, can walk on snow and run really far in short periods of time, is an expert archer, doesn't mind chasing after two captured halflings, following future kings around, walking the paths of the dead, hearing the cries of gulls, and bringing back more of my people to make Minas Tirith more of a garden, and is an elf, and has a friend (dwarf) that he calls "Friend Gimli."
Yeah, I'll take that part, no problem. Oh, and I nominate Tanoliel to be Pippin, if no one has any objection. What do you say, Tano?

03-11-2002, 11:07 PM
trick is only humans ould invent snowboards just as im sure humans invented beer

Michelle The Fair
03-12-2002, 01:00 AM
1. Mithril coat
2. Nenya
3. Elven-rope
4. Elven-sword with sheath
5. blessing of the Valar

i would love to join this fellowship. WHERE DO MEET? AND WHEN DO WE LEAVE???

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-12-2002, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Ararax
trick is only humans ould invent snowboards just as im sure humans invented beer
True, but we can borrow them. . .*grins evilly* And even if humans invented beer, we (Elves) invented Miruvor, which I believe to be far superior. . .

Oh, good, Michelle, do join our Fellowship!

03-12-2002, 02:43 PM
We need someone who has a big long beard, big long eyebrows, wears a big grey or white hat and robes, has a long stick which makes cool flashes of lightening, someone who doesn't mind fighting with a big fiery thing and then chasing to the top of a mountain. He mustn't mind being locked up by a traitor on the top of a tower, he mustn't mind leading a city against a huge army of orcs and mustn't mind dying (and then coming back to life again).

We also need two gorgeous guys - one who doesn't mind dying and one that just happens to be a king. The one who dies has to be able to fight with swords, defend short people, play a horn and do big tough stuff.

The one that happens to be a king must have several different names, must unsettle small people in pubs and appear really threatening, must be able to speak Elvish, must be able to fight with swords, must be able to row boats, mustn't mind killing things, mustn't be afraid of getting dead people to turn the tide of a War and must do REALLY big tough stuff.

Suggestions? (in my opinion, no one is worthy of being Aragorn!)

03-12-2002, 02:45 PM
BTW, we'll also need some baddies. If Ne1 knows where to find a disembodied red eye ball, let us know!

:D YAY! I'm an Elven Warrior! :D

03-12-2002, 02:51 PM
yea there was some floating red eye in mordor last i heard why dont you go down and ask him if he wants to play

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-12-2002, 03:54 PM
I think I saw a flaming red eyeball the other day. . .
And I nominate my brother to be an orc! (I don't think he'll be too keen on it, but I'll just threaten him with singing every elven song I know). . .nevermind, he isn't even on entmoot. But we could get all those non-Tolkien people out there to be baddies. . .we don't have to tell them!

03-12-2002, 09:41 PM
Hehe....riiight...it's an open-eyed conspiracy against Sauron! Yahhhh! er....*erRp* sorry...:)
We also need a few short curly-haired guys in old english clothing (which is adorable, IMHO!) who appear totally useless and then turn out to be very helpful by the end.
what d'ya mean, Eruviel? I ain't catching up! Pshaw...:)

Michelle The Fair
03-12-2002, 09:42 PM
Bows gracefully,"i would be honored to join your fellowship. You may call me by my Elven name, Manveri."

03-12-2002, 11:25 PM
ill sell you guys insurance

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-12-2002, 11:30 PM
Ararax, If we let you bring a gun, will you not sell us insurance?

03-12-2002, 11:46 PM
Gahhh! No guns in Arda! PLEASE! I'm on my knees....*beg* Guns are bad.
Anyhow...I don't care if you try to sell us insurance...I just won't buy it! :)

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-13-2002, 12:49 AM
I was trying to balance, and I thought the guns were a lesser of two evils. . .but of course. Insurance won't be too bad...we'll stick with that. No guns in Arda!!!! Good call, Tano. :)

Elf Girl
03-13-2002, 04:22 PM
I agree...I'll take the insurance, leave the guns.

Rána Eressëa
03-13-2002, 06:51 PM
I'd bring FrodoFriend, Sam, Frodo #1, Frodo #2, and Frodo #3 :D

P.S. -- They're not from "LOTR" stories, but you never did say which story :D

03-13-2002, 07:08 PM
A silmaril
The helm of dor lomin
bilbo's mithril coat.
Thingol's sword (the mate of gurthang)
A bunch of lembas

03-17-2002, 09:20 AM
A map would be nice and perhaps a camera. If you're going on a quest, might as well make the best of it...

03-17-2002, 02:35 PM
if ur bringing a camera don't forget film;):D

03-17-2002, 04:12 PM
So good of you to remind me of that! * writes on list: film* Oh and batteries off cours! *writes on list: batteries*