View Full Version : Entmoot, the board's new name

10-06-1999, 08:30 PM
What do you think of it? A bulletin board always sounds best if its name is like a "real" discussion area, and this is one of few Tolkien examples. I had also considered "The White Council," but apparently a board with that name already exists. The board was already green, so I'll be expanding the "forest" theme a little more, maybe some custom "reply" graphics or something :). Oh, and I made my first PSP6 graphic. Yay :). It looks kinda bad, but remember it's my first one. Is it good enough to replace the text "entmoot" at the top, do you think? <img src=http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/4689/images/Entmoot2.gif>

10-07-1999, 02:57 AM
yeah, its good enough to replace the top :) EXCEPT on the bb, introduction to master tater...that one....well, theres a bit of a problem...

10-07-1999, 04:15 AM
nice job, bmilder. I think that'll work. I like those fonts. But if I may offer a tiny bit of advice, make it smaller. Maybe about half that size. The way it is, it works fine if you have your screen resolution set at around 1024 x 768 or higher. But if I turned it down to 640 x 480, it would probably fill two thirds of the screen! (I do a fair amount of web design, so I have to keep stuff like that in mind)

Quaff Down Gin
10-07-1999, 08:42 PM
I like the sound of that! Good choice!

10-07-1999, 09:35 PM
Hey, It's better than Benjamin's Tolkien Board. I like it.

10-07-1999, 10:52 PM
wats entmoot mean?

10-07-1999, 11:42 PM
dmaul, an entmoot is a gathering of Ents. Specifically, it was the council they held before storming Isengard

Darth Tater
10-08-1999, 01:17 AM
Pretty soon we'll have a much better banner. I'm gonna make a bunch in Photoshop and we can all talk about which ones we like more. If you want to contribute go right ahead and send your ideas to Ben or me.

10-08-1999, 02:08 AM
I just made custom Add Reply and New Topic buttons. I'm so proud of myself :D.

10-10-1999, 12:45 AM
woo ben! :)

11-02-1999, 02:51 AM
I've just added Tater's graphic, which he finally got around to getting to me. What do you think? (btw I made it about 75% of its original size and cropped it a little) I think it's pretty good :).

11-02-1999, 04:22 AM
I just went over to alt.fan.tolkien and invited people there to come and join us, I hope we have some takers. In case we do, let's all put on our best behavior. ;)

Darth Tater
11-02-1999, 02:40 PM
We have best behaviours? Anyways, what do you guys think of the graphic? (I made it while slacking off at school when I should have been working on a class project.)

11-02-1999, 08:11 PM
Go anduin! :) I think we've gotten a grand total of ONE new member from your ads :P. Tater, it's pretty good, except the JRR. looks a little odd, since you missed two periods... other than that it's great. :) Would you happen to have a graphic of that white tree in the background? I'd like it to replace the folder icons on the main page where new messages are.

11-03-1999, 01:04 AM
Sweet, Tater!! I think I just made a funny...no?...oh... :)_o

11-03-1999, 01:15 AM
Make that two, peregrin and Freaksaus. Oh, oops, peregrin is me...OK just one. I never could get anduin to be a global user :( So I reregistered. Now I don't know which one to go by. Maybe I'll use peregrin for late night posts. Pippen was always fond of a pint of ale and a bit of Longbottom Leaf. :P

Darth Tater
11-03-1999, 11:17 PM
D@amn punctuation!

09-22-2000, 01:34 AM
In the spirit of the week, as I troll through the old threads, I thought this one was kind of fun!

09-22-2000, 02:36 AM
My gosh, I am a local user. No user pic and no sig. Man, I was a newbie! Seems I even had trouble registering.

BTW, I recently hit over 2000 posts....ALL at this board. :)