View Full Version : Hickman and Weiss
inSANaTEE Ordrin
08-21-2000, 08:41 PM
These two rather prolific writers have written some good series as well. Probably the most well known for the Dragonlance series, started off with the Chonciles trilogy. I personally loved this trilogy and consider it better than anything else they have written. But I digress. We all fell in love with the original group, and for awhile there I considered myself to be one of the little people, the kender. They being such a fun loving group, always with a smile on their face.
ANyone remember the trilogy "Rose of the Prophet"?
Or a 7 book series based on a third wave of magic? Can't remember the title of the series, but I liked it. Had a showing of good ol Fizban within it, and others as well.
Tai daishar
10-19-2000, 05:24 PM
I think I read all of the Drangonlance books. I also read the Rose of the Prophet series.
10-20-2000, 01:32 AM
Doon't know if i'm right but i'll try Death door cycle
(le cycle des portes de la mort) in french
With staring guess star as Zifnab (Fizban)
So Am i right or not ???
I like all those 3 series
Tai daishar
10-20-2000, 02:08 AM
Ahh, the Death Gate Cycle, yeah, I don't think I ever read those.
10-20-2000, 04:50 PM
They are amazing
strange but amazing
11-28-2000, 12:16 PM
I only read the Deathgate cycle of Weis and Hickman...
I consider these books as very original, creative and very addictive (read them all in a month (instead of being on the internet even :P ))...
X Rogue
11-28-2000, 02:37 PM
I liked Death Gate so much I even went out and bought some of them new so that I could have all of them at home. (I'm very cheap about books. Even ones I give as gifts tend to come out of the clearance bin. ones for me tend to be used from second hand bookstores or garage sales. But that means I have some nice out of print sf to read.) Also have read the Darksword books, but no Dragonlance. I like that partnership very much.
02-28-2002, 02:03 AM
I started reading the Death Gate Cycle and I'm up to the "Serpent Mage".
I love these books. I can't put them down. but I'm trying to go through it slowly because I don't have books 5 and 6.
The Wizard from Milan
01-31-2005, 10:07 PM
As I wrote somewhere else I liked Dragonlance
I loved the Rose of the Prophet. Especially the second book (if I remember well). The one centering on the djins. It was so funny I must have laugthed all the way too.
I disliked the sovereign stone though, and did not attempt any of their other series
Mark of Cenla
02-04-2005, 11:55 AM
I read the first book of the Death Gate Cycle, which IMHO was OK. I recently finished the first book and started the second book of the Dragonlance trilogy. I much prefer the Dragonlance books. Peace.
02-04-2005, 05:29 PM
I remember when I read the Dragonlance books because they were the only fantasy in my friend's house I hadn't read...I liked them at the time, and found it interesting that some of the story was created through RPGing...
I think I started reading the Deathgate cycle, but could only find the first book in my library....but, wow this takes me back to my antisocial middle school days. :)
02-06-2005, 07:45 AM
Wow is this ever an old thread! Nice bump mirrille and The Wizard from Milan. :)
I've only read their Dragonlance novels, which are completely brilliant. There are only a few of the Dragonlance novels written by the "lesser writers" that I like. I kind of view them as a different series though.
I never knew that Embladyne - what part of the story comes from an RPG? And what RPG?
02-06-2005, 11:22 AM
I never knew that Embladyne - what part of the story comes from an RPG? And what RPG?I really can't remember, but in the back of a couple of the books, with the author bios, there's a little note about was too long ago, and before I cared about RPGing. I don't think I have the books at home, anymore, either. Maybe I'll check the library and see if I can find it.
02-07-2005, 01:00 PM
ANyone remember the trilogy "Rose of the Prophet"?
Read the first book and never was able to find the second. Loved the first one though, and will likely purchase the entire trilogy if I find it again. Used book stores are apparently as rare as dragons where I live :rolleyes:
The Wizard from Milan
03-21-2005, 01:45 AM
I never knew that Embladyne - what part of the story comes from an RPG? And what RPG?
The RPG is called Dragonlance too (same as the novels)
Click here for RPG books (
IIRC it is a spinn off of advanced dungeon and dragons with modified rules
The Wizard from Milan
03-21-2005, 01:49 AM
Read the first book and never was able to find the second. Loved the first one though, and will likely purchase the entire trilogy if I find it again. Used book stores are apparently as rare as dragons where I live :rolleyes:
I bought mines on
Searching by titles you will be able to find them used. I remember there were tons of them for dirt chear (1 cent+ shipping, for a total of less than $3)
The Will of the Wanderer
The Paladin of the Night
The Prophet of Akran
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-23-2005, 01:36 AM
Weis and Hickman are my HEROES!! *glomps Alfred* I love the Death Gate Cycle. I'm finishing up The Seventh Gate now, and am ever so eager to find out what happens. Unfortunately, I accidentally left the book in my locker. And it's sprink break. Bother. :(
Anywho, I've read a little of the Dragonlance books, and loved them very much.
03-31-2005, 03:51 PM
Love the way they write! I have only read the first 2.8 books of DeathGate Cycle and it's great. It is so creative and origenal and funny (Zifnab :D ). You probably won't find more than 2 or 3 of any of their books in shops or second hand bookstores, I think its either too old or it went out of printing. I bought mine over the internet. Worth every penny - for a book collector :rolleyes:
06-13-2005, 12:33 PM
Here's the thought for the day... What's better than Haplo, with a lightsaber? Think about it...
06-19-2005, 11:03 PM
I started out reading the Dragonlance trilogy, and I really haven't read much else. I decided to take a break from the books and look for something else to put my nose in. Once and awhile I'll find myself looking on the shelf and skimming through on of Weis and Hickman's creations. We have like a ton of their books!
06-20-2005, 07:42 AM
I'm halfway through the sixth book (Death Gate) now and it is still stunning. I don't want it to end :(
I haven't read any of their other books but I'm sure will also be cool. From what I've read, the Darksword books doesn't look that good to me, but then I've only read the little bits at the back of the D Gate books. Dragonlance looks cool though, I think I'll eventually read them. Mind, only those written by Weis and Hickman.
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