View Full Version : movie quote game

01-09-2000, 07:21 PM
Here's how we play.....someone gives a quote from a movie and we have to say what movie it is from. If you guess correctly, you must give a quote at that time. If you can't think of one, just say pass and the next person can give theirs. Ready? :) I'll start with an easy one..... "That'll do, Pig"

01-09-2000, 07:26 PM
I have NO idea. :P

01-09-2000, 07:35 PM
Nope, that's wrong ;)

01-09-2000, 07:47 PM
I have no idea, give us some hint please

01-09-2000, 07:52 PM
Hello [b]Ganger[/i], welcome to Entmoot :) A hint....hmmm...lemme see....think "Animal Farm".....

Darth Tater
01-09-2000, 08:09 PM
Is it Babe? "How could you do such a thing?"

01-09-2000, 08:09 PM
Babe. James Cromwell as Farmer Hoggett says it to him. Last line in the film.

01-09-2000, 08:14 PM
Daggone, Parrot!!! :P

Fat middle
01-10-2000, 03:01 AM
hmmm, dunno

01-10-2000, 04:07 AM
Woohoo! Let's try this one: "When you have to shoot - shoot, don't talk!" - [Fill in character and movie here]

01-10-2000, 08:38 PM
I have NO idea. :(

01-10-2000, 08:48 PM
A violent movie?

01-11-2000, 12:04 AM
The hell with that one. I got a good, not too hard one. "Dodge this." From a super cool movie. What movie? Who said it?

01-11-2000, 02:08 AM
The Matrix. Back to mine.

01-11-2000, 02:09 AM
Oh, and Carrie-Anne Moss in the role of Trinity said it.

01-11-2000, 03:50 AM
Actually, Tater got Babe right first, so technically his quote should be answered first, but since he told me that it is from an obsure movie we will let it stand as extra credit.

01-11-2000, 04:20 AM
Okay... although IMO the greatest Western epic of all time can hardly be considered obscure... so go for it, Tater.

Darth Tater
04-01-2000, 06:00 PM
STill waitng for someone to guess. Since it's such an obscure movie (great and hilarious as it is) I'll give a few more clues.

"Ya ya ya! Ya te ta ta!"

And the themesong: Hope for the best, expect the worst.

04-02-2000, 03:33 AM
Ok....it has been months....just give us the answer....or some more clues...;)

04-02-2000, 01:22 PM
... I have two guesses, both with Clint Eastwood in them:

The Ballad of Josey Wales


Paint Your Wagon (in which Clint is singing!!!)

04-05-2000, 04:38 PM
I am not certain if these are the movie that you are looking for, but the quote is in both of them.

The Shootist - John Wayne

Mean Guns - Ice T

Let me know if that's what you are looking for.

04-06-2000, 12:10 AM
Sorry... I would've gave the answer away earlier but I haven't seen this thread since I last posted.

It's Eli Wallach in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Here's another quote to think about:
"Do not speak to me of rules. This is war! This is not a game of cricket!"

04-06-2000, 03:57 AM
Lawrence of Arabia

04-06-2000, 05:31 AM
"Farewell, Ethel Barrymore. I must tear myself from your side! (sound of tearing)"

Just get the movie on this one and we'll all be happy.

04-07-2000, 12:21 AM
juntel, you were sooo... close. My quote was from The Bridge of the River Kwai. Oh well, same director, and Alec Guinness was in both... close enough.

Elanor, that is from Singin' in the Rain, the most outrageously happy and anti-depressing film on the planet.

Here's my contribution - just the movie will do:
"That woman... is a woman!"

04-07-2000, 04:25 AM
Good job, IP. :D

04-08-2000, 05:15 AM
Shakespeare In Love
(and I haven't seen the movie yet! The quote I heard from trailer of the movie...)

My turn then... quote: "So ya thought ya might like to go to the show, to feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow."

Note: anduin please abstain! I know you know the answer!

Fat middle
04-08-2000, 09:41 AM
That was Pink Floyd, that was music! oh God!

Although i haven´t seen the movie, i guess that lines must be in "The wall", but perhaps you are referring to other film in which somebody speaks about the band. I don´t know.

04-08-2000, 06:53 PM
You are right Fat.....and Bob Geldof delivered the line.

04-08-2000, 07:07 PM
Yep, Geldof in the movie adaptation "The Wall".

"I've got news for you, 'sunshine'..."

So it's your turn to give a quote, Fat.

