View Full Version : How Big was Numenor?

09-06-2001, 10:56 PM
HOw big was Numenor? What with Ar-Pharazon's horde scaring off Sauron's army, colonies all over the west coast of Middle-Earth, and Gondor and Arnor, the Realms in Exile yet strong enough to be able to muster up the Last Alliance...........

.......... must have been one heck of a Big Island. Or a crowded one.

Size of Japan, at least? I know Manhattan's got 20 million, but it doesn't grow its own food. Numenor's got to be pretty self-sufficient. Japan managed 20 million by 1600, and only 5% of its land is fit for rice....

Comic Book Guy
09-07-2001, 02:13 PM
According to the map in "Unfinished Tales" It was around 300 miles wide, but you should note that the orignal map in which Christopher Tolkien made that on was a rough sketch.