View Full Version : Titan A.E.

06-25-2000, 01:56 AM
I saw Titan A.E. the other day because my cousins wanted to see it.

As with Dinosaur (haven't seen it, but I've read about it), the visuals were excellent but the plot could have used a little more effort ;) . Note that there spoilers in this review.

First of all, what purpose would the Titan have if the Earth wasn't destroyed? I don't see how the humans would become powerful because of it. And other than the fact that they were killed off just prior to the creation of the new Earth, I don't see what would have stopped the villains from destroying that one too. Surely they can't have foreseen the destruction of the Drej too. I can't believe that it would take 15 years for that guy to find the boy (oops, can't remember any of their names :p ), especially if he was really looking. There wouldn't be too many places where humans could go. Finally, it seems very implausible that the captain of the ship would end up being a traitor. He should've known that the Drej hate humans and should have been completely willing to use the Titan for its purpose from the start.

06-26-2000, 02:56 AM
also the fact that the crust of a planet can't be formed in a few days/hours...

I thought the storyline was ok... for a longer film; I thought the film was ridiculously short for a storyline like that.

06-26-2000, 04:17 AM
i saw it today -

it was good, esp. on the level of eye-candy, which is the main reason why i saw it. the plot was OK - good idea, but it needed more. maybe add a lot more to their journey to Titan & make 2 movies, one that's about their journey to the icerings & the other everything after (with a lot more added, of course). characters - did anyone else notice soem way-too-quick personality changes in the boy & the older human man? (i can't remember names either, bmilder! and, if you're going to involve romance, either do it completely or don't do it at all - the halfway-thing didn't work.

gorgeous visuals - esp. the Dredj & the whole iecring scene. the Gau & their hydrogen trees were very cool, also. the Dredj are awesome! love them! beings whose bodies & ships are pure energy - great idea! i'm willing to forgive the lack of plot & ignore-ance of certain science principles for eye-candy in this case.

BTW, the main human girl's hair - dye the purple strands black & it's my hairstyle - good to know there's more freaks out there!

aryne *

06-27-2000, 01:54 AM
Original idea?

I don't think so.

There used to be a sci-fi show on ytv (forget it's name... computer animated... reruns might be still on...) that had several planets (ice, fire, etc.) fighting against a very powerful "beast" planet which was basically just a mechanical covering with antimatter inside it. It moved like a ship to pull in planets and turn them into antimatter energy for the beast planet to use.
And the "beasts"... were made out of antimatter. Ok, maybe it's not energy, but the dredj and the beasts had a strikingly similar appearance. The dredj fighters also greatly resembled the beast fighters. They both had an "all powerfull master" who was greater and looked unlike his underlings. And the dredj "master" ship was similar both in size and power if not in appearance to the beast planet.

jedi master princess
07-08-2000, 05:31 PM
boy = cale
girl = akima
older, badder guy = korso
good alien = stith
bad alien = preed
nerdy alien = gune
father-figure alien = tek

please don't ask me how i know all this.


the movie moved too fast imo. them producer people tried to stick a foot in two boats by making it disney-length and anime-like. problem is, anime films are thoroughly developed in characters and plot while most disney films don't allow for the story details cuz of its length.

Film Hobbit
07-10-2000, 12:55 AM
You are very right about the plot..... certainly there were some holes in it that were sort of... well, glossed over. But the characters and scenes were very entertaining... as long as you didn't sit and question specifics to much, its VERY enjoyable. Visually stunning and mental stimulating... at least more so than much of the other **** on at the theatre right now (MI2)
Liked it enough that I reccomended it on my site as best movie this summer... but that ain't sayin much... not much competition yet... hopefully X-Men will provide some.

Wizard of Ozymandias
04-08-2001, 01:34 PM
Well, I'm dragging this one up from the depths of...uh, page 2. :)

I just saw this on video, having never seen it in the theaters, and I have to say that I think you all have an accurate read on the film. Decent story, pretty good characters, phenomenal visuals, waaaaay too short for its plot. Titan A. E. had a lot of potential and, unfortunately, didn't quite live up to it. Still enjoyable, though.

04-09-2001, 08:19 AM
I thought it was kind of dumb actually. It might have been more impressive on the big screen, but when I saw it on video, it didn't really get my attention. Unconvincing and disjointed plot, really really DUMB sidekicks, undeveloped characters, too much focus on visual stuff that didn't come across very well, pointless one-liners, and no real moral except "it's wrong to betray the human race"--not exactly deep.

04-19-2001, 12:04 PM
I thought the first half of the movie was OK... I was wondering where the heck did they hide the Titan? But things became sort of unbelievable after Korso's betrayal. Good beginning, not so good ending.

"Planet Bob" cracked me up though.