View Full Version : PublishAmerica riles up Rowling

08-18-2011, 08:36 AM
Publisher’s claim of getting an audience with her false (http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/books/jk-rowling-spokesman-publishers-claim-of-getting-an-audience-with-her-false/2011/08/16/gIQAXsQEJJ_story.html)

No truth to PA claim (http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/2011/8/16/no-truth-to-publishamericas-jk-rowling-claim)

Some background on other offers of PA (http://accrispin.blogspot.com/2011/08/taking-famous-names-in-vain.html)

Tssk tssk, they may be able to use names like Stephen King and Clive Cussler to make people pay for the 'privilege' of having these succesful authors comment on their clients' books. (Just recently one of their one-time authors also tried to sue King for plagiarism, which is exactly why authors generally refuse to see other people's books in the first place and why it's so pointless to try and send them unsollicited books.)

But they really shouldn't have tried to use Rowling's name to make an extra buck. Her lawyers are even scarier than those of the Tolkien Estate. :eek:

08-18-2011, 11:46 PM

08-19-2011, 08:47 AM
It's funny that I've seen that word used in relation to PA in that exact spelling...

But there's more, PublishAmerica has now issued a response (http://www.publishamerica.com/response/) in which they appear to try and avoid addressing the actual issue (their claim they could get Rowling to look at books) and apparently prefer instead to level accusations of defamation of their own.

Now unless I read my " " wrong, the statement that got them in a tizzy does not appear to be actually made by the spokesperson at all...

Also, putting multiple exclamation marks in a legal document? It's up on their website, but I can't help wonder if they really did sent something this suicidal and unprofessional. At least they were smart enough to take the offer down, as undoubtedly requested by Rowling's laywers.