View Full Version : The Nine Rings

08-23-2001, 10:16 PM
Well, I just came across this at TOR.N:


I like the armour, but I hate the Ring. The Nine, while evil now, were forged by Elves. They would not be all creepy like that.


08-24-2001, 02:37 AM
Maybe they became tarnished once Sauron got his hands on them. From what I understand, aren't the nine rings in Sauron's possesion?:confused: Does anyone know?

The Eye of Fangorn
08-24-2001, 04:53 AM
The nine are his. So are 3 of 7 dwarf rings. The other 4 were destroyed by the fire of dragons. The 3 he has never touched. But it is the One he desires most. And he seeks for it with all his power and will.

Darth Tater
08-24-2001, 11:05 AM
This is yet ANOTHER example of the foolish mistakes made in the process of production. I don't even have to begin on the hand armor, yeesh. But the rings were made by elves! They were beautifull, just like the one ring is beautifull despite its evil powers (though forged by Sauron, I know I know). Anywho another major error in this is that the Nazgul did not have their rings! Sauron did!

08-24-2001, 10:19 PM
I always type like I am angry, but I'm not. This is just my humble opinion and don't take offense.

None of the "mistakes" made in the film are "foolish." FYI, Peter Jackson and his team have spent the past seven years (going on eight now) working on this project. If you had Peter Jackson's phone number and he wasn't busy spending the next four months working on the special effects, looping, and soundtrack recording, he could probably give you some very good reason's for the decisions that he has made. This isn't one of those fast tracked Hollywood movies were they spent a weekend punching out a script and went to different Halloween stores and picked up some bargain leftovers. Peter Jackson has devoted seven years of his LIFE to this project. Not to mention the hard working members of his crew and the talented cast who spent nearly a year and a half filming them. Darth Tater, I get the impression you're going to hate these movies no matter what and that reflects a closed mind, something I don't expect from a J.R.R. Tolkien fan. If the movie sucks, I'll be one of the first people to post a harsh review and vent my frustrations, but until I see the film with my own eyes, I have every intention of being optimistic.

Hope that didn't come off too much like a rant, but as far as I know it's how I feel and factual.

Comic Book Guy
08-24-2001, 11:23 PM
I agree with the view of Tater, the wraith rings are another pointless and stupid change and against the canon of Tolkien. You would think with the seven years of his life he would try to at least respect Tolkiens works and not try to make it into a dim-witted disaster like the Animated movie.

08-24-2001, 11:58 PM
I may be wrong...but, are we sure the ringwraiths are not wearing their rings. Sauron gave the rings to them, and the rings turned them into wraiths(slaves).

08-25-2001, 12:52 AM
Actually, most of the changes do have points including improving cinematic effect, streamlining the story, and character development. And remember that the costumes and backgrounds are designed by celebrated Tolkien artists that illistrated his works while Tolkien was alive. I would venture to say that these guys know Tolkien. The point I was trying to make was that these decisions were deliberate and thought through. They were not pointless.

08-25-2001, 10:19 AM
Well, I don't have a *huge* problem with it, since it's not likely anyone will notice the ring, but that's still no excuse.


Darth Tater
08-25-2001, 03:00 PM
I want to love these movies. When I first heard about them I was incredibly optamistic. However, I have only been happy with visuals that have been leaked, and now there are visuals I don't like! Every single changed plot point or bit of script seems totally pointless! However it is entirely possible I will love these movies. Yet I find that when one is too hopefull about an upcoming film they are automatically dissapointed (take, for example, a large number of Star Wars fans. I expected nothing of TPM and therefore loved every minute of it)

Fat middle
08-25-2001, 06:56 PM
don't worry, Tater. If you have been able to love TPM i'm sure you will love LOTR movies: they can't be worse :P

I'm not sure i hate every change in the movies. I don't want another Bakshi: literal but without structure. But i'm sure some of them have no justification: the orc pods and the impalement are the worst for me. But now i'm begining to be bothered by another cahnge: Merry and Pippin's characters.