Fat middle
04-09-2000, 02:04 PM
Well, i think this is very easy...

"love is not love which alters when it alteration finds"

04-09-2000, 06:33 PM
I'm not sure what film that's from... but it's also the first line in Shakespeare's sonnet #116... so I'd have to venture a guess. Shakespeare in Love, perhaps?

Fat middle
04-09-2000, 07:54 PM
´tis that sonnet, but not that film.

04-24-2000, 05:24 AM
"Dumb and Dumber" ?

Fat middle
05-03-2000, 09:57 AM
uuh, sorry. me dumb. i forgot this topic.

no, not that movie. i think i must give a hint if anybody is still interested: it´s a movie based on an english novel set on the 19th century.

05-03-2000, 11:12 AM
Sense and Sensibility?

(I was *kidding* about Dumb&Dumber !!!)

Fat middle
05-03-2000, 11:58 AM
Right!! :)

your turn, juntel

05-03-2000, 06:08 PM
"Ample make this bed.
Make this bed with awe;
In it wait till judgment break
Excellent and fair."

05-03-2000, 07:52 PM
Isn't that a poem by Emily Dickinson?

05-03-2000, 08:09 PM
Yep, the first part of the poem.

In what movie whas it quoted more than once?

Hint: one of the main characters is a biscuit.

Darth Tater
05-29-2000, 02:15 PM
I'm not giving up, but here's another clue for you sad lot ;)

It's a Mel Brooks film, the most brilliant and the least well known.

05-29-2000, 06:48 PM
No, it's not a Mel Brooks movie!

05-31-2000, 01:18 AM
Just out of curiousity, since I can't quite keep track of the thread, whose question are we trying to answer with the hints? :) :) :) :) :) :)

05-31-2000, 02:23 AM
Check here (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fbenjaminstolkienboardmovies.showMessage?topicID=3 .topic&index=36), I answered FatMiddle's question.

06-04-2000, 06:30 PM
Is it the movie "To Be or Not to Be"?
Oh wait... not a Mel Brooks film.

When you say the main character is a biscuit, do you mean literally a biscuit or figuratively?? ;)

06-05-2000, 05:53 AM
Well... the actor playing one of the main character of this movie is nowadays playing a character who's nickname is "the biscuit".

Another (less cryptic) hint: the plot of the movie turns around a trio: two men and a woman.

Fat middle
06-05-2000, 10:29 AM
okay, "The biscuit, the cake and the pancake".

wait, there´s no woman in that trio... i must be wrong <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\">

06-05-2000, 10:36 AM
Currently Juntel has be stumping us since page 2 with this quote:

"Ample make this bed.
Make this bed with awe;
In it wait till judgment break
Excellent and fair."

Here are the hints thus far:
-It was quoted more than once in this movie
-The actor playing one of the main character of this movie is nowadays playing a character who's nickname is "the biscuit".
-It's not a Mel Brooks movie
-The plot of the movie turns around a trio: two men and a woman.

Fat middle
06-05-2000, 11:58 AM
you forgot one hint: his favourite novel is Sophie´s Choice. And that´s also the name of the movie :)

i think i feel like Gandalf after the mellon issue: once you guess it it´s easy to check it.

and now, my turn. A very easy one, i think: Your friend is just mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. With all dead, there's usually only one thing you can do. Go through their clothes and look for loose change.

06-08-2000, 02:18 AM
I knew I took a risk in that other thread... I could have waited until someone had found it; but as you say, it was another way to give THE big hint.

I'll think about yours Fatty.

Darth Tater
06-19-2000, 08:01 PM
My question is still up in the air.

06-19-2000, 10:23 PM
Well, what is it? :p

Fat middle
06-20-2000, 11:31 AM
nope Tater, your question is only an extra credit :p

and i´m surprised none have already answered mine. i´m sure y´all have seen that movie many times.

06-21-2000, 04:30 AM
Maybe it's time for a hint...

Fat middle
06-21-2000, 06:09 PM
it´s a very, very cool movie :p

... and one of the main characters has an spanish name ;)

06-21-2000, 08:18 PM
The Princess Bride. I love that film.

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Now, next quote... try to guess this one... it's an easy one.

"Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. Three thousand are bloodied and cleaved. Two thousand will never leave this place. I will not believe they fought and died for nothing."

06-21-2000, 09:39 PM

06-21-2000, 09:48 PM
Ok, this isn't what you might think initially ;) :

"I've turned the moon into what I like to call a Death Star"

06-21-2000, 10:26 PM
Austin Powers 2.

