View Full Version : walmart is evil!!

captain Tarpols
07-06-2000, 02:45 PM
walmarts all over sold early copies of the new harry potter book!! ARRRG!! what idiots!!!! this happened in Virgina (i know, i spelt that wrong) and in new jersey. And i'm sure that this happened else where. They are pretending that it was an accident but i don't think soo!!!! it's just not fair :p i haver to wait til Julty 8th ...... has anyone heard of any other stores selling it early?

captain Tarpols
07-06-2000, 02:47 PM
i know that there is a Harry Potter thread, but i want my own :p :D

07-06-2000, 04:13 PM
I read an article in my newspaper to the effect that all stores who planned to sell the new Harry Potter had to sign affidavits that they would not start to sell before midnight on the 7th and if they broke that agreement, they would never get to sell any further books, ever. So, console yourself with the fact that Walmart just blew it for themselves, if this is in fact so.

captain Tarpols
07-06-2000, 06:41 PM
well, who knows, they claim that it was an accident. i don't believe them for a second!

07-06-2000, 07:03 PM
Amen to that! I can't say that I do either.

07-06-2000, 08:08 PM
So, did they already sell-out of the copies in the Walmarts in NJ? If not, why don't you just go and buy yourself an early copy?

07-06-2000, 11:54 PM
Because it was one Walmart in South Jersey and we didn't know about it until it appeared in the paper, and by then they had stopped the error.

07-07-2000, 02:37 AM
Bummer. :(

07-08-2000, 02:24 AM
[(juntel tightnening his armor)]

What *is* this HarryPotter thing anyway?
The new fad after Pokemon?

Don't get me wrong: i *really* don't know what it is: instruct me please!

07-08-2000, 05:05 AM
it's a series of, now, 4 books. I think technically they are considered children's books, but they are really quite clever and well written. certainly they are well promoted and marketed

07-08-2000, 05:21 PM
It's a wonderful series that appeals to all ages (I love it, my 12 year old brother loves it, my parents love it)

It's about a boy who learns at age 10 that he is a wizard, and he goes to the Hogwarts School of magic to learn to be a wizard, and he has many adventures there. I recommend these books highly. The first book is Harry Potter and the Sorceror's/Philosopher's Stone. In England and some parts of Canada it's "Philosopher" but in the USA and Sorceror's. Btw I have a copy of HP4 in my hand, we got it at midnight! :D

07-09-2000, 03:18 AM
I saw a copy of that 4th book today... it is thick!!!

When I was young, I would have been daunted at that "brick"!

Young people are brave today!

(or maybe I was lazy when young!)

07-09-2000, 10:39 AM
The earlier books are a lot thinner. It seems that the size seems to be doubling with every new book :p

07-24-2000, 10:46 PM
If I win the Roller Coaster Tycoon Best park Contest, I think I know what I'll be doing with the $25 Gift Certificate from Amazon.com. :)