View Full Version : Planet of the Apes
01-26-2001, 11:43 PM
If you haven't heard, Tim Burtons is directing the new Planet of the Apes. POTA is one of my favorite all-time movies, and I can't wait for it to come out. I've already seen some pics of the filming, but I can't wait until July 27 when it comes out! Anyone else as excited as me? Anybody no anything else about the movie?
01-26-2001, 11:59 PM
Did that movie need a remake?!
...and by Tim Burton?!
(he spoiled Batman for me...)
X Rogue
01-27-2001, 06:55 PM
I'll try to see it when it comes out. I dunno about Tim Burton though.
Film Hobbit
01-30-2001, 12:14 AM
Well it didn't need to be remade, and the worst thing is that Burton is changing the title to "The Visitor" Plus I don't think Mark Wahlberg can ever compete with Charlton Heston as the lead.
That having been said I AM very curious to see it though.
X Rogue
01-30-2001, 02:14 PM
THEY CAST MARK WAHLBERG?!!? OMG!! Tell me you're joking. Please tell me you're joking!
01-31-2001, 01:43 AM
A year ago or so, what I heard is that Arnold Schw. was to be in it...
i'm not joking...
01-31-2001, 03:02 AM
Yeah, I heard about that too.
Film Hobbit
01-31-2001, 04:13 AM
Sadly Rogue, the Marky Mark in Planet of the Apes is true.
I am NOT a Wahlberg fan, and I am NOT happy about that, and a lot of other things about the way this film is going to be honest.
The whole calling it "The Visitor" thing for one just seems so arrogant.... like there is no respect for the work that has gone before. Not only is it disrespectful, but its bad marketing because hell, people will look at the marquee and say, "what the heck is the visitor? some new Chevy Chase movie" When instead they could look and say "Planet of the Apes! I remember that from when I was a kid"
01-31-2001, 05:41 AM
...or worse... they may associate it with that old 60's tv series "The Visitors", about alien invasion (some 50's mentality relic i guess...)
(Roy Thinnes, if I remember well, was the main actor in that series; you may remember that actor from his appearence in the XFiles as an alien shape-shifter at the end and begining of one season...)
Film Hobbit
02-01-2001, 02:42 AM
They may be at last going with "The Planet of the Apes" as a title now... I hope so.
For those of you intersted, I've posted a bunch of production pictures from the set on my site. Just click on my banner below.
02-01-2001, 05:49 AM
Hmmm... What about hiring Pam Anderson as Zira?
hehe... nah... just funny picturing her in there...
this reminds me of a thread on LotR movie, about what would be the worst casting!
X Rogue
02-01-2001, 02:33 PM
It is funny, but Pam Anderson's biggest role is herself. I can't see her taking a heavy makeup role.
Marky Mark. In Planet of the Apes. In Charlton Heston's role. NOOOOOO!!!!!
Now, if he was playing Zira's smart aleck young brother or whoever he was, I could see that. Heck,
he might even be urecognizable. But not in the CH spot. Run away, run away. Don't even run bravely away. Just RUN. :)
Film Hobbit
02-02-2001, 05:49 AM
Personally, more than anything I'll miss Roddy McDowell.
X Rogue
02-02-2001, 01:57 PM
Me too. :(
02-02-2001, 03:39 PM
I used to watch Planet of the Apes all the time when I was a kid. I loved all the movies. I do not think that I will go see this in theaters though. Just a personal issue.
Film Hobbit
02-02-2001, 11:46 PM
I almost don't want to see it myself, just because I think its almost offensive to remake a classic like this... but curiosity is getting the better of me and I have to watch to see what Burton will do to it.
02-03-2001, 03:40 AM
I'm glad they can't do a remake of 2001: A Space Odyssey (at least not with that title!)
(Just imagine Brent Spinner (ie "Data") as the voice of Hal...)
Film Hobbit
02-05-2001, 04:32 AM
Don't bet on it. I bet they'd do it... just say its some alternate universe or something.
02-08-2001, 11:17 PM
A site someone gave at another board:
maybe stuff you already knew, maybe not... (i didn't)
Film Hobbit
02-09-2001, 04:23 AM
Coming Attractions is always a nice place for news, I check it often, but they are always a bit stuffy sounding.
02-09-2001, 04:10 PM
well, i just dicovered it...
yeah, stuffy, amateurish, but sometimes funny...
... and i can't believe the movies that are rumored to be on project! (a-team? 6 billion dollar man? battlestar galactica remake? ... the worse was "She-Hulk"... at least the production was killed-off!)
Film Hobbit
02-09-2001, 11:16 PM
Rumors are a dime a dozen.
The Battlestar Galactica movie has been being pushed around by the people who own it for a long time, no one is really interested but they keep trying.
A-Team is probably going to actually happen, but probably with some different HACK cast and all modernized and basically ruined.
She-Hulk I woulndn't put much stock in unless Spiderman and the X-Men sequels do HUGE amounts of money.
6-Billion dollar man is more likely, and becomes even MORE likely if Spidey and X do well.
And the weirdest movie rumor going around right now is that there might be a live action Transformer Movie being made... and if anyone hear's any info on it, man go to my site and let me know, if its substantial I might even pay for it :)
X Rogue
03-16-2001, 06:04 PM
I used to watch the Battlestar Galactica series weekly in the seventies. Star Trek was being re-run locally then, but an hour after my bedtime. So that was my scifi fix in those days. Is Richard Hatch still involved with the movie efforts?
03-17-2001, 11:27 PM
Hatch? Is he the one who played Starpox?
(anduin's gonna kill me...)
03-19-2001, 04:07 AM
*Anduin pulls a Phaser from her thigh holster and blasts juntel*
X Rogue
03-20-2001, 09:22 PM
Nope, Dirk Benedict was Starbuck. Richard Hatch was Apollo.
