View Full Version : The rules of the forum

Darth Tater
09-20-1999, 09:21 PM
Though we admins and moderators have the final say in what's acceptible and what isn't, you should still be able to have imput. How much swearing should we tolerate? What kind of posting is innapropriate? This is your board, you deside.

09-21-1999, 12:27 AM
By "you" do you mean me, or the as-yet mostly nonexistant user base? ;-) I selected the censor option, so the worst language will be censored. I don't think there's a way for me to edit the censored list. If there is, I haven't found it yet. I think it's fairly obvious that I won't allow: -Swearing or getting around the language censor -Posting racist remarks -Excessive Flaming -Trolling -Posting offensive or pornographic images -Flooding the board -Editing my messages! (Ryan! ;-)) If you do any of those actions, you'll get anything ranging from a warning to getting banned from the board permanently. I'll think of more later.

Darth Tater
09-21-1999, 10:55 PM
By you I ment the folks who will hopefully storm this site making it the best bb on the internet!

09-22-1999, 02:40 AM
>> Swearing or getting around the language censor -Posting racist remarks -Excessive Flaming -Trolling -Posting offensive or pornographic images -Flooding the board -Editing my messages! (Ryan! ;-)) << Where does this stuff sound familar from? :) Joe Siegler <A HREF=http://www.3drealms.com>http://www.3drealms.com</A>

09-22-1999, 09:59 PM
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery :D. But still, they're pretty basic rules for any bb.

Darth Tater
09-22-1999, 10:47 PM
Here's my rule. Worship me as the Emperor or die! :) PS If you're not from the jedi council you probably think I'm pretty weird right about now. You're right!

09-23-1999, 04:37 AM
Ok, those rules are BS...there are only 2 rules as far as i'm concerned : 1)Don't do anything you wouldn't want everyone in the world (and i mean EVERYONE) to see and read 2)Worship me.

Darth Tater
09-23-1999, 10:53 PM
Actually Ryan, I believe that second rule applies to the Emperor around here (meaning me) And don't call anything bmilder or me posts bs.

Jedi Eowyn
09-27-1999, 02:53 AM
Trolling is picking fights, yes? What is flooding?

09-27-1999, 10:47 AM
Flooding is filling the board with useless junk. This is an essential rule, because there are a very limited amount of posts per forum that Ezboard can handle before it starts automatic pruning...

Darth Tater
09-27-1999, 11:55 PM
In other words, we will be very strict about redundant threads.

09-29-1999, 07:08 PM
Tater-everything you post IS bs

Darth Tater
09-30-1999, 12:15 AM
Why thank you Ryan ;) Here's a rule. No impersonating other users!

10-03-1999, 08:16 PM
Now that's a good rule, Tater!

10-03-1999, 09:33 PM
That mean MasterTater gets the boot? :)

Darth Tater
10-08-1999, 07:52 PM
Not unless he tries to make people think he's me.

02-06-2000, 04:25 AM
..... and thought I would would bring the last thread in GM (circa 9/99 ), back to the top. :D

02-06-2000, 12:46 PM
ah, the memories! :)

Darth Tater
02-06-2000, 03:23 PM
Ah, the good old days, when the rules were actually necesary. Now I just ban whoever I want. After all, I am the mean admin! ;)

02-06-2000, 05:41 PM
Um, ok. In any event, these rules have been replaced, so there is no longer any need for this topic to be open :P