View Full Version : How did you get your username?

11-28-1999, 03:00 AM
How did you get your username? Mine's boring, it's just my name. Ben Milder. I know most of you have much more interesting stories...

11-28-1999, 03:32 AM
gdl= 3 cool letters and a cool #.

Son of a Hutt
11-28-1999, 04:11 AM
SW version of "Son of a *****" :)

11-28-1999, 04:33 AM
Hehe. This is from the world-renowned expert on nickname threads :P (soah)

11-28-1999, 07:33 AM
Being a female, I wanted a female Middle-earth name. There aren't many, and I refuse to be a duplicate. So I went for the obscure baby hobbit. :D I also considered Lobelia, Goldilocks, Belladonna Took, Shelob, Mrs. Maggot . . . but Elanor is "the Fair"!!

11-28-1999, 10:19 AM
Well, it´s my family name :).

11-28-1999, 02:13 PM
Mine's easy, I'm a Darth and I'm nuts, = DarthNut.

Son of the Suns I
11-28-1999, 02:25 PM
My name is an obscure SW reference found in the Journal of the WHills, which is found in SW:The Annotated Screenplays. It refers to Anakin, the Chosen One, who was raised in the planet with the twin suns.

11-28-1999, 03:45 PM
I didn't want a gender specific name and I like rivers in general (Louisville is located on the Ohio), and I just love the sound of Anduin. :)

Darth Tater
11-29-1999, 01:46 AM
I was in a play (three actually) called Vegetable Wars, a spoof on Star Wars. I played Darth Tater, Dark Lord of the Nightshade!

11-29-1999, 03:19 AM
uh..well..i used my name, then i added th enumber 6 cause its my lucky number, then i added 233 cause it had some signifant meaning..i forget what.

11-29-1999, 04:22 AM
Funny, but I don't think he'd like that :P

11-29-1999, 09:31 PM
Tater, you're not seroius, right?

The One Ring
11-30-1999, 12:50 AM
I think he is.... it's too ludicrous to be made up. Mine's the easiest of all. It's just, well, the One Ring.

Darth Tater
11-30-1999, 03:06 AM
Yes Nuttybuddy, I am serious. I plan to post the three scripts (I didn't write them) on the net some day. I think the rebels and Imperials will get a kick outta that! :)

Lost in Coruscant
12-02-1999, 12:54 AM
I was watching "Lost in Space" You don't need to know anymore.

12-02-1999, 02:02 AM
Ya, that'd be cool, Tater.

Lauren Weasley
03-07-2000, 02:04 AM
but I figured mine might scare you a bit, a Harry Potter last name with a totally unrelated first name, on a Tolkien/Starwars board.

Lauren Weasley is my original character for Harry Potter Role Play Games, and uh, that's why I chose it.

03-07-2000, 03:11 AM
Cool. Actually, I was thinking of starting this thread... I had a vague memory of doing it before, and now I see I have. Thanks :p

03-07-2000, 04:35 AM
Aha! No wonder why I haven't seen this thread before.

Well, I can tell you all where I DIDN'T get my nickname from... just look at my sig...

03-07-2000, 01:49 PM
When I first came on the net, I started calling myself Elyse (which is my older daughter's name). Someone posted a link on one of the Tolkien news groups that led to a page telling you how to translate your name to Quenya. Eruve is Elyse in Quenya.

03-07-2000, 06:27 PM
I first used Finduilas for my usename for Geocities (where my page used to be) then a friend installed ICQ so I started using it there. After that, I needed a better name for my site than "JRR Tolkien page" so it became Finduilas's Tolkien Page.
I had wanted an obscure name, but did not pick a background for the name (I had a choice). Some of my friends on ICQ started referring to me as an elf, so that choice was made for me. Finduilas, daughter of Orodreth.
Then here, luck came into play again. The name was unused on the ezboards.

Lauren Weasley
03-07-2000, 10:42 PM
I use this id all the time, NO ONE is going to have an imaginary book character for a children's book series registered!