What's the point of that trespassing and robbing at Maggot's farm? they seem to behave as hobbit-childs and they aren't. It seems they're going to be the humorous couple of the film, and that could be the point, but i regret that we'll lose the true character of Merry. I think his character is the nearest to Frodo: a bit serious and the most responsible of the hobbits. i´m going to miss that :(

08-26-2001, 08:22 PM
Hmmmm. We'll have to wait and see. Merry is one of my top five favorite characters, but perhaps he can be respecable and funny. Lets hope so.


08-26-2001, 09:10 PM
Impalement? So it's confirmed, Saruman really DOES die on a spiked wheel???

AAAAAGGGHHHKKK....... I thought it was a baseless rumour.

08-26-2001, 10:50 PM
It has not been confirmed and even if it does turn out to be true, how bad would that be. Think about the way he dies in the book. If Wormtounge pushes him onto the spinning wheel how bad would that be?

08-27-2001, 10:00 AM
The only problems I have with the movie are the spike thingy (I wanted to see Sauroman at the Scouring of the Shire) and Lurtz (an orc as a main character?!). Everything else I'm sure he has a reson for to help pitch the movie to a broader audience or to make easier for other people to understand. At least I hope so anyways.

08-27-2001, 11:34 AM
Well, we have seen a picture of Saruman impaled on a spiked wheel ...

08-27-2001, 09:21 PM
Well, just what the Wizardkabob photo implies is another discussion, but I daresay that seeing Wormtounge slit Sarumans throat at the end of ROTK would be more exciting and dramatic than being thrown from a tower onto a spiked wheel. Some would find this to be humorous, and laugh when Saruman dies, rather than give a sigh of relief.


Darth Tater
08-27-2001, 09:35 PM

08-27-2001, 11:59 PM
Does anyone have a link to Saurman spiked?


08-28-2001, 07:36 AM
I'm willing to put up with a lot of changes, even the Orc-coccoon thing, but the Wizard-kebob thing is just too much :confused: :confused: :confused: :mad:

08-28-2001, 03:41 PM
Some would find this to be humorous, and laugh when Saruman dies, rather than give a sigh of relief.

What about a pang of sadness?

08-28-2001, 09:28 PM
??? Hmmm? Sadness?


08-28-2001, 11:51 PM
Inolonil wrote..."What about a pang of sadness?" When you think of what Saruman "could have been", Yes.

08-29-2001, 12:08 AM
I pity the poor fool (no, that's not a Mr. T impression). He was of divine Race and he Fell and was murdered by an oppressed slave. It's so sad. I wish he could have repented and been forgiven. My dad wrote a song about him called the Sorrow Man once. He plays the guitar. You really have to hear it to get the full effect, but the words run thus:

The Sorrow Man
Locked in the tower
I hold the key
The sweet talking stranger
Who cannot be free

Im your Sorrow Man

Eyes looking backward
I cannot see
All of it darkness
Inside of me

Hmm Hmmm the Sorrow Man

An old man is walking
The path all alone
A word I will whisper
In your mind I have grown

Its me the Sorrow Man

The gentle destroyer
Your pity I hold
Your forgiveness too costly
My soul I have sold

Cry for the Sorrow Man

Tears should be falling
My face dry as dust
The price I must pay
For forsaking all trust
Don’t you know me? I’m your Saruman.

After Fredegar Bolger he's my favourite character in the Lord of the Rings.

08-29-2001, 09:51 PM
Beautiful. I've never really thought of it that way. My initial reaction to Saruman in the Shire was "****!" and I was tense right up until he died. I just sort of looked at him as just another baddie. Now that I think of it, the same could be said of Sauron. and Melkor. Though I suppose that Middle Earth would have been pretty boring if they had repented.


08-29-2001, 09:52 PM
**** is a bad word?