06-21-2000, 10:27 PM
Try this one on for size...

"I only speak two languages. English and bad English."

06-22-2000, 12:18 AM
If that was:
"I only speak two languages: bad French and bad English"
I would have answered: the movie "Jean Chrétien Superstar"

...a joke that only canadians can understand...

06-22-2000, 02:41 AM
Hey, speaking of JCS....where are my mp3s?? Hmmm?? ;)

06-23-2000, 02:25 PM
you'll have them, don't worry!

My net connection has been busy for other things lately...

06-30-2000, 05:28 AM
Aw man... I'm stumped on this one but I could have answered the last three with ease. Shucks, oh well, etc, etc.

06-30-2000, 05:23 PM
I'll give you guys a hint...

The title of the movie has a number in it...

06-30-2000, 06:07 PM
The Fifth Element

06-30-2000, 08:54 PM
Yes. Try this one:

"I think I speak on behalf of our entire crew when I say "To hell with our orders.""

06-30-2000, 09:12 PM
Star Trek: First Contact

06-30-2000, 09:49 PM
hey hey hey... if bmilder got it, it's his turn! ;) :p :)

07-01-2000, 02:09 AM
Yeah, it's my turn! :p

"You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks good bye."

07-01-2000, 02:43 AM
Hardware Wars.

07-01-2000, 03:45 AM
I went through this thread fairly fast, so I didn't really follow all the different quotes and clues too carefully, but wasn't there a few references to "The Twelve Chairs" in there? 'Hope For the best, expect the worst' was the theme song, and it is Mel Brooks' least known movie. My favorite quote from it is when Dom Deluise as the priest says the ultimate prayer: "Oh thou who knowest all...YA KNOW!!"
If I missed something and none of this is relevant, I apologize. :)

Darth Tater
07-05-2000, 08:20 PM
Quickbeam, you da man!!! YOU WIN!!!

The movie I have been reffering to is "The Twelve Chairs," one of the funniest movies ever made. It is a brilliant masterpeice by Mel Brooks that sadly goes unnoticed very often. I urge you to rent and watch it, it's brilliant, though I warn you, you may die laughing!

Here's my next question, the line may seem to simple, but think of the movie it has the most powerfull and improtant delivery in: "NO!"

07-05-2000, 11:08 PM
The 1995 Quebec separation referendum? :p

(this is too easy, Tater... I'll let someone else answer)

07-06-2000, 04:41 PM
The Twelve Chairs was a funny movie.
I loved the epilepsy scenes.

07-07-2000, 12:06 AM
How about Luke Skywalker in 'Return of the Jedi'? (In the fight scene when Vader figures out that Princess Leia is Luke's sister.)

Darth Tater
07-07-2000, 08:48 PM
No, I'm thinking of a movie where the line is even MORE important.

07-07-2000, 09:05 PM
Quickbeam, if you listen really carefully you'll hear that Luke actually says "NEVER!!!"

07-08-2000, 03:54 AM
I remembered it as 'NO!', but it's been a few years since I've seen the movie, so I'll take your word for it.

07-08-2000, 05:00 AM
would it perhaps come from "Silent Movie"?
The only spoken line in the movie

Darth Tater
07-08-2000, 03:05 PM
etherealunicorn got it.

07-08-2000, 03:30 PM
Well, finally I managed to ring in on one I knew before anyone else! :)
Before I ask mine, since it has already come up, does anyone know where I can lay my acquisitive little hands on a copy of "Hardware Wars"? I thought that was fairly funny but it has been years since I saw it last.

Anyway, here is my contribution:
"Everybody always says 'these things happen' and that's why they happen"
As a hint, from an extremely funny movie from the 60's

07-09-2000, 05:15 AM
I don't have the answer to that one, but it should be noted that the person who had the only spoken word of dialogue in Mel Brooks' "Silent Movie" ("No!", as mentioned above) was pantomime artist extraordinaire Marcel Marceau, at that time the most famous NON-SPEAKING performer in the world. The irony of that is absolutely delicious! :D

07-10-2000, 04:04 PM
Yeah, that was one of my favorite jokes in the whole movie. Of course, the gay jokes were good too.

Darth Tater
07-19-2000, 12:50 AM
Marcel Marceau is in Boston, we're gonna try to go see him.

01-22-2001, 06:52 AM
so it should be etherealunicorn's turn...I like this game and I want to play it! :)