View Full Version : A Knight's Tale

05-14-2001, 01:29 AM
Saw that last night. Still don't know why. I think it's because the friends I was with already saw the Mummy Returns. I wanted to see that.
Anyway, this movie was pretty not-so-good. The opening scene was horrible. It consisted of the whole crowd in the stadium chanting "we will rock you" (even the royalty) before the joust started. Then later on we get to see one of the main character's asses (and we later get to see it again. ech). The movie was pretty dumb, but could've made a really good stupid comedy. See it if you have nothing better to do. I doubt it's not as bad as Planet of the Apes is gonna be.

The Black Lieutenant
05-17-2001, 02:11 AM
I knew just by the trailer that it was going to suck. I still have hope for Planet of the Apes though.

Film Hobbit
05-18-2001, 03:19 AM
I wouldn't say A Knight's Tale sucks, I mean Joe Dirt, now there is a movie that sucks.

A Knights Tale is somewhere in between suckdom and coolsville... that is if you want to get technical.

The Black Lieutenant
05-22-2001, 01:18 AM
Don't get me wrong, I still want to see it.

Samwise of the shire
08-04-2001, 07:20 PM
Thanks for the warning:-)

10-02-2001, 12:31 AM
soo...should I rent it or no?

10-07-2001, 10:12 PM
It depends. If you're renting it to watch with a bunch of teenage girls who think Heath Ledger is the hottest thing alive and actually like "We Will Rock You" (I thought that scene was cool!), by all means go ahead. It's really just a funny, semi-dramatic chick flick that happens to take place in 13th century Britain. Otherwise, rent something else. Bless the Child was good.

01-02-2002, 01:00 PM
I agree w/ Galadriel. I thought it was funny! The only thing I didn't really like were Joslin's outfits. A tad bit outrageous, aren't they? I mean, they're not the least bit mideval! But then again, neither is the music... Seriously though, If they were gonna make her outfits like that, then they should have done everybody else's like that, too. Her clothes stand out more than the music, I think!

01-04-2002, 03:28 PM
I actually liked their idea with interferencing the past with some of the novadays things:
1)"We will rock" was good, they way they "made" a guitar sound (according to the movie) was cool, besides, I like the song and Queen is one of my favorite bands.
2)The dance change sequence.

Starr Polish
02-10-2002, 04:33 PM
Well, I saw it on DVD, and the reason they played modern music was to show that even in medieval times people had music that they considered their parents music, and their music. I didn't really like it though.

03-27-2002, 07:14 PM
i saw it, i thought it was ok, i thought that Joslin's clothes absolutely sucked, i went home. :)

03-27-2002, 11:38 PM
I really didn't like this movie. I liked the story line behind it and all but I was not impressed with the modernization of a middle age time period. I thought it was kind of corny myself. But otherwise it was pretty good... I guess...

Starr Polish
03-28-2002, 12:29 PM
The only reason I watched it is because my friends are in love with Heath Ledger...

Ack, the shallowness, the shallowness!!! How could you like someone named after a candybar? ;)

03-28-2002, 03:32 PM
first name candy bar, last name a bank book...yeah that's the real reason i went too, my friends were like "Heath Ledger is hot, let's go see A Knight's Tale!"..whatever :rolleyes: :)

03-28-2002, 04:48 PM
Lets put it this way...

.... i was given a FREE copy onto my hard-drive....

...and i was soo put off by the ****ey Trailer and Reviews, that i havent been ARSED to watch it, and ive had it since October.


05-19-2002, 04:05 PM
Oh God.

I loved A Knight's Tale!

You have to remember that the movie is basically a teen flick. Jousting for the guys, Heath for the girls (even though I don't actually fancy him), and a cool soundtrack to update it a bit.

Jocelyn's outfits were mad, yeah, but when you're sitting watchin with ur mates, it's just another thing to giggle about. You guys are too harsh.

If you haven't seen it yet, you should watch it. If just to watch Heath have the cr*p kicked out of him...