Comic Book Guy
08-29-2001, 09:55 PM
Depends what **** was. :D

08-29-2001, 10:11 PM
:D Starts with a C, ends with a P, has a R and A in the middle. :)


Comic Book Guy
08-29-2001, 10:16 PM

08-29-2001, 10:27 PM

08-29-2001, 11:18 PM
:) WOW:) That was GREAT. I'm assuming your dad was a LotR fan...that must be nice. (My father was divorced before I read Tolkien at the age of 15...I then gave the books to my mom, and she loved them...at least I can look forward to sharing the story with my daughter and(hopefully) grandchildren!)

08-31-2001, 02:08 AM
Someone said that the rings were made by the elves so they shouldn't be creepy. They were made by Celebrimbor and his smiths with the aid of Sauron (yes, THAT Sauron.) Sauron decieved them and the Nine and Seven were made in order to overthrow Galadriel. When Celebrimbor discovered the One Ring, he realised Sauron's ruse and rebelled against him . . . and so on and so on.

09-08-2001, 01:30 PM
hopefully it won't be as bad as the cartoon one. i couldn't understand it, it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo bad. if u ask me it was a disgrace to tolkien :mad:

09-08-2001, 05:46 PM
I'm glad you liked it! (Erewe and ringbearer). I'll tell him so. Yes, he was and is a Lord of the Rings fan. The Lord of the Rings was read to me by him, at a very young age (I was four, I guess). It was a generational thing, when my dad was a teenager it had been read to him by his father, so I'll pass it down (in some time from now, I'm fifteen). You can start the same tradition :)

09-09-2001, 04:46 PM
The cartoon is a disgrace to Tolkin. I read the books, then afterward my mom went hmm the lord of the rings? I think we have that movie. I was of course really excited, I had no idea they had made a movie. Well need less to say after 10min into the cartoon I turned it off in utter disgust. I think they should recall all the videos and burn them!

09-20-2001, 12:44 PM

ummm that is if were talking about the same cartoons?

and about the rings DU! SORON IS EVIL HE IS GONA MAKE THE RINGS LOOK BAD CUS OF HIS EVILNESS! (screming giberish "lighten up you fools dont be so serous!" more screming and giberish:) "

ok i can undersand about maybe being a LITTEL upset about the rings but not that much!

i however NEVER complane about moveis :D lol ok maybe a littel:D

09-30-2001, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by thephantomcat
Someone said that the rings were made by the elves so they shouldn't be creepy. They were made by Celebrimbor and his smiths with the aid of Sauron (yes, THAT Sauron.) Sauron decieved them and the Nine and Seven were made in order to overthrow Galadriel. When Celebrimbor discovered the One Ring, he realised Sauron's ruse and rebelled against him . . . and so on and so on.
Well, I don't recall the bit about the nine and seven were made to overthrow Galadriel.
The rings were originally made for the purposes of good, but they had Sauron's help in their making. Now really I don't think this made the rings inherently bad, since Sauron was at this point deceiving the elves into thinking he was good. Therefore the rings were fine. It was only with the creation of the One Ring that the others turned bad, but even then they didn't suddenly become evil, more that whoever wore them could be controlled, deceived, cowed etc by Sauron who's Ring was much more powerful.
I like to think of his influences in the making of the rings as kind of an easter egg - they were built to tune into his wavelength when he had to power to contact them, but other than that they were 'good'.
Of course, once the wearers were turned to evil and Sauron reclaimed the 7 (well, some of 'em) and the 9, maybe this evil power within the rings changed them from beautiful items into the evil ones they now are - after all, with the power in them they can almost be treated as 'alive', certianly sentient. Maybe they can then grow as they become evil.

It's not really ideal, but certainly the best I can think of since the rings should most definately be beautiful. I can certianly envisage the rings turning dark, and the jewels corrupting into the lidless eye (each ring except the one had a jewel IIRC)

10-10-2001, 06:15 PM
Here's a quote for you:

So great became his hold over the Mirdain that at length he persuaded them to revolt against Galadriel and Celeborn and to seize power in Eregion . . .

The Unfinished Tales; The History of Galadriel and Celeborn; Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn; 10th paragraph

after all, with the power in them they can almost be treated as 'alive', certianly sentient. Maybe they can then grow as they become evil.

That is also an excellent point.