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03-02-2000, 11:06 PM
Does anyone have any useless talents? I can put both feet behind my head and juggle......hehe, not at the same time. ;) I can also wiggle my nose and ears and make my eyeballs vibrate. Oh yeah, and turn my eyelids inside out.

Ok, what about you?

03-02-2000, 11:09 PM
I can ************************************************** ************************************************** **. I can also ************************************************** ********************.
The material of my talents had to be censored to keep the PG rating of the board.

03-02-2000, 11:17 PM
Umm... I can roll my eyes and cross them :rolleyes:
Can't think of anything else atm... get back to you on this :p

03-02-2000, 11:19 PM
Oh yeah, I'm a pimp. I guess thats a pretty cool talent. :cool:

03-02-2000, 11:44 PM
I've got a suggestion for bmilder - it involves excessive usage of a certain emoticon... :p

As for myself - well, my grandiose pop can sculptures immediately come to mind.

The One Ring
03-03-2000, 12:10 AM
I juggle (up to four balls) and do yo-yo tricks, do card tricks and sleight-of-hand magic, and can quickly compose limericks on any given subject. I've also got perfect pitch: hum or play a note and I can tell what it is. This isn't quite useless but I don't use it much except when doing musical transcriptions.

03-03-2000, 03:15 AM
I'm teaching myself to be a ventriloquist and have a good memory which enables me to recount most of the details of a movie after one viewing (that's the useless part--it's very useful on tests!) TOR, do you get annoyed when an instrument is in tune with itself but out of tune with the real pitches? I've always wondered that. I have perfect relative pitch, so I get some of the same benefits. I'm a limerickist too! Perhaps my most useless talent, though, is that I can wiggle my ears. Both together, individually, alternating--you name it! This is a talent that I developed while sitting in very boring classes a few years ago. It involves strengthening and coordinating ear muscles that most people don't even know exist. I can still shock people sitting behind me in class. You just don't expect to see someone's ears wiggling!

03-03-2000, 12:23 PM
In highschool, I had memorized the 400 first decimals of pi... talk about uselessness!

Now, only maybe the 40 first decimals are still in my head, because I didn't keep up refreshing them... (I didn't want to stay useless all of my life!)

03-03-2000, 07:19 PM
400? Wow, I can only do 50!

And TOR... I'm glad SOMEBODY else here has that limerick talent besides myself... I used to display it all the time. But I don't anymore.

Ooh, and given time, I can do some pretty snazzy anagrams on movie quotes...

Darth Tater
03-03-2000, 08:25 PM
I have a photographic memory, which IS usefull since it only takes me about 5 mins. to study for a test. I'm a magician, and that's kinda usefull when you wanna shut little kids up ;)

Ok, on to the useless. I can bend my thumb back and stick it below the nuckle of my pointer finger. I can also move the nuckles of my middle fingers back and forth. I'm basically double jointed everywhere in my hands, and can do almost anything I want with them (Jae and Greg, you guys know better then to respond to that ;) )

03-03-2000, 10:28 PM
I have memorized a lot of useless information, like the names of every Swedish king and queen that ruled from 988 A.D to the present and for how long they reigned. :)

03-04-2000, 01:20 AM
Heh, I've done something similar to emilsson. When I was younger I memorized every fact I could find about each and every U.S. President :D (I'm still pretty good at Presidential Trivia, and amaze my friends with my ability to name a president based on his number :p)

The One Ring
03-04-2000, 01:36 AM
I too have a semi-photographic memory, meaning I remember lots of things, but none of them are really important. It does help me study, though. Another thing is the fact that I am a very fast reader (according to a school survey, faster then 99% of the rest of the school), so it takes me about 5 minutes to do all of my textbook reading. Hey bmilder, did you know that every president elected in a double decade year since 1820 has died in office?(except Reagan, who was shot at, anyway) We'll have to see if the winner this year can escape the "curse".

03-04-2000, 02:13 AM
Ummmmmm... well I'm pretty good at banging people on the head with Harry Potter books(funny funny! my friend was really irritating me once and I said if I had a Harry Potter book in my backpack she'd be unconsiouc by now!(She's four feet tall, weighs 50 pounds, and is older than me by 8 days!(i'm 10)))

03-04-2000, 02:25 AM
The first 500 numbers of pi? F***!

And yes, ben does amaze me with his presidential knowledge.

03-04-2000, 03:06 AM
I'm Canadian, so I can only name about... ten to fifteen U.S. presidents... :p

I used to be able to memorize The Phantom Menace as well, but I lost that ability over the last few months. Besides, it's nothing special - lots of people can do it... hmm... oh, I know. I can rant about any given topic at hand - throw me an ambiguous, multiple-definition word and I can turn it into a controversial debate.

03-04-2000, 04:00 AM
Of course I knew that! I've telling some people at school about that and they think it's cool.

Btw you're off, it started in 1840 with Harrison's election and death, not in 1820 :p

The One Ring
03-05-2000, 02:49 AM
You're right.... and I of all people should know that, considering that Harrison was my great-great-great-great-great(I think that's enough....) uncle (really!). So, of course, was his grandson, Benjamin, minus two greats. I'm the relative of two presidents!

03-05-2000, 03:49 AM
Really? Wow, that's so cool! :D

(sorry to hear about the untimely death of your great-great-great-uncle William ;))

03-05-2000, 06:12 AM
John Adams is my third cousin 8 times removed. :D So I'm related to just as many presidents as you, TOR. ;)

03-05-2000, 09:00 PM
Geez... this Six Degrees of Separation thing DOES work.

03-05-2000, 10:36 PM
Btw, TOR, I've been to Berkley Plantation in Virginia, which I guess must be your ancestral home :p

Lauren Weasley
03-07-2000, 11:22 PM
hmm, I can hula hoop for an ENDLESS span of time unless I'm bumped, and can walk, jump, jog, kneel, and get up while doing it. I can squat, then balance my legs on my arms. I have a very good memory. I memorised similar unimportant facts, did you know that Tian, Saturns largest moon, is the only moon with an amtnosphere? Io, one of Jupiter's Galilean moons, is the only celestial body except earth and Venus with active volcanos, probably caused by the tug of Jupiter when Io travels in it's orbit. Pluto's moon, Charon, is named after the dude who ferried people into Pluto's realm of the dead. uranus has the most moons. Neptune has the "Blue Spot" and a moving white one called Scooter. Mercury has polar ice caps. Have I bored you?

03-08-2000, 03:09 AM
Cool! :) And no, I'm not bored! What else you got......besides a cool new user pic? :)

03-10-2000, 02:44 AM
400, 50 numbers of pi?

I only memorized 3.14159....

Juntel, why don't you write out as many numbers as you know? Let's see if you really memorized that much?

03-11-2000, 10:56 PM
Hehe... let's see how far juntel can continue it from here. From memory (I swear, I'm not cheating):


Hmm... only 35... that sucks. I used to be able to do way more. (But not as many as juntel)