03-08-2000, 12:31 AM
Okay. HPbf I tried to register HarryPotterfan and puter crashed. I thought better of it and register HarryPotterbookfan instead. Hermione aka SmartyPants:I copied someone. I wanna be HP:for the wanna be board. laughinghappycat:my HoTMaiL name. the knpb kitten:I get on the net @ knpb(where my mom works)and mostly my screen name is kitten there. Hence, the knpb kitten.

03-08-2000, 02:13 AM
Yeah, but what does "knbp" stand for?

03-08-2000, 03:53 AM
Because I think and tend to speak like him.

03-08-2000, 04:08 AM
do you? How droll.

03-08-2000, 11:59 PM
knpb is the call letters for the TV station my mom works for.

03-09-2000, 01:15 AM
Very cool. :)

03-10-2000, 02:36 AM
I had the aol sn jaeson5, and to spite me Greg made the aim sn jaeson2. To respond to his traumatic offense I made the aim dmaul97 because he had the aim dmaul96. When I arrived at this board, to once again spite Greg, I made the username dmaul96. However, that was recently banned by Tater. So, to compensate I made the curretn username dmaul97.

Son of the Suns I
09-25-2000, 02:39 PM
I forgot to mention that I added the "I" to my name, because Son of the Suns was already taken. I think I was the one to register it, but I forgot the password.

09-25-2000, 04:43 PM
Well my story is really rather simple but my name is pretty cool (I think so anyways) :p I get comments about it all the time. It comes from a character in one of my favorite series, Darkover. It's a fantasy series written by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It's great stuff. The character's name is Miralys Elhalyn. The last name sounds pretty lame in comparison so I dropped it. I am Miralys everywhere on the web including my email, homepage and AIM.

09-25-2000, 09:39 PM
I barely recall. The local Society for Creative Anachronism had put something together and somehow I was there, back when I was first in college.

I needed a name, and since these folk all had their fancy names and titles, and were all into Tolkien, too, I asked if I could have an Elf name! They grudgingly admitted that this was sometimes done, but they were really more into the authentic medieval thing.

I came up with "Gilthalion." It was a poor effort to translate "Robert" (shining fame) back in the days before the internet, and when there were few resources available to one of my means...

When I registered to post here, I remembered the name.

I don't think I even got close, except by a far stretch!

I couldn't find anything for "shining" so I took gil or "star".

I couldn't find anything for "fame" so I took thalion, the actual meaning of which I have long forgotten!

Johnny Lurker
09-26-2000, 12:41 AM
It has nothing to do with being a "lurker" ( www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame58.html (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame58.html) )... Actually, you would all be really freaked out if I explained about the game that I took the name from, so I won't go there.

Shanamir Duntak
09-26-2000, 01:30 AM
Thalion: Strong, fearless.

09-26-2000, 03:10 AM
I turned on caps lock, and hit my arm on the keyboard :rolleyes:

09-26-2000, 04:27 AM
it's my name...

aryne *

Pippin Skywalker
09-26-2000, 06:14 AM
Well..it's pretty obvious I have split personality disorder ;)

Pippin is to display my love of Lord of the Rings ....also it sounds chipper and lively..so it fits me to a T because I'm really like that!

Skywalker: DUH! ;)

09-26-2000, 11:52 PM

gil -star
thalion -fearless/strong

"Fearless Star" or "Strong Star"


Not bad! I thought it sounded neat! (Of course, a euphonious language was precisely what Tolkien intended!)

Thanks, Shan!

dunedain lady
09-27-2000, 07:06 PM
As to my name, "blue roses" was already taken, which would have been my first choice (long story); so I decided to find a Tolkien name. I play a dunedain on T2T MUD, hence, dunedain lady.

Hobbit Hood
09-27-2000, 09:50 PM
Tee Hee! (BTW Sorry about the "Rangergirl" crack, I was just kidding, but you ain't no Hobbit!)

09-27-2000, 11:14 PM
Well im very turtle like in nature and I tend to rove quite a bit ;)

09-27-2000, 11:18 PM
my name... honestly... that is the name my BF likes... thats all

09-28-2000, 03:07 AM
Came from my favorite character in the game Star Control III; Colony Manager Niffiwan (race: Spathi).
Instead of using the picture of a Spathi that they have in SC3, I used the picture in SC2 which I think looks better for this occasion; hence, my "self-photo".
I posted on a few Star Control boards with this username before I posted here, and I didn't feel like changing it.

