View Full Version : Middle Earth Weather Makers

06-25-2012, 09:09 PM
Who had and displayed weather-control powers in Middle Earth? Here's what I've got so far:

* Sauron - we saw him not only make great smoke rise up from Mount Doom (elemental control), but also apparently control the wind direction to send that smoke west. It was unexpected by his forces when the wind shifted sooner than it was supposed to - and dispersed the smoke.

* Saruman - possibly caused the winter storm on Caradhras (or was that Sauron? Or the mountain itself?)

* Witch-King - the Lossoth ascribed winter storms to him, claiming that in winter his breath was deadly and his arm was long - this just before the storm that sank the Elven ship carrying Arvedui.

* Galadriel - caused the mist that covered the ride of Eorl and the eothed - as they came from the far north to aid Gondor at the Field of Celebrant.

* Elrond - (elemental control?) Flood waters at the Ford of Bruinen.

* Goldberry - Did she make it rain? Or just use the rain for her cleaning?

Are there others?

06-25-2012, 09:34 PM
* Saruman - possibly caused the winter storm on Caradhras (or was that Sauron? Or the mountain itself?)

I don't think that was Saruman (apart from in the movies). More likely the mountain itself, judging by the comments from those in the Company who were most likely to know.

Can't think of any others off hand ...

Keith K
07-10-2012, 11:27 PM
Hello Val!

Morgoth was based in Middle Earth for a long, long, time. I imagine he changed the weather quite a bit, and in many ways. He raised mountains and caused earthquakes, too. Probably he sent out darkness to cover attacks etc. as well. He certainly changed the weather over in Valinor. :mad:

Perhaps we could include a man, albeit indirectly. You could argue that Ar-Pharazon, the Last King of Numenor, caused a bit of flooding. (elementals out of control?) :p

Similarly the hobbits, Frodo and Gollum, called up a volcanic eruption... :eek: (elementals out of control?)

Not quite what you were asking, but as always - I'm having fun with it... :)