03-20-2001, 11:40 PM
And who was the guy inside the robot that went: "bidy-bidy-bidy"...
... oh, euh... sorry, that was "Buck Rogers..."...
03-21-2001, 12:21 AM
Juntel.....very funny. I know others like you. :p
03-22-2001, 12:27 PM
Are they out of the asylum too?
03-30-2001, 05:38 AM
I've heard about the remake, and personally I think it's a bad move. The movie won't be the same without Roddy's Dr. Cornelius.
Film Hobbit
03-31-2001, 04:51 AM
I'll drink to that.
07-27-2001, 05:28 PM
Murdoc says that has an uncredited cameo in this movie. As the credits roll, wait for a minute and you'll see a split-second splice of his sexy mug. The Gorillaz also contribute sound effects, like explosions and guttural grunts. So don't miss your opportunity to see this rising star on the big screen. Go see the Planet of the Apes and watch the Gorillaz begin phase 2 of their plan for world domination! Oh, and in case you have no idea what the hell i'm talking about, go here: (
07-28-2001, 10:29 PM
I thought it was mediocre. Review:
In 2029, an astronaut (Mark Wahlberg) falls through an electromagnetic storm that transports him to a planet where humans are enslaved by apes.
People who want to see Estella Warren run around in skimpy clothing.
Tim Burton's remake of Planet Of The Apes may be successful in shaking the image cast upon it by the shadow of the 1968 film, in being a totally fresh new look at a used concept. However, all these efforts to make it a film accessible to a modern sci-fi audience are not quite ambitious enough to push it to the level of greatness.
This is not the first time Tim Burton has attempted a darker, more modern realization of a sixties franchise. Batman, by far Burton's crowning achievement, re-visualized the franchise on film to a Gothic look more faithful to the comics, erasing all memory of the "pulp" of the sixties movie and television series. Planet Of The Apes did the same, but forgot about everything other than visuals.
The makeup effects, easily 2001's undisputed frontrunner for the Oscars without a single perceivable challenger with the possible exception of The Fellowship Of The Ring, go a long way to make the apes look like apes. Really, this film is asking us to believe in humans dressed up as apes who act somewhat like humans, with respect to sentience and civilization. However, what we really end up with are humans dressed up as apes who are bad actors.
Case in point: Tim Roth as one-dimensional simian villain General Thade, who just surpassed both James Woods' General Hein in Final Fantasy and Tcheky Karyo's Richard in Kiss Of The Dragon as Overacted Villain of the Year. And the others had excuses - Hein was animated, and Richard was a psycho. But here, we have to put up with an actor who is made up quite convincingly as an ape, but is totally unconvincing as well as somewhat annoying as an over-the-top "look Ma, I'm evil!" bad guy who is certainly angry, but not at all fearsome.
Visually, the design of the ape city exterior is most commendable, and it is a pity we see so little of it. As for the rest of the movie, the visual effects are on par with the average sci-fi film but nothing spectacular or notable. This is certainly not in any way an effects-filled action blockbuster - most of the action is uninvolving, and Estella Warren aside, nothing visual has a great deal of visceral impact.
However, two hours of largely plotless and ho-hum film are complemented by a neat little conclusion that is by itself greater than the rest of the movie. It is a pity that it is only a conclusion in the same vein as the closing shots of the better episodes of Sliders, because it evokes the feeling that the movie ends just when it is getting really good. In a way, such an ending begs for a sequel and simultaneously rejects the idea of one. That is all that can be said without being overly spoiling.
In conclusion, the new Planet Of The Apes is a mediocre film, and every positive trait it possesses is surpassed by at least one other movie in release this summer. Post-apocalyptic sci-fi? Go see A.I. - or if the action element is a necessity, Final Fantasy. Action and adventure along the same tone? Check if The Mummy Returns is still playing, but even Jurassic Park 3 is better. Planet Of The Apes does not offer anything that would qualify it as a moviegoer's priority.
07-29-2001, 01:21 AM
"such an ending begs for a sequel"
seems to be its only purpose; apart of course from trying to top the original movie's ending (and failing at that).
"simultaneously rejects the idea of one"
nah! do you really think they care about consistency?
a franchise is born...
But, I did like the irony in Thade's father's last message to his son...
07-29-2001, 02:40 PM
I saw a report on TV last night that said there is already a sequel in planning for this very so-so movie. I rated it 3 out of 5 as an adventure/action flick.
Film Hobbit
08-10-2001, 03:34 AM
I loved it. Good in every way except Wahlberg who was VERY weak and nearly unravled the film with his ho-hum acting. Full review on
I'm glad to see that at least all of you here were smart enough to understand the ending. I'm amazed at the stupidity of the American public which is unable to understand a twist ending that is CLEARLY spelled out for them in an inscription which they were all apparently to lazy or illiterate to read.
09-13-2001, 06:29 PM
That was by far the STUPIDEST movie I have ever seen!!! Major waste of time and money!
01-08-2002, 07:33 PM
I never cared for Tim Burton movies and he absolutely ruined a classic.
01-13-2002, 01:28 AM
This movie was so bad that it put me off movies for months. I went to see it in a theatre, so I got ripped off for $8 (it was a matinee. If I had paid full price, I would really be upset). It was a choice between that and Jurassic Park III, so I guess it wouldn't have made much difference which one I went to.
I can't believe anyone could have bothered to make something so insipid. I really don't know how this movie happened. And when the DVD came out, I warned my dad (he's into special effects movies, so he's very vulnerable to these things) against it, but he didn't believe me. aii... :confused: And now we have a copy of this huge mistake in our house. It's kind of funny.
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