View Full Version : Dune in MaRS: Prescience and Genetic Memory

08-10-2000, 07:14 AM
Hello everyone

Kwizatz Haderach is what Paul Atreides has become, he is one that can be in many places especially where the bene gesserit can't.

the bg wanted to create a male bg, a super mentat. they failed to see this in young paul.

presience is the term they use too see the future, genetic memory the past. bg uses genetic memory, spacing guild uses presience to navigate their ships in hyperspace.kw uses both.

if you need more help just go to my board MaRS. We've got lots of Dune (http://pub10.ezboard.com/bmars57748)Your all very much welcome!

08-10-2000, 05:44 PM
Hi, there's already a topic about Dune in this forum. Go here: pub2.ezboard.com/fbenjami...D=21.topic (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fbenjaminstolkienboardtheriftwarsaga.showMessage?t opicID=21.topic)