View Full Version : 1968 Tolkien interview

12-08-2014, 01:44 PM
The Telegraph has reprinted an interview with JRR Tolkien originally published March 22, 1968.

JRR Tolkien: ‘Film my books? It's easier to film The Odyssey’ (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/11261158/JRR-Tolkien-Film-my-books-Its-easier-to-film-The-Odyssey.html)

Insidious Rex
12-09-2014, 02:23 PM
Wow, interesting stuff. Weve come a long way from 1968 when you see stuff like this (or have we):

Despite the fact that his books lack perversion, four-letter words, homosexuality and sadism – virtually everything that makes 20th-century fiction so commercially desirable

Was "homosexuality and sadism" really a big draw for readers in 1968?

Also got a kick out of the discussion about the initial submission of the Silmarillion to the publisher which was "turned down as being too dark and Celtic". To which Tolkien said "They were quite right!" :D

But my two favorite quotes were about making a movie out of Lord of the Rings.

“Please,” wrote a 17-year-old girl, “don’t let them make a movie out of your Ring. It would be like putting Disneyland into the Grand Canyon.”

Thats such an amazing quote Im almost tempted to put that as my signature... And I enjoyed the films!

And the bit about the Odyssey being easier to make into a film from the title. Because, as Tolkien asserts, "much less happens in it. Only a few storms." :D

His cantankerous attitude toward many of his peers was amusing as well.

12-10-2014, 01:10 AM
VERY interesting interview! Thanks for sharing, Al!

12-10-2014, 12:05 PM
I very much enjoyed this description of Tolkien :D

12-12-2014, 05:31 PM
He was so cute watching the fireworks!

Some great lines by the writer, too, like "In his world of wondrous things, he moves with the surety of a white hunter on a game reservation." :D

and "Any hobbit would trust this man, any dragon quail before him, any elf name him friend. "

Thanks, Alcuin!

12-21-2014, 01:09 AM
That's a real gem!
Thank you so much for posting it! :)