View Full Version : I've been sent a message from the future!

03-24-2000, 02:13 AM
I got an email from someone, and I guess the clock on their computer was screwed up because it says it was sent on February 1st, 2007 (obviously this is not possible, unless he's in a really weird time zone ;) )

Of course, I have to be reminded of this every day until then, because that piece of mail stays at the top, since the program is convinced it's the most recent message. And it is... sort of ;) . So I don't know whether to delete it, or let it stay there for seven years :p

What do you think? :lol:

03-24-2000, 04:55 AM
That's pretty funny. My guess is their clock is just set wrong. I'd either leave it there or forward it to myself so it can move down the line as it should. :)

03-24-2000, 05:06 AM
Are you sure it wasn't from Gary Seven ? :)

On the other hand the recent series of books concerning Merlin; i.e. Merlin by Martin Greenberg; give credence to the theory of time travel by simply passing on into newer bodies. The entire company is now living amongst us and waiting for The King.

I' keep the message and have it remind me of all the possiblites each time I look at it.


03-24-2000, 05:42 AM

03-24-2000, 04:21 PM
Mail it around?

Darth Tater
03-24-2000, 11:09 PM
if it's not too perosonal I'd forward it around. I usually don't like chain letters, but think about it!

03-24-2000, 11:12 PM
Mailing it around will do nothing, because my mail to them will just be sent at the normal time. :p

03-25-2000, 12:34 AM
Was it from Hotmail or what???

03-25-2000, 02:53 AM
The person who sent the email is now registered at Entmoot... named Niffiwan I believe. If he/she finds the thread, I guess we'll find out what 2007 is like :D :p .

03-25-2000, 12:40 PM
2007: The Year We Met Niffiwan

{Thus Sprach Zarathustra}

03-25-2000, 07:35 PM

03-25-2000, 08:47 PM
Dave.. I'm afraid I can't let you do that..


03-25-2000, 11:33 PM
hello bmilder

03-26-2000, 01:46 AM
Which reminds me...They should have 2001 in the theaters next year. And have some big party in commemoration of that wacky movie.

03-26-2000, 03:02 AM
I'm zorry. You zee, I come originally from 2158 in earth years. I made a frightning trip through Quasispace in a ship controlled by zose frightning Arilou A'Lee'Lay. I believe zat they are thoze aliens zat have long troubled you and experimented on you, hunams, zo you should also be afraid of zem! Anywayz, I arrived finnaly on earth in ze year 2007, earth month of January; right een ze middle of winter! Oh, how my tender Spathi skin froze in zat freezing air (I landed far north, zomewhere on the hunam country of Canada, I believe)! I had to retreat into my shell untill ze begginings of spring, when I found zat I could finnaly come out, but quickly came back in again when I found zat strange black creaturez wiz bushy tails were running around ze trees, as if preparing for an ambush! So here I am now, inzide my shell, well concealed in a cave of zome sorts, uzing my tiny computer zat I have brought along to tap into the hunam internet zystem.
And zose Arilou have unfortunatly left me, a young male Spathi, behind, with no place to go! Do not even try to contain your tears, hunam.

03-26-2000, 03:11 AM

I realized zat I was in ze wrong time period when you pozted your message, and tried my best to get into ze right one.
Finnaly, after many long minutez of searching, I finnaly found ze Arilou frequency in my computer. Zey gave me a Quasispace ride back to 2000, and I have found zat zis time, zey actually bozered to put up a shelter for me. I gave zem many zanks for zat.
You hunams zeem to be evolving ztrangely fast, as in 2007, your pentium computers were long retired, replazed by zeveral newer typez of computerz.
On Spathiwa, ze companies ztay ze zame for at leazt a hundred years.

04-17-2000, 12:41 PM

Darth Tater
04-17-2000, 03:00 PM
My brother, you are here at last! Is theis the signal I was told of to start the invasion? I am ready!