05-19-2002, 04:24 PM
Yeah, don't knock it.
It's very good to watch if you're depressed and need something easy to watch. Obviously if you want something intellectually stimulating go somewhere else.

I gotta admit, the main reason I found it so funny was that my friend got so caught up in the film, that at the final joust she jumped up yelling "Yes!" - then remembering she was at the cinema. I haven't let her forget it yet. :D

05-19-2002, 04:29 PM
Yeah, don't knock it.
It's very good to watch if you're depressed and need something easy to watch. Obviously if you want something intellectually stimulating go somewhere else.

I gotta admit, the main reason I found it so funny was that my friend got so caught up in the film, that at the final joust she jumped up yelling "Yes!" - then remembering she was at the cinema. I haven't let her forget it yet. :D

05-22-2002, 09:24 AM
Fairly random comment here, but Heath Ledger's making a new movie! And I think we all know who's starring alongside him...

Drum roll please...

Yay! Yay! Yay!
Orlando Bloom! I am soooo totally gonna be watching that movie. I think everybody knows about it by now, but for those of you who don't, it's called Ned Kelly (that's Heath) and Orlando plays his best mate (with an Irish accent). Swoon.

As I'm posting this here, I should probably make it tie in with a Knight's Tale a bit more, so here's a question for you guys. Does anybody know who actually played Jocelyn? I can't remember.


06-14-2002, 04:43 PM
I believe it was Shannyn Sossamon who played Jocelyn. She also played in 40 Days and 40 nights w/ Josh Hartnett (which I don't plan on seeing). :)

I actually liked a Knight's Tale, though! I had pretty much everything you would want in a movie. It was funny, romantic, had action, seriousness, and the good guy gets the girl in the end. Call me crazy, if you want...:p

06-25-2002, 03:09 PM
I thought it was really funny..... cheasy yet way funny:D

And that movie with Heath Ledger and Orlando Bloom...is it called:Ned Kelly,
and what is it about,
and when did it come out?

06-26-2002, 01:43 AM
I actually quite enjoyed A Knight's Tale. Nice entertaining fluff that is actually entertaining. Plenty of eye-candy in fetching outfits. Heath Ledger for some reason always looks better in fantasy costume. Rufus Sewell is enjoyable as the villain. Didn't like Jocelyn much, but I liked her maid and the blacksmith girl.
I prefer nicely choreographed swordfights over jousting in my action scenes, and there was more jousting in this one, but i guess you can't have everything.

06-26-2002, 02:15 PM
It was a good stupid movie. I like stupid movies though :p. It wasn't that good. But it doesnt come close to any of the really stupid and horrible movies that i've seen. It was entertaining.

Oh and somebody earlier in this topic said it took place in Britain: it doesnt. A majority of the movie takes place in France. The only parts in Britain are when they go for the finals there.

samwise of the shire
07-06-2002, 06:04 PM
I thought it was dumb when I first saw it but it kind of grows on you after the second or third veiwing. Alan Tudyk(Wat) is in 28 Days with Sandra Bullock, Geoffry Chaucer is in A Beautiful Mind, and Heath Ledger's new movie is called The Kelly Club and it stars our very much loved Orlando Bloom. I liked Kate(The Black smith chic) and the maid. I think Josalyn was a stuck up pig too interested in herself to truely love William. I think he should have gotten Kate. And when the count comes up and says "I am standing in the presence of the most beautiful lady in Christindom" I think"Yes the maid is very beautiful isn't she?"
But it's an all in all out ok movie. no my favorite but a good chic flick to watch with the Gal friends.

Varda Oiolosseo
03-28-2003, 06:28 PM
I love this film sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!
I have seen it about 8 times!!!

I didn't know there was a thread for A Knight's Tale!!
Heath Ledger is gorgeous in it too!!!!!!!
There is so much tension built up in it between William and Adamar and it's really good ! and it's really funny.
The soundtrack is fantastic too! :D

It's such a good film!!!!!