View Full Version : Welcome to the Board!

09-19-1999, 12:16 AM
This is the first message on my new message board! :) Hopefully this will breathe some life into my web site, which I've been too lazy to update frequently. Over the next few days, I'll be adding some admins and moderators. After that, maybe some people will stumble upon this board and join, so the admins have something to do :). Enjoy!

09-19-1999, 01:52 AM
Horay! Bmilder finally got something worthwhile to look at on his web page*cough* now only if someone could post here.. I strongly encourage everyone to post on this board. It is really..well..uh..urg..er..well it just is.

09-19-1999, 02:01 AM
Btw, congrats to the first moderator, Ryan6233 :).

09-19-1999, 02:14 AM
I'm just testing some stuff again..don't mind me..here-you can look at my pringles can again [ (:[) ||| ]

Darth Tater
09-19-1999, 06:30 PM
Here's a big hello from the next admin to be

Darth Tater
09-19-1999, 10:55 PM
Good to be here!

09-25-1999, 02:15 PM
i am good to be here as well.

10-10-1999, 04:20 PM
When was the forum started?

10-10-1999, 07:53 PM
Well, I guess it would be the date of that message, September 22. Hey, wasn't that Bilbo and Frodo's birthday? :) (Unless that was the 23rd...)

10-10-1999, 09:05 PM
Hmm, actually it looks like the message was posted on the 18th. I guess it just shows the editing date...

Darth Tater
10-12-1999, 12:54 AM
Ah, we haven't gone so far in such a little amount of time.

10-12-1999, 01:26 AM
Did you mean to put "haven't" ? ;)

Darth Tater
10-12-1999, 11:07 PM
Gee Ben, thanks for not only killing my joke but also jumping up and down on its carcass ;)

10-18-1999, 10:17 PM
Well, I'm proud to announce that the board is one month old today! :) And we have 40 users! I just hope I can look back at this in another 11 months and laugh because we have 5 or 10 times as many :D.

10-19-1999, 12:38 AM
And mabey even more moderators! *poke poke*

Son of a Hutt
10-21-1999, 01:08 AM
The dates on edits are always screwy on EzBoard. It's ok to edit your own, but once a mod or admin does it then it's all messed up.

10-21-1999, 01:13 AM
No, I don't think so. No matter who edits it, the edited date is then put in as the "main date." This can get confusing, especially to those familiar to the UBB, which does it in a more sensible way. I've posted at the ezboard Feature forum, asking them to change it to be more like UBB, but I have yet to receive a response from them...

Son of a Hutt
10-21-1999, 09:45 PM
I've seen people edit their own posts and the date and time are correct. Let me try it with this one... EDITING...

Son of a Hutt
10-21-1999, 09:48 PM
It seems I'm wrong. :(

11-11-1999, 10:03 PM
Is this the place to say..: Hiya! I dont know most of you people here so you wont know me... well Ben is my guild-buddy and his horsesĀ“s name is Tater :P love the idea of a Tolkien board, so here I am .)

11-11-1999, 10:12 PM
Hi Calain! :) Wow, I haven't been on the mud in ages :o. How did you find this, it's been at least 2 months since I posted the url on the Amruin board... I took out the Amruin and t2t forums last month :P But welcome :)

11-12-1999, 12:15 AM
Ahem...i should get SOME credit for the horses name...after all, i (practically) named it :)

11-12-1999, 09:16 AM
I came here through your homepage link on the Towers homepage. I didnt forget your post but only now got around to look at it The MUD...was going down and down lately BUT this week you should really log on- if you want to you can change your race to Eorling! So noone used the t2t and Amruin board? :( doesnt really surprise me. you can post something in front of their nose at the guild board and noone reacts, only our spying-slime is interested I guess .... you know what would be cool? A Tolkien chatroom for the members here .)

11-12-1999, 09:27 AM
Ryan, are you Zora? .)

11-12-1999, 05:04 PM
Yes, he is :) I guess I'll change my race to Eorling... but I don't know how I'm going to get all that cash before Sunday... luckily I have off from school today so maybe I can manage :). You know, including all his characters, Ryan must be the person waiting the longest to get into the Amruin... (what is it, two years now? ;)) and I'm probably the oldest non-HC member that hasn't been deleted from the ranks... (although they did send me the "inactivity letter" twice :D) And yeah, I posted the url of this board in the Amruin board and the gossiper but so far you're the only person who's showed up :). Antau made a brief appearance too, but that's only because I im'ed him :). Why do your smilies have only one eye? .)

11-13-1999, 04:25 AM
well, i have this strange ability to stop playing after the first interview...really wierd, i think teachers and aiden are psychic...

11-14-1999, 12:12 AM
Ben, try to catch me tomorrow and I can lend you some gold... that smiley? well '.' is easier for me to type than ':' and I got used to it *grin* Zora we only have 2 councilors at the moment- thats your chance to get in with 2 interviews! btw, Beregor holds the record with waiting 2 years I think :] the board is cool, but I dont know how much time Ill have to read it all, and post... and sorry that I use the welcome board for MUD stuff but theres no other place for that now, right?

11-14-1999, 02:47 AM
not since ben deleted the t2t/amruin forum

11-19-1999, 11:14 PM
Entmoot turned 2 months old yesterday, and I forgot to post about it! Oh well, I'm posting about it now :P. We have 63 members, which is impressive for an ezboard that young...

11-20-1999, 01:07 AM
Ya, it is.

11-27-1999, 10:17 PM
I guess you can add me to that number now :). BTW, you have some interesting dicussions going on.

11-28-1999, 06:48 AM
Nice to meet you. Isn`t this a great board? I love this bunch! They make me laugh and they have some great threads goingon.

Darth Tater
11-29-1999, 01:48 AM
And don't forget the fact that all the admins are lunatics! :)

11-29-1999, 03:14 AM
I'm not a lunatic! I just banned greg! Thats gotta show something about my intelligence! ;)

Son of a Hutt
11-29-1999, 04:06 AM
The admins are crazy, but the mods are cool.

11-29-1999, 04:51 AM
please note, soah, that the crazy admins have the power to nuke...er was that ban? I forgot.

11-29-1999, 12:06 PM
Hello SoaH :). Heh, crazy admins? Hmm, I like the sound of that ;).

Son of a Hutt
11-29-1999, 11:29 PM
Does it sound familiar from somewhere? ;)

The One Ring
11-30-1999, 12:37 AM
Just about everywhere, in fact. No, clearly it's the mods who are the voice of reason in the craziness of the board. We're no more crazy than chocolate-flavored hamsters diving into pineapple-sardine juice.

Son of a Hutt
11-30-1999, 04:57 AM
Well I don't know about him but I'm sane at least... :P