09-28-2000, 03:10 AM
If anyone's wondering, the reason my self-photo and signature didn't show up in that message was because I didn's sign up when I wrote it.

Hobbit Hood
09-28-2000, 01:00 PM
Someone had to overthrow the Dwarven Economic Oppressors!

The Shire will be free!

But until that day, I must needs wear a disguise, and so HOBBIT HOOD was born!

Saruman Brokenwhite
09-28-2000, 01:03 PM
Bah! Dwarves, hobbits!

You will all be my thralls!

<laughter style="maniacal">AAAAHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!</laughter>

dunedain lady
09-28-2000, 06:43 PM
LOL I love the "html"!

09-28-2000, 10:19 PM
Go ahead. Guess. I dare you. ;)

Anyone figured it out yet? ;)


09-29-2000, 11:33 PM
i'll give you all three guesses!

the name sounds familiar, legolas, but i can's quite place it.... was it a monty python character by any chance?

Shanamir Duntak
09-30-2000, 01:02 AM
I didn't chose my name... My father Reagan, gave it to me at birth. My mother I don't remember, she died in the great black plague.

09-30-2000, 02:48 AM
Gil = scary multi personalities ;)

09-30-2000, 03:28 PM
my User name came from my favorite npc from Vampire the masquarade

09-30-2000, 05:49 PM
I got my username checking the character files on several LotR-sites. Some characters, like Gildor and Galadriel, were of this Elven race called Noldor. I didn't want a character name so I took "noldo", the singular form of Noldor.

And no, I hadn't read the Sil yet.

09-30-2000, 07:28 PM
mine's a bit obvious i think, but besides being from Lotr, Galadriel24 gave it to me when i was helping on Lothlorien(www.ltgw.cjb.net). (http://www.ltgw.cjb.net).) Plus, i like it!

Shanamir Duntak
10-02-2000, 11:09 AM
Personnaly, I don't like username with numbers in it. I tried to take Shanamir when registering but it was already taken. Instead of adding a number, I prefered to add a last name.

donut dunker
10-08-2000, 12:49 PM
mine basically came from dunkin donuts :)

10-08-2000, 01:30 PM
It's the COPS....everyone RUN, hide the pipeweed!!! ;)

Welcome to Entmoot. :)

X Rogue
10-09-2000, 02:16 PM
My username is fairly obvious from my sigpicture below....Rogue from the Xmen comics. I got the name because I belong to an online gaming clan (also on ezboard) called the Xmen, to which I was introduced by my hubby. He plays as Gambit, so I was inducted as Rogue because they are together in the comics. Or were at that time anyway. I don't think this is entirely fair as the Gambit character is Cajun and hubby is not-but I am part cajun myself. However I have a policy that while I like the anonimity of the net, I must at least present as female. Ooops, sorry for the babble. :D

10-09-2000, 07:51 PM
My current very boring, supremely non-creative username came into being for a very specific reason.

My old AOL SN, which I came up with when I very first got on the internet and so didn't know any better, consisted of my initials and a nickname which I have since outgrown. (It was sort of a joke nickname anyway. And hideously misspelled. We thought it was cute at the time. ::shudder:: )

Now, as I am sure everyone here has noticed, people tend to choose abbreviated forms of usernames/screen names/whatever to use in conversation. I got really, really tired of being called "SET" or "Set". "Starz" was even worse. ::shudder:: I will answer to two things: either my actual name, Sarah, or the callsign of my most-used sim character, Star. (The name "Star" is also my sort of all-purpose, can't-think-of-anything-better, and I'm-already-used-to-responding-to-it RPG name.) Therefore, when I needed a general EZBoard username in order to start a message board for my Star Wars RPG group, I simply stuck together the two names I wouldn't mind being called.

Now, of course, I keep being called "SarahStar". It just figures. At least it's better than "Starz" as it doesn't make me look illiterate. ;)