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View Full Version : "the jae" alert

09-22-1999, 10:24 PM
some of you may have read my message in the sw music section, but if you didnt, this is pretty much wat i wrote: i am very mad and frustrated at "the jae" for stealing my usual i.d. "dmaul96" i use it very often, and i wished i could hav used it for ezboards, so i decided to search all ez boards to find out who you are, and i have come one step closer. it would be a great favor if anyone could help me track this jae down. thank you

Darth Tater
09-22-1999, 10:44 PM
Hmmmm, very interresting. Sorry, can't help.

09-22-1999, 10:57 PM
Get one of those other accounts (not the global ones) for each ezboard you want to post on? :)

Darth Tater
09-22-1999, 11:05 PM
how do you know it was this "jae" character?

09-23-1999, 12:36 AM
how do i no if it is this jae character?!?! remember those posts in the sw music board??? hello!! future tabloid readers like you dont deserve to be sith lord MR. tater

09-23-1999, 09:56 PM
people might have noticed and wondered why my last message was posted by me, yet edited by dmaul966. i am not sure how exactly this happened, but dmaul966 must have gotten hold of my password. the message posted was then changed by him twice. my original message was pretty much just a "hi" kind of thing because it was my first message posted on this ezboard section, so i put it in the first category under general messages. from now on, i seek revenge on dmaul966. i read about how he is mad at this jae person for taking his username, so i decided not to help him find this jae person and instead help conceal jae instead. btw, i changed my password so he cant edit my messages again.

Darth Tater
09-23-1999, 10:46 PM
This is a board for discussing Star Wars and LOTR in a peaceful and friendly fashion. If the two of you don't stop all this insane bickering and stupidity we'll ban you.

09-25-1999, 01:18 AM
you hurt my feelings when you i say i bicker in an insane fashion.

Darth Tater
09-25-1999, 12:52 PM
Well, I really must say I don't think it was to mature to start a fight with yourself greg. I'm sorry if I offended you though. Now let's get back to talking about LOTR and SW like good little boys (and girls).

09-25-1999, 02:16 PM
0iyplhg,nbxf c

Darth Tater
12-28-1999, 06:54 PM
I know this thread is pure propaganda, but it has historical significance here. Plus it was the last thread here, way at the bottom. I like bringing back old threads.

12-28-1999, 08:00 PM
I don't see why this can't have stayed at the bottom, and be the first to be deleted...

Darth Tater
12-28-1999, 08:20 PM

12-28-1999, 08:29 PM
Why should this be deleted? This explains the history of Entmoot.

12-28-1999, 08:59 PM
A history lesson, eh?

12-28-1999, 09:40 PM
WTF you think your a Canadian or something now nutty boy? ;) ;) :D

12-29-1999, 12:43 PM
Ya, I take your place in Canada, eh.