View Full Version : Hobbit Schools

09-08-2001, 08:54 PM
I can;t remember, does anyone hear remember if Hobbits had any sort of schools? They all appear to be able to read and write, but they may be homeschooled.

Comic Book Guy
09-08-2001, 09:23 PM
I believe they did have schools, like Sam in fotr.

'I don't know about that,' said Sam. 'But how would this suit? It ain't what I call proper poetry, if you understand me: just a bit of nonsense. But these old images here brought it to my mind.' Standing up, with his hands behind his back, as if he was at school, he began to sing to an old tune.

Though now that I think about it, that could have been like the express train Dragon at the party. I believe that there was some schools but only the lesser class hobbits such as Sam went to it and higher class hobbits were home-schooled i.e Frodo being taught by Bilbo.

09-14-2001, 09:56 PM
Of couse they had schools! If Tolkien had to mention everything, none of us could have finished the books!

09-17-2001, 05:30 PM
I'm pretty sure that Sam was also taught to read and write by Bilbo, and there are references to not everyone in the Shire being able to read. But the kids who were hanging around Gandalf when he came into town for Bilbo's birthday could read the "G" labelling the fireworks, and there is the already-mentioned school reference.

It seems that there was some kind of school system in the Shire, or at least homeschooling, with non-literate parents sending their kids to a neighbor's house for "school". If it was an actual school system, it was probably not mandatory. In an agricultural based society, you needed kids at home from time to time to help with planting, harvest, etc.

12-13-2001, 09:11 PM
it seems they could have been taught at home or by certain community members that happened to know a great deal about history and the like. it says hobbits enjoyed sharing family history with one another, and this is passed on through word of mouth. maybe they resemble many of the so-called "primitive" societies in that they choose to pass on information orally. or perhaps they learned to read and write out of the necessity of composing family histories/family trees :)

12-14-2001, 08:34 PM
I can see it now, each hobbit a teacher of a different subject. Preadventure Bilbo would be geography (loved his maps) and Sam gardening, Frodo ummm help me out please.

01-09-2002, 10:19 AM
frodo would be the classic teacher of how to lie unsuccessfully, if hobbit children were taught lying by Frodo then they'd all be found out, give up lying and everyone would be happy!

01-19-2002, 02:32 AM
Which brings to mind, that Hobbits seem to be the only ones who have children. How long are elves children? They live so long, I wonder if they have a longer childhood then say, humans or hobbits:)

Comic Book Guy
01-19-2002, 12:54 PM
In Narn I Hîn Húrin it tells of a conversation between Túrin and Sador comparing the The 'Eldar-Children' and the Children of the race of men, it says that the two children are very similar but the Human Children grow more quicker and that their youth passes soon in comparison to